The world before Fenmu's eyes flashed, and he returned to the world of fog gates that blocked his progress.

The pale arms protruding from the ground were innumerable, but now there are very few of them. The smooth road behind Fen Mu is the result of his battle. The last few hands are left in front of him.

He gritted his teeth, and destroyed the last few differentiated "selves" in one go, without thinking about anything in them.

If you meet, you will kill, if you kill, you will leave.

In just a few moments, he returned to the world of Wumen again, and he only needs to take one step forward to complete the ceremony.

But he was sitting slumped on the ground, his thoughts still stuck in Verdanti's world. Is it an existence imagined by himself, or did such a "destiny" really come to his "self" world?

"Actually, I still have a lot of questions that I haven't asked yet. Why did you drive me away all of a sudden?"

He scratched his hair depressingly, the black hair was scratched like a bird's nest, messy.

"It's also my problem. When I see a beautiful butt, my brain can't turn."

Suddenly, his body was suddenly pulled by someone, and he fell backwards. When he opened his eyes, he found that Verdanti was standing behind him, looking down at her.

"Then what, I saw you were so provocative at the time, and thought you were cold, why did you run out again?"

Fen Mu suddenly had some doubts about life. Wasn't his slumped look just a waste of expression?

"Otherwise, how could I see you looking frustrated, melancholy, and sad~" The purple-haired woman spread her hands innocently, holding the ribbon around Fen Mu's neck.

Fen Mu realized that he was being played with his feelings, and cursed in his heart for a while, and while his brain was still functioning normally, he asked about the business:

"Well, what's the matter with your self-explanation?"

"It's probably meaningless to explain the principle to you. You just understand that the raw materials for weaving the fate of the future of this world are gone. A clever woman can't cook without rice. The silk thread is gone and the loom is broken. Yes, and then I continued a little bit for the world here."

Fenmu was lying down and looking at her like this, Verdanti felt that she was too tired to talk standing up, but sitting on the ground was not good for her image, so she chose to pull Fenmu up and let him sit up straight while she sat upright. sit on his broad shoulders.

"Will the future change because of the disappearance of your power? I mean, I don't quite understand it. I think the fate of every existence is to come out by itself."

"Of course, fate will not weave a clear future for you, but it will pave a way for you, provide you with a platform and opportunities. Without the continuation of fate, the torch of this world will gradually dim and go out, gradually Reduced to the edge, just like those unowned dreams, haven't you seen it? Those worlds where even a demigod cannot be born."

Fenmu understood a little bit, what Verdanti meant, the continuation of destiny represents the "vitality" and "vitality" of this world.

After the era of revival of the gods comes, the shackles of the sixth level are broken, and even the demigods can come out. This is the "vitality" of the world, and the previous world of the sixth level, which has been stuck for several generations, obviously lacks stamina up.

"You opened the era of the revival of the gods?" Fen Mu felt that she was not sitting still, and reached out to hold her thigh.

"Almost. There is not only one world, each world carries someone's dream, the deep dream, and it is not the powerful character in the ancient era who shattered the silent dream. But the world I have been watching, the location Rather special, almost the center of many worlds."

"Center...?" Fenmu selectively ignores part of the understanding, does not think about the inner, and only pays attention to the results of all these.

"Well, the center means attraction. Those worlds where the flames are extinguished, there will be 'wanderers' in the process of disintegration, just like your master. The center of this world will uncontrollably attract those wanderers from other lands .”

"Even the soul?"

"Yes, you are in a similar situation." Verdanti nodded, and what she was talking about was naturally the time-travel that Fenmu thought, "But did you become the soul of the baby, or did the baby absorb your memory?"

Fenmu smirked, this kind of question can't scare him, at least he has completed the ceremony.

"That doesn't matter anymore. If the me before the baby belonged to the personality of that memory, then the me now will only be me, and there is only the only Fenmu at this moment."

"That's right. The extinction of this world is because of this characteristic that automatically attracts creatures from other lands. I used to think it was very good. This excitement brought creativity to this world and created the glory of many eras. But those foreign gods The destructive power to this world is also huge, they regard this place as a paradise, but the paradise has to be closed, but when they are having fun, they take out the firewood from the paradise to burn, so that they can continue to play.”

Fenmu suddenly realized: "So you want me to close the door for you and drive them away?"

"That's what I mean, but it doesn't matter anymore. I'm tired of looking at the world. What will happen here in the future will not depend on fate, but on luck."

About to finish what he wanted to say, Verdanti stretched his waist in relief, and made a dreamy and hearty voice.

"Then do you mind if I ask about my identity? What is the flower of disaster? Why did a big flower spit me out? Do I have the status of a big boss in a previous life?"

