"Yes, yes, continue to speak harshly! Swear at me more! You can speak faster!" Fen Mule was among them, highlighting a joy.

"..." Verdanti, who was so optimistic, suddenly didn't want to talk.

To tell the truth, Fenmu's inner pressure is relaxed, and hunting himself is really a difficult and stressful thing.

Fenmu has never regarded those "selfs" as his own, these are just his mistakes in the process of becoming a god.

But the pressure and exhaustion brought about by these hunts is really great. Those "selfs" who also have the name of Fenmu have already married and had children.

Before being hunted and killed by him, his children were still in their infancy, and the original family was happy and harmonious, but he destroyed them in the end.

He knows that these existences may only be the possibility of the existence of the individual "Fenmu". He understands that it is a parallel world, and at a deeper level, it means that these are just things that may happen, and what Fenmu experienced is nothing more than a simulation. illusion.

But he couldn't laugh it off.

Now there is a person who can talk to him with a familiar face that makes him nostalgic, which is actually a relief for him.

"Come back to the point, Verdanti, tell me about your face and your style of clothing. My master is very similar to your clothing."

Verdanti stared at Fenmu, put away the smile on his face, and said seriously and seriously:

"Although your expression is very serious and ready to discuss things with me, but my feet are a bit tough?"

Chapter 102 Fragments at the Edge of the World

When you mention it like that, don't I become even tougher...

Fen Mu had a stiff expression, scratching his head in embarrassment, and was about to back away from Verdanti's jade foot.But he moved back a little, and Verdanti's foot still stepped on him.

He has been a sage for so long since the hunt started, it's fine for this woman to put Anasta's face in her face, and still provoke him like this.Fen Mu simply reached out and grabbed her other beautiful leg wrapped in one-piece stockings, leaving the light steel style high-heeled combat boots aside, and played with this pair of beautiful feet that could make people fascinated under the table.

"Okay, I'm very serious now. The toughness of my body is the most honest compliment to you. You can start talking." Fenmu looked serious again, expressing that he has received professional training.

But the jio girl who should play, can't stop.

The purple-haired woman looked at Fenmu with a mysterious smile on her face, admiring his ugly appearance and the longing for her emanating from her soul, which was the raging flame of lust ignited from the long-silent embers.

Any creature with self-awareness will burn out such a soul color. Fenmu is a pure-blooded human race, and the pure color of humanity is rendered more brilliant in Verdanti's eyes after being rendered by divinity.

She likes the pure and unpolluted soul color of Fenmu very much.

"Okay, so where are you going to start listening?"

Fenmu coughed subtly. The direct contact with these goddess feet, the long-lost warmth and soft touch has a depraved magic, and his tone is sincere but awkward:

"Then what... Verdanti, can you move your toes?"

"Oh? Is it sandwiched like this?" The heretical female bishop rested her cheek with one hand, happily admiring Fenmu's patient expression, "My feet are a little sore, move up and down, don't you mind?"

"I don't mind...it's better to say please play freely."

Fen Mu also wanted face, he was about to raise his hand to cover his face, but Verdanti stopped him.

"Don't cover your face, show me your embarrassing and shameful appearance~"

Fen Mu had no choice but to listen to her, and said bravely, "Clothing, where did your sect's clothing style come from?"

"You asked about this dress. It must have happened a long, long time ago. Probably when your master first came here, she wandered with her, as well as some relics of her hometown. It's still pretty It's a pity that I couldn't see the true face of her hometown."

Finally heard about the matter related to Anastha, Fenmu calmed down a little, but only calmed down, he asked:

"Speaking of which... you are just for fun, so you reproduced it, and even set up a decent sect to play with?"

Verdanti nodded, but shook his head again, explaining softly:

"It's not a game, it's just sowing seeds. I want to see if the seeds of the ruins can reproduce a towering tree. Let me see what her hometown looks like. The unknown always means attraction... ...my feet are tired, move yourself, move the table and let me see."

Fenmu had a black thread, he touched the gorgeous tea party table, and moved the table to the past time.

The table disappeared, and the scenery that could not be brought up on the table before was unobstructed. Verdanti still had a smile on his face, his eyes fell on him, and he kicked him lightly in a playful way.

Which family's princess is this? Why is it so difficult to serve? Anasta didn't ask for that. No, he has traveled all over the world, and he has never seen any princess or wife dare to be so arrogant in front of him.

Endure it!

"Then your face was also taken from my master. You witnessed her coming and kept looking at her secretly?"

"It's not very accurate, but it's a little troublesome to explain, so you can just understand it like this."

The black lines on Fenmu's head became thicker, and Verdanti's explanation was too casual, but she said so, and Fenmu could only think so.

