The second time she felt the difference between gods and gods is so big, the first time was when she faced the goddess Stranger, and now, she felt that even if she came here, she was not as capable as Fenmu.

Not long after he came back, he brought surprises everywhere, and now he directly brought other true gods over like chickens, and gave them sacrifices to hit the rank of gods.

Even Goddesses of Judgment and War, the most militant of the righteous gods, do not have the ability to capture so many true gods alive in one go, even in their heyday.

Fenmu used all the hostages in his hand, exchanged a few words with Mierxi, said hello to some righteous gods who had never met before, and went into the bath to play with his own girl.

"Tayvia, Casalia, you should be able to do it, why didn't you be more enthusiastic just now?"

Casalia looked at Fenmu's belly with the heart of a villain, and said contemptuously:

"I know what your plan is. You must want to see us vying to sign up together, and then suddenly say, 'I'm sorry for the righteous ladies, Casalia has played various games with me, and this opportunity must be given to her', Afterwards, you can imply that the righteous gods will trade with you shamelessly!"

Fen Mu suddenly felt that he was at a loss. He just thought about clearing those prisoners, and didn't think too much about it.He shook his eyebrows at the Star Goddess:

"Mi Erxi, do you want to make an appointment for the second batch of Jinshen places? I have an internal channel here, do you want to know more about it?"

"Get lost!" Mierxi turned her head away and rolled her eyes angrily.

Fenmu didn't care, it was just a joke, he asked Taivia again: "Why are you so passive? This opportunity must not be missed!"

"Because of the promotion ceremony, I might not be able to see Fenmu again. I don't want that."

After all, the nun disregarded the existence of the righteous gods next to her, walked up to Fen Mu and knelt down, Qiong's nose was not even in the water, and she let the water flow in and out of her mouth, looking up at him with a pair of beautiful eyes.

Chapter 129 Nyotengu

After sending those righteous gods to the god promotion ceremony, Fenmu was not idle. He tried to hunt in the surrounding area, but the difficulty was not ordinary. The existence of those gods, let alone whether they could be easily defeated, he It's really hard to stay when they want to run away.

The ability of these guys to escape far exceeds their own fighting power. Fenmu has nothing to do with them. After a lot of hard work, they still get nothing in the end. This is the most annoying thing.

When depressed, Fenmu heard the call from the samurai senior sister, and could feel the urgency and haste of the other party.

[Fenmu, come over here when you are free, there is a fight between us!hurry up! 】

"You don't mean to say you're being chased, do you?"

Doubt is doubt, Fen Mu immediately appeared next to Santu Chuan Lin, and even felt a tremor.

Fenmu looked back, and didn't know where the three-way Chuanlin provoked so many strange tricks. A huge pale python like a mountain was swimming among the mountains and valleys. For him, the bottomless abyss It might just be a small canal, too.

This big guy was chasing after Santu Chuanlin at the moment, his bloody mouth opened wide, and half of the sky was covered.

Santu Chuanlin looked at Fenmu in amazement, before he could say anything, he pulled him and ran away, kicked off the rock wall with the explosive power of his legs, and rushed out, but he was able to distance himself from the giant python behind him .

After running for a few steps, Fen Mu felt that she was too slow, so he bent down and hugged her princess, because the hug was too hasty, her wooden clogs flew off the cliff, and her jade feet were only covered by plain white foot bags.

Fen Mu dodged a few times and then teleported to the head of the giant python. The so-called dark under the lamp, the giant python lost its target, searched for a while helplessly and furiously in the same place, and rested on the top of the mountain.

"I remember when we first met, it seemed to be the same situation. At that time, the ghosts were walking at night, and you provoked a bunch of pranksters to drag me to escape." Fen Mu shook his head amusedly, thinking of the funny things in the past.

Santu Chuanlin jumped out of Fenmu's arms embarrassingly, he was used to being carefree, and suddenly he was hugged like a little girl and princess for a while, and he was a little embarrassed.

