"Could it be that I'm in the state of a sage...? I don't know how long it's been outside. Master Anna must be watching me?"

Anastasia, I don't know if you can perceive it. At that time, that Femme, who fished all day long, is now at the end of the cultivation of the human race, and has begun to attack another life level.


As time goes back to the tribe, Fenmu's melancholy thoughts gradually fade away.

In the tribe, he was probably more at ease than ever before. When he was hungry, he went to the tribe mothers to ask for grandma to drink. When he was tired, he ran to the woods and hooked up with a wolf to play, so he had a good time.

The only fly in the ointment is probably that the buttocks of the wolves are not very good-looking.

Eating grandma and thriving, I became smaller day by day in the reflowing memory, shrunk into a baby, and gradually played back to the time when I was sent to the human tribe by the wolves.

"What will be the end of this memory?"

In Fenmu's self-cognition, he is a person whose soul has passed through the body of a baby. The experience of his previous life is of no use to him. At most, it just makes him understand the difference between the sexes earlier.

But where did this little baby come from?After rewinding to the night of the wolves, what's next?

Is it the origin of the baby, or is it starting to show his previous ordinary life?


The two beings standing on the top of the gods silently observed the ceremony of "Searching for the Self" of Fenmu. From their perspective, the replay of this memory was much faster.

But this does not prevent them from capturing every detail of this memory.

They are also waiting for the "origin" before the baby.

"His mind is not clean, but it is very pure, and he is quite calm when he sees his own memory." Dragon Witch said.

In the first era, all asexual creatures, even ancient dragons, were asexual. If two male dragons had conflicts over reproduction, the losing ancient dragon would be feared as a girl, and would still be able to conceive.

The gender concept of later generations is incredible trouble for them.

After absorbing the "history" given by Anastha, the Dragon Priestess has understood a lot, and her strength has recovered a lot. The most intuitive thing is that dry hair has become bright and smooth now.

But on the other hand, what Fen Mu did to her, the Dragon Priestess is also well aware of it at this time.

As a dwarf, this dwarf is indeed quite rampant, quite courageous!Not only did he take away the ice beads she was playing with, but he dared to move his crazy thoughts on her, and even took off the dragon armor for him.

Anastasia didn't speak well of her apprentice, she kept her eyes on Fernmu's ceremony:

"I quite agree with what you said. It's hard to meet a child who is born with such a color. The experience of growing up does not mean maturity for him, but the change from a green little prick to a skilled old man." Seriously."

She has been with this guy for a long time, but she still doesn't know what happened to him when he was a child, and even his own memory is unclear.

"Why did the wolf get close to him naturally?" The Dragon Witch's eyes suddenly became serious. She was not angry at Fen Mu's rampant behavior, and a rare vein appeared on her forehead.

During the ritual, the memory came to a time when baby Fenmu hadn't yet formed consciousness, or even opened its eyes.

The meteorite fell from the sky, and when it was about to hit the ground, some kind of force extinguished the sparks, supported the impact, and the meteorite crashed to the ground, but it didn't hurt Xiao Fenmu next to him at all.

But this is not yet his birth.

A little further on, Fenmu was fed by wolves, but the milk of wolves couldn't support him, so he had to respectfully let him go where he came from.

The memory goes on, and Fenmu doesn't even exist in this world.

The hidden reef sea area is an area supported by a giant tree. The boundless ocean and mountains are all branches of that mysterious giant tree.

A huge flower of disaster suddenly burst out of the ground, spit out a little baby from the flower core, and then the petals withered quickly, turning into a layer of inconspicuous thin quilt to cover him,

The Dragon Priestess looked at Anasta, her understanding of the later generations did not include this scene: "What's going on?!"

Chapter 98

Fenmu watched the process of tracing back to the origin, and he was also dumbfounded.

That flower is obviously the same species as the flower of disaster on the eyes of the Dragon Witch, and it is even larger, about equal to a bush.

His baby was spit out by the disaster flower.

"What do you mean, I'm Xiaohuaxian?"

Fen Mu realized that his focus was a bit crooked, and quickly returned to thinking about this scene.

He didn't know what kind of existence the Calamity Flower was, but it didn't sound like a good thing, but Fenmu never thought that he was connected with a kind of flower.

Moreover, the flower of disaster did not disappear with the time of the first era, but remained in the land dominated by the sea and forest.

It seems that there are more secrets in the reef area than he imagined.

"No, I'm sorry. Master Anna said that I am a pure-blooded human race, but I was spit out by a flower, and the meteorite just fell next to me, attracting the nearby hunting tribes. There must be some arrangements mean."

