Fenmu was unmoved, just thinking that he had lost all his privacy. Previously, the Dragon Priestess could directly absorb the memory of the world, but now the divinity of Nyotengu can also get a little memory from the land.

It would be fine if this memory left the heroic figure of him angrily beheading the foreign gods, but it feels like all the scenes are more unbearable and cheap, although Fen Mu himself doesn't think he will have any heroic scenes.

The samurai senior sister was watching from the side, and Fen Mu couldn't get ready to defect, so he grabbed Nyotengu's calf and moved it aside.

"Spiritual charm is useless to me. Don't try hard to seduce me. If you want to sell it, use your body as the capital to talk to me. I suggest you just inspect the goods for me to see if it's a white tiger or a butterfly, or a steamed bun. God, maybe there are still some opportunities."

"It's really straightforward~ If the small-bellied female warrior next to you doesn't mind, I can do it anytime."

Fen Mu shook his head and looked at Mizukawa Rin:

"How do you say it? Didn't you say you were going to vent your anger, did you come by yourself or me?"

Nyotengu's face froze, she turned back on one foot, her explosively sensual thighs turned into a ponytail, revealing the white wrapping cloth, her limbs stretched flexibly and softly, lest Fenmu make trouble, she would have no room to react .

According to Fenmu's words, Santu Chuanlin is useless, her realm has fallen, she can't beat herself, if Fenmu goes up, then she is courting death.

"What are you doing hiding so far, deliberately showing me how soft your limbs are?"

Fen Mu patted the position next to her, Nyotengu's body lost control, or her existence fell into a strange state. After a brief absence, she found that she was sitting back in the position just now, and she was not ready to use her strength yet. retreat.

Does this reverse my movements?Then this is a fart!Once there is an attack, he will immediately restore it back, and any ultimate moves are useless.

Faced with this absolute oppressive force, a drop of cold sweat dripped from Nyotengu's forehead, and beads of sweat dripped down his chin to the peaks and valleys.

The different divinities in the soul are meeting to find a solution.

These existences have long realized that the feasibility of Jinshen is zero, and they can only be combined in this way so that they will not be wiped out by the returning gods of pleasure and indulgence in the future.

Living is the first priority.

[Yaodao: I suggest that Nvtengu hurry up and sell ass, don't implicate us. 】

[Bianhua: That's the reason. The previous 'disaster' is invisible, but the new 'disaster' has more ideas of interfering with the current situation than the previous one. 】

[Bodhisattva relic: Nvtengu can give in the flesh to find the protection of 'disaster'. 】

[Big Snake Bone Sword: Why don't you let Nyotengu ask clearly about the purpose of coming, and then sell it in a targeted manner? 】

Fenmu could also hear the divine voice in Nyotengu's soul, and felt inexplicably familiar. That's how the masters Anasta created back then chatted and held meetings in his head.

"Nyotengu, is this your name?"

"Yes, the strongest member of the clan can directly use the clan name as his own name, but now I am the only one left in the Tengu group, and I am the strongest anyway."

That's quite convenient, a name for generations to use.Fen Mu nodded, and stretched out his hand to pat Samurai Senior Sister's upturned peach:

"You have the final say, I brought you here to vent your anger."

Santu Chuanlin wanted to rely on himself to kick the restaurant to regain face, but now he can't beat it, and the divine realm has not grasped the opportunity.I'm not too embarrassed to let Fenmu go.

"I think it's better to forget it for the time being. I'll come to find a place after I reach the god level. Then come back with Zhenli."

Nyotengu was overjoyed when she heard the female warrior say "forget it", but before she was over, she heard Fenmu say:

"But it can't be in vain."

"Don't keep implying me, I know, you just can't hold back, just spank her ass and just say, what are you doing so hypocritical!" Santu Chuanlin also came back to his senses, just now he felt that Fenmu had been Give her a hint of what to do.

Others want to borrow a knife to kill someone, but Fenmu wants to take this opportunity to touch his ass!

Fenmu cleared her throat and signaled her to keep a low profile. If she was too rampant, it would be embarrassing to be recorded in the memory of the earth later.

But this voice is clear and clear, Fenmu thinks it's not right, my territory is still afraid of being ashamed, others dare to say that he is not?

Now there are only a few beings capable of ingesting the memory of the world, they are all dragged into the water, and the pictures of them rolling their eyes are recorded in the memory of the world!

Fenmu patted his thigh, making Nyotengu come over consciously:

"I won't say too much. My senior sister has been making troubles all the time. I have to vent her anger. If she doesn't let her heart down, then I'll do it for you and fix it myself."

Nyotengu pulled away the kimono, revealing her lustrous and plump thighs. It looks a bit thick, but it is just right when you look closely. The shape of this peach is plump and compact, and it has a sense of power and impact. It is difficult for anyone who is not good at martial arts to fight. There is such a sense of beauty.

The similar peaches I saw last time were from Andang Zhenli.

Nyotengu lay on her stomach, like a girl waiting for corporal punishment.