But she lost one of the clogs on her feet, and she didn't know the creative skills of Fenmu, so she simply didn't want them, took off the remaining clogs and a pair of foot bags, and threw them into the abyss, naked and small. Meizu stood on top of the python's head.

"I was very conscientious when I was willing to drag you away. If you met that guy An Tang first, she would throw a substitute technique, smoke bombs or something, and leave you behind, and no one would care about you!"

"Don't think I have a bad memory. I remember it very clearly. You ran away at the time. Seeing how powerful and capable I was, you turned around and ran back to share the spoils."

The female warrior in red wanted to quibble, but she couldn't remember what happened at that time. After a long period of retreat, she was a little dizzy. She opened and closed her mouth, unable to think of a rebuttal, and finally "cut".

Seeing her current state as a little woman, Fen Mu felt a little uncomfortable, why is she like a bitch, how hearty she was back then!

Sitting on the top of this towering python and looking at the scenery is very interesting. You can have a panoramic view of the mountains, rivers and plains, and you feel like the world is in my hands.

"Speaking of which, how did you provoke such a big snake?"

"I'm going to kill the gods, but it's still a little bit boring on my own, so I called my teammate over, and I'm going to let the good brother under my feet do it first, and I'll be in charge of finishing it."

To put it bluntly, just pull the wild monsters to fight the gods, and then wait for a sneak attack without talking about martial arts to kill the gods.

Fen Mu didn't mean to laugh at it, at least he was trying various methods to kill the gods, and he was dealing with this problem head-on.

"Where did Senior Ninja go?"

"Why did you ask her as soon as you came, and only a few words!"

The female warrior sat down beside Fen Mu and threw him a wine bag.Fenmu took a look, and found that this thing is still an old wine, at least two eras!I don't know which god's house she went to and searched for.

"Why are you still angry after a polite greeting? I'm thinking about Senior Sister Ninja and her mother?"

The female samurai's thick black hair was tied up like a dark cloud, and it was no longer restrained and unassuming as before. If it was tied more dignified and delicate, it would be almost like a married young woman from a good family.

When she heard Fen Mu's words, her face was inexplicably weird, and she said complicatedly:

"I miss her mother, there is really nothing I can do. Mrs. Antang is a little... hungry and thirsty. She came to me before and asked if I could get some toys for her. Her heart is itching and her body is itching. I want to relieve it." Relieving fatigue, missing...the tireless is great, she couldn't bear it anymore and went to retreat to control distracting thoughts."

Fen Mu was silent. Back then, she felt that Mrs. An Tang was a bit like a wolf and a tiger. Fortunately, her blood bar was more sensitive, and she entered a dehydration and fainted state after a slight attack.It's really difficult for Anasta's kind. She said that she only looks for him once in a few years, but the problem will squeeze him for a few years.

"That's quite powerful. Others are retreating for the sake of breaking through, and she is retreating for the sake of abstinence... let's not talk about them, senior sister, have you found any good stuff for me? You here There should be quite a lot of goddesses, right?"

"The legendary great gods did not appear, but some warlike local gods appeared, but new gods also appeared."

When it comes to "New God", Santu Chuanlin's face shows a hint of unwillingness, because she has not been able to break through to the realm of the true god.

And this "new god", she and An Tang Zhenli both knew each other, and she could still disgust her before, but now she can only run when she sees her, and she runs quite embarrassingly.

Fen Mu felt inconceivable, where did the condition come from? Xin Shen said: "The other party is killing God?"

"It's just a stitch monster!" But for the statement of killing the gods, Santu Chuanlin still nodded in affirmation:

"The other party was originally a female tengu who ran out of an unknown mountain lump dream, and the physical combat is really top-notch. Zhenli and I really can't beat her without weapons.

