"These are prisoners, don't let them go, I'm saving the world now!"

To be honest, Rachel has lived for such a long time, even if it is a vulgar bard, the false heroic epic they fabricated is a hero defeating the devil.

There has never been a template. The heroes who save the world lock up the goddesses and use them as cows.

"The specifics are more complicated, I'll tell you later." It was troublesome for Fenmu to explain, so he didn't explain it at all.

Before going out, Fen Mu went to the side of the Succubus God, pulled out a jar that led out the divinity, and filled a small bottle of divinity, the divinity in the bottle was milky white, weaker than the divinity at the previous stage A little bit, but it’s not a problem, just refine it.

Succubus God's quantity is sufficient, and quantitative changes lead to qualitative changes.

"Your traffic is more than the combined traffic of those holy angels in a whole day. Yes, it's full of juice. It can be seen that your divinity is very deep. Keep up the good work! The queen over there should be a little bit stronger too, okay?" , are you waiting for me to capture your body as well?"

"Bastard! Naughty animal! Where's my husband!" The inferior Hera's eyes were red, she glared at Fenmu angrily, and bit her red lips angrily.

"Your husband? I'm going to stew that cow and eat it. I'll tell you when it's slaughtered and the divinity is taken away. Hurry up and call your husband's body over."

Fen Mu couldn't figure it out, the plot of Hera's abuse of her husband was so serious, she had seen her kicking her husband's vitals with high heels, but judging by her tone, it was as if she cared about her husband very much, so she couldn't see through it.


Leaving the Kingdom of God, this time Anasta did not come out with him, but started to help him transform the Kingdom of God.

It is very difficult for outsiders to interfere with the kingdom of God that is not one's own, but whoever is Anasta, Fenmu can give her all the control, as long as the ranch is left alone.

In the past, the construction of the ranch was just a whim, but now that so many people have been caught unknowingly, Fenmu has become a bit obsessed with collecting.

"Let's bring the righteous gods of the church in some other day to check in... No, didn't I want the blood of the ancient gods? What do I want the divinity of the succubus god for?"

Fenmu said to himself that the black goat family had already appeared in front of him.

Perhaps because she didn't like to maintain a human form, she turned into a black hairball again, which was quite curious, and there were pairs of bright and clear eyes vaguely visible between the needle-like black hair.

To say the least, there are more than twenty eyes.

Fen Mu just glanced at it, but he lost all energy, his whole body became sage, his eyes were clear and pure.

He began to communicate with the Black Goat family members, wondering what his purpose was and whether he had any goals.

If the intention of this ball of meat is to conquer the world or something, it's a pity that even if they still have a friendly relationship now, Fenmu can only ruthlessly imprison him in the pasture.

After some difficult communication, Fenmu figured out her intentions. This guy belonged to the dependents who were forgotten here when the mother god left.

The behavior has no meaning, I just want to find the mother god, I don't have much interest in this world, but in order to increase my strength, I must devour some things.

This is good news for Fenmu, at least he can be a good fighter.

"Then let's discuss one thing. I'll find some gods to eat for you in the future. Let's work together to solve it. Don't go outside, so as not to miss any gods that I brought in. What do you think?"

Routuanli's eyes blinked a few times, as if agreeing.

"Very well, then it's settled, but the outside world is a bit broken, I have to find a way to repair it now, otherwise I can't continue to attract gods, but the gods we slaughtered, how about [-]%? I'll give you a bite , and the rest will be left to me to restore the world, so that more gods can be attracted." The profiteer Fenmu shamelessly began to fool around.

And the black goat family didn't seem to care about that kind of thing, so they readily agreed.

It's been a long time since Fenmu communicated with people so easily, even if the other person couldn't even speak, he took out an empty bottle and asked mysteriously:

"Then there is one more thing. Do you mind giving me something to feed the children? Just squeeze a bottle! If you want a fair trade, I can also give you a mouthful of divinity, so you can absorb it very much!"

Chapter 127 A Breakthrough for the Righteous Gods?

