The monastery had already been invaded, and it happened several years ago. Does this mean that Taivia has been guarding here for several years?

Fenmu blamed Casharia and the others in his heart, why didn't he persuade Taivia to leave?Even if you want to wait, you can stay with Ed Shalan and wait. There is no need to sit here, exposed to the wind and the sun.

But this blame turned into a sigh in the end, he knew that he was shirking responsibility, Casalia and the others really might not be able to persuade Taivia, no one could be blamed.

Just when Fenmu was at a loss, a woman wearing a beak mask appeared.

What's this guy's name?Oh Julia!The woman whom he set pigeons on at the beginning!

Although it looks gloomy, the buttocks are quite soft, attractive and elastic.

"This guy has also joined the big team. After staying in the Ice Emperor for so long, Eden's dream was finished, and there was no sign of her. I thought she had gone back."

Fenmu hopes that this guy can take Taivia away, at least... build her a small house too, right?

Yulia took a few steps closer, and it could be seen that she was going to talk to Taivia, but suddenly she froze in place.

Fen Mu stared at her, vaguely feeling that this guy seemed to be looking at him?

"Hey, Yulia, long time no see." Fenmu tried to say hello.

"Fenmu? Are you dead?" Yulia's surprised voice came from under the mask.

Taivia's ears visibly moved when she heard the word "Fenmu". After realizing that Yulia was joking about Fenmu's life and death, she immediately became furious and chased her with an axe. She cut a shocking crack lightly.

Tavia demigod? !And it still looks pretty stable!

Yulia's strength was also a mystery, her body suddenly became flimsy, like a ghost, and all of Taivia's attacks just passed through her body and hit nothing.

"Calm down, I'm not joking, Fenmu is right next to you, but he appears in the form of a dead spirit or a spiritual body!"

Taivia couldn't accept the news of Fenmu's death, her eyes were bloodshot, and she said viciously: "Then you will die!"

It can only be said that the upper limit of the strength of the mang girl from the trial parish is indeed unknown. Under the anger, Taivia swung an ax that surpassed her usual strength, even ignoring Yulia's phantom state degree.

Yulia thought it was troublesome, she really underestimated her, and hurriedly cast defensive spells to resist, but the ax still didn't fall in the end.

Taivia's eyes were red and she was agitated. She, who was dazzled by anger just now, suddenly reacted.

This person said that Fenmu was right next to her?

The nun put away her weapon, her anger dissipated, her eyes gradually turned red, and the receding anger seemed to take away all her strength. Her eyes searched left and right, and her calls seemed powerless and weak.

"...Fenmu, where are you? Are you really beside me? Why can't I see you?"

Fen Mu walked over and tried to wipe her head to comfort her, but his hands went through her body.

"Yulia, can you hear me?"

Yulia stretched out her hand, and her white and tender palm landed on the position where Fenmu was stroking. Taivia was taken aback, and understood what Yulia meant. Fenmu was stroking her head now.

"Well, the snake etiquette is quite special. I can see the soul of the dead, but you should not be a soul of the dead. Why did you become like this? Can't you just come out of it?"

Fen Mu shook his head and said bitterly: "No, I can't come out now, maybe I have to complete the god level to come out. And the seal can't be opened casually, the power of the first era tends to pour out."

Yulia understood his difficulties, and looked at Taivia with a little more unbearable eyes.

God order?How long will that have to wait.

"So that's the case, how long will it take?"

"I can only say as soon as possible, tell Taivia, let her leave here, go to the Ice Emperor Realm, or go back to the Church City, don't wait here."

Taivia heard Fenmu's report from Yulia, and she said stubbornly: "I won't go! I will stay here and wait for you!"

Under the stalemate, Fenmu couldn't think of any way to persuade her. Taivia had always obeyed him in the past, although at the beginning it was forced to treat her many times.

Suddenly, the mountains trembled, and the dark clouds on the sky were so gloomy that they were about to press down on their heads.

Everything happened unexpectedly, the mountain where the barrier seal was located trembled violently, and the ground could be vaguely felt rising, the mountain landslides, rubble rolled down, hit the nearby garrison, and people and rocks rolled down the cliff.

"Dragon! I feel the power of the ancient dragon come alive, the whole mountain is the body of a dragon!" Yulia said in astonishment.

Fenmu suddenly remembered that Heselun said before that the Beastmaster Territory was actually transformed from the corpse of some ancient beast, and the corpse of the Dragon Witch just happened to be here again.

Could it be the one who disappeared?

"Quick! Take Taivia! You tell Taivia, this is an order! Let her go!" Fenmu was so anxious that he almost roared.

But Taivia still refused to listen, she stayed here for so long, and now not only can't see anyone else, she is also ordered to leave here.

"I won't listen! Yulia, you lied to me! Fenmu wouldn't say that!"

Fenmu was so anxious that he drove his spiritual body back to his body, and sat on the ark to rush to the seal again.

