"It seems that you didn't get the shelter of a perfect peach butt. Goodbye, I hope you can have an elegant aesthetic hobby next time."

Fenmu raised his fingers in a pistol pose, and pointed his index finger at the vicious "Fenmu" in front of him.

"Bang!" he fired.

A large space in front of him disappeared into nothingness, and the time was directly recalled to the ancient times, returning to the chaotic form of the first era, leaving only a dense fog and ancient trees in front of Finmu.

"It's time for the next one."

He sighed wearily, but his eyes were extremely firm.

Without paying too much attention to this place, Fen Mu walked into the familiar chaos in front of him.

As soon as the picture changed, he had returned to the world of the fog gate, and under his feet was another hand grabbing his ankle.

Fenmu did not crush it, but squatted down, opened the other's fingers, shook hands with "self", and then followed this hand into the world belonging to this "Fenmu".

I'm going to hammer you along the network cable.jpg

The world in the fog gate fell into silence, only countless pairs of pale hands stretched out on the ground shrouded in thick fog.

The silence was quite short, and Fenmu appeared again soon, without even a chance to breathe, he held a hand again and entered the world of another "self".

The world of Wumen is endless, and the "ocean" composed of countless hands just looks like a terrifying spiritual pollution, but this ocean is constantly shrinking under the almost paranoid spirit of trial parish.

But the speed of reduction is getting slower and slower, because Fenmu finds the trajectory of the "self" behind, making it more and more difficult for him to distinguish the "self" over there.


"My lord, these are captured heretics. Please question their fate and judge whether the glory of the trial church is willing to show them the warmth of tolerance." The silver-haired succubus maid finished her report and stood back beside Fenmu. .

At some point, Fenmu developed the habit of talking to himself in [Original Talank], so that he could feel that someone was always talking to him, and the modified Talank would not be leaked to others.

"This time the world is a bit strange. I actually became the pope. There is no diocese here, only a unified trial church. What happened?"

He nodded self-consciously, "I seemed to have slaughtered 'Fenmu' reflexively, but I didn't leave. I met a woman who looked very similar to Kashalia, and then followed me to the Church City. Wait Come to think of it, here I have become the pope."

I unknowingly continued a world of "self"?

Fen Mu realized that he had wasted a lot of time, and wanted to blast the world directly, but found that the costumes of this group of heretics... were the same as Anastas' original costumes? !

"Is Anastas here?"

Chapter 100 Another Similar Anastasia

Finally something different happened.

Anastas seems to be unique to his world, and Fen Mu has slaughtered so many "selves", but he has never found her shadow.

However, this is also understandable. When Xiao Po Dao was about to freeze the appearance of Dao Ling, Fen Mu originally thought of Ansta's appearance, but a certain force prevented her, so she could only use her younger appearance.

In other words, no matter how many world lines are extended, Anastasia is unique.

However, Fenmu found Anastas's similar clothing style in the group of pagans in front of him.

The dark-toned tights that outline the figure are embellished with some gold threads that follow the lines of the muscle veins. The pattern style of these threads is very similar to Anastha's.

"I became the pope of this world without knowing it. This world is so weak..." He said to himself, his eyes fell on a silver-haired succubus guarding him.

This isn't Rachel, it's just a silver-haired succubus who somehow came over to try to suck the energy of Fenmu, but was slapped into the wall by Fenmu and almost missed.

Of course, this succubus is also quite beautiful, at least in terms of the talent of flattery, it is much better than Rachel, but Fenmu doesn't have much idea of ​​stabbing her.

In my impression, Rachel seemed to have said that she didn't want him to play other succubi, and Femme was really not interested.

Fenmu looked at the pagans below, with a long-lost throbbing and longing in his heart, he asked:

"What are your clothes designed with reference to?"

The pagans looked at each other, not knowing what the mysterious pope who judged the church asked him for.

"Please feel free to kill or cut, and please feel free to burn to death. Our faith keeps our Chicheng unsullied!" said a female pagan.

It can be seen that they are afraid of torture, but they are determined not to reveal the secret.

Fen Mu didn't like to ask too many questions, he stared at them with eyes as calm as a pool of stagnant water, and said secretly: "This is only possible in this low-level world."

He closed his eyes, stretched out his hand and dialed it back, as if he had moved some progress bar. The world in front of him stopped, the color became gray, and began to flow backwards. The heretics returned to the moment when they were just captured by the church knights.

Going backwards, the pagans left the sanctuary, preparing to enclose in their private dreams a woman shrouded in purple veils and turbans, and conceal it with occult techniques.

