"You seem to want to ask about succubus?"

"Yes!" Fen Mu's eyes flashed, he didn't expect the clue to come so quickly, "How do you know?"

Chapter 119

This kind of puddle-like lake has no name, but every newcomer who entered the deep dream in the past years will be taught - don't look directly at this nameless lake, beware of being stared at by things.

With the arrival of Evewell later, the mystery of these lakes has also been unraveled. This is the place where dreams are pierced through. Through these lakes, they can be seen visually with other lakes, but they cannot be regarded as Use the portal.

Many newborn calves are not afraid of tigers, but in these nameless lakes, unfortunately, they saw the true face of some existences, and then went crazy and alienated.

The dark figure who is talking to Fenmu now is scorched black from top to bottom. Although he only looks at his image across the lake, he can somehow receive the bad smell of scorching in his brain. Only his eyes are shining. of white.

The figure replied: "Because I used to be a wizard or something like that, with a little bit of divination and the ability to peek into fate, the world now lacks rules more than ever before, but just like seeing you, I seem to be able to see you again." It's fate.

It's a pity that all I can see are some things related to you. In the past, I dare not say that I am a wizard who leads the safety of the sect. "

Nora was very curious, and leaned over to take a look. After feeling the burnt smell that reached the depths of her mind, she took two steps back in disgust:

"Why does it seem to have a strange smell?"

Casalia and Evewell said synchronously: "The smell of burnt corpses."

"?!" The plump and beautiful woman hurriedly stepped back behind her daughter.

The wizard laughed harshly, his voice sounded like a leaky bellows blowing hard:

"Don't look outside, after all, I used to bathe in the burning oil of my companions for divination. Due to my ability, even my soul has this strange smell... Well, but there is no other way, not to mention these smells Or maybe my own corpse oil smell."

Fresh knowledge is certainly good, but this is news that many scholars have never heard of. It is a pity that Fenmu has no such interest:

"Tell me about the succubus, is there any whereabouts of the succubus in the high-depth dream?"

The wizard was very emotional, his figure trembled, the lake boiled, and the stench of corpses became stronger, his voice could hardly be heard:

"Yes, the succubus god is back. It's really a troublesome time. I shouldn't wake up. Death is a relief. After the succubus god came back, he woke me up from the tiny ashes floating in the dream. !I have embraced the end point, why wake me up consciously! She obviously has many forms!"

"Death is liberation..." Anasta sighed, noticing that Fen Mu suddenly turned her gaze towards her, she changed her words: "In the era of snake ritual, death is probably the most beautiful gift for every human race."

"What do you mean? I mean the Succubus God."

Even Evewell couldn't answer this question. In her era, she dealt more with the internal problems of the human race and knew nothing about the Succubus God.

Anastas wanted the old wizard of the Snake Ritual to say it, but unfortunately the old thing is only angry, and she is the only one to be the narrator:

"The succubus has a bad reputation of being charming and extracting energy. It is not without reason, and a large part of it is due to this succubus god. But it is obviously too inclusive to describe her as charming. Guys who use seeds to enslave living beings for fun, men use them to squeeze out their strength, beautiful girls use them to alienate into relatives, even corpses, dead souls, and weaker gods can be forced to be slaves."

Casalia remembered that Taivia was once possessed by a god, and said badly:

"Rachel hasn't come out to replenish and rest. Could it be that she was caught by this succubus god, or she was used as a cover."

As a witness, Casalia knew very well that the gods Fenmu met at that time were very different from the gods now.

It's not that there is a problem with the level and strength of those gods themselves, but that the environment is different.

The revived gods in this period are basically at the level of true gods, and they belong to the kind of demigods who can only run when they encounter them, but they may not be able to escape.

Evewell and the Gods of War are stuck in the church city barrier by two inferior versions of the true gods, so they can't go out, unless the righteous gods come back later and drive the tuba back directly, so that the church city can be sideways gone.

