"Why are you noisy! Why are you so arrogant, I will invite the rest of your Eden members as guests when I have a chance in the future." Fen Mu squeezed the full divinity of the holy angel.

The holy angel gritted his teeth to bear it, and after exhaling in shame and indignation, he closed his consciousness again to escape this unacceptable fact.

If she dies, she will still be able to recover in the Eden Temple in the future, but the current situation makes her desperate, which is more uncomfortable than death.

"Succubus God, let me talk to you about something. You have been in the deep dream for so long. You probably have seen Rachel. She is a descendant of your family, with silver hair."

The Succubus snorted coldly, and looked at Fen Mu with hostile eyes, as if saying, "You're dreaming"!

"Hey, it's pretty stubborn!" Fenmu took out a bottle of ordinary potion, "Do you know what kind of potion it is, a potion that strengthens the sensitivity by a thousand times, and now the divinity is forcibly squeezed out, isn't it very comfortable?" ... Painful? Do you know what it is like to feel this feeling strengthened a thousand times?"

Anasta found a place to sit next to her. If she hadn't seen the Succubus God "playing" arrogantly before, she would probably think that Fenmu was bullying God and Domineering Girl now.

"Fenmu, what are you playing with? If you don't remove the plug from her mouth, how can she reply to you?"

Chapter 124 Reverse Sacrifice to Succubus God

Fen Mu whistled in embarrassment: He just wanted to find an excuse to use this bottle of new potion for the succubus god.

In the past, the preparation of medicines needed raw materials anyway, but now they can be "created" directly. Fenmu is not sure how effective the medicine will be, so he should find some unlucky ghost to test it.If the product situation is suitable, there will be another means to deal with the goddess in the future.

It’s okay to fight or something, especially in the present situation, the land and space destroyed in the battle of gods may not be able to be restored.

If you can persuade a fight, persuade it; if you can avoid a fight, you can avoid it; if you can sneak attack, you can sneak attack;

To be a god also needs to talk about the ways of the world, please come back to the Shenguo Ranch and have a good chat.

"Are you ready to explain?" Fen Mu patted her face, his tone was very arrogant, but he became serious: "It's good, I'm not joking with you, quickly hand over my people, if you don't cooperate, I will They will use various means to get you to cooperate, including but not limited to locking you here forever as a meat toy, so that you will always taste the feeling of being forced to humiliate as a goddess."

Fenmu's eyes turned to the angels next to him, and he also warned:

"You too, if you need your cooperation in the future, you'd better be obedient, don't think that you are an asexual life, I won't dare to touch you if you're disgusting, as long as it makes you feel uncomfortable, even if you are a mass of rotten flesh and blood, I will Dare to humiliate.

This used to be Verdanti's domain, and you guys had fun here, and you've killed her. Now that I'm here to collect debts, none of you can expect to have a good time here. "

The cruel words were released, but the Succubus God has not been tortured like the holy angels. His arrogance as a god is still there, and it is impossible to be afraid of being threatened by Fen Mu.

"Oh? You are the successor of this paradise. The position of this world is naturally located in the dazzling place of the star sea, which naturally attracts foreign existences. The prosperity of the world is brought about by us foreign gods. We So what if it breaks?

It seems that you still have a strong humanity. Those useless thoughts are a burden, just let them go. The location of this world is naturally a paradise. The last world was destroyed, and this world was born here. If it is destroyed, a new paradise will be born in the future! "

Fenmu poured a whole bottle of potion into her mouth expressionlessly, sat beside her and said:

"Don't make it look like a public place, it's my place now. Forget it, I'm confused, people can talk about reason, but there is no reason between gods, anyway, gods are just for fun Supreme, then you can stay here as a toy to make me happy."

The effect of the medicine is overwhelming. The sensitive potion created by Femme's divinity has its own branding and corrosion effects, which wear away the defensive marks hidden in the body of Succubus God, and branded a white pattern on her lower abdomen.

The pattern is two symmetrical disaster flowers on the left and right, and soon, the pattern turns pink.An indescribable wonderful feeling quickly spread to Succubus God's body. Her eyes widened and her pupils trembled. Although she gritted her teeth and endured it, the pink tide on her face became more and more intense.