Verdanti watched Anastas wandering into this nascent world, and then discovered that there was an unknown unknown in her body, so she observed her, imitated her, and even tried to inherit the information and concepts hidden in the ruins to reproduce Anna Come to Star's hometown to satisfy my curiosity.

What kind of relationship is this? Anasta has been watching the development of this world, and Verdanti is watching Anasta again... Are you making dolls?

"Then what is your real body? Your identity is not simple. I have never heard Anasta say that you are such a god."

Verdanti watched Fenmu playing, while killing boredom, he manipulated a loom with his fingertips in the air, and Fenmu didn't even know that there was such a loom in the backyard of his royal city.

Verdanti should have made it himself.

"My existence is actually quite difficult to explain. The consciousness of this world and the land, a line running through the past and the future, and the fate of the world woven by the fate of countless individuals are almost such a thing, but you don't have to think of it as the world. The Lord is so powerful, in the final analysis, I am just a watchful and observing existence, and I am more Buddhist than your master."

Even more Buddhist than Anastasia, this is actually open to debate.

Fenmu had heard Anasta claiming that she did not interfere with the direction of the world a long time ago, but in fact she had secretly guided the changes in the era of adult communication.

A little higher, that is the righteous gods of the Orthodox Church, who have all received help and advice from Anastha, and a closer look, the group of people gathered in the Kingdom of God.

A group of people like Ed Shalan, they are dragons and phoenixes everywhere, they have been walking in the top ranks, and the most representative one is Tafen.

I have given Master's Kingdom of God to prostitutes for nothing, and none of the senior sisters is left behind. It can be said that they are very united with their companions!

So it can be seen that Anastha's Buddhism is fake.

Verdanti heard Fenmu's heartfelt voice and chuckled.

"I can understand your master's mood. After all, just looking at it is boring. Occasionally, when I get anxious, I want to interfere. I also made a foul shot once."

After this serious chat, Fenmu was a little embarrassed to move around. Just about to feel wronged and wronged himself, he respectfully helped the purple-haired woman put on the shoes, but he heard Verdanti dissatisfied:

"Why did you stop, go on."

He was clearly addressing his instinctive needs, but it turned out to be as if he was pleasing her.

In order to alleviate the bitterness in his heart, Fenmu could only divert his attention:

"...You must have some difficulties, you can't meet Anasta, where do you live, I found her later, I will take her to see you, let her tell you about her Things about my hometown."

"Looking for me?" The charming woman smiled: "I can't find it, I have already solved myself, and the me you see is just the fragments that collapsed to the edge of the world after I solved myself. Even the shadow of the past No, or you won't see me."


Fen Mu was stunned for a while, he glanced at the loom next to him, and found that the loom was broken at some point.

Chapter 103 Fulfill Her Responsibility

"I rather hope you're kidding me, you're making me ashamed to keep playing with your feet."

Fen Mu's tone was relaxed, and he hoped to hear her say, "You can see that this is a joke."

Verdanti smiled easily, and made a "please" gesture, signaling him to please:

"Just keep playing, your soul color is still pretty good. Although I don't intend to take a closer look, but watching every change in the world, I will more or less see the behavior of the various races of the Outer Gods in their reproduction... You should be the one with the most tricks and the least shame.”

Fenmu was in a complicated mood, the heavy topic just a second ago made him feel ashamed of his behavior, but he still had some regrets in his heart, but since it was Verdanti's wish, it would be better to be respectful than smart.

"Is it okay to change the position a little bit?" He moved a little closer to Verdanti.

"Ah!" The woman seemed to be recalling something, and there was a kind of excitement in her expression that she had experienced something new, "I know, it's the thighs, I've seen you play with that light elf queen like this. I still admire you, the incumbent The light elf queen is ranked among the top five elf kings of all ages in terms of talent and heart, and it's kind of fun to be humiliated by you."

"Don't explain it at this time, it makes me feel embarrassed."

Fenmu was sad because he thought that at most he had been broadcasting live broadcasts for Master Anna, Ghost King God, Little Broken Sword Sidney, and Master Tasia, and now he knew another person who watched his live broadcast.

The purple-haired woman sat on the chair lazily and charmingly, with her legs crossed, her plump white thigh resting on the thigh wrapped in purple stockings, she lifted the upper leg slightly, touching each other Make a little gap between the beautiful flesh.

Fenmu stood there blankly, he was the one who used to stalk others, but now he suddenly felt like being slapped by Verdanti, it seemed that he was taking advantage of himself, but in fact he was just trying to please her.

Seeing that Fenmu was dumbfounded, Verdanti became impatient. She stretched out her hand to grab it, and a ribbon attached to Fenmu's body appeared in her hand. Pulled in front of her.

