Unfortunately, at the moment when he was about to succeed, a man jumped up from the front and punched him directly in the face, shaking out a large number of orange digital souls, and snatched the ancient music beast in his arms return.

"Tai Yi!! You... you are back, woo woo, I thought you didn't want me anymore."

"Sorry, Gu Le Beast, go back and buy you delicious cakes, please forgive me."

Taiyi looked down at her, probably because

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Because of the fright, she had already begun to wipe away tears.

Relying on the digital soul, Taiyi landed smoothly, and the spirit monkey that was beaten by him on the opposite side also stood up straight with only his legs in a strange posture, and he felt himself swollen His cheeks and paralyzed face couldn't hold back anymore, and he stared at Tai Yi with a frown.


"Go back and tell the Four Holy Beasts that I will visit them sooner or later, and then stop trying to think of Gule Beast."

The digital soul burning on the body blows Taiyi's hair up. At this time, there seems to be a violent aura of super race form, and the monkey beast is also very shocked when he hears this. He is a human being for such a confidential matter. How did you know?And what happened to his power?

...Absolutely can't win, I can't defeat this human being by myself alone!

After a calm judgment, the spirit monkey gave up the battle to forcibly capture the target, and the discovery of Gule beast is already considered a very important piece of information, there is no need to do it today.

After thinking about these things, the spirit monkey didn't say anything, and turned around and escaped into the shadows.

The twelve god generals are coming, and they are all generals under the "Four Holy Beasts" of the digital world belonging to this world. The two zodiac signs, in the original plot, can be regarded as transitional enemies used to make the protagonists of the three primary colors successfully enter the full body, but there is one thing that must be guarded against.

They will complete the materialization process very quickly and reach the real world, destroying many cities in the original plot. If possible, Taiyi hopes to avoid this kind of thing from happening. No one wants to bleed in human society Chenghe, that would cause countless casualties, and the battle of Digimon is best carried out in the Digital World.

Taiyi got into the car with Gulemon in his arms, and was about to drive back to Shinjuku to return and get back the deposit. At the same time, he also began to think that maybe it was time to enter the digital world.

Chapter 179 Chapter 170 Two Let's Go Together!

The night after the ice demon beast incident.

In that park in Shinjuku, in front of the remote Kirmon House, Kaito, Jianliang, and Ruhime were called out by Taiichi, because he was going to discuss with them about entering the digital world.

"Is someone eyeing the Gule beast?"

Keito was surprised, and glanced at the Digimon who gathered behind and played like children.

"The power of evolution is sealed on that guy, and the existence of Gulemon has been discovered by the subordinates of the Four Holy Beasts of the Digital World."

Taiyi didn't take action to kill the spirit monkey yesterday, he just felt that killing him was useless, because he would attract more people if he died, but now he regrets it a bit, but he was really tired at that time State, I didn't think about this level for a while... But it doesn't matter now, anyway, whether to kill him or not, Tai Yi is going to the digital world.

"If this continues, I'm afraid more and more powerful Digimon will come here one after another. I don't want Shinjuku to become a battlefield, so I have to take the initiative."

"The four holy beasts, isn't that a very powerful existence? I remember that in the second part of the animation, there were settings related to the four holy beasts."

As Liu Ji said, she rummaged through her card bag and found a Xuanwu Beast card.

It's a pity that these cards of hers can't be read by Taiyi's ring, otherwise it would be off the charts, and it is not impossible to directly fuse the four holy beasts to create a yellow dragon beast!

"Yes, they are very strong, they can almost be regarded as the gods of the digital world, but my purpose is not to destroy them, but to find a way to cooperate, because our real enemy is always only Di Limo."

"Di Limo... what kind of creature is it?"

Jianliang began to think about it. He thought that in the animation, the purpose of the existence of the villains is to prevent the Digimon from evolving. As long as the progress is stopped, no matter how dangerous the unknown road is, as long as the road is gone, it will not exist. What a danger.

——It’s like when I sleep with a stiff neck, and then someone tells you to chop off your neck and it won’t hurt anymore.