After a few crisp and pleasant slaps, Fenmu stopped, but still kept her in the punishing posture:

"Andang Mari can use the muscles here to cut bamboo, can you?"

"Of course it's no problem, even if I put a marble in it, I can crush it." Nyotengu said in her heart, can she still be weaker than that rookie ninja?

As a test, Fenmu created a wooden stick with a unique shape, and Santu Chuanlin next to him recognized his shape at a glance.

"Try it."

After Fen Mu finished speaking, he put the wooden stick in a good position with a little force, Nyotengu suddenly tightened his muscles, and the wooden stick shattered with a "click".

This is not relying on divinity, this is pure muscle strength, not even the use of second-class psionic assistance.

This competition is comparable to Antang Zhenli, she also easily smashed a bamboo.

Fenmu put Nyotengu off his lap, changed position to support Nyotengu's waist, the abdominal muscles hidden under the jade fat felt great.

Suddenly, Nyotengu trembled, her pupils narrowed, she bit her sleeve, and heard Fen Mu ordering from behind.

"Try again."

"This time... no, what material is this, and why is it so strong?"

Chapter 132

Compared with Fenmu, the true god that was spelled out, the gap is clear at a glance, and the endurance is too poor.

Fenmu took Shiting to charge up several waves of heavy blows, and then released Shiting, all the attacks that Nyotengu received burst out at once, and she immediately rolled her eyes and fell unconscious.

But in the eyes of the samurai senior sister next to him, all this ended in just a blink of an eye.

She was polite yet caring about Fen Mu's mood, and asked tactfully:

"Fenmu, aren't you a real god? Why do you feel that you cherish time more and more. In the past, you used to count the years, but now you actually cherish the time to count the seconds."

This is quite a high EQ, and he turned the corner to ask Fen Mu why he disappeared in three seconds.

Fen Mu doesn't care about this kind of gaze, at worst, what's it like to make the other party often for three seconds.

"After all, time is precious. I can't control time freely. I can definitely cherish every second."

Mitsukawa Rin doesn't quite believe that the stitch girl Tengu is gone so easily. Could it be that she is pretending to be weak?She walked over to carefully observe the state of Nyotengu.

This God of Fighting Singles, at this time, is like an ordinary girl with exhausted strength lying on the tatami mat, her coquettish and exposed kimono is torn in many places, her eyes are absent-minded, her tongue hangs out weakly, her lips are still wide open like muscle memory The mouth is not enough to open the mouth so wide.

There are red palm prints left on her buttocks, which must have been severely beaten by Fenmu. On her face, hair, and legs, there are divine purifications that Fenmu generously bestowed on her.

Rin Santuchuan was brought back to the memory of that year, and there was a faint phantom pain in the rear hip:

"Tsk tsk tsk, this has been tempered too hard, can't they get together?"

Fen Mu said beside him: "What are you looking at, you and Senior Sister Ninja were like this at the beginning."

"Don't talk nonsense, how can it be so miserable!" Mizukawa Rin firmly denied, and she couldn't lose face outside, "I just had a sore throat at the time, and Zhenli was so painful that she couldn't move her legs even in ninja taijutsu."

"Then why don't you make it up? Anyway, it's only three seconds." Fen Mu generously regarded himself as the second boy.

"Go, go, find Zhenli to harm me, don't mess with me, it made my throat feel swollen last time." The red-clothed female warrior hurriedly stepped away, "Then what should I do with this female tengu now?"

"Whatever, this one looks pretty honest, and I'll just ask her to help out when I get a chance in the future."

Fen Mu walked up to Nyotengu, poured some god level recovery potion into her mouth, patted her round and round place, and said:

"This time I'm here as a guest, next time Zhenli wants to vent her anger on you, I'll come over again, don't run around~"

Following the samurai sisters leaving Nyotengu's kingdom of God, the surrounding scene changed in a trance, and Fenmu and Santu Chuanlin were on the top of Tengu Mountain.

There is only a fighting platform around, and the bright red maple trees, the wind blows, but the red leaves on the ground do not move.

Fenmu stood on the edge of the cliff, looking at the mountains, rivers and land under the clouds, feeling happy.

"Sister Samurai, for the time being, it is difficult for you to have a chance to break through if you stay here. How about going to the church city with me later? Which god will be killed someday, and it will be convenient to call you together to break through."

"Then what are you going to do with these gods over here? Last time at the Kingdom of God gathering, you planned to kill all the outer gods. Our place is small and the gods are densely packed, which is very convenient."

"It's up to you and Zhenli to deal with it when the time comes, so let's take it as leaving some fun for you."

Leader Santu Chuan looked sideways at Fenmu, and the cold wind on the top of the mountain blew her hair at the temples. From the bottom of her heart, she felt that what Fenmu was thinking about now was at a different level from theirs.

Treating these gods as toys for fun, you really have a lot of confidence!

However, compared to before, he hasn't changed much. Apart from cherishing his face and being a little more "hypocritical" blunt, his good-looking buttocks' temperament has not changed at all. Just now Nvtengu was "finding another way" to his heart's content.