"Where did this belt come from? Why can't I feel that you are casting a spell on me?" Fen Mu looked at the mysterious ribbon on his waist, but couldn't see through its material.

"This is the ribbon woven by fate. Everyone is led by fate. You haven't become a god yet. I can hold you if I want to. Even if your master is here, I can hold you like a cute puppy." hold you, or do you want me to tie a ribbon around your neck?"

Verdanti raised his head, looked at him playfully, and watched his soul change.

Fenmu probably knew something. The world the two of them live in now is ordinary in an all-round sense, and even a god cannot be born. Correspondingly, the "color" and "fate" that Verdanti can see here ’ would be much more boring, and possibly none at all.

Perhaps the divinity emanating from his charming "self" is something worthy of her taste, while his "self" is more helpless, just an old critic who is so pure that there is no cure.

Reminiscent of what Verdanti said suddenly just now, Fenmu thought that she would keep Anasta's appearance, perhaps because she saw the similarity between them.

Anastasia is a stranger who wandered here from a foreign land, and Verdanti is now also reduced to the edge of the world.

But at this moment, their similar faces hide similar worries, and Fen Mu feels that what he should do is to obey her wishes.

"You have to brew a little emotion for me..."

Verdanti was still sitting in that noble lady's lap-legged position, and Femmu stretched out her hand to brush her purple hair, while feeling the pressure from her thighs, trying to arouse the divinity of the "self" as much as possible, wantonly displaying the fluctuation of the soul, but Her own colors appeared before her.

For no reason, Fenmu felt like a male peacock, opening her tail like a female peacock to show off how big her tail is for courtship.

Verdanti looked at him blankly, and nodded slightly: "You are very beautiful, I haven't seen such a gorgeous person for a long time, this low-level world is even more boring than I imagined."

Fen Mu took the ribbon of fate connected to his waist, moved it to his neck, put the other end in the hands of the purple-haired woman, and looked at her sincerely.

His actions made Verdanti's heart throb, not because of the color of his soul, but simply because of himself.


For a moment of daze, Fen Mu held the woman's cheek and gave an aggressive kiss.

"If you want to see it, how about we give the whole set at once?"

After tasting each other's flavors, Verdanti regained some of her composure. She pulled the ribbon of fate like she was holding her pet dog, her face was flushed, and she provocatively said:

"Am I snatching you away from your master? It's a pity that she can't see it, or she will go crazy, heh!"

Fenmu guessed that her "overstepping" made her feel offended, so she began to fight against Anasta, so as to regain her leadership position in words.

Fenmu looked at her affectionately, and said frankly: "It's okay, I'm obsessed with your face, which belongs to Anastha, and I'm so excited just seeing this face that I haven't seen for a long time."

"...!" Verdanti looked slightly annoyed, but still kept a calm smile.

What a thrilling round of confrontation!

Just when Fenmu thought he had won a wave, he didn't expect Verdanti to start a new counterattack immediately.

The blush on her face did not change, she snorted and said, "Teaching a dog still has to hold the bones that the dog likes to eat. If the dog is obedient, give him some rewards. If he is not obedient, he will not...I know you like it." Butt - do you want a reward?"

Fen Mu choked, she didn't expect that this point would be grasped by her.Taking this "symbol of a good man" alone, Verdanti is on the same level as Anastasia, standing at the pinnacle of beauty.

He was a little reconciled, but how could God violate his "self"?He gritted his teeth and said in shame:


"Listen to the barking owner, obedient dogs will be rewarded~"


On the edge of the world, Fenmu has been redeemed from the endless numbness for a long time, and regained the determination when he first entered the "hunting".

To be honest, he didn't think he could persist in the follow-up hunting, and those worlds gradually made him feel that "that's it, it's okay if you don't have to go on".

Wangcheng's backyard disappeared at some point, and there was only a vast lake and sky around him. It happened to be dusk, and he was lying on the mirror lake reflecting the sunset at dusk.

Although it is beautiful here, there is a kind of eternal tranquility of nothingness.

Verdanti sat up from the side, and put the clothes that had faded on the ground back on her snow-white fragrant shoulders, her face was full of satisfaction.

She looked back at Fen Mu who was still lying on the ground in a daze, and used that impatient tone again:

"After all, this world is incomplete. The fate of the past has not woven the future for this place. This is the end. You can get out, finish the rest of the hunt, and break free from this ribbon of fate in my hand."

Fen Mu sat up and looked at her silently: "..."

"Look at what I do. There is a time limit for the ritual of achieving the superego. The time advantage you accumulated in the early stage is almost exhausted by me. Now there is still time to roll faster. Anyway, I also used your master's Face, it can be regarded as helping her fulfill the responsibility of being a master, and reminding the apprentice... goodbye!"

Verdanti smiled at him slightly.

Chapter 104

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