Taivia and Casharia were already demigods, but under the impact of the true god, they rolled their eyes or rolled their eyes, and lay down on the soft bed in a daze.

Seeing Fenmu was about to leave, Taivia got up and wanted to follow him regardless of the numbness of her body.

Fenmu naturally asked the nun to lie down and rest first.

"Be good, take a rest here, I'm just entering my private dream, I'll come out to find you as soon as I confirm the matter."

After parting with Fenmu for so long before, Taivia didn't want to see him without him for a moment, but after being persuaded by Fenmu, she still endured it and nodded in agreement.

Fen Mu touched her head, and immediately entered his own private dream, but now it is called the Kingdom of God.

The moment she appeared in the Kingdom of God, Anasta, Fenmu's own master, also appeared at any time. Seeing that Fenmu's Kingdom of God was as messy as a doghouse, she frowned slightly.

Fen Mu said embarrassedly: "This place is still the same as it was in the previous private dream. I don't have the heart to tinker with this kingdom of God, so I will just let it go."

Anasta stopped worrying about beauty, she felt sorry for her apprentice: "You are really willing to turn your own kingdom of God into someone else's paradise."

"Hey, it's not a matter of being willing or not. Someone should solve the problems outside right now."

It's useless for Anasta to ask for her own kingdom of God. It could have been used to implement some kind of Gu raising plan for Fenmu, and gather the outer gods together to watch them fight.

It's a pity that Fenmu's own kingdom of God is obviously more suitable. After all, he has taken over the mantle from the flower of disaster, and has a closer connection with this world.

Anastas walked to the pasture he had built before. Among the huge fences, holy angels were restrained one after another, kneeling on the ground with their feet on the ground, being ruthlessly squeezed out of divinity. It will also pause, and continue to ask for divinity after giving them a rest.

The first batch of holy angels who settled in are now basically lost in their eyes and can't remember who they are.

And the new Goddess Hera, who experienced the VIP cow service, saw the appearance of Ferm and Anasta at this time, swearing in an unfamiliar language, and staring at them with red eyes.

"If you want to scold meaningfully, you'd better use a language we can understand." Fenmu created a small chair, and sat in front of Hera shaking his legs: "Master, why is this goddess not divine?"

"Still resisting, just use the method you are used to, and humiliate her until the psychological defense is broken. But this queen Hera is just the incarnation of inferiority, not the complete will of the deity, otherwise the squeezed divinity will be more pure."

"The method I'm used to is basically the way Casalia likes to play. Master, are these Eden divinities useful? It's too crowded."

Anasta shook her head: "It's not very useful, it can be digested by those righteous gods, but these are only the divinity of the holy angels, and cannot help the righteous gods break through to their original realm. Only the divinity of the Lord of Eden can is useful."

Chapter 117 Heading into the Abyss of Dreamland

The changes in the deep dream are probably the smallest. The last time I stepped here was with the nun Taivia. What it was like before is what it is now.

This kind of invariability looks at eternity, but it's a pity that the girls of the trial parish stationed in it don't have this eternity.

Fenmu's marching team to the deep dream this time was much larger than last time, Casalia and the others all followed, and under Fenmu's soft and hard paving, Anasta also showed up to follow.

When Kashalia and the others learned that this person was the legendary Goddess Stranger, they were all very surprised, but fortunately, thanks to Mi Erxi and the others, the surprise only lasted for a while.

Fenmu still likes this lively feeling.

"Master, I remember what you said about Hera's bad nature before, what is that?"

Anasta took good care of the feelings of those young girls. At the beginning, she walked ahead alone, allowing Fenmu to have more room to communicate with them, but this Fenmu followed her shamelessly, making the other girls feel very uncomfortable. Cooperate with quickening the pace to keep up.

"God's evil nature, just imagine Tasia. The gods in those beliefs are often holy and flawless, but the gods are just another level of life, and even the evil side of the gods will appear in a more obvious form.

The last time Hera appeared, she was in a complete form, her posture was more elegant, and she did things smarter than the Hera you saw. "

Tasia's aggression is indeed stronger than that of Anastas in all aspects, but sometimes Fenmu also feels that Tasia and Anastas are quite similar.

"Master, you must have pretended to be that Master Tasia, and you took the opportunity to ride me several times."

When Fen Mu still felt that he had discovered some shocking secret, he suddenly felt a sharp pain in his waist. He turned his head and saw that Anasta was twisting his waist with a smile.

"I... I just said it casually, don't care, don't care!"

Accompanying the purple-haired woman for a few steps, Fenmu suddenly found that Eveville was staring at him—as a frequent visitor to the deep dream, this time the team building action naturally cannot do without her leading the way.

Fenmu stared at her for a while, and he realized that Evewell might not want to talk to him, but wanted to chat with Anasta.

He took two steps back and came among Nora and the others. As expected, Evewell walked up to Anastas and spoke to her. The opening chapter was "Master Anasta", and the respect in his words and eyes was self-evident.

Fenmu eavesdropped for a while, as if to thank Anastha for her help and awakening back then.