Across the barrier light curtain constructed by the seal, Fenmu knocked it hard, and Taivia outside noticed the abnormal movement of the seal, and rushed to the barrier like crazy.

This layer of light curtain is blurry, and only people can be vaguely seen.

Fenmu knew that the sound could not be transmitted, so he wrote on the light curtain:

"Hey, don't touch the slate on the seal, leave here first, and go back to Granville immediately, where there is the protection of the righteous god. I will definitely go to find you, and I will do what I say."

Chapter 96 How Did I Wake Up?

The loss in his heart was written on his face, and Fen Mu returned to Master Anna in a daze, his mouth opened and closed, he was puzzled by Master Anna's indifference.

Such an important matter, but Master Anna was indifferent, frighteningly indifferent, but he was soon relieved of this.

Whether it is Anasta or Master Anna, they are not the heroes of this world, they are not the kind of people who save lives in danger, they are just observers, watching the direction of the world, and occasionally come out to move their bodies.

Since you never owe anyone anything, you can't talk about what you should do.

He doesn't like being the guy who saves the world either.

"Master Anna, a giant dragon has woken up outside. It is our mountain. It seems that this is the body of the ancient dragon. I haven't been able to see the whole picture."

The woman still reacted flatly, she didn't care what changes the world would have because of this, she just suddenly figured out something, she nodded:

"That's right, the corpse of the ancient dragon should have been turned into a mountain on the earth, but there is a corpse of a dragon princess and a flower of disaster here. Under the delicate balance of power, the space of the first era has been transformed into The specimen form survived."

"I want to go out, so what should I do is to hit the god level and perform the ritual of [searching for myself]?"

"Yes, in terms of the results of the battle, you should have been enough. Even if you were overdrawn by the baptism of the Styx, the gods you defeated in the future should be enough for you to break through to the god rank." Anasta's tone was somewhat Can't wait.

Because of this ceremony, it can also answer some of the doubts Anasta found on Ferm.

"it is good."

Fen Mu resolutely agreed, and sometimes the right path he was looking for was the one that was more difficult, but because of the difficulty, he always subconsciously wanted to avoid it.

His consciousness escaped into his own dream, and the arm of his thinking touched the knowledge given by Master Anna.

Anastasia sat beside her, her blood-red pupils calmly reflected Fenmu's figure, and she could see the scattered divinity on his body gradually condensing into one point.

He said that the craftsman knowledge was innate, and this was one of the biggest doubts. Anasta had never seen a pure-blood genius who could master all the craftsman skills from ancient times to the present.

Assuming that this group of knowledge is collected by someone, who has the ability?It has been collected from the ancient era to the present, and even the extreme ranks are included in it.

There was such a person, there was no way Anstasta would not have discovered them.

And the forging technique mastered by Fenmu is already at the level of creation in the first era.No matter how advanced the blacksmithing technique is, it will not be able to pinch the dense fog here into hairpins.

[Searching for the Self] is the process of tracing back to one's own origin, facing the origin, facing up to one's original instincts and desires, and trying to understand "who am I".

The doubts about my little apprentice can be answered in this stage of the ceremony.

The divinity on Fenmu's body that had been compressed into one point spread out again, but this time it formed a protective film to envelop him, and the surrounding thick fog and ancient trees slowly moved over, enveloping the "eggshell".

The purple-haired woman's eyes suddenly shifted to the side, and a woman's figure appeared near the "eggshell", and the other party's eyes were also fixed on the heavily wrapped Fenmu.

"Dragon Priestess, didn't you run away, why did you come back?"

This woman is obviously the Dragon Priestess who cheated the corpse earlier, her pale silver hair is a little more glossy than that of the corpse, and the red flower of disaster is still dotted on her beautiful face, but if you look closely, you can find The scarlet of the petals has faded a lot, turning into a gradual white-red.

"It's just that I was suddenly protected by the dragon body. It seems that I won. These flowers are not as good as the eternity of the ancient dragon." The dragon maiden said expressionlessly, and there was no joy in the speech announcing the victory.

Originally, there was an ancient dragon witch armor with both courage and majesty on her body, but it was taken off by Fen Mu and hid nearby.

The Dragon Priestess didn't restore her clothes, she just stepped on the roots of the old tree and walked to the small broken knife with bare feet. She tried to pick up the extremely sharp blade, but was rejected by the knife.

"Is this something that was born later, human race?" Dragon Priestess asked Anastha, with a commanding force in her voice that made all things submit.

It's a pity that Anastas doesn't belong to the concept of "everything". She thinks today is a good day. First, Fen Mu hesitated for a long time, but finally made up her mind to hit the god rank. Now the Dragon Priestess has recovered and ran out.

This is an old antique before the opening of the mainland, even she has never seen it before, and now it finally makes up for a regret.

"Yes, what do you think about him?" Anasta looked at this exception from the First Era with great interest.

She is not the basic composition of the first era. In the first era, there were dragons and witches, but there were no dragon maidens.

