Taiyi suddenly figured out something.


Liu Ji reacted like a knee reflex, and gave an answer almost instantly, and her voice was much louder than before, and Xiaojiabiyu's posture disappeared, and even a rare faintly visible expression appeared on her face. flush.

But soon, Liu Ji realized that what she did was trying to cover up.

"...That's right, I'm just a little bit reluctant to let you go."

——To be frank, Ruhime, haven't you already made up your mind?

"Although you hugged me like a pervert at first... But after getting along for so many days, I understand that you are actually a very good person. I also doubted the stories you told at the beginning, but I don't anymore. I confirm that if it is you, no matter what kind of enemy is in front of you, you can cross over."

"It's an honor to know a friend like you."

What Liu Ji said, even she couldn't believe it came out of her own mouth.

But she didn't regret it, if she didn't say it at this time, she might never have another chance in the future, Liu Ji wanted to tell Taiyi how she felt.

"...Are you okay? Have a fever?"

Taiyi reached out to touch her forehead, it was cool and soft.


Liu Ji opened Taiyi with one hand.

"Don't touch me casually, pervert."

"It's hard to imagine that you can speak like this, and this change is too big hahaha."

Although Taichi was complaining, he was actually smiling happily.

"So! So! Just! Yes! Say!"

"Although I usually talk unfriendly to you, saying that you are a pervert or something... But you should understand that I don't actually hate you."

It took Ruki a lot of effort to say these words.

This was a huge challenge, but she did it. At this time, even the fox beast who was hiding outside the door and eavesdropping couldn't help showing a reassuring smile.

——That's right, that's it, Ruhime, since separation is unavoidable, then try to speak out what you want to say, and face yourself more frankly.


Tai smiled and cursed.

"I'm not that narrow-minded. In fact, I probably have this kind of physique... At first, the Celestial Girl Beast was also respectful to me, but we lived together. After getting to know her a lot, she also started to bully me. , teased me."

"How should I put it? The more I like someone, the more I can't help teasing him. Everyone is like this~"

The boy's voice was as bright and cheerful as some kind of happy little animal.


Liu Ji thought it was nothing at first, it was just an ordinary metaphor in Tai's life, but she immediately heard that something was wrong.

"What do you mean by liking? Taichi, I'm talking about friendship! It's a giri meaning, you can't get it wrong, right?"

"Of course I mean that too!"

Tai Yi replied with a guilty conscience.

"Well, after all, I am a student in the academy.

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A person who is like an idol, but also the queen of Digimon, I can understand that you have special feelings for me~ It's okay~"

"Everyone knows you like Ruuhime Makino, don't be ashamed~"

"Almost done! I have someone I like!"

Taiyi got goosebumps when he heard it, why does Liu Ji still have a dark belly and a narcissistic side... Can you really say anything just to tease me?This is too outrageous!If you put it in a fan, you will definitely be called OOC!

"But you don't want to tell me, can I get the answer to this question before you go?"

Liu Ji thought of that time when she forced Taiyi to say whether she liked Su Na or Meimei, but she accidentally made a fool of herself and was seen by her mother. At that time, she felt extremely embarrassed, but if Taiyi left, they would never see each other again Looking back, I even have a little nostalgia.

"I like... Celestial Beasts."


When Ruhime showed this look, it showed that Taiyi had a big problem.

"And everyone~"

"Cheating! It doesn't count! Say it again!"

"It's really the truth. I like everyone very much. Why? Is it not allowed?"

Taiyi raised his eyebrows, confidently.

"? You mean you want to step on multiple boats? Scumbag!"

"That's right, come and hit me!"


Liu Ji was at a loss for words for a while, but she didn't know how to answer, this guy is shameless and invincible!

No... Her teasing skills still need to be refined, she needs to become a classmate Makino who is good at teasing!

"Forget it, I won't talk nonsense with you, you won't talk anyway."

Liu Ji closed her eyes and sighed, slowly stood up and planned to leave.

"I really think so."

Taiyi was indeed telling the truth, but Liu Ji didn't want to believe it.

"Then say so, Neptune! Poor scumbag Mr. Taichi, would you like to go on a date with me tomorrow?"

Ruhime stood in front of Taiyi, condescendingly looked down at the boy and extended the invitation with a smile.


Chapter 181 Chapter 170 Four Dating with Ruhime


He didn't know what kind of mood Liu Ji was in to say this sentence, but he didn't even know how he agreed in a daze.

In fact, this is probably because she walked away from the gate of hell today. Although she herself was very hard, as a victim, the thrilling escape process and one after another trip like a fantasy secret place were really torture. So Ruhime probably wanted to relax before heading to the digital world.

However, if Tai Yi didn't follow her, she would feel insecure.

This was Tai Yi's deduction, the real reason why she invited him on a date, he thought it was very reasonable!

However, when Taiyi finished washing and getting ready in the morning, he was intimidated by Liu Ji's attire.

She was wearing a pale orange dress, a translucent chiffon coat, and strappy sandals on her feet. Her cardamom-like toes were slightly turned up in rows, which was very cute. The scattered crimson and gold Her hair was also coiled up high, her face was still painted with simple and elegant light makeup, and her eyebrows seemed to have been carefully trimmed.