Through further communication with the black goat family, Fenmu knew that there were other ancient guys in Depth 6, but most of these guys were sleeping and would not take the initiative to threaten them. Fenmu decided to ignore the guys on the lower layer for the time being.

I just can't manage it.

After stabilizing the family of the black goat, Fenmu left the deep dream, but did not return to Granville immediately, but came to the small island on the edge of the world.

There used to be an ancient god's palace here, and it was also the place where the Black Goat family grew up, but now it has become the habitat of the Dragon Witch.

"You seem to have a lot of new guests here?"

Fenmu walked up to the ancient dragon, stretched out his hand and stroked its sharp fangs, it was really a good material, the meteorite iron he used to forge the small broken knife turned out to be the faded teeth of the ancient dragon.

The Dragon Priestess occupied the palace, and she sat on the newly-made throne, which was piled with many broken weapons and weapons. These weapons must at least be transformed by the power of the god-level existence.

When Fenmu appeared in the palace, the sitting posture of the Dragon Maiden was similar to that of the "corpse" state at that time. The queen's domineering majesty was full, and there were several iron chains tied next to her throne. The other end of the iron chain was Gods captured by her.

These gods are now all broken hands and feet, their divinity has been eroded by the power of the ancient dragon, and they have lost the power to fight back. These gods who don't know where they came from are like bereaved dogs.

The Dragon Priestess also didn't have a good attitude towards Fenmu, but she still opened her oppressive dragon eyes from her squinted resting state:

"Why, do you want to join them too? I remember that you can accept many ways to play, do you also like to be like them?"

The corner of Fenmu's mouth twitched. He took over Verdanti's mantle, and he was almost bound to this world, and now this world is decomposed from the basic composition of the first era. The perception of this world is very profound, and now I can gradually ingest the memories belonging to this world directly.

Naturally, it includes various experiences of Fenmu.

"I don't want to go to them, I just want to be a kneeling dog for Anastas."

It may be very undignified to say that as a god, but the problem is that others may not even be able to touch their hands when they are licking dogs, but Anasta will really lick him!

It's like Femmer is a sheep, and Anastha is the one who will give him grass (referring to the breeder, providing forage).

The Dragon Priestess snorted coldly, noncommittal.Among the memories ingested from the source of the world, Fenmu really provided a lot of love action memories, to the point of being insane.

The Dragon Witch has watched too much, and she is curious about how this kind of breeding behavior like domestic animals can be linked to fun, and the breeding is all about finding the right cave to enter. Fenmu seems to often take an unusual path.

"What are you looking for? Get out if you have nothing to do, or you can ask Anasta to come over and beat me up. These gods don't need to be beaten. Their arrogance can't match their strength, and their self-confidence is higher than their vision. It's meaningless."

Fenmu took a look at the slaves she captured, and one of them was a fallen angel, and she didn't know where she caught it.

"I want to borrow you to refine a weapon. Can you give me that black-winged bird man later? I'll take it back to milk the god's milk. I made a mistake, divinity."

"I'll reward you with a slave once you make me happy. Let's see how good you are at pleasing me."

"Okay, I'll find a place to stretch the iron first."


Fenmu created a forging table casually in the open place outside, and put the last two samples of materials he had collected so hard on the workbench.

The blood of the ancient god, and the milk of the black goat.

The ancient dragon looked at the small broken knife that Fenmu took out, and recognized that it was his teeth, which made him a little annoyed.

[Idiot, you have already mastered creation, why do you still use such a boring and uninteresting way to forge. 】

This really makes sense. Even if Fen Mu put aside his creative ability and directly controlled the time, putting the time when the refining started in the past, he would be able to directly obtain the finished product now.

There are many methods, but he used the stupidest one.

"It's an idiot's way of opening and closing your mouth. Believe it or not, I'll pull out your teeth." After threatening, Fen Mu shook the small bottle in his hand, and explained: "It feels different. Don't worry about it."