Later, when she came out of the mountain, Zhenli and I happened to be retreating. At that time, the legendary heroes of the past reappeared in the world. Nyotengu went to pick them all one by one. They broke through to the God of War one step ahead of us. After that, I don’t know where to join forces. I picked up a monster sword that was close to the god level, pieced together an incomplete godhead, and then pieced it together everywhere, trying to piece together the real god realm, but I don't know if it is complete or not, anyway, I can't beat it now. "

Fen Mu thought that this luck was really not very good, a bunch of experience babies comparable to strategic resources came out, and the two senior sisters ran to retreat, and gave the female tengu a lot of fat, now she is behind in development and can't beat others. It's normal.

"I don't pay attention to what you said, how about her butt?" Fen Mu looked at Santu Chuan Lin seriously.

"I can't see it, but it's quite round. If I have to judge it, I think her thighs are more powerful, and they have a lot of strength!"

Fenmu immediately patted his butt and stood up, looking at the clouds in the sky with pure eyes:

"Lead the way! I happen to have another seat in the Divine Kingdom Seat, and I'll take you there for a while!"

Chapter 130: Should You Counsel Or Have To Counsel?

But before catching it, Fenmu will also abide by a certain bottom line.

The gods he wants to engage with must be hostile to him and harmful to the world. For example, the existence of the black goat family. If you stay in the deep dream and don't affect the current situation, then interact friendly. Ask her to get some divinity They will say "please" and "you" politely, but if you change someone else, you will come directly.

Dealing with too many gods is also a burden for Yu Fenmu himself, and judging from Santu Chuanlin's description, this Nyotengu is probably the heir of an old god, combined with some local demon sword and demon martial arts, it is a fight A single God is not considered a "pest."

"Samurai senior sister, is this female tengu you are talking about crazy? Will she take the initiative to jump out and be a villain to fight me?"

At this time, Santu Chuanlin and Fenmu are already on their way to kick the hall, and the distance is not far away.

If you climb up the peak and look out, you can already see Tiangou Mountain shrouded in heavy clouds.

The female warrior in red turned her head in surprise, looked at Fen Mu as if she was looking at a stranger, and after looking around him, she questioned:

"Fen Mu, why did the ceremony of ascension to the gods make you hypocritical, you were not like this before!"

"Ah?" Fen Mu was stunned for a moment, not wanting to understand what he said just now, what's wrong with me?

"Didn't you always look at people based on whether their ass looks good or not? You don't care about the principles, style, and whether they are bad or not!"

"Although it's true, I'm not as bad as you say, okay, you're exaggerating!"

"Where's the exaggeration? Before you saw a god with plump buttocks, you told her that the black ones were white. Then go up and have a good meal first, and then talk about other things."

Fenmu had nothing to say, so he could only scratch his head, and said something like "It's getting late, let's hurry up" to cover up the embarrassment, but he didn't forget to give himself a sincere excuse:

"Hey, maybe this is growth. At the moment of Daju, some Xiaoju can only give up. No matter how good a butt is, if her existence affects the safety of my territory, then I can only take care of Daju."

Santu Chuanlin glanced contemptuously, then sighed falsely:

"At the beginning, I was afraid that it would affect your judgment. It seems that I was too worried. Judging from the inspection of Zhenli and I, that female tengu's ass is still very good. Since you are mature now, then we will Let's go over there and slaughter, wait a minute, don't act like you have two legs moving, and it's a shame to have one leg left standing in place!"


Fen Mu's eyes lit up, and he cleared his throat twice: "Ahem, this is something I have to go and see. It's rare for a hidden local god to pop up. Let's take a look first."


The mountains around Tiangou Mountain are quite unique. You can see missing teeth and horns everywhere, and the potholes are basically the traces left by the battle. Only this Tiangou Mountain retains its original appearance.

Here is the spring when the flowers are in full bloom, but this mountain is like late autumn, with the red maple falling and rustling.

There are many strange statues on the side of the stone steps, some are kobolds with long nose masks, some are kobolds with wings, along the steps of the mountain road, you can see several fighting statues, men and women in the statues The difficult action of combining Yin and Yang is going on.

Just seeing these, Fen Mu was confused, not quite sure what kind of god this is.