It's not good to eavesdrop for too long, Fenmu thought of the Lord of Eden that Anasta mentioned before, and felt a little puzzled.

"Nora, Casharia, why haven't I seen the little girl of Sheba?"

Fen Mu still had a deep impression of this little girl, at first he thought it was a weapon spirit in Eden's dream or something.

Later, at the Amber City of the lord senior sister, basically in front of Sheba, they indulged with Nora and the others, lying down, kneeling, lying on the side, and splitting their legs, all of which are basic skills.

At that time, Sheba had a lot of opinions and ran out to seek refuge every time.

Nora sighed:

"It was probably taken away by the Lord of Eden. At that time, other outer gods were wandering around. A nun saw an angel in energy form appear, and then the Sheba girl disappeared. This little girl is quite obedient. "

Fen Mu was silent for a while, then cheered up again:

"It's true that a lot of people have been lost, but it's okay, the Lord of Eden is still on Sheba's side, and won't do anything to her, and it will definitely bubble up."

At that time, I will encounter a little problem, how will the Lord of Eden deal with it...

I have to let someone from me, Fen, identify whether he is a good person. If not, I'm sorry, I'll take care of Sheba.

It didn't take long for Fenmu and others to enter the seat of the trial parish in a deep dream.

I didn't feel anything before, but now that I have visited many places, Fenmu suddenly remembered that the shallow and deep dreams are quite similar to the Eden dream.

"Fenmu pointed to one of the sentry points, Taivia, that place is the place where I gave you the first kiss, I have a little impression of that watchtower."

Taivia squeezed Casalia away and hugged Fenmu's arm. The plump breasts and meat were attached to his arm, and the clothes could be squeezed into a very tense shape.

She corrected:

"It's where I treat Fenmu's virginity!"

Casalia was used to Taivia's unreasonableness, so she didn't pay much attention to it, but was very interested in her words.

"I said, Taivia, have you been cheated? This guy Fenmu is just fooling you. There is no such thing as virginity. Fenmu, you have to be ashamed!"

Fenmu was a little embarrassed, and judging from the results, it really meant that, but Taivia was a spiritual extremist at the time, so she couldn't explain it clearly.

And Taivia has now got rid of the thinking problems caused by the mental trauma, and understands that Fenmu was really playing tricks on her at that time.

But Taivia didn't have the slightest regret or dissatisfaction. If it wasn't for Fenmu's bad intentions at the time, how could she have so many interactions with him later on.

The memory of chasing Fenmu for treatment is a bit silly, but Taivia thinks that memory is very beautiful and sweet!

As soon as Casalia reprimanded Femmu rationally, Nora came to backstab her daughter:

"Casalia, you are not much better, are you? Back then, in order to trick me into continuing to be the queen, she used all kinds of tricks, and even forced Fenmu to distract my attention with delicious food when I was unconscious!"

"Damn! It's you who pretended to be unconscious so that you wouldn't be the queen! You even acted like a show and asked Fenmu to massage you for you. I feel ashamed for you!"

Casalia slapped Nora's full waist and hips.

After the fight, he ran away, and immediately circled King Fenmu Qin around the pillar to avoid Nora's counterattack.

Fen Mu was quite helpless in the middle. He stopped the mother and daughter, neither of them was partial, and each gave [-] big boards. Each of them rewarded them with a pinch, and then discussed the business with them seriously:

"After I retreat, you should also have the Kingdom of God gathering, right?"

"Yes." Casalia patted Fenmu angrily, making the bastard Fenmu feel so uncomfortable this time, "I know what you want to say, but it's a pity that Rachel didn't show up in several gatherings , it may be that we didn't pick the right time for the party."

High-depth deep dreams can completely block the connection with the Kingdom of God, which only shows that Rachel stays in those "no signal" places.

In the past, the reason for her going to the deep dreamland was to break through the god level, but now it is no longer necessary, at least not now, because before the completion of Fenmu's plan, no god can be born in this world.

"If I had known this information earlier, I would have kept Rachel behind."

When Fenmu saw that Evewell had finished chatting with Anastha, he immediately asked:

"Evewell, you have been active in the deep dream for a long time, have you heard of Rachel's whereabouts?"

Chapter 118 Evewell's Divine Armor, Alright!

Evewell heard Fenmu's question, pinched his chin and began to recall, he seemed to be a guy with a bad memory.

Now Evewell is considered to be the Goddess of Judgment, but she is not much different from when Fen Mu knew her in every respect. She has long dazzling golden hair tied into a high ponytail with silver hair buttons, and she has a sassy temperament.

The divine armor on his body is very different from before. The semi-see-through black tights like a dead reservoir fit on the skin, and the astringent navel and abdominal muscle lines can be vaguely seen. The white silk cloth runs from the middle of the collarbone to the The double breasts are spread out, covering the position that may be exposed. The wrap extending from the shoulder blades is like a long windbreaker to cover the sensual and plump buttocks. The high-heeled boots are pulled to the end of the thighs, slightly tightening The traces make the lustrous sensuality more attractive.

From Fen Mu's heart, this armor is indeed very convenient for fighting. In all aspects of fighting, almost as long as you flip the tights in a mysterious place to the side, you can start fighting...