"I don't know if this succubus god can be caught and bred. It's time to see a new buttocks again. Wizard, tell me how deep this succubus god is and where it is."

"The boundary between depth 5 and depth 6, if you are in a hurry, you may encounter a big scene, and it is easy to see where it is."

"Okay, let's say there is an existing one behind your Snake Ritual, do you know?" Fen Mu suddenly brought up Yulia.

The last time Yulia met was when Fenmu watched her pull Taivia away from Gu Long, and Fenmu still had a good impression of her.

The wizard was stunned, and said in disbelief: "There are still existing ones? Who is unlucky? Why don't you hurry up and live here if you die conditionally?"

"How did you speak?"

Such a good ass, it would be a pity to say no!

"There is a generation gap between you, Fenmu, you and He can't understand it." The purple-haired woman was helpless when she heard the two of them arguing, and she said to the wizard: "I don't know if it's good news, but the Snake Ritual is going well later on." , at least much better than you did back then."

"What's the story?" Nora covered her nose and asked curiously.

"It's not much of a story, the Snake Ritual is in a sense the old royal family, but it's quite an ancient royal family, the stable world outside can have such a prosperous life for the people, in fact, the snake ritual is indispensable.

Recklessly created a demon head to solve the danger of life and death. Later, he was worried that he could not control the demon head, so he took it to a deep dream and buried it. After burying it, he was afraid that the devil would wake up and take revenge, so he kept squatting there and guarding it. left. "

Fen Mu had a sense of déjà vu: "Why does it sound a bit like a ghost king? It was also created to deal with trouble."

"Weak people have done similar things. There are many possibilities in the future, but there are only a few possibilities left for the weak."

The agitated wizard just now calmed down, and he solemnly said to Fenmu:

"Before you come, can you call that unlucky guy over to have a chat with me? It's okay if you come late, I'm already awake, and I don't care if I stay awake longer."

Hello!Don't say that I rushed to find the Succubus God just to get rid of you, I went for Rachel!

Fenmu nodded: "Small, I'll call her in the 'past', she should be here in a while."

The matter of Yulia is not in a hurry, and now Fenmu has to bother to persuade Taivia, it is not good to take Taivia this time.

He pulled the nun aside, hooked shoulders and discussed with each other:

"Tayvia, I have to go down to find the Succubus God, and you have heard about the Succubus God, so you wait here for me now?"

Fen Mu thought it would be difficult to persuade, but unexpectedly, Taivia started to unbutton the clothes at the neckline. She said incredulously:

"Then I have to confirm in advance that Fenmu's fighting condition is good, otherwise it's not safe for Fenmu to face other gods, and only after passing the diagnosis can he leave!"

Chapter 120 Time Stop

Realizing that Taivia may have found a new excuse to squeeze her, Fenmu has no other choice, but this is better than her clamoring to go with her.

Considering that not only Taivia couldn't follow, but Casalia and the others couldn't either, Fen Mu reluctantly called them into the room and brought them into the suppressed humming rhythm.

For his new ability, Fenmu thought of some other ways to play, for example, stop at a certain time. In the past, this kind of theme could only be imagined by imagination, but now Fenmu realizes that his ability can do this.

Although it is not to stop time in the literal sense, but to use oneself as a domain to drag others into one's own static time and space.

In Fenmu's senses, everything is going on as usual, but in the consciousness of others, it may only be a second after they don't even know what happened, and the matter is over, and the joy accumulated in their bodies... .. Pain will burst out in an instant.

Fen Mu is a person who values ​​time. From the time he entered the room to when he came out, it actually took about ten minutes, but it was a few days in the time-stop domain.

Taivia and the others were lying on the bed one second, and the next second, it was enough to crush a demigod... The pain was released in her mind, and she screamed in pain, "Ah~", The limbs and bones were tortured by the numb pain, and they twitched uncontrollably, and his fingers didn't even have the strength to grab the bed sheet.