Fenmu actually didn't understand a little bit, now that the little broken knife is refined, is it still useful?

Although it can improve Sidney's combat power and allow her to greet the enemy's gods by herself in the future, it is a very cool thing for Fenmu, but the necessity is not that high.

Most of the gods who come to do evil and plunder are actually not as powerful as imagined. Most of the Finmu can solve it by themselves, or bring the black goat family, Rachel, and other gods together to fight righteously.

It may be the fulfillment of a long-cherished wish for many years.

Unknowingly, Fenmu finished refining the little broken knife. How excited she was when she witnessed her growth before, and how calm she is now.

This can be said to be the strongest god-level weapon in the world. It has been refined with so many top-level local materials. It can be said that it is equivalent to the minions extended from this world.

Under the home field advantage, only in terms of weapon strength is invincible.

It's a pity that the weapon body of the small broken knife may be used as an eye-catching weapon in the future, but it is a comfort that Sidney can stay with him.

"Dragon Priestess, I have something to discuss with you. In the future, I will release various gimmicks to attract the gods from the outside world, and maybe even bring in their bodies. I may need your help then? Otherwise, I can control it. , it would be bad if the peace of the world is disrupted."

The island is surrounded by the voice of the Dragon Priestess, and the stereo sound effect is very strong.

[It depends on what enemies you can bring. If it is more interesting, I don't mind, at least I don't care about the existence of this world. 】

"It's enough for you to say that. By the way, let's see if these few knives can replace some prisoners in your hands?"

Fen Mukong swung his knife a few times, it was nothing special, there was no movement around, he silently put away the knife, and went back into the palace.

The ancient dragon dormant next to him suddenly felt a sense of crisis, and let out a terrifying dragon roar in horror. The sound spread all over the world, and enemies as far away as Granville could hear this terrifying dragon roar.

"I'm calling you a horse, shut up! I didn't wave a knife at you, why are you so affectionate!" Fen Mu scolded Gu Long and entered the palace.

As soon as she entered the door, the Dragon Priestess grabbed and crushed a gray blade light, the blade light from the "past".

But she blocked it for a while, and the other few hits fell on her without even sensing it. Fortunately, Fen Mu didn't cause trouble sincerely, but just peeled off her dragon armor, revealing a strong, fit, sexy and attractive body "Dragon Body".

"Oh? Where did you hide the knife this time? Why can't I catch it?"

The Dragon Maiden didn't mind the "explosive clothing" of the dragon armor. She got up and walked to Fenmu. Because she was too plump, her waist and hips twisted gracefully with her alternate legs, and she handed over the "reward" to In the hands of Fenmu.

Fenmu took the reward, thinking about going back just to help the righteous gods of the church break through, but for the Dragon Witch, he said mysteriously:

"Then you think about it slowly, if you can't figure it out, how about I come over to demonstrate again next time? Remember to prepare rewards."

Chapter 128

In this current era, there will be more or less guys who are stuck at the peak of God of War waiting for a chance to become a god, but there are very few who can achieve it, and because many old antiques have returned, newcomers who have not yet comprehended the realm of gods will naturally There is no chance to compete with the old man.

But the current situation, in fact, is almost the same. If you want to be promoted to the god rank, then you only have to grab the place from other true gods.

Killing the gods, and then seizing the opportunity, this is the only way, but the god of war only has the ability to run in front of the true god, so killing the gods is not easy.

However, Fenmu has such a few places in his hand, but he can't kill them immediately, lest the released opportunity to become a god will be taken up by some guy who doesn't know.

A magnificent church was newly built in the central diocese of the church city, and only a few nuns could be active here. This kind of concealment was naturally used to hide the righteous gods, and several righteous gods who returned lived here.

The goddess of the starry sky, Mi Erxi, took a bath with several other friends. Of course, the girls who were closer to Fenmu were not excluded, and were also invited to rest here, so as not to trouble finding someone.

The main reason is that he is afraid of trouble with Fenmu, as long as Taivia and the others are placed here, Fenmu will definitely come to find them, so there is no need to worry about not being able to contact him.