——Okay, so cute... No, no, who is this person?

Where did this beautiful girl who is so hard not to be noticed as long as she walks on the street come from?

this?You are the Ruhime who hasn't reached the end yet!

"You wear this?"

But before Tai Yi could say anything, the girl with bright eyes, white teeth and crescent eyebrows opened her mouth, and immediately brought Tai Yi back to reality.

The corners of Liu Ji's eyes seemed to be painted with light eye shadow, and even frowning looked good.

Without waiting for Taiyi to express her amazement, she actually complained that Taiyi's clothes were too ordinary.

"No...why are you dressed like this...?"

"How can I wear casual clothes on a date?"

"No... are you serious?"

Tai blinked, and swallowed hard.

"Don't you like wearing skirts?"

"? Where did you hear that? When did I say that?"


——But your setting is like this!He even quarreled with his mother for being forced to wear a skirt!

"Hurry up and change, put on your best-looking and most expensive clothes, don't be so careless." Liu Ji's lips curled up slightly, urging him.

"The best looking? How about the Battle Greymon?"

Taichi was even amused by his own words.

"Ahem, if I meet other new animal trainers, then I don't mind going with the Battle Tyrannosaurus." Liu Ji almost froze when she heard this. "When the time comes, you can play my Digimon as hard as you can!"

"Yes, yes, but you have to pay it back in the future."


"It's you...forget it, it's nothing~"

Taichi wanted to say that he hoped that Ruuhime and Yaohumon could evolve into Shaguyamon and play the role of his own Digimon, but now tell her that she must not understand this kind of thing, and will keep asking endlessly, so it’s still counted. up.

He had to go back to his room and pick out a new set of clothes that still looked good. He put on a green jacket for outdoor sports outside the dark orange round neck and long sleeves, and dark blue jeans on his lower body. The pair of sneakers... probably, it's enough to look like a normal student.

"Have fun!"

Before departure, Ms. Rumiko greeted Taichi and Ruhime warmly at the door, but Ruhime seemed to be

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I am getting more and more into my status, and I can even keep smiling and wave goodbye to my mother.

Taiyi kept holding back and didn't ask too many questions along the way, and they really had nothing to say halfway, they just wanted to exchange more questions about Digimon.

Liu Ji has already realized one thing, that is, Taiyi seems to have not confessed everything to them, he will occasionally say some thoughtful and frightening words inadvertently, for example, when Liu Ji and Taiyi came back last night, Chatting on the road, when it came to Kaito being a little childish, Taichi said something... It probably meant that Omegamon is actually not the strongest, and there are existences on it that are much stronger than him.

Ke Ruhime thinks it's weird. In her world, Omegamon can be regarded as the strongest Digimon in both battle games and animations, but there seems to be an official discussion about Emperor Dragon Armored Beast and Omegamon. The manuscript of the new form of beast fusion... But for unknown reasons, the Digimon series was cut in half, and the short theatrical version was not broadcast in the end, which is a pity.

"Taiyi, I've always wanted to ask you a question."


"The rope in your hand...is very delicate, it must be handmade?"

Although Liu Ji hadn't received many gifts and didn't like to dress up, it was just a protective measure she took to avoid some eyes when she was young, and it meant that she really didn't like beauty.

Therefore, she could tell at a glance that there was a high probability that it was not bought from a store.

"Yes, it's something very important to me."

Tai Yi looked down at the rope in his hand, as if recalling the beautiful scene of him and the Celestial Beast exchanging gifts in his cozy little house on Christmas night.

"You have been carrying it all the time. When I found you in the park before, all your clothes were burned, and only this thing was intact."

"Maybe it's because I've been protecting it intentionally."

To be honest, it doesn't matter how many sets of Taiyi's clothes are burned, only this bracelet must not be lost, not because I am sorry for the goddess, but because it is unique.

"Hey~ It should be given by a girl, right?"

"Isn't it a problem if it's a boy?"

They joked with each other as they strolled through the uncrowded streets.

"...It's a Christmas present from the Celestial Beast."

"Tiannvmon? Liar? Do Digimon still have this skill?"

"She has lived with me for half a year, and she is no worse than some ordinary girls in terms of life experience, so...it's nothing, it's just a token of the bond between me and her."

Taiyi didn't know what to say anymore, because he hadn't confessed the relationship between the Heavenly Maiden Beast and himself, and Ruki just blinked with a strange expression... In fact, she wanted to ask a long time ago, but she didn't like asking too much. Other people's privacy, just because yesterday when Tai Yi went to that world to rescue her, he grabbed his own hand and could clearly see the hand rope shaking from side to side with energy fluctuations, so he planned to ask clearly.

——Unexpectedly, it was really a gift from another woman, even though it was only a Digimon.

Liu Ji felt an inexplicable uneasiness in her heart, mainly because she felt that that time was a very important memory for her, but there were other people's tokens in that memory.

"I want to eat the puffs from that shop, Taichi, can you help me line up?"

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