These heretics knew that they had been targeted by the church that had risen for no reason, and they were all trying to disperse and flee, waiting for their safety to be confirmed before reuniting.

"This dress is too similar to Anastha." Fenmu sighed, witnessing what happened in the past, he became more and more curious.

What would it be like under the veil?

The gray world in front of him gradually dissipated, and the colors were re-stained. Fenmu opened his eyes, and he was still sitting in the church hall.

"Is that your saint? Or the bishop? Release that woman hidden in your private dreams."

Those heretic female believers were surprised in their hearts, and they didn't understand how he knew, but they still wanted to get away with it: "We don't know what you are talking about!"

"My lord Pope, you shouldn't hide people in private dreams, right?" The succubus maid took the opportunity to get close to Fenmu, posing with her head, showing off her plump and sexy figure.

By the way, her clothes are very succubus, the whole body is covered with that kind of restraint clothing, which reveals more skin than is blocked, the only thing with maid elements may be that she wears a maid headband on her head.

Even a succubus in a low-level world is more professional than Rachel, a demigod succubus.


Fenmu grabbed the succubus by the tail, carried her to the side, and focused on this organization that was suspected to be Anastha's inheritance.

He didn't want to waste any more time, stretched out his hand to grab the secret technique of the heretics, and the mysterious woman with purple hair suddenly appeared.

She was wearing a translucent cloak that could barely reach her shoulder blades, and she wore a mithril witchcraft crown on her purple hair, and there was also a veil on her face to hide her true appearance.The witchcraft robe on her body was indeed similar in style to Anastha's, but this woman's robe was even more gorgeous.

Anasta's jumpsuit came to this woman's body and turned into one-sided stockings, with dark purple hip-covering stockings on one side and flawless white straight legs on the other.

The point is... this hip, kinda weird.

In this world, Fenmu has never asked other people's names, and even called that succubus, he just yelled "Succubus, come here". Even if he becomes the pope, he doesn't know who is in the Judgment Church.

Only this time, he wanted to know the person's name.

"What's your name, Anastas or Tasia, or Sidney?"

The trial believers in the hall were puzzled, and the scantily clad succubus was even more puzzled. Jealousy arose in her heart. She had seduced this man for so long, and he hadn't even looked at her once.

But this heretic made the Pope have lustful thoughts, which she could clearly perceive as a succubus.

"Name? Verdanti. I've heard legends about you all the time. After seeing you today, it's really different. You're performing some kind of ritual."

Verdanti's tone was relaxed, but he had spells in his hands, ready to fight at any time.

Fen Mu thought that there are not many ordinary people who can have such a relationship with Anasta. I am afraid that she even saw that he does not belong to this world.

"Are you warlike? I mean, do you want to fight? If so, I can accompany you and answer my questions." Fen Mu treated her like Master Anna.

Both Master Anna and Tasia have a combative side, which is completely different from the gentle Anasta.

Verdanti raised his eyebrows, and said playfully: "I should be a prisoner now, right? Is it possible that I can still say that I don't want to fight?"

"If you don't want to fight, then answer my question directly." Fen Mu signaled the judge of the church to step back and let him be alone with this woman.

The succubus was so angry that she wanted to be alone, but she couldn't beat Fen Mu, so she could only leave angrily.

It was quiet here for a while, and the grand and solemn palace became like a place for trysts.

"I want to see your face, you look like someone I know." Fenmu said.

The other party was clearly the judge of the pope with a reputation for viciousness, but this pagan woman was not vigilant at all. She casually looked around at the decoration of the palace before responding to Fenmu.

"The gangsters on the street often use this kind of opening line to hook up. Why does a god appear in a silent world? No, you should be still in the ceremony of becoming a god. If you can, go quickly."

Fen Mu felt that this person's personality was not quite like the masters he had seen, there was no similarity at all, but he had a very similar body shape, and the facial outline faintly revealed by the veil was uncanny.

"I'm serious, show me your face, then turn around, remove the rag covering your hips, and check your buttocks for me."

Verdanti finally became vigilant, "Hey! What do you mean?"

Chapter 101 Try Cursing Again?

From this woman, Fenmu saw the calmness that should not belong to this low-level world.

This feeling is probably that in his own world, a weak-willed man can look directly at the ancient gods and outer gods, and his body will not be alienated, and his mind will not be distorted into the shape of a believer.

This woman named Verdanti, could it be that Ansta changed her appearance to frighten him?

However, Fenmu still felt some incredible things from this woman. Her face was almost the same as Anastha's, but her buttocks were indeed different, and the ranking of beautiful buttocks in Fenmu's heart rose rapidly. to the second.