I don't know if there is any further tracing, maybe it will start to trace how the Calamity Flower came from?

Fenmu waited quietly, but his hope was in vain.

All retrospectives stagnate at the place spit out by the flower of disaster, and there is nothing to explore any further, which is a bit strange.

"This is a ceremony for promotion to the rank of God. This movie hasn't finished yet, at least trace how I developed from a cell?"

Fenmu was a little disappointed. He felt that some kind of change was taking place in his spirit and body. The countless fragments traced back were turned into countless fragments, and the countercurrent gathered on him, filling his divine foundation.

This means that the stage of "Searching for My Self" has been completed, and I cannot continue to watch the film.

At the same time, through this inexplicable sublimation, Fenmu has gained self-awareness of divinity and god-level life.

"It turns out that this ceremony is a test and assessment of the will."

Those who can make it to this ceremony must have no problem in terms of strength, but in the process of accumulating strength, those experiences may make the parties lose themselves and embark on a path completely different from their original intentions. When it comes to this ceremony, some People may wake up, waver in their resolve, and collapse.

And in the process of looking back at the past, changes in mood and emotions will also leave a certain impact on the post-god level self, and the derivation of this effect may be the difference between a mad god and a righteous god.

The latter retains the self, and the former is equivalent to a heretic whose spirit has been eroded by alienation.

"I can't go back. I'm not worthy now? It turns out that the god-level life can't spy too much 'time'. The past years are a burden. The god-level life that has just been sublimated can't bear this weight. It has to continue in the future." sublimation???"

After the god level, there are levels?I got a big slot.

At that time, the video will have to be played back again, and it will have to go back to the year of the monkey!

This fucking mood didn't last long, and Fenmu paid attention to his own situation - he had attained a god rank, but not yet fully god rank.

"Now I seem to be at most the God of War of Ghost King God and Master Tasia, why am I not perfect?" Fen Mu couldn't figure it out.

But now there is no Master Encyclopedia for him to check at any time, he can't even communicate with the baby in his private dream, and he is in the cage of his own spirit.

"Obviously I'm a god-level life, but I don't have an accurate understanding of my own abilities. I rely on forging to build a ladder to a high-level life, but why don't I know that I have become a forging god?"

Just as he was worrying about the follow-up, a door woven by thick fog appeared in front of him, and the "door frame" was covered with climbing and entangled tree roots.

"This is the image of the first era. Will the promotion of the god rank hint at the composition of this world?"

Fen Mu did not hesitate, his will was sober, and out of vigilance, he maintained self-awareness all the time, reminding himself to hurry up and go out.

He pushed aside the thick fog, and let the churning fog engulf his spiritual body.

After he took a step in, countless bewitching ravings echoed in his ears. These voices were his sweet voices, and there was a demonic quality in his tone that could exaggerate and convey strong emotions.

Fenmu took a step in the world behind the fog door, a familiar hand grabbed his ankle, and a desire word with deep malice poured into his mind.

[Strength brings power, power fulfills freedom, and freedom realizes indulgence as one likes.Other people's beautiful wives and daughters are all my toys! 】

The dense fog in front of him shifted its shape, from nothing to everything, and weaved a lifelike world.

Next to Fenmu appeared several beautiful and beautiful married wives, they were about to cry, and succumbed to his compulsive orders in a low voice. In front of them were those hateful men who had their wives and daughters taken away.

Strange desires and pleasures spread quietly in Fenmu's heart, but they were quickly swept away by him. The hand that was holding his pace was smashed into thick fog by Fenmu's foot.

"Fart your mother, I'm Fen, not Cao. What I'm after is a beautiful buttocks, not the pleasure brought by this destructive desire."

Taking another step, another hand grabbed his foot, and his own voice echoed in his mind again.

【Charm attracts the admiration of flowers and butterflies, pour my color on those immature flowers, and make them become me all their lives...】

Wait, immature flowers?Aren't you implying playing with a little girl?

Before the devilish self-persuasion could be finished, it was crushed by Fen Mu.

"I'm sorry, I've had high ambitions since I was a child. I only ride in big cars and don't play with little flowers. Only toothpicks think about playing with little flowers."

Fenmu gradually understands the meaning of the world behind the door, which is a new round of rituals.

These are his "self".

Some time rules were reversed in the process of his promotion to the god rank—he became a demigod in the future of the dawn of the gods, but ended up walking the rest of the way in the past time "First Era" and began to attack the gods. order.

This is equivalent to saying that he was already a god in the long past, but it was only in the distant future that he became a demigod.

This inversion caused every choice he made in this life to differentiate into countless "Fenmu" in countless parallel worlds, and those were him who made different choices.