Seeing that she couldn't pick up the blade, the Dragon Priestess was not too persistent. She fixed her eyes on Fen Mu again, and said lightly:

"This knife is the tooth of my dragon. I still remember that the dwarf slapped me and fed me the stinky liquid."

Anasta almost laughed wickedly, this kid Fenmu has been domineering and bullying men and women for so long, and finally he got his retribution.

Cub, it's not your master, I don't want to help you, but I just want to see you being beaten by Gu Long!

Anastasia hid her smile, and before Finmu's ceremony was on the right track, she was able to inquire about some ancient secrets from the Dragon Priestess:

"You should know about my existence, right? How did you come here? I have never heard of the concept of dragons and witches in the first era."

"You? A foreigner, from another world. Your strength is not bad, about the same as a witch." The Dragon Maiden did not hide anything, because she also had something she wanted to know. "I am an attempt of the ancient dragon and the Chaos Maiden on the bed of the first flame. I was born late, so I have to face these extra flowers as soon as I come out. You know the progress of the world behind, right? Tell me now."

Supplementing the cognition of the later generations seems to be just to satisfy curiosity, but for the high-level life that stood at the beginning of the first era, it is actually a means of supplementing food and filling strength.

Unreasonably efficient.

Anasta didn't expect that her boring records from ancient observations to the present would be useful. If she herself was part of the fate, would it be a foreshadowing for this dragon maiden?

If so, Anastha really wanted to kill the dragon calmly.

A cluster of light clusters carrying heavy years was thrown in front of the Dragon Priestess like trash.

"Digest it slowly, then how did you wake up, and how did these flowers come about, I don't think your state can suppress those disaster flowers."

The face of the Dragon Priestess finally showed seriousness and doubts, she shook her head cautiously:

"I don't know, but I can tell that I gradually regained consciousness after drinking that strange smelly liquid. What kind of liquid is that?"

Anastasia: "..."

Chapter 97 Origin

The memory is rewinding, and Fenmu's consciousness drifts outside the body, as if he is in a vast and mysterious room.

Bits of the past are playing back all around, from the time he entered the space of the first era, slowly passing to the Dreamland of Eden, and then gradually rewinding.

In the subconscious mind, I always feel that I met my companions yesterday, and the longest time is only a few days apart, but when I look through the playback, I find that many things have passed for a long time.

It's just that his concept of time has become indifferent, and many psychological constraints were released with the arrival of divinity, and his behavior began to change, becoming... bold and unrestrained.

Looking at his experience from the perspective of a third party, Fen Mu suddenly felt that he had changed a lot inadvertently.

He used to dare not take action against the girls, and even Taivia's compulsory treatment had to be tried several times before he gave in, and then slowly became wild.

In the past, it was just a matter of killing a few bamboo rats to feed their hunger, but later on, their work style became the "three-light principle", taking all, eating all, and watching all.

"I seem to have really changed a lot." Fenmu's mind calmed down.

He has a clear consciousness and understands that time is running out and that Gu Long's unknown will threaten the safety of his girls, but he can't get impatient.

"Tayvia has also changed a lot. When she was mentally unstable at the beginning, it was really difficult to communicate, and later she became clingy."

"Casalia hasn't changed. From the first madness to the back, she looks like a bird."

"I haven't seen Rachel for a long time. She is the first person in our group to touch the boundary and seek a breakthrough. Now that I have started, she shouldn't be too far behind, right?"

This replay was very slow, without even fast-forwarding. Fenmu watched it for a long time, and replayed his life again. Finally, he saw the period when he first arrived in the church city, and gradually returned to the two-person world with Anasta middle.

The following life is very exciting, wandering around, walking non-stop, but Fenmu can't let go of this quiet time.

At that time, I really didn’t need to worry about anything. I went outside every day to pick up a few pieces of ore, kill a few bamboo rats, pick a few fruits, and then I could cuddle with Anasta in bed for a whole day without words. As long as the body temperature of the other party is confirmed, it is the most satisfying communication.

During this period of time, I was really quite restrained. I didn't even dare to stare at Anasta's beautiful buttocks for too long. Sometimes I used the disguise of "I'm already asleep" to roll around and hug her. waist hip.In order to cherish the time of being able to hug Anasta, he often stays up all night, savoring and enjoying every minute of hugging, just wanting to feel more of this beauty when Anasta is asleep, after all, he dare not do this when he wakes up during the day Done.

"The divinity has not changed me. I have always been a critic, and I have a strong lust in my heart, but the power symbolized by the divinity has made me less worried and indulged my own desires unscrupulously."

Fen Mu lowered his head and thought.

It seems that the promotion of the rank of gods may have already started from the time of first contact with divinity.

Sometimes it's really clear to the bystanders, and after reviewing himself in this way, Fenmu feels that he is no longer controlled by his own desires, and he doesn't need to deliberately restrain himself.Just like a child who loves to play, one day he will no longer be controlled by his playful heart.

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