In fact, in terms of appearance, Verdanti's and Anastha's buttocks are equally perfect, but they have perfected their own beauty.

However, he is a little more familiar with Anastha, and he has friendship bonus points, so he ranks first on the list of butt gods, and this Verdanti is so-so and second.

"Are you a god too?" Fenmu asked, with his current level of perception, he didn't realize that this woman was a god.

So-so is a demigod.

However, in this world, demigods are also very high. Fenmu didn't understand what was going on. This world is so low that there are no traces of gods. The gods commemorated by those religious statues are actually only demigods. Whoever has a long life span is awesome.

The purple-haired woman saw Fen Mu's doubts about her strength, but she didn't take it seriously, she just expressed her dissatisfaction symbolically:

"God is just a synonym for a level of life. It doesn't mean much to me. Besides, there are many forms of life at the same level as God. Don't be so short-sighted."

This majestic and splendid palace is beautiful, but the solemnity is a bit depressing. In the name of walking, Femmer took Verdanti, the leader of the heretical religion, for a walk in the backyard of Wangcheng.

Yes, in this world, the church city has also become the royal city, and the church sanctuary has become the highest royal palace.

The scenery in the backyard is elegant and pleasant. There are flowers and birds singing in the near view, and there are mountains and desperate scenery in the distance.

Verdanti didn't have the slightest sense of being a captive, and admired the rare beauty with admiration, while Femmu kept looking at her.

"Take off the veil, and show me your buttocks too. You have seen the beautiful scenery for so long, so let me see it too?"

"You can use such shameless words of praise, which is also a style. Don't always think that everything is yours."

This mature and sexy beautiful woman has a lively and comfortable personality that does not fit her temperament. Her wine-red eyes reflect Fen Mu's gaze, and she removes her veil resignedly, revealing the familiar smiling face underneath.

For a moment, Fen Mu really wondered if Anasta had created another false identity of Verdanti to reunite at the last moment when he was about to become a god and give him a surprise.

During the time she disappeared, Anasta has been studying the knowledge of beautiful buttocks, and in these years, she finally created a peach buttock that is as perfect as her own to meet him and fool him.

Especially this smile, will she say "how can I still be recognized by you this time" in the next second?

Unfortunately, what Verdanti said was:

"Have you seen enough? Of course I know the charm of this face when it comes to beauty. It's an eye-opener for you. I won't show the buttocks. You are a greedy little wolf dog. After reading it for you, you probably want to say What I want to do is to take it off for you to look at.”

Verdanti was still waiting for his praise, only to hear Fenmu sigh in disappointment.

He stopped thinking about it, and tidied up his broken heart, he said:

"You shouldn't be ordinary. How could you be so embarrassed that you want to be hidden and run for your life?"

Verdanti went to the pavilion, poured a glass of wine, and tried a piece of fruit. He was more master than Fen Mu:

"This is the arrangement of fate. Of course I have to experience this fate. Look, the fate this time is not bad. I saw the scenery that can only be seen by the trial pope."

Fen Mu considered her words and felt that this "fate" had something to do with it. He sat down next to the woman and asked:

"Aren't you a goddess related to fate?"

"I'm a demigod now, how can I become a goddess? Can't I say that I am an envoy who accepts the oracle, and then I can foresee the future, get enlightenment and so on. I said... how can I see it from your eyes?" Can you see the child's nostalgia for his mother? Your mother looks a lot like me?"

It's not just like, you and Anastas are not the same in any part of your body except your butt.

"You read it wrong, I am the apprentice's desire for the master's courtship, seriously, your face is the only thing that makes me hard in 'this world'. I mean the fist is hard, I feel unbelievable, you know Bar."

Verdanti nodded, and said contemptuously: "I understand, you are a traitor who wants to mess with the master, and you always use excuses to cover up."

Fen Mu trembled, he blocked his face, and said deeply: "I warn you, don't look at me with such eyes that look at trash. It has been a long time since anyone dared to look at me with such eyes."

"Oh? Are you angry?"

"No, you look at me with such a face and such eyes, I am very excited and very happy!"

This look is really like looking at the dregs of the world. The last time Fenmu was looked at by this kind of look was back when Master Anna first started training him. This look made him really happy.

Verdanti put away her undisguised contempt in an instant, and instead put on a hazy face with murderous intent in her smile. The snow foot under her table that was not covered by stockings directly stepped on it. On the dignity of Fenmu (PS: refers to the knee, a man's knee is dignity).

If this matter gets out, it will be the anecdote of the female upper version of "Trial Pope x Heretic Bishop".

"The thought of a hopeless pervert going up to God really worries me deeply."

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