And the girls passing by in a row have all received training from the real body in the static field of Fenmu, and they know how to get down on the ground, and the demeanor of rolling their eyes with strength is exactly the same, and the sweat on the back of the beauty is thick and sticky.

If you want to ask what is the difference, it may be that Casharia has an extra tail. Don't get me wrong, this is just a mimicry spell.

Fenmu put a small colorful bag symbolizing the victory next to Tavia's mouth, and there were such heavy small bags around her.

"Okay, I'll draw a barrier for you, and you guys should rest obediently."


Fenmu and Anasta went into the deep dream together. Anasta was amazed along the way. Fenmu really used his abilities with great proficiency and creativity!

She couldn't understand how this guy came up with so many strange ways of playing in his mind. He didn't see some inspiration in the battle, and he was crushed by weapons. To do other bad things, new ideas came one after another.

"How come it's so fast this time, it's over in ten minutes? At least you can hold on for a long time back then." The woman asked knowingly.

"I restrained myself to save time, but this practical method is more difficult than I imagined. I thought it would be easier to persist for a longer time, but in the end I only persisted in the time-stop field for about ten minutes."

Fenmu used to really think that becoming a god would be omnipotent, at least he would be instantly proficient in the skills he knew, but he didn't expect to have to adapt.

"It's better to use it more. This is the same principle. It is the same when you are a god." Anasta flew and found an unnamed lake below. "Did you ask Yulia to find a wizard?"

"Yes, I spent half a minute looking for it before the time stopped, and I got in touch."

My good fellow, the wizard so solemnly asked you to help with something, but you spent half a minute dismissing him, and stopped when you went to play for the rest of the time.

Anasta sighed and shook her head. Those righteous gods could barely be considered her disciples, and now there is a disciple of such a great true god, but she is completely unable to proudly introduce her teaching achievements to other gods.

Most of the dream creatures are weird, and most of them are creatures with their own rules. If you don't know their rules of behavior, you may not know how to die.

There are some dream creatures that cannot move once they are looked at directly. Unfortunately, most of them are ugly and hideous. There were many church believers who suffered from this. Even if they knew the opponent's weakness, if they failed to react, they would subconsciously dodge and close Eyes, the neck may have been wrung off.

But now, Anastasia and Fenmu are flying together above the deep dreamland, and these guys avoid their tracks from a distance, running as far as they can.

Fenmu wanted to scrape a few knives with his hands, but he couldn't find the target even after practicing his hands.

This journey was more unimpeded than diarrhea, and Fenmu quickly crossed several depths, and came to the boundary between depth 5 and depth 6 mentioned by the wizard.

"There is no movement? It's gray. I found that the chaotic scenery of the first era is really common. This kind of high-depth deep dream is similar."

But the surroundings are just like what Fenmu said, it is not peaceful and quiet, but there is still silence, weird and ominous

The dense fog filled the air, and occasionally one could see its mysterious rolling shadow. The ground was riddled with holes, and various claw marks and footprints were intertwined. It could only be concluded that many behemoths had appeared.

It's a pity that Finmu can't see anything in a place that should be full of dangerous creatures.

The purple-haired woman flicked his head, unexpectedly she wanted to teach him some common sense about God:

"Just like some birds and beasts have certain skills and talents in their blood, gods will also get a bunch of divine knowledge about common sense when they are promoted. Have you never read it and just think about how to use it? Have you messed around with your abilities?"

"No way!" Fenmu's face stiffened for a moment, and he said stiffly, "I have a lot of things to do after waking up, so I didn't come to look at them urgently."

"Hey, this kind of deep dream is basically the territory of the gods. The creatures that can be active here are not mythical creatures, and they used to be of similar status. Don't use your naked eyes to observe, use your soul and divinity to open your eyes. Open the eyes of your mind to observe here."

Hearing this, Fen Mu followed suit, even though he was a bit unfamiliar, he still had his own innate skills, and he quickly found out the feeling. Although his physical eyes were still closed, the eyes of his mind had been opened.