These voices come from countless "selfs", some of which are going to be deeply depraved, and some are going to be inferior and demonized.

Along the way, will the "self" in these voices replace him at some point?If there is an ordinary "self", there will be a god-level "self". Can I defeat them?

My past has the god rank as the result, and the future has the demigod as the foundation, so where is the me who belongs to the "now"?

Fenmu realizes the test this time, which may be asking him to choose a "self" in countless timelines to become that Fenmu.

But he wants to live in the "now" where Taivia and the others exist, not the chaotic past and future with no end in sight.

"These are not my 'self'. The masters of these voices should not exist. There is only one Fenmu in the world, and that is the 'superego' at this moment."

If I can exterminate the bamboo rats, I can kill these heterogeneous "selfs".

The first enemy you need to face is yourself, and the last enemy you need to eliminate is yourself.

Tonight, Fenmu joins the hunt for countless "Fenmu".

Chapter 99 A World Where Anastha Exists?

Success is accidental, failure is inevitable.

Fenmu did not expect to realize this truth in his "self", because he found that other Fenmu was really weak.

It's easier than killing a bamboo mouse. When you catch the opponent and give it a serious punch, the opponent is gone. The bamboo mouse still squeaks twice, but other "Fenmu" can't even squeak.

Those who haven't seen him are gone. After all, Fenmu is in a hurry, and there are many redundant "selfs" waiting to be killed.

During this process, Fenmu also discovered many interesting things.

In some dreams he has been to, "Fenmu" exists, but his life trajectory is different, and he is also spit out by the flowers of disaster. Some "Fenmu" are unclaimed and frozen to death, and some "Fenmu" "Fenmu" was just crushed to death by a meteorite, and he also observed that the moment the first baby Fenmu was spit out, it was bent over by some wandering transmigrating souls. The baby itself was unconscious and empty shell.

But this statement is not accurate, the baby is too small, too small to form the concept of "I" in the brain.

It is at this similar starting point that each "Fenmu" has embarked on a different life trajectory, and few people he meets are Fenmu's acquaintances.

"It's really strange. I, who is a god, can differentiate into countless parallel worlds' selves, but mothers like tribes are so ordinary, but they only exist in me. In other worlds, there are only similar people, even the whole world. There are tribes with male members."

In the world of all men, Fenmu will not explore how the "I" grew up drinking milk, but kill the man and leave.

The world Fenmu came to at this time is a bit similar to the first half of his experience, but this "Fenmu" doesn't know how to look at his ass. In the cemetery, he also encountered a disguised female corpse. The female corpse was not Anasta, and this "Fenmu" also saw through the disguise of the female corpse very well, and then did some ulterior things.

This is the longest time that Fenmu has observed, because he was a little tired from killing and chose to rest for a while, so driven by curiosity, he watched the growth process of this "Fenmu".

"How many 'selfs' have been slaughtered? It's a bit innumerable. This 'self' is a more promising one, scheming, vicious, smiling, decisive, a high-quality villain of the human race, except for emotional corpses... ...It's a bit strange to be emotional, but everything else is fine."

But one thing is very interesting. This "Fenmu" was divined to a terrible fate by the wizards of the tribe-"Being watched by the dark malicious spy, there will be a big catastrophe in the end."

So who is watching "Fenmu" all the time?Isn't it someone from Tafen?

"I had a similar cursed fate back then, but it was broken by Anastha as a joke. Will there be a similar nobleman in this 'Fenmu'? Will he also have a good ass?"


In the woods, "Fenmu" was standing next to a coffin, holding a sharp knife in his hand - it was found by him from the female corpse in the ancient tomb, and it was of good quality.

"The moon is a little red tonight, my cursed fate is coming, what will it be?"

Fenmu came out. He was dressed in Yulia's black cloak and a bird beak mask. After all, he wanted to kill a self who looked the same as himself.

He appeared like a black god of death, standing silently in front of "Fenmu", motionless.

"You are the malice that has been watching me? What is your purpose, and I will listen to what you ask. I don't think there is any irreconcilable conflict between us."

The "Fenmu" on the opposite side tried to seek a compromise. He found that he couldn't see through the masked man who appeared suddenly, and there was a strong panic of death on his body. To advanced!

"I'm waiting for someone, to see if anyone can help you, or to see what your malice is." Fen Mu said indifferently, and his perception fell on every corner of the entire forest.

Even the movements of every bamboo mouse are clearly captured.

The scarlet color on the full moon gradually faded, and Fenmu couldn't wait for the person who replaced Anasta's track to appear.

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