"This is really crazy. I prefer to eat and wait to die. Leave it to Zhenli. She has ADHD and loves to run and jump."

"It's up to you, then just play around with Mrs. An Tang. After I deal with these parasites, you can play wherever you want in the future. You can even imagine where to play now."

Fenmu grabbed Santu Chuanlin's hand, she shrank her hand, walked to the other side of Fenmu, and held him with the other hand.

Because the hand that Fenmu grasped at the beginning was Santu Chuanlin's usual hand for holding a knife, and it had calluses. Although she could get rid of these calluses, the feeling of holding a knife would change.

"Hold this hand, that hand is too rough and uncomfortable to touch." Santu Chuanlin was embarrassed and wanted to try his best to maintain a good image in front of his junior.

"Cocoon, one day you plan to eat and die, get rid of the cocoon, it's very easy for you to repair the body of the god of war. Otherwise, what should I do if I break my skin in the future?"

"Who is going to help you!" Santu Chuanlin paused, and then said, "I can't use this hand? Do you think my left hand is unworthy?"

"No, but I just want to experience what it feels like to hold a knife with you."

Santuchuan Rin didn't notice that the scene around him had changed as he talked about indecent topics, and there was Taimaninliao in front of him!

"Your ability is too lazy. When you wake up in the future, won't you be able to teleport to the dinner table to eat? Can I learn it?"

"I can teach you how to teleport to my stick and sit down in an instant."

"Hey! Then I won't study."

Now the population of Dui Mo Ren Liao is declining, and there are not many people guarding the mountain gate, but there is no way. Abducted to the church city to cool off, it is inevitable that personnel will leave.

Antang Zhenli sensed Fenmu's approach early on, and waited near the mountain gate ahead of time, dragging her mother along.

Although we met each other at the last Divine Kingdom gathering, the feeling of "meeting offline" is still different.

The flat tone is just to maintain the image of aloofness, but the joy in his heart remains unchanged.

"Fenmu, you should have met Santuchuan a long time ago, why is she walking so naturally up to now, you didn't take her to review the feeling of 'gut drive'?" Ninja Senior Sister came up to provoke trouble.

"Hey! I think it's because you miss the wind, flowers, snow and moon, and your love for children! Don't pour dirty water on me!" Santu Chuanlin had seen the miserable situation of Nyotengu, and he was ashamed to the limit.

Even if it's hard to escape Fenmu's "stab in the back" in private, at least Santukawa Rin still wants to lose face in front of Antang Zhenli, a provocative little bitch!

Mrs. An Tang has been waiting to death for a long time. Now that she finally meets her, where is she still patient and reserved, she took Fen Mu's arm first:

"Leave them alone, Fenmu, you can just take what you want! Let's find a place to communicate and exchange these years of separation!"

Chapter 133 The Dream of the Past

Nyotengu God Country.

The red maples around the house are still the same, but the gorgeous red color has faded a lot, and the look has faded a bit, and it is covered with white frost and snow.

Nyotengu gradually recovered from a weak state. She was born in fighting and has a strong self-healing ability. This is the first time she was severely injured in a frontal collision with her body and passed out. It took a long time to regain consciousness from the coma .

Except for a few extremely powerful gods on the island, Nyotengu is almost unafraid, and her attitude is not once or twice. In such a world where the weak prey on the strong, what's wrong with ridiculing those who are weak?

But this Fenmu really doesn't talk about martial arts at all, her posture has been so low, and she is so merciless.

Nvtengu couldn't stand her temper, and before that Fenmu left, she said that she would bring the female ninja to trouble her again next time, so she took her for nothing.

In the soul, the mixed divinity began to comfort her.

[Bi'anhua: Don't be angry, you are not at a loss. The divinity he confessed will be of great benefit to you. This is a rare 'disaster' divinity. It is directly connected to the origin of this world, but this amount is really a bit unreasonable. reason. 】

"Don't mention the amount! I'm almost forgetting what my divinity smells like now!"

The nvtengu was so angry that she couldn't hold the lady's airs. It would be a waste to spit it out. After all, the suffering has been eaten, but it is difficult to digest it for herself. She was so angry that she had to pick up the teapot and pour it into her mouth.

[Yao Dao: I really want to see what his saber looks like. Next time you ask for another punishment, let him stab you twice with a knife, and I will compete with his weapon! 】

This kind of talk is too nonsense, Nyotengu just ignores it, and it's worth getting stabbed twice by the sharp blade of disaster!

[Big Snake Bone Sword: You are indeed not at a loss, just rest assured to digest it.Anyway, he is responsible for contributing, but you are the one who gets the pleasure, and you are the one who gets the divine essence to feed back, and he loses from the beginning to the end. 】

"Don't mention this, I just passed out without realizing what was going on!" Nyotengu gritted her teeth.

At the moment when she was about to pass out, and the moment after waking up, she did feel a faint sense of joy from her body.

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