The surrounding scene was completely different from before, the ground was chapped, red blood radiated from thousands of cracks, and occasionally some hematoma-like objects splashed out like magma eruptions.

Some indescribable creatures are active here. The slender figure in a black cloak looks like a flagpole, walking on the edge of the sky, and the stone statue that has passed through many years twists its body from time to time, looking at the two strangers with vigilant green eyes. comer.

And the "vision" mentioned by the wizard is really conspicuous.

In the direction separated by a long distance, the doomsday-like setting sun burned the thick fog red, and the red thunder flashed through the air, where the two forces were entangled and fighting each other.

One side stretched out dense hair-like long snakes, while the other side also responded with countless tentacles. Where the two sides fought, even mythical creatures consciously stayed away and dared not approach.

Fenmu took a few glances from a distance, and suddenly said: "Those black tentacles look familiar, as if they were seen on an island when the Argo was moored before!"

Chapter 121 Eat me and give me a hug!

The Argo, it was a very distant thing to think about, and the follow-up of the expedition ship carrying the protoss, the divinity that Ferm absorbed from Hera, saw the result.

The gods of beauty and "heroes" on that ship are all members of the pantheon to which Hera belongs, and this group of people was "deceived" to come here.

Seeking pleasure is a very important thing for the gods. This kind of demand is like an old pervert thrown into a country full of brothers and noble men. It is as terrifying as abstinence. Without this kind of fun, you will not die. But it will be hard.

The gods on the Argo were the pioneers of the Hera gods who came to explore the old treasure land first. Hera lied to these family members that he would give them this opportunity to have fun, and tricked them into rushing back with low combat power. The body container, to find the place where the treasure was buried before, and quickly improve the strength.

Well, when these foreign gods were rampant on the earth before, they were already thinking about how to play when they came back next time, opened up some dreams, and hid the precious energy flowing in the world.

And almost all the gods who have been here before have done this kind of thing, so that they can play to their heart's content when they come back in the future, without being limited by their strength.

But these vanguard teams were given away for nothing, and the God Queen and God Master directly plundered the "fruits of labor" of the dependents. As a result, they came up with bodies at the level of true gods, although they came from their inferiority.

The God of the Argonaut worked so hard to search for resources in this way, and finally delivered the courier directly to fatten the pair of gods and queens.

Getting back to the topic, when Finmu took the Argo, there was a palace of the Outer God on a mysterious deserted island that passed by.

Fenmu also met an ugly black hairball creature there.

And at this time, one of the two sides fighting over there has the breath of that black fur ball.

Fen Mu watched from afar and said:

"Master, could it be that the little meat ball I met back then was the hatchling of the Succubus God?"

"No, the succubus god is the one with the snake hair on the other side, that fur ball... I remember it was a member of the black goat. You helped him back then, and the little fur ball was able to kill the octopus that was occupying the palace. It was devoured, and now it has cultivated the strength of the true god."

"Then the Succubus God on the other side is considered an ancient god?"

Fen Mu wondered if it was possible to get the two ingredients together at one time, take the blood of the ancient gods on one side, and squeeze some black goat juice on the other side, and it was all together!

It's a pity that Anasta shook her head regretfully: "The ancient gods have to be the native gods of this world, no matter what, they have to be the kind of existence you mentioned, the ancient dragon and the incarnation of the flower of disaster, other gods can't do it."

"Then Mirxi and Evewell count? They are native gods born in this world."

"No, they are not 'ancient'. The gods born in different eras all have their own imprints of the times. You can understand that one side of the water and soil produces one side of the gods."


Far away, Melxi and Evewell felt a chill at the same time. They realized that they were being targeted by a wave of malice, and the place targeted by the malicious intent was somewhat sensitive.

One of them was in a deep dream, and the other was in Church City. Although they were not in the same place, they held their chests at the same time.

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