"The population of the world is expanding every year, and the network data is also multiplying every day. The purpose of Di Limo is to control the balance in its eyes and clear all the extra data."

"That's why Taichi said that it is the common enemy of humans and Digimon... If you can explain these words clearly to the four holy beasts, there must be no problem."

What Qiren said is the ideal result that everyone wants to see the most, but Taiyi is very clear that those high-ranking gods have an arrogant attitude that does not take him in the eyes of mortals, so most of them still have to do it first. Convince people with reason, and then consider persuasion.

"However, Dilimo itself is an enemy that even Omega beasts are difficult to fight against. According to what you said before, it should not be considered a Digimon. Then even if you gather the four holy beasts, it will be difficult to defeat it, right?"

Ruki made her own point of view.

"Omega beast?"

When Qiren heard this, he was dumbfounded, as if his faith had collapsed.

"Why did Omegamon lose? Isn't Omegamon the strongest and invincible Digimon?!"

Taichi thinks that Kaito is really too young, because Omegamon is indeed not the strongest Digimon, but this is not his fault, after all, there are only two Digimon works in his world, which greatly limits him.

"So Digimon is very difficult to fight against it, not even Omegamon."

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He sighed, then silently took out his ring, his gaze a bit heavy.

"And, now... without those companions by my side, I can't evolve into an Omegamon."

In fact, it is not necessary to gather their power, it is just because Taichi's Digisoul is not enough, Omegamon needs to fully volatilize the power of the two ultimate physical cards, and the Battle Greymon used by Taiyi before and The Lightning Greymon fused with the Black St. Gallomon is actually just a battle tyrannosaurus, and it can be done by absorbing part of the Black St. Gallomon's data, but this method is not enough for Omegamon. .

Taiyi has a feeling that he has not yet fully mastered that form, so the omega beast can only be used as a passive trigger when he is at the end of his life, and cannot be actively used by him.

"It turns out that Taiyi can turn into an Omegamon by himself... Ugh, I really want to see it with my own eyes."

When Qiren heard this, his heart itched again. In his mind, the most handsome Digimon besides Battle Greymon is Omegamon!Although the Emperor Dragon Armored Beast is not bad, it needs to have good looks, and it needs strength to have good looks.

"Well~ I really can't help Qiren, don't worry, there will be a chance for you to meet the handsome Omegamon!"

Taichi raised his arms like an elementary school student being praised, and Ruhime felt a bit embarrassed behind him.

——Are these two people really college students? ?

"In short, I will start to make preparations next, and I will set off after Mr. Shanmu has the results. It will take two days at most."

"So, you three should be mentally prepared."

"Us? What are we going to do?"

"Could it be... Taiyi, you want us to go with you?!"

Qi Ren almost suspected that his ears had heard something wrong.

"Can I really go? The Digital World! The Digital World!"

"Keep your voice down, Qiren, you're a trio like Taichi Yagami in the anime, and your partner is a dragon animal trainer, so don't be surprised by everything."

Taiyi rubbed his ears and smiled wryly.

"But Taichi, didn't you say before that only when we evolve to a perfect body can we be qualified to enter the digital world?"

Jianliang didn't quite understand, although he was also eager to take risks in the digital world, but if he really wanted to go, he had to think carefully, because they were not ordinary primary school students, but adults who were about to enter university. There are many things to consider.

"That was before, I changed my mind."

"You need your strength to defeat Di Li Mo. Adventures in the digital world have more opportunities to hone, so I decided to bring you together."

"But I don't force it. If you feel inconvenient, you can stay."

In fact, what Taichi thought at the very beginning was that they were too weak, and it would be more troublesome if he had to be distracted to protect them if he followed him. Kato Juli, and Kaito's two friends, Hirowa and Kenta, not only did not die in danger, but also got their respective partners.

Therefore, Taiyi also felt that he was a little too stable. His purpose was to help the three primary colors, not to be their nanny and help them with everything, so Taiyi still decided to take them to the digital world and let them experience more. .