"Aren't these gods endless? Why are they even more chaotic than we were at that time?"

Mi Erxi complained, she took a ladle of water and poured it on her body, the water droplets splashed on the top of the snow peak and jade, and were bounced off by the trembling body.

Evewell is sitting by the pool, her beautiful back is beautiful, and the muscle lines on both sides of the spine are in the perfect harmony between angular and soft, highlighting the charm of wild bodybuilding. Although the muscles are strong, the slender waist is not as good as her companions Big difference.

"Maybe these gods are more excited to see their opponents across the ages."

There are also various fierce beasts that only appeared in legends in the ranks of gods, and those warlike gods are basically having a lot of fun.If Fenmu can meet a dozen women who want to have sex with him when he buys a snack on the street in Church City, then these gods can now meet more than a dozen opponents who can fight at random.

"Then there's no need to call at our door?" Mierxi sighed.

"Actually, I also want to go out and fight, but I can't fight now." Evewell looked at Mi Erxi frankly, with a bit of grievance in his eyes.

The ethos of the trial parish is also related to the character of the righteous god. It is pure nonsense to say that Evewell has no belligerent character at all!

"Hey! I'm aggrieved. It's better not to come back. I have traveled well in the star sea, and it's worse than going to jail when I come back." Mierxi was quite unhappy with the strength she could display now.

In fact, the process of re-cultivation is not unacceptable, and the weak body can be regarded as a long-lost experience.What they can't accept is that the road is broken, and there is no room for improvement no matter how much they practice.

Just when they were having a comfortable bath, Fen Mu kicked open the bathroom door, and half of the door flew directly.

Fortunately, the Goddess of Nature responded in time, and drove the vines to grab the door in midair and put it back.

"Come, come, sign up, I have three places in my hand to become a god, anyone come?"

Fenmu shook the chain in his hand, and the captured true gods were also entangled in sight and hearing by vines, their senses were blocked by the goddess of nature, and their perception was blocked by the goddess of the starry sky.

"Hey, we were almost all seen, why did you bring outsiders in!" Mierxi said angrily.

"Their eyes were eaten by Gu Long as snacks, and this is an outsider, this is the partner who provided the quota for becoming a god!" Fenmu didn't want to waste time explaining, and repeated again: "Who wants the quota for becoming a god? "

It was only then that Mi Erxi came back to her senses from the situation of "nearly disappearing", and found that what Fenmu brought in were a few real gods!

Although it does not belong to the particularly strong group, it is also genuine!Judging from what Fenmu meant, this was specially brought back for them, and then whoever needs to become a god will be slaughtered on the spot, and the quota for Jinshen will be provided as soon as possible?

Others still couldn't figure out the situation, but Evewell, who had long been suffocated and wanted to go out to fight together, immediately stood up from the water and signed up.

"I want it, Fenmu give it to me!"

Because her movements were too violent, the bath towel hanging on her chest fell off, and Mi Erxi hurriedly stretched out her hand to help Evewell cover it, so as not to lose her nakedness.

"Evewell, calm down a little bit, don't get so excited when you think of fighting, you peanut... stand up, are you ashamed?"

Fenmu likes the action style of Evewell, without giving any time to prepare, he directly raised his hand to erase the divine existence of a captive, expelled him from this world, and told him to come back next time.

The Goddess of Judgment didn't even change her clothes, and immediately entered the ceremony of ascension to the gods and began to attack the ranks of gods, lest this opportunity be taken away by someone in any corner.

At the same time, many people who were stuck at the peak of the God of War sensed the opportunity to hit the god rank, but unfortunately this opportunity passed by in a flash, and they could only bow their heads and sigh that they missed the opportunity.

With the Goddess of Judgment as an example, the more belligerent ones among the righteous gods signed up one after another, and entered the ceremony of ascension to the gods one after another.

Mi Erxi was not in a hurry, but she still didn't come to her senses.

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