"You? You can't, humans can't be my opponent, or are you also a beast tamer?"

The little monster seemed to be ignorant of Taiyi's existence.

He will be active here, and he doesn't come to the park of the Keel Beast House very much, and he can probably figure out that the place where he lives should not intersect with the trio of three primary colors, otherwise he wouldn't have seen him until now, no Knowing Taiyi is also normal.

"You can try."

"Well, as long as you can touch me, you will win."

too much toy with him

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To deal with a guy like Little Monster Beast, you have to teach him a lesson first to let him know that you are very good, so that he will listen to you honestly.

"Hmph! That's what you said!"

The little monster smiled evilly, lit a dark flame with his fingertips and turned it into a small fireball and launched it towards Taiyi. The speed was not much different from that of the small stone before. He thought that the fireball hitting him would at least hit him. A green coat was on fire, and he would scream in embarrassment and be forced to take off his clothes.

But the picture in the little monster's imagination didn't happen, Tai Yi just raised his hand and grabbed the fireball he fired.



Taichi chuckled, and extinguished the burning Digisoul in his hand, as if he did it with his bare hands.

"How dare you look down on me!"

"Flame of the Night!!"

The little monster summoned ten fireballs with all ten fingers. This trick reminded Taiyi of the majestic cross of the Bright Beast back then. Although the power was much worse... Ten fireballs flew over, but the trajectory was different. It's very easy to guess, Taiyi's hand speed is very fast, like magic, quickly swipe through the air, and all those fireballs are wiped out!

"You! What the hell did you do?"

—Is he a magician?But isn't that all a trick?

Since the trick is useless, just use my strong hands and feet to attack him directly!Anyway, this guy said he was going to fight, I have already reminded him, even if he gets hurt, it has nothing to do with me!

With such thoughts in mind, the little monster rushed towards Taiyi with a fierce expression on his face, but...even so, he couldn't make Taiyi feel the murderous aura.

He turned around very easily, and the little monster suddenly felt an invisible force pushing him from behind, and then he couldn't stop in time, and plunged into the small river behind, although the water was only more than two meters at most Deep, but the little monster still flopped and struggled on the surface of the water... Maybe more than two meters is still too deep for his height.

The little monster was ashamed and angry, but there was nothing he could do, but soon, he felt the invisible force surrounding him again, lifting him up from the water.

This time he really saw it, it wasn't magic, what wrapped him... was some energy hands composed of lightly ringing orange data blocks.

"If you can't swim, don't rush over desperately. Your fighting style is too low-level, little monster."

Putting her arms around her chest, Tai said to him with a smile.

"Let me go! You cheated! You're so mean!"

The little monster that was hung in mid-air was still dripping wet, but still had a stubborn mouth, but blushed because it was too embarrassing.

"The fox beast told me about you, I think it's better for you to go back and resolve the conflict between you and your animal trainer."

"Don't preach to me!"

Chapter 184 Chapter 170 Seven is Giri's kiss, don't think too much

Tai Yi didn't tease him too much, and didn't give him long lectures on reasoning, so he put him back to the shore very quickly.

"Let's come back after thinking about it, and think about what you really need."

"Hmph...you remember me! I will come back!"

No matter how stupid the little monster is, he also knew that he would not be able to get anything cheap from this man today, so he could only put down a cruel word and run away in despair.

In fact, Yaohu Beast didn't say anything about it, but Taiyi usually communicated with Yaohu Beast (), so Liu Ji wouldn't be suspicious.

"What a strange guy... Although he is not an enemy, I always feel that if he continues like this, he may cause trouble."

"It is possible, but as long as the root cause of the trouble is removed, there will be no problem."

Taiyi knew that in the original plot, the little monster didn't understand the meaning because of the momentary loss and excessive pursuit of power, so it evolved into a fallen hell beast and killed the lion beast, but that was obviously A mistake, like a brat who suddenly gained Tyson's power, of course it's normal to kill someone with that punch, because he doesn't understand what that power represents.

But now, the lion beast will probably not appear, because I have never seen Kato Juri so far, and it is very likely that he has nothing to do with Qiren and the others, so it is a good thing that she does not enter the arena... save Di Limo behind... wait?

--etc!If there was no Shuli, Di Limo wouldn't have gone to someone else, right?

Taiyi looked at Liu Ji, feeling a little scared in his heart, but Liu Ji is not such a fragile person, as long as he is careful, besides, the victim is not necessarily a girl, so instead of worrying about this, it is better to get rid of her as soon as possible .

After the little disturbance caused by the little monster was over, Taiyi and Liu Ji went to the shopping mall again... Taiyi went to rent a camera, and then they went to the amusement park to ride the ferris wheel, roller coaster and other exciting amusement park facilities, On the way, Liu Ji took a lot of interesting group photos according to Liu Ji's wishes. On the Ferris wheel, Liu Ji suddenly took out the earphones and gave them to Tai Yi. Song.

"Actually, I don't really like listening to music like this."

Liu Ji said so suddenly.


"Because the sound from the two headphones is different, if you listen to it like this, it always feels like a kind of disrespect to the sound mixer."

"But some things are only interesting if they are shared."

Taichi stared at her and said.

The girl and the blue sky behind her complement each other perfectly.

"Let's say

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It wasn't Liu Ji that you handed over the earphones first. "

"Because I want to experience what it's like, and it's not unexpectedly bad."

