Liu Ji slowly clenched his fists, and after hearing these words, Yaohu Beast also made up his mind to become stronger together with Liu Ji, and one day, he could become a Digimon as powerful as Taiyi's Tiannvmon , to help Liu Ji realize her wish.

"But you have your own life here, and you're even going to college soon, aren't you?"

"Think about it, I am usually an ordinary college student, but in private I am the savior who travels through the digital world. Isn't this setting more touching?"


Taiyi doesn't know how to answer, because this is her decision, she has always been adventurous, even if there is no digital world, she will become a rock climber, an expert in outdoor survival, she will not A strong and independent girl who is willing to live a peaceful life.

Of course Taiyi will respect and support her, which is what he should do.

"Anyway, let's make preparations for going to the digital world starting tomorrow."

"Also, don't tell those two guys what happened between us, it's a secret between us, otherwise the atmosphere will always feel weird... But I think they are not stupid, they should be able to see something, Anyway, just don’t say it.”

Ruki leaned over and whispered quietly, and then rested her head on Taiyi's generous shoulder as before.

"I won't tell."

Taiyi put his arms around Liu Ji's shoulders, and the two continued to sit on the porch and watch the moon as before, and they would not go back until they were both sleepy.

——If you say it, you will be booed by them.

In fact, Qiren and Jianliang may have had strange associations long ago. After all, he lives in her house. However, they will be regarded as a team from now on, and Taiyi is the undisputed leader. As the captain, if he Talking about love with one of the members... that would be weird.

It was as if a privilege had been used, resulting in an improper relationship between Taichi and Ruhime that smelled like copper.

Of course, it is impossible for Qiren and Jianliang to think so, but both Taiyi and Liuji are more concerned, and besides, they have not established a formal relationship, and these things today can be regarded as a showdown at best.

Because they are not ordinary boys and girls, it is impossible for them to let go of the Digimon thing and live a normal life, so they will naturally put this kind of thing on the back burner.

The demon fox looked at the two sitting under the moon, and was touched by the scene, and secretly decided in his heart that he must do his best to protect them.

Chapter 187 Chapter 180 Departure, the Digital World

In fact, when it comes to what to prepare, the most important thing is that Mitsuo Yamaki can gather the wild research team members of the year as soon as possible. Now Taichi's idea is also very simple, that is, the three primary colors reach the ultimate body, plus the wild With all members of the research team present, plus this, Di Limo can be defeated.

"I did my best, brother Taiyi."

"The only person who can be contacted now is Mr. Li, but as long as you give me more time, all those scientists can be gathered soon."

After meeting at the agreed time, Mitsuo Yamaki introduced the identity of the middle-aged man to Taiyi in the reception room of the government agency where the Network Administration Bureau was located. Liang's father, Li Zhenyu.

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"Hello, Mr. Li."

Facing the haggard-looking middle-aged man, Taiyi extended his hand and greeted him in a friendly manner.

"Are you the Yagami Taichi-kun that Jianliang mentioned?"

Li Zhenyu also held Taiyi's hand.

He looks older than in the original animation. Jianliang’s family has two older brothers besides his younger sister Xiaochun, so Li Zhenyu’s age is also older than the parents of an only-child family like Qiren, plus the timeline Pushed back, so he's clearly middle-aged and elderly.

"Thanks to your care for my son, he told me everything about you. Thank you for everything you have done."

"It turns out that Jianliang has already said it..." Taiyi pretended to be a little surprised, and then said again immediately. "Your son is really outstanding. I was hesitant to tell him about your involvement, worried that you would stop him from interfering with Digimon, but I didn't expect him to have already done it all for me."

"Haha, Yagami-kun, you have given Inuzi too much praise."

Li Zhenyu is of course very happy to be praised so much by others, but he still needs to be humble on the surface, and even used traditional decorations from his hometown.

"It's just that Jianliang has grown up. He talked to me a lot that night. I decided to support his actions. And with you here, I don't think anything will happen."