"The succubus control you used to spread is almost like this feeling. Now the divinity is still being squeezed, doesn't it feel good?"

Fen Mu lightly stroked her arm, and the Succubus, whose sensitivity had been strengthened thousands of times, couldn't even resist the caress, his consciousness collapsed in pain, and he rolled his eyes in a scream.

"It seems that this medicine is effective." Fenmu wiped his hands on Succubus God and stood up, and said to Anasta in trouble: "Master, what should I do, will Rachel not be caught by her?" ?”

Anastas had no interest in this kind of punishment. She preferred to hit her opponent in a head-to-head duel, but for now, let's make room for her apprentice. According to his plan, there might be some new fun in the future.

"It's enough to invade her kingdom of God, maybe she will be locked in it, but she is in this state, maybe she can still plunder her kingdom of God."

Fenmu thought that at most I was just stealing other people's divinity, how could you, Ansta, even think about other people's divine kingdom?

"Can the Kingdom of God be snatched? No, the most urgent thing is how to enter the Kingdom of Succubus God? I can't perceive it."

Anastas walked behind the Succubus God, pushed her limp legs away with a sword, and smiled mysteriously: "Guess where the entrance to her kingdom of God is?"

Fen Mu frowned, with a strange expression: "It's not possible, why should the Kingdom of God be hidden...Forget it, bear with it."


The kingdom of the succubus god.

I don't know if the Succubus God has any special preference for crystals. There are countless huge pink gemstones all over her divine kingdom. They seem to be transparent, but the texture of the gemstones cannot be seen through.

The whole world is like a huge cave, surrounded by pink walls, and Fenmu enters it through a long and spacious passage.

The information that can be determined is probably that these gems are related to the power of the Succubus God.

Fen Mu tied back his trouser belt, not to mention how disgusting he was, and cursed:

"This is the first time I know that gods are not as flexible as their subordinates. They are not as flexible as slimes. Obviously Rachel is very easy to use."

But no one would reply to him, because Anasta didn't want to enter the Kingdom of the Succubus God, and she was disgusted.

Fenmu opened the eyes of divinity, and the surrounding scene changed drastically. These gems turned out to be a plump and sexy succubus girl. This kingdom of God is not so pink and cute, but the walls are dark red and black, The sarcoma rotted, and the filthy tentacles swayed here, restraining these succubus girls.

Because the Succubus God has lost the ability to resist, Fen Mu easily absorbed the memory of the Succubus God Kingdom.

"This succubus god splits up many family members, and orders these family members to collect energy, and then give birth to powerful and excellent descendants, and then catch them back to feed themselves."

The charm of the Succubus God was originally built on the many beautiful dependents.

Could it be that Rachel and the others were so downtrodden that they were kept in captivity by other forces, and they themselves had the participation of the Succubus God?

Fenmu stepped on the ground, and the aftermath shook the dirty flesh. A flower of disaster grew out of the pink flesh below, and quickly ate and decomposed it. With each step, the flower of disaster spread more and more. .

It's a pity that these succubus girls have long since lost their vitality, and some of them belonged to the ancient era, otherwise Fenmu would have wanted to save them.

After walking for an unknown amount of time, Fenmu stopped in front of a silver-haired succubus woman. He breathed a sigh of relief, but he didn't immediately free Rachel from the shackles of the tentacles.

"Fortunately, Rachel's realm is solid enough, and fortunately nothing happened."

Rachel seems to have a very strong desire to become a god. During the time they were apart, she actually reached the realm of God of War. Unfortunately, she was not able to take the last step.

"It just so happened that Rachel was just a little bit closer. Succubus God, you sacrificed your own family members, and I will sacrifice you to Rachel right now."

Chapter 125 Slave pattern

Fenmu has long felt that the promotion ceremony is too troublesome, isn't it just a thing that breaks through the life level, and it should be possible without so many assessments. To put it bluntly, it is the variation of the life level.

And after taking over the mantle from Verdanti, Chu Yinan became even more convinced of this point. Those rituals are purely disgusting. If the strength is in place, it will be completed if he formally absorbs the divinity.

In the past, the original gods in this land experienced all kinds of experiences to become gods. In fact, they were all to screen out those useless guys, determine the most capable ones, and then bestow them with divinity.