Fenmu didn't have the patience to slowly climb the stairs to admire those strange statues, and directly dragged Santu Chuanlin to the top of the mountain.

The structure of Tiangou Mountain is still quite magical. I thought the top of the mountain was over, but it turns out that there is a wide flat land above the top of the mountain, a dream, or the Kingdom of God is connected to the mountain.

A turbid and gloomy river ran across the two of them, and the surrounding maple leaves turned into faint red candles, black and red manjusawa, and occasionally a few pale paper boats floated on the river.

"Santu River? It's quite similar to the one next to my village. I heard that in ancient times, a section of the Santu River was cut off. Could it be this section?"

It was the first time for Santu Chuanlin to enter here. Previously, climbing to the top was a real summit, and then dueling on a rock platform, he had never entered this kingdom of God.

It seems that it is under the influence of Fenmu.

Seeing Fen Mu walking directly across the river, the female warrior stopped him and reminded:

"Be careful, don't rely on the god body to ignore everything, this is the Styx River, which is equivalent to the god rank in the river!"

You may not believe it, but I took a bath in the River Styx over the Forest of Everything, and fought wildly by the river for several years.

"Don't be nervous, I think the river is too slow to wash my feet."

Fen Mu waved his hand towards the river, and the Santu River went back against the current, leaving a flat passageway.

"Let's go."

It was the first time for Santu Chuanlin to see Fenmu showing his god-level skills, and he had a wonderful idea:

"Hey, your ability seems to be reverse flow, right? Can you reverse flow back when someone else has diarrhea, and will it explode him?"

"Cough, cough, cough!"

Fen Mu was staggering on the ground at that time, he just imagined it, and felt his eyes were hot.

This idea is too vicious.

"Be normal, abilities are not used in such strange places."

There is a pavilion in front of it, without too many obstacles, Fenmu entered it, and met the nvtengu who Santukawa Rin had been talking about for a long time quite smoothly.

The appearance marks, the eyes and the corners of the mouth have a hint of slyness, and the hairstyle is a dignified Ji-style hair. If you only look at this pretty face, you may think it is a boudoir lady somewhere, but the kimono on her body is very hot and bold. The collar slipped on the On the arms, the northern hemisphere is white, and under the waist, two firm and tight thighs are exposed. The skin on the legs is shiny and shiny.

She was sitting obliquely at the small tatami table, skillfully making tea for Fenmu, but intentionally missed the cup for Santu Chuanlin.

The moment Fen Mu saw her, he knew that he had made a good judgment. This is indeed a spelled out local god. If he had a better attitude, he wouldn't have to invite her to be a cow in the Kingdom of God.

It's just that this suture monster is more powerful than he imagined, with several demon weapons in his body, the light of a Ksitigarbha floating behind the black wings, and the other shore flower tied around his waist exudes the spirit of the Lord of the Underworld. Sexual breath, and Nyotengu itself is an existence at the level of God of War.


If you take it back to squeeze the divine nature, maybe it will still be mixed milk, with one taste for each side.

The samurai senior sister has become the villain who speaks harshly:

"Isn't it crazy in the past? Why are you so honest and polite today, and still make tea?"

Nyotengu despised her with disdainful eyes, put the teapot in front of her and asked her to help herself, then made a gesture at Fenmu, flaunting her thighs and winking:

"I don't know what to call the new 'Calamity'. Why did he come from such a long distance without notifying me in advance? Wouldn't it be wonderful for us to meet in private?"

Chapter 131 Try Again

Fenmu was quite surprised that this female tengu was called "disaster".

It's been a long time since the flower of calamity. Before Anastas, she didn't know the details.

"You know a lot, where's the news?"

"In the divinity that constitutes my power, there is a guy who can absorb the memory of the earth. You appear in the earth, it is really so powerful~"

Nyotengu's sweet tongue rolled, and the flexible tip of the tongue wiped the two lips, looking at Fenmu with blurred eyes.

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