Why can't the fashion of the trial parish get closer to their righteous gods! !

When Fenmu was dreaming, Evewell had already finished her deep memories, and she looked at Fenmu very seriously:


"I hope you can tell me with a serious face that I have thought of a clue, but the disturbance Rachel made should be quite big, why is there no news from your side, doesn't she need supplies?"

Casalia followed Evewell in the deep dream for a long time, and she came to be Evewell's mouthpiece:

"Evewell...she is an inspirationist. She is more talkative when she has inspiration. Most of the time she doesn't talk to others very much. Even talking to herself is more active than communicating with others."

That was troublesome.

Fenmu admired Evewell's armor again, and gave her a thumbs up, then looked at Casalia again, and shook her head in disappointment.

How on earth did you act like a .M!

"Okay, then you can speak for Eveville."

"Before I entered here with Evewell, that is, when Rachel first came, she still came in and out of our church site more frequently to heal injuries and supplies."

Fen Mu nodded. At that time, after she left, he turned over her cards through the Kingdom of God and successfully contacted her. Unfortunately, she never responded.

It was impossible for Rachel to refuse his call from the Kingdom of God. She could only say that she was in a state that could not receive the invitation, nor could she respond.

"You keep talking."

"Comparing the time, it was probably when Ferm was about to use the Ark of the Covenant to enter the space of the first era. Rachel has not appeared in the church site since then. Moreover, the deep dream has also undergone great changes over the years. .”

Variety?Finmudo looked around and found nothing special:

"What's changed?"

"This is a shallow layer, with little natural change, but the dangerous area has risen to depth 3. In the past, depth 3 could easily contact the Kingdom of God. Now it is in depth 3. We can't feel the church's dream connection face to face. Both defensive lines and outposts were forced back a lot."

Evewell walked in front and led the way, and the simple giant sword on her back was almost as wide as her shoulders. This weight seemed easy to her, but her chest wrapped in a flesh-colored tights seemed like White rabbits generally jump very well.Her small ears have been listening to Fenmu's words, maybe Evewell's inspiration came, and she suddenly said:

"Yes, there are more active guys, even more than I was at that time. Many things that were buried in the deep dreams before have awakened, but there are also some interesting guys."

Casalia complained: "Evewell, you've said so much, it's okay to clarify your words a little bit more."

Nora seized the opportunity and slapped her daughter's buttocks with a vengeful slap. Her voice was clear and sweet, and even a buttocks with exquisite meat could not make such a sound:

"How do you complain about judging the goddess? If you translate, you can translate honestly. You are the only one who talks too much!"

After she finished speaking, she blew on her hand in pain, and her hand hurt from beating Casalia.

Casalia wants to talk about business, so it's not easy to argue with her mother. There are tears hanging from the corners of her eyes, and she is clutching her buttocks, which shows that Nora is really ruthless.

"Interesting guys refer to some neutral ones. Their breath is a bit like Yulia's snake ritual. Unfortunately, they can't be brought up. They will also affect the stability of shallow dreams."

Evewell said: "I will take you to the old human race, they may know the whereabouts of Rachel."


Following Evewell's buttocks, Fen Mu stared at her windbreaker at the back waist, a dreamlike and unreal luster flashed in the depths of his eyes, his sight was analyzing the divine composition of this windbreaker, Soon you can see through the windbreaker and see the flesh under the windbreaker.Sense of beauty. Buttocks.

Anasta, who was walking next to Fenmu, didn't know this kind of skill, but after observing Fenmu for a while, she knew what he was up to, and was a little impressed by him.

It's really lustful. When his heart comes up, he can use any ability to crook him, and his creative ability has been changed into clairvoyance by him...

Anasta sent a message through the Kingdom of God, saving a bit of face for Fenmu, and said secretly: "Don't you dare to try this taste? Just walking is so twisted."

After being named, Fenmu closed his eyes and looked at the bad dream sky with a gentleman: "I'm not that kind of person, I just try to use my ability a little bit."

"Evewell's thinking in that era was still quite simple. The turmoil brought panic, making small talk a luxury. In most cases, if someone had a good eye, they would directly ask if they wanted to communicate. No matter how bad it is, it’s just a beating, and Evewell may not be able to beat you now~ Why, don’t you try?”

The more Anasta bewitched, the less Fenmu dared to move. He borrowed Anasta's words and said: "Then let me be more straightforward, Master, can you take a look, ahem...Annas Ta, I want to invest in you!"

As everyone was walking, they suddenly heard a loud bang, and Fen Mu was shot into the ground, creating a big hole.

"The lake in front can talk to the people of the Snake Ritual... huh? What's going on?" Evewell didn't know the conversation between the master and the apprentice, and stretched out her hand to pick Fenmu out of the pit.

Fen Mu was completely slapped by Anasta's slap. Fortunately, it is different from the past, and the true god's resistance to slaps is extraordinary.

He speeded up two steps in embarrassment, and walked to the black lake that Evewell said, and he could indeed see a dark figure among them.

Before he could ask, the dark figure spoke first:

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