Just like now, Rachel doesn't have to go through such a troublesome ritual of ascension to the gods, she just plunders it from the Succubus God and it's over.

To put it bluntly, limited resources are based on robbing.

"The last time I came to this space, I was the one who needed to become a god. I didn't expect that now I am standing in Verdanti's position and waiting for someone."

The place where Fen Mu is located is in the same space as the place where he performed the ceremony when he became a god, but the surrounding environment has changed a lot. Except for a little image of the first era that can be vaguely seen, the rest belong to the succubus family Illusion, sometimes pink and sultry, full of lust, and sometimes phantoms move, like playing in the forest.

After all, the only God of Succubus is Succubus God No. [-], and the environment here is more dominated by her.

Fenmu waited for a while, and finally heard the sound of footsteps coming from far to near, and a graceful and sexy female figure appeared from the backlight.

Rachel looked around, her pace was slow and hesitant, she didn't know where this place was, this space was a bit beyond her cognition, she could only feel that it was related to Succubus God.

Suddenly, her eyes caught the strangeness in front of her. There was a tree suddenly there. No, it was not a tree, but a cluster of huge flowering vines.It's just that the roots of the vines are too thick and look like tree trunks.

Fen Mu sat under the tree, humming.

The silver-haired succubus paused, wondering if she was hallucinating.

"What are you doing standing there, come here." Fen Mu frowned impatiently, but then smiled at her succubus maid.

"Fenmu..." Rachel sat down next to him, and the thousands of words finally turned into unwillingness: "I almost became a god, but it seems to have failed, where is this?"

What Rachel was wearing was not the bare-breasted maid outfit she was used to, but a very succubus-style revealing restraint suit.

But this should be called a magic costume, corresponding to Evewell's divine armor, this is a space of the soul level, of course the maid costume cannot be brought in, if the magic costume is forcibly changed into a maid costume, it will be damaged a little combat power.

Fenmu put his arms around Rachel's waist, and hooked her leg with the other hand, and put it in his arms, using his fingertips to taste the delicate and tender skin of the succubus. It's been a long time since I played Succubus, feel a little rusty.

"This is where the gods of all ages became gods. Don't blame yourself for becoming a god. It's not your fault. You've worked hard enough."

"But I couldn't find the inspiration for a breakthrough at the last point, otherwise I should have gone back to find Fenmu a long time ago...Zan Fenmu, you just said that this is the place where the gods of all ages were born? Why do I sense the breath of the Succubus God, you stay away from her, she is very strong!"

You may not believe it, but the ancestor of your Succubus has already been killed by me, and the experience is quite ordinary.

Thinking of that subtle feeling, Fen Mu subconsciously glanced at her maid's steamed bun, and opened her divine eyes to see through her magic outfit.

Well, it's clean and beautiful, it's just a name.

"Okay, you will know the specific situation later. Now here is the path to becoming a god that I opened for you. Pass through this door and you will be the Succubus God. Defeat her and use her to open your divine eye. Let's talk about it later, you should be able to do it, right?"

Fenmu is not worried that Rachel will not be able to beat her. The strength of the Succubus God is now one in ten. She is a baby with proper experience, and she is also a baby with advanced experience. Rachel, who has achieved the state of God of War by herself, can beat her It's easy.

But if she thinks that the Succubus God is an ancestor, it will be troublesome if she dares not do it, and there is no way for Fen Mu to go in and help kill the Succubus God.

Rachel's expression was gloomy. She originally thought that her ancestor gods protected her family members, but later discovered that the so-called ancestor gods of her family actually treated the family members' offspring as supplies and nutrients, and had long since lost respect. love.

"I can do it, but... I don't think I can beat her. I have already tried to challenge her, but I didn't expect that there would be such a big difference between the God of War realm and the true god."

Fen Mu didn't want to directly say that the Succubus God was completely crippled, so that Rachel might still doubt her god-level strength in the future.

"It's normal that you can't beat her. You should have seen those pink crystals, and you know the true colors of those crystals, right? Before you faced not only the Succubus God, but also the power of those subordinates, but now you are facing the The succubus god himself. Besides...I have to take this thing off for you too."

