Liu Ji suddenly pointed to the opposite corner of the street, the dessert shop that had already started to form a long queue and said.

Taichi feels suffocated just looking at it, he actually belongs to the kind who would rather not eat than wait in line, unless the food is really delicious enough to make you cry, or if the celestial maiden really wants to eat it, then he will wait for a day or two Hours are fine.

"? Then what are you going to do?"

"Of course I'm sitting in this coffee shop~ You can't bear to see me, who is so beautifully dressed today, get stained by sweat, can you?"

"No, I think I'm too bad."

"Please have a drink, you can order whatever you want."

"No, I still feel bad."

"Oh, it's hard to come out with you, it may be the last time we go shopping like this, just promise me~"

Liu Ji didn't know where she learned it, or did she really think so, and acted coquettishly aggrieved, this... Who can resist this?

——Even though he knew that she was probably faking it, Taiyi still felt it was worth it. After all, he could see Liu Ji pretending to be a soft girl like a coquettish girl for the first time, so what else could he not give!

"I want ice, anything!"

Chapter 182 Chapter 170 Five The important thing is, with whom

After buying puffs, Taichi crossed the road to the cafe opposite, and Ruki was sitting there waiting for a long time.

The girl was holding a small spoon while looking at her mobile phone. After Taiyi walked in with a gift box of puffs, she went straight to the table where she was, which caused a lot of discussion among the shop assistants... So that cute The person waiting for the lady is also a young boy at the right age.

He smiled and carried the box containing sweets, and he spoke in a complaining but joking tone, which was in line with their imagination of all youthful love stories.

"I said, you don't need to be in such a hurry."

Seeing her impatient look, Tai couldn't help persuading her.

"Get out of here quickly, I can't stand their eyes."

She buried her head in a big mouthful, and didn't even speak clearly, but Taichi still understood.


"Who asked you to wear such ostentatious pants, I just say that you just wear your usual normal pants."

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"I didn't expect that either."

She swallowed while showing a very embarrassed look.

"Liu Ji doesn't have a clear understanding of her own charm." Taiyi smiled and took a sip of iced coffee to dissipate the residual heat accumulated on her body just queuing up there. "Huh? No, what did you say last night?"

"...I was just joking!"

However, her worry didn't last long. After all, when she saw a beautiful girl on the road, it was only human to take a peek at her. When Tai Yi came to look for her, he was secretly "knocked" a few times by the shop assistants, but nothing else happened.

"It's good to get used to this kind of thing."

"Oh? Are you used to it?"

Liu Ji didn't quite believe it. Although Taiyi's conditions were indeed very good, he was not the kind of boy who liked to dress up and groom himself. Sometimes his hair was not so neat, so it wouldn't make everyone look sideways, right?

"Of course it's not because of me, it's... it's the Celestial Beast." That's all, that's all

Taichi covered his mouth with his hands and said in a low voice.

"When I go out with her, I'm often regarded as a little boy who was adopted, but I'm obviously the one who adopted her, right? It's not fair, just because she looks older than me?"

"Well~ Although you say you don't like it, I can't tell from your face." Liu Ji smiled meaningfully. "Do you like Tiannv beast so much? It feels like you can often abduct her when we talk."

"She's my partner, there's nothing I can do~"

"Is it really just a partner?"

Finally, Liu Ji asked the question that she had been wondering all along.

"Why not?"


In fact, Ruuhime has also discovered recently that Digimon and humans are actually similar, they both have independent self-awareness, the difference is that the composition of life is different, since Digimon can be friends, of course they can also be girlfriends, Taichi It is obvious that there is such a tendency... But this is just her guess, because she has not seen the Celestial Beast herself, so it is not good to ask Taiyi directly.

"Wait, let's go for a walk in the park."

"I still don't understand, Liu Ji, what are we doing here today?"

"What else can you do on a date? Just play, go wherever you want."

Liu Ji felt very dissatisfied, because she sensed a trace of impatience from Tai Yi's words.

"You guys haven't dated, have you? How can you ask such a question?"

"Of course I did!"

"Digimon don't count."

"...Then you dated?"

"No, but I know that many girls will hate you for talking like this. Don't ask me that next time."

"But we're not...forget it, I get it."

Tai Yi waved his hand, and didn't want to say anything more.

Liu Ji did come out to relax, and I did come here to be a bodyguard. There was no other reason, and the reason for wearing beautiful clothes was just because she liked to wear them. What other secret operations, now it seems that they just come out to relieve their mood.

It's not that Taiyi is unwilling to do such a thing. As a friend, as a resident of her house, as his benefactor, Taiyi is of course willing to protect her, but Taiyi just feels that it is necessary to make it clear with himself in advance, so that he is here Suspected for a long time, when queuing up, I wondered if Liu Ji was going to do something important without telling her.

Even Taiyi wondered if Liu Ji was going to punish herself for letting the demon fox evolve.

"You're angry?"


Tai said with a straight face.

It's childish, but that's what I want to do!Let her know that she is angry!

Liu Ji didn't say anything more, but the atmosphere between the two of them became very awkward for a while. Normally, there would be a fox beast to adjust the atmosphere at this time, but today... Taiyi entrusted her to stay at home and take care of Gu Le beast. She ran around, and there was no one at home anyway. Rumiko and Ruhime's grandmother were not at home, and they would not come back until evening.

After the two finished eating and drinking, they walked out of the coffee shop and soon arrived at the park.