Fen Mu felt that this was very possible, not because he was bragging, but just because of his innate forging knowledge, he felt that he must have something to make his face proud when he said it.

"That's not true. Using your memory, except for this exotic memory knowledge, you are brand new from the factory. You can also understand the flower of disaster as the flower of destroying the world."

"It's even more domineering, why didn't I call myself the "Garden Baby of Destruction of the World" back then. "Fenmu is deeply regretful.

"The basic components of the first half of the first era are actually entrenched in that central position. They are all the existence of the first step in the conceptual sequence of disorder. The highest level of disorder, they are Mutual reproduction and creation, the breath of disorder is getting stronger and stronger, and from this powerful disorder, there are existences that can disrupt this disorder, that is, these flowers." was just chaotic and chaotic, and one day the chaos produced something that couldn't even be handled by the original basic components.

"These flowers of disaster decompose the existence of dense fog, ancient trees, ancient dragons, etc., and the decomposed things become mountains, rivers and land, and become the present world. It can be said that these flowers of annihilation are the origin of this world. The beginning of destiny. That period of chaos and disorder does not belong to the history of this world."

The ceremony of Fenmu is coming to an end, and the world of Wumen begins to dim, losing its color, leaving only a gray area.

Verdanti stood up, cut off the ribbon around Finmer's neck, put a white petal in his palm, and patted him on the shoulder:

"When you grow up, you have to be a god after you go out. Don't be paranoid about some weird things. I'm ashamed too."

Fen Mu put the petals in his mouth, for fear of losing them: "Don't make it sound like I'm in jail... I hope that after I go out, you can jump out next to me to scare me."

Verdanti smiled slightly, reached out to stroke his face, and straightened his collar:

"if it is possible."

Inter-chapter Breeze from the Past

Timeline, before Fenmu dragged the coffin and left.


Verdanti is a level of life that surpasses gods, but her strength cannot be measured by ordinary combat power. It belongs to a destiny that even gods cannot fathom, and is attached to the conceptual context of a certain world.

At this time, she no longer needs to look into the future, and just can't see it.

Because the destiny created by the Calamity Flower is over, when the invisible future begins, the world will become chaotic and gradually return to the state before the Calamity Flower came.

But before that, the Outer Gods who were expelled from all walks of life must have found their way back to this paradise again. They came here to have fun and destroy them. When the Paradise can no longer hold them, these Outer Gods will Pat your ass and leave.

Verdanti still didn't want to see that kind of sobriety coming. Although this world is full of holes, at least it still has its prosperity until now. destroyed by torrential rain.

Well, put those bad thoughts aside in advance, she has to think about the little guy who will visit here in the near future.

By then, he must have reached the ceremony of becoming a god.

"It's really a pity that I couldn't see him with my own eyes. It's a pity for me, and he will be pity too. Just think of a way."

She sat by the cracked loom, observing the little one's future.

In fact, it is impossible to see accurate results by observing fate, and it is also only possible to see very conceptual trends.

As small as the fate of an ordinary person, in fact, she could not describe a complete life experience at the moment this person was born.

If this is the case, then the existence of this world is actually meaningless, because of unknown accidents and unexpected variables, this world was born from the chaotic first half of the first era.

Having said that, Verdanti can still grasp some of the key nodes of ordinary people's life from the trend.

The little guy who is about to be born from the Calamity Flower, his life will be like when the Calamity Flower first appeared, full of variables, doing all kinds of surprising and unimaginable things.

It is even more difficult for Verdanti to observe him, but once he enters the ritual of becoming a god, then Verdanti has a lot of room to operate.

She can guide the little guy's actions, meet him, observe his words and actions in advance, and then be ready to answer.

The loom next to it broke, and somewhere in the reef sea area, the flower of disaster guided by Verdanti's power broke through the ground, and this world brought an unexpected little member.

Although he knew that he couldn't see too many results, Verdanti still couldn't help watching him, wanting to see what kind of child he would become in the ceremony of becoming a god.

After some observations, Verdanti's face was a little dignified and depressed:

"...Well, why is it different from the child with a sense of justice and mission that I expected, why did it end up like this, and also got the eccentricity of liking buttocks."

Forget it, let's do it.

She came to the preset Broken World, which would be the only way for this little guy to pass. The woman closed her eyes and observed his spiritual changes during the godhood ceremony.

"We're starting to regain consciousness from the numb state here, so we have to set the stage for the meeting in advance, and let Anasta's hometown religion provide a little convenience. Send some people to be captured by the church knights. I hide them and then Come out, it shouldn't be too abrupt."