It was a very inexplicable conversation, even Tai Yi didn't know why she was so strange today, but he didn't dare to ask more.

After playing around, they took a taxi and took the camera back to the store to develop the film. It happened to be dusk when they returned home. It seemed that grandma couldn’t come back tonight because of something, so Taichi wanted to cook by herself, and happened to be Miss Rumiko. He comes back very late every day, and he is not in a hurry even if the rest will start again when he returns home.

After returning home, Taiyi and Liu Ji went directly to the main hall to rest first. Liu Ji took off the sweat-stained chiffon shirt and sat on the tatami to rest temporarily. Taiyi also took off his green coat, rolled up his sleeves, and first went to the next door I went to the kitchen to check, but was disappointed because there were only a few eggs and tomatoes in the refrigerator.

Being so careless is not something a grandma would do, it must be that Ms. Rumiko forgot to tell herself.

Every time there were no ingredients before, Tai Yi went out to buy them.

"Taiyi, I'm so hungry, I only ate that puff during the day."

Suddenly, Liu Ji's voice came from the next door.

"Don't worry."

Taiyi picked up several bottles of jams of different colors on the table, then looked at the half bag of toast in the refrigerator, planning to make something for her first, and then go out to buy some ingredients for cooking... ...Actually, he doesn't really want to do anything, he wants to order takeaway, but he can't let Miss Rumiko and Ruhime also eat takeaway, so he can only feel wronged a little bit.

At this time, light footsteps suddenly came from behind.

"what happened?"

Tai Yi held blueberry jam in one hand and orange jam in the other, and looked at her puzzled.

"Nothing, just want to see your work."

"? If you're in the mood to watch a movie, why don't you help me run errands and buy groceries?"

"Let the fox go."

Liu Ji brushed her hair, and sat on a high kitchen table beside her with her skirt up and her buttocks up. Because of the folding, the long skirt continued to fade up to her thighs, but she didn't seem to care about it.

"Let her go, I'm afraid the supermarket clerk will call the police, although I also want to."

Tai smiled, turned around and continued to work.

"Strawberry jam or orange jam?"

"I don't like either."

"Then what do you want to eat? It's very uncomfortable to be hungry, so bear with it a little bit."

"Taiyi, I asked you to go out today, are you unhappy?"

Suddenly, the donkey's lips did not match the horse's mouth, and Taiyi's movements froze.

"Why do you say that? I'm very happy."

"You're wasting my time" and "we should hurry up and get ready for the digital world" written all over your face.

"Is... so obvious?"

Tai Yi didn't deny it, but smiled wryly and pondered.

"You come from another world. After you leave, we probably won't meet again, just like two parallel lines will never intersect, so... I think it's better for me to speak clearly now. "

Ruki seemed to be talking to Taiyi, but it was more like talking to herself.

"You have to face up to yourself, be more frank than usual, and treat the fox beast as a real companion. Don't you already understand this?"

"Taiyi, I might fall in love with someone."

It was like saying what kind of jam he likes in an ordinary tone.

When ordinary girls say this kind of thing, their faces will start to burn and the roots of their ears will burn... It doesn't exist in Liu Ji, and she doesn't change her face.


The orange jar of jam on the boy's right hand suddenly fell on the table and poured, and even spilled some on his neck, wrist and lips, because the jar was just bought, so it was relatively full, and the spilled was also a lot of.

——I, I just... Did I... hear something wrong?

"No, sorry."

Taiyi seemed to be in a hurry, trying to find a tissue, but at this moment, Liu Ji walked up quickly, before he had time to react, Liu Ji pressed against his body, Taiyi's back legs, but pressed against the edge of the table, He has nowhere to go.

"Such a big man, how can he be so clumsy?"

"Let me wipe it for you."

——It turned out that she wanted to clean it up for me, so I knew I must have heard it wrong. How could Liu Ji say such a thing?definitely is……?

Probably letting go of all the grievances, Liu Ji leaned into Taiyi's arms and kissed him lightly with her feet on her feet.

I don't know if it was because of the splash of orange marmalade on the mouth, but the kiss was sweet, even though it was just a superficial touch of the lips.

The girl's face was finally flushed like peach blossoms, but her expression was still so natural, only the purple eyes were full of affection, but she was still dodging shyly, but she couldn't help but glance at her from time to time. Here, I want to see Taichi's expression.

"... so sweet."

Taiyi sighed.

"Is it jam?"

"Well, there is..."

Taiyi suddenly put his arms around her waist, Liu Ji was a little surprised, but she didn't retreat, and gently closed her beautiful eyes, allowing Taiyi to take the initiative.

Within moments, both of their necks were covered in jam.

"what is this?"

"It's just Giri's kiss, don't think too much about it."

There was a smile on the corner of Liu Ji's mouth, maybe even she herself felt that her mouth was too hard to collapse.


"Don't move around, I'll clean it up for you."

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She hugged Taiyi's firm waist, and slowly moved her palms up to hold Taiyi's back, preventing him from escaping. Then she stuck out her tongue and lightly licked the jam on the boy's sharp neck and collarbone, warming it up. The tip of the tongue moves up the skin.

"Stop, stop."

Taichi couldn't help it.

Because if he didn't speak any more, he was afraid that he really couldn't bear it anymore.

Chapter 185 Chapter 170 Eight Don't score so fast, Taiyi


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