After returning home, Tai Yi was finally able to sleep peacefully, but not long after he lay down, there was a light knock on the door outside.

Tai Yi sat up from the tatami in a jerk, he didn't know who it would be...Liu Ji's family couldn't find him at this time, and if Liu Ji wanted to come in, she wouldn't even knock on the door, could it be a spirit monkey?

"It's me, Taichi."

"I can't sleep, and I want to talk to you."

Liu Ji's soft voice came from outside the door.

Taiben wanted to refuse, mainly because he had already started to doze off, but thinking about Liu Ji asking herself so politely, if he refused, the girl would definitely feel bad.

"come in."

Taiyi lifted the quilt and sat up, the sliding door was opened by Liu Ji.

She stood under the moonlight-shrouded corridor, with shawl hair, white pajamas and skin exuding a halo of mistyness rendered by the moonlight. Her unique purple eyes were dotted with slender eyelashes. She obviously had no makeup, but the moonlight seemed to be It's the makeup that suits her best.

"What do you want to say? Liu Ji?"

Chapter 180 Chapter 170 [-] Makino, who is not good at teasing

"It's nothing."


Tai Yi blinked and rubbed his neck again.

——What do you mean... Is this implying something?If you come here to find yourself without sleeping in the middle of the night, you must have something to say, but why don't you say it all of a sudden?

Liu Ji walked in slowly, but did not close the door. She pulled a cushion from the corner and sat down. The sitting posture was not very upright, but compared to her usual boy-like speech and deeds, it could be called It was elegant Yamato Nadeko.

"I don't know if I'm ready for the digital world."

"is it?"

Taichi is very nervous now.

He didn't know what Liu Ji was going to do, because... Liu Ji didn't seem like a person who would hesitate on this kind of issue. Since she had made up her mind to work hard during the day, she was unlikely to be entangled in this issue now.

——So, what was she trying to say?

"That's not what you mean

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Come on, Ruki. "

"With your personality, how can you look forward and backward before you start? And during the day, didn't you make an appointment with me? From now on, you must admit yourself more frankly, accept both faults and shortcomings, and never escape."

"...I'm here because I want to be honest."

She muttered a word, because the speed of the speech was very fast and the voice was very low, Tai Yi heard it intermittently for a while, as if she was thinking in pieces, and she couldn't hear clearly.

"It's okay, don't worry about it."

Taiyi saw that she seemed to have something to hide, but even if he was as smart as him, he couldn't think of what Liu Ji couldn't say for a while.

"No matter what, I will help you. Even if you are not perfect and not as strong as you imagined, as long as you have a companion by your side, it doesn't matter if you are not perfect. Just go forward boldly!"

Taichi tried his best to say what he wanted to say.

Liu Ji silently raised her eyes to look at Taiyi's face, and finally couldn't hold back her smile.

"I always feel that, in fact, you are the male protagonist Taichi in that animation."

"Because normal people, how could they open their mouths to say something like 'Just move forward boldly'...hahahaha."

"Are you laughing at me?"

Taiyi said with a displeased face.

"No, actually what I really want to say is that Taichi..."

She restrained her exaggerated laughter, and then straightened her expression.

"Taiyi, if you go to the Digital World this time, if you get rid of Di Limo, will you go back?"

"I must go back."

Taichi replied without thinking.

"There are very important people waiting for me over there."

"That's right... I always feel that it's a bit too sudden." Liu Ji turned her head to look at the scene outside the door. "I thought you would stay here for a long time."

"Even if what we're experiencing now is an animation, as far as the third season of "Digimon Adventure" is concerned, it's just the beginning, isn't it?"

"Is there a possibility that we are actually Season Fan, and there are only 12 episodes in total?"

Taichi also told a joke along with what she said.

In fact, he wanted to say, we are the third generation!But he still didn't say it, otherwise the clever Ms. Liu Ji would definitely hold on to him and ask the bottom line.

After listening to Taiyi's relaxed words, Liu Ji couldn't hold back a smile.

"Could it be, Liu Ji...Actually, are you reluctant to let me go?"

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