This small religion is her "flower field", and Verdanti tries to see what Anastha, a foreigner's hometown, looks like through the flowers grown from seeds.

Even she didn't know how much this flower resembled Anasta's hometown.

After considering the script, Verdanti began to prepare.

In this broken low-level world, everything is still. The throne on the Pope's Basilica is still empty, and there is an enchanting succubus guarding it.

[What's your name, Ansta or Tasia, or Sidney? 】

Fate said that the child would speak to her first in the future.

Verdanti adjusted her expression and tone, trying not to let the child who visited here later discover that "she" was just an illusion left in the past.

cough cough...

"Name? Verdanti. I've heard legends about you all the time. After seeing you today, it's really different. You're performing some kind of ritual."

After finishing speaking, the woman felt that her tone just now was too heavy and blunt. She spoke again, and said in a more lively and relaxed tone, looking at the empty Pope's throne above:

"Name? Verdanti. I've been hearing stories about you..."

After several attempts, she was satisfied, and only then began to prepare for the next sentence.


"It's the other way around, how can this kid still have thoughts about me, then... Forget it, anyway, it's his master's face, it's on Anasta's head, it has nothing to do with me, anyway I was gone by then."

After another round of observing fate, Verdanti was deeply worried about the child who had not yet grown up.

The child who has no mother to take care of is now the wolf mothers who are still in the wolf pack.Even before he could speak, Verdanti can observe part of his nature so thoroughly, which shows that this is the clearest and most unchangeable part of his destiny.

After letting the child play with his feet and pamper him, Verdanti felt that it was necessary to give him a little disappointment.

"Let's say a slightly heavy farewell here first, and then scare him by appearing suddenly after he leaves this broken world."

She came to the world of Wumen again, which is a must for those who are waiting to hit the god rank. There used to be many worlds like this, but now there is only one left. , can only be stuck at the peak of the demigod.

It's not that Verdanti is stingy with this opportunity, but that this world has lost the "vitality" of the birth god after the righteous gods of the Orthodox Church, and it is impossible to even break through to the sixth level.

Another one-man show ended, and Verdanti also left a video here. When the little guy arrives here, he can see her here to congratulate him on his journey to complete God and take the last step.

"But to grow into this bad child, I still have to scold him a few times."

"I still really want to see what you, little guy, will look like in the future, but it's a pity that fate can't see clearly, so I can see your stupid eccentricity clearly.

Goodbye, although we can't meet each other, the breeze blowing by my side at this moment will also blow on you after you arrive in the future. "

You are in the future, but I have seen you grow in the past.


One day, the bishop of Xingkong Diocese said that she observed a change in fate.

The era has changed.

Chapter 105 Where is Master Anna?

In the space of the first era, the cocoon-like thick fog wrapped around Fenmu's body dispersed, and he opened his eyes inside.

What is the difference between myself, it seems to be there, and it seems not to be.

Because only the nouveau riche can obviously feel that his strength is soaring like a sickly fat person. Fenmu's strength has long been consolidated in countless hunts, and he has already possessed the ability of the gods at the end.

As expected, Fenmu felt that he was a butt-hunting god, as soon as a beautiful buttock was born in the land under his feet, he would appear at the first time, and directly come to an old monk to enter his ass and take it as his own.

But now he doesn't know what kind of god he is. He has the creativity brought by the flower of disaster, which is equivalent to holding the scepter of this world, but at the same time he has a little application of time.

"It seems that you are already a transcendent in this world, but you are not the same as the gods in my knowledge. You are a little more complicated than the righteous gods in the Orthodox Church."

The woman standing in front of Fen Mu and talking to him was the corpse of Long Ji who had been groped for a long time and finally disappeared.

Is the corpse talking?

Fen Mu's consciousness has not yet returned to God from the ceremony, and the countless huntings almost made him forget what happened before he started the ceremony, but after meeting the Dragon Witch, he recalled everything.

Without answering the Dragon Witch's question, Fen Mu first asked eagerly:

"How long has my ritual been going on?"

Ordinary strong people would have been furious if they ignored their own questions like this, but the Dragon Priestess is from a different era after all. Her strength does not need to be proved by others' obedience, but she does not have that violent and troublesome temper.

"Time has no concept for me, but according to your understanding, your ceremony is not particularly long, at least not as long as my sleep time"

I really listened to what my sister said, as if I had listened to what I said.

You were born before Anastha wandered into this world, if you have been around for a long time, everything will really be over.

Fenmu chose to use the simplest way to gain knowledge of the outside world, and he habitually asked Master Anna.

"Master Anna, Master Anna?"

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