This time they did not go to the Kiel Beast House, but came to another city park, where there was a small lake with a more beautiful scenery. They sat on a long stone bench by the bank, surrounded by many statues. Couples like them, or elderly people who take their children out to play.

——Actually, Shinjuku is pretty good. Next time I choose a school, I might as well choose a school here.

"Taiyi, do you know the meaning of travel?"

Suddenly, Liu Ji asked such a question without thinking.

"I know."

"Of course, the meaning of travel is not the scenery at the end, but what you see and hear along the way."

"But now I feel that the meaning of travel is not only these, but also the people who accompany me along the way."


Taiyi looked at her side face in astonishment, the breeze blew gently, and the hair on her forehead swayed slightly, and there seemed to be some emotions brewing in her purple eyes... I always felt that she seemed to be hinting at something.

"In fact, I wanted to invite you to travel together, and then keep it as a memory of your visit to this world, but I will go to the digital world soon, so it is also a special kind of travel, right?"

"If you are unhappy, then I apologize."

"I just want to come out and relax, so it doesn't matter where I go or what I do."

"It is important to be able to

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With whom, isn't it? "

"Liu Ji, you..."

Taiyi's heartbeat, as she turned her head, her amethyst-like bright eyes looked directly at her and quietly accelerated, and then she didn't even dodge, just getting closer like that.

Ruki took out her cell phone, leaned her shoulder against Taichi's, turned on the camera and showed a pair of scissors.

Taiyi looked dumbfounded and a little silly when he saw himself on the phone screen, but Ruki

"It's a pity that I didn't bring a camera, but when I go to the digital world, there are still many opportunities like this~"

Chapter 183 Chapter 170 Six Little Monsters in the Park

Tai didn't know what to do.

He is very confident in everything he does, but he is really good at this matter. It may be because he has never had a serious relationship in his two lifetimes combined. He doesn't know how to deal with it... Know what Ruki really means.

—Does she like me?


Although Taiyi also likes her very much, he also knows that there will be no result between them. Just like Liu Ji said before, Taiyi and her will never have the chance to meet again in the near future. They are two people after all. For the people of the world, it would be nice for Liu Ji to be Liu Ji.

In fact, if she wasn't Liu Ji, Taiyi would never be so entangled, but a girl like her is a bit hard to guess.

Therefore, since Liu Ji wanted to play riddles, he might as well play riddles, and treat her as a good brother!

good brother...good brother...

Tai accidentally touched her hand when taking pictures, but Liu Ji didn't hide, her hand was soft and cold, it doesn't matter, it's just a good brother!

Then when she lowered her head to process the photo, Taiyi accidentally caught a glimpse of her breasts... At this time, Ruhime has basically developed and formed, although the breasts are not as exaggerated as Tiannvmon or Rosemon, but they are quite predictable. The small movements of the mobile phone even have a slight shake.

--Can not be done!My good brother has become like this, I can't stand it at all!


Suddenly, a stone fell on the stone bench beside Tai Yi.

He recovered vigilantly, looked towards the grass on the other side, and saw another stone flying towards him. He subconsciously raised his hand and knocked the small stone away, just wondering if it was someone's brat who came to make trouble , stood up and saw the short figure hiding there at the same time.

——Little monster?

Taichi thought that because of the change of the world line, he hadn't seen him for so long, and thought that he would not appear in this world.

While thinking about it, the little monster threw a lot of stones over again, it was too annoying to see, the pupils of the eyes suddenly flashed orange light, and a very light-colored digital soul turned into a protective net and popped out, throwing the little monster Everything bounced back.

"This guy is a Digimon I've seen before!"

Standing beside Taiyi, Liu Ji remembered something after seeing the appearance of the little monster.

"Don't throw it away, come out quickly."

"Why are you attacking us?"

Standing beside Taiyi, Liu Ji seemed to have more confidence than when she was with Yaohushou.

"Because it's annoying to see you guys!"

Holding a pile of small stones picked up from the river in his hand, the little monster came out of the grass and said viciously to them.

"Call out the demon fox! I want to fight her!"

"You don't need to find the fox beast, you can fight me."

"? What's wrong with you? Are you the only one here? Where are your two tamers?"

Liu Ji felt very inexplicable, and this guy should not be such a fierce Digimon.

I remember the last time I saw the little monster, he had a pair of twin siblings as animal trainers, which is also rare. A Digimon has a combination of two animal trainers, but they seem to be just a group of middle school students, so The way of cultivating little monsters is also very mature...but that's all Liu Ji knows.

"Don't mention them! I will be a free man from now on! No one's pet anymore!"

The little monster said fiercely.

But this tone and expression, no matter how you look at it, looks like a brat who is about to run away from home after a quarrel, but the reason for their quarrel is definitely not the reason for grabbing toys as in the original work, Taichi is thinking about how to deal with this guy.

In fact, Taiyi can turn him into his partner, but he doesn't think that's good, especially since he doesn't like such tempered little monsters very much, and doing so would be a disservice to his pair of beast trainer brothers and sisters , if the little monster doesn't have a partner, Taiyi will think about it, if he has one, then he won't think about this possibility.

Taiyi is a pure warrior of pure love, a man who can make the badge of love shine, otherwise he could have snatched the fox beast away from Liu Ji.

"Digimon are only valuable if they evolve by their own power! I decided to defeat those Digimon who are with humans! Show off the super power of my little monster!"

"She's not here, so if you want to fight, you might as well find me."

Taichi smiled, and took a step forward.

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