Fenmu put his hand on Rachel's lower abdomen, a faint purple slave pattern appeared, and then there was the shackles on her neck - this was given to her by Master Anna, that is, Anasta. The restraints she added were used to prevent her from being a second or fifth child.

Fenmu erased the two layers of restrictions, clapped his hands, and said:

"Okay, now that you're in full bloom, I won't go in and cheer you up. Don't waste too much time waiting for you outside. I still want to experience it with the body of a god-level succubus!"

"Okay, wait for me for a while." Rachel hooked his neck and pressed her lips on it, "A little... I want a little knowledge of Fem to prepare for the battle."

"Ugh... I thought you were thirsty and wanted to ask me how to quench my thirst!"

"I'm thirsty too, I want to prepare again, but it's not enough~"


Fen Mu came out of the Succubus Kingdom, and looked at the Succubus God and the pink divinity she produced with disgust. He didn't know if these divinities would bring any trouble to the world in the future.

He got up and casually created some bottles and cans of potions. Spray potions and stun potions were poured directly into Succubus God's mouth. Vibrating bouncing balls and jumping sticks were also arranged, trying to influence her to fight with Rachel. time status.

No way, it's just that despicable.

"You feed her so many weird things, be careful that she spits out here." Anasta ignored her and walked a few steps away, so as not to be affected by any bad scene.

I don't know how long I waited, but the divine aura of the Succubus God has dimmed a bit, and he has lost the realm of a true god!

Rachel appeared quickly, and she didn't have time to examine her divine transformation, so she quickly changed into a maid outfit and ran in front of Fenmu, grabbed his hand, and stretched it to her lower abdomen.

"Fenmu, the slave pattern that was removed just now, plant it back now, I will still be your slave maid in the future, forever!"

Chapter 126 Let me give you a mouthful of divinity

This also makes Fen Mu very inexplicable, finally gave you all kinds of "secret cuts" to the Succubus God, allowing you to win easily, but as soon as you came out, you just wanted to add the slave pattern back.

You can't be a little tougher, it's a god anyway!

"It's too ugly to expose it when you're all god-level." Fen Mu felt that there was no need to keep that thing.

Now that Rachel is a god, she doesn't want to betray, so the Nuwen is useless, if she really wants to betray, the Nuwen can't stop her for long.

It used to be that the succubus god can mentally control some weaker gods. On the one hand, it is restraint, and on the other hand, she must continue to exert force to control. If she distracts her mind a little, the gods controlled by her can slip away.

Seeing that Fenmu refused, Rachel was still embarrassed to tell the inside story:

"But when there are slave lines, every time Fenmu loves me and the slave lines react, I will be more..."

"...Originally, this slave pattern was used to limit the power of suspicious people and prevent counterattacks. Co-author, you used the slave pattern as a buff to increase the pleasure value."

Fenmu never thought that the slave pattern would have such a function. Before, Anasta just said that it was the function of "locking" to limit the power. It wasn't that Fenmu put the key in, and the lock couldn't be opened. Does it also have the effect of humidifying the inner core of the lock head and unlocking it?

Anastas next to her was even more troubled. The slave pattern itself was an aggression spell, branding the slaves and forcing loyalty. Why did Rachel use it as an auxiliary spell between lovers... ?

She reminded aloud: "Speaking of business, the Black Goat family is still waiting outside."

It was only then that Rachel realized that there was Anasta next to her. Although she hadn't felt the change after she became a god, she could immediately tell that she was the master of Stranger Kingdom. consistent.

The silver-haired succubus didn't dare to be too arrogant after becoming a god, and bowed to Anastha in greeting.

Finmu patted Rachel's fragrant shoulder and explained:

"You don't need to go out yet, just feel the changes in the rank of God here. The Succubus God is right next to you. Ask her if you don't understand. If she doesn't tell you, just whip her with a small leather whip."

Rachel was surprised, and then she noticed that in the "pasture" next to it, a row of pastures, there was a demigod or higher in every position, and there were even holy angels who were infinitely approaching the rank of gods, and the one who had just fallen. The succubus god of the altar.

Even in the current era, these people are all top fighters who can be followed and flocked by major forces outside, but now they are locked here like cows.

"...Fenmu, this is your new bad taste, so do I want to do the same?" Rachel praised her soft pectoralis major to Fenmu.

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