"The digital world was our dream back then, but we didn't expect it to evolve into what it is now..."

Li Zhenyu lowered his head and sighed.

"As for the program you mentioned called 'Di Li Mo', if it can really materialize like a Digimon in the real world, it will indeed have an immeasurable impact, and it will be a catastrophe for mankind. "

"I will contact other colleagues as soon as possible, and Yagami-kun, go to the digital world to explore Dilimo and unite the Digimons. Please leave it to you young people."



In this way, Taiyi has temporarily completed the preparations for the plan, and Li Zhenyu and Yamaki Mitsuo are responsible for recruiting people here to study the preparations for the Emperor Limo, and Taiyi and the others will go to the digital world. You can come back to check the situation, but Taiyi still reminded them that it is best to prepare a special vehicle, which is the "Ark" Galani in the animation.

Because he couldn't be sure what the situation would be like by then, in case there was any way to block his path to open the passage, Grani could at least be a backup.

As an experienced adventurer, Taiyi explained exactly what supplies they were going to bring. Originally, Jianliang carefully planned and brought a whole large suitcase, but Taiyi finally unloaded it all, only keeping the sleeping bag.

"There are no mosquitoes in the digital world. Even if you sleep on the ground, you don't have to worry about being harassed by strange creatures. The only thing you have to worry about is that it's a little cold, and you don't have to worry too much about what you eat. Just prepare food for a day or two."

"But, in this case, I will feel very insecure..."

Jianliang scratched his head in distress, but he still did as Taiyi said.

Taichi has a deep understanding, bringing too many salutes will slow down the speed, and it is easy to lose it in the event of a battle... I remember that when I left the file island, the lions and beasts prepared a lot of supplies and even strange magazines for themselves, but After the sudden backstab of the Bhikkhu Beast, it was all in the sea.

"You see, Liu Ji only has a small backpack, what a wise choice."

Now Ruhime is wearing a set of very explorer-style outdoor suits, and other types of "beast tamer" unique fingerless gloves on her hands, her hair is tied into a high ponytail, and her feet are covered with high tops The hiking boots are paired with tight high-waisted jeans, and there are many extended belts under the belt. A pocket knife is tied to it. The upper body is a high-necked white gown with a light blue denim jacket, and then carries a very small backpack. It looks easy.

This dress is both functional and can well set off her perfect figure.

"Eh? Is it so little? I have a lot of bread here just for Kielmon..."

Qi Ren showed a look of astonishment, the bag he was carrying was already heavier than his entire shoulders, and it was even worrying that it would fall down if it was blown by the wind.

"I brought fishing nets and flint and steel, climbing chisels, and nothing else."

Ruki replied naturally.

"Bringing food isn't considered an adventure, is it? So it's better to bring some tools. In fact, I don't even plan to bring tools, but after all, it's a risk of life, so I still bring it."

"Liu Ji is really mature, if only I could become more mature."

Qiren stroked his hair and felt ashamed.

Taichi knew it was time to set off, and the Digimon around them couldn't wait any longer. Kielmon, Big-Eared Beast, Foxmon, and Gulemon were all there, so he cleared his throat, took out the ring, and started to prepare for the journey .

"Little ones! Are you all ready?"

"Yes Captain!"

Qiren was also very willing to cooperate with Taiyi, and shouted out loudly with a smile.

"I can't hear~"

"Yes! Captain!"

This time, Kaito and Kielmon shouted together.

"Set off!!"

A beam of rainbow-colored light shot down from the sky like a missile, falling around them, sucking them all into another world... In this way, the journey of the beast tamers to the digital world started ahead of schedule... Although this At that time, their Digimon evolution level was not strong enough, but they had a firmer will, and there was such an excellent leader as Tai Yi.

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"I said you are naive enough, are you restoring the lines of some animation?"

During the flight, Ruuhime finally couldn't help complaining about Taichi's departure announcement.

"What's the matter? This kind of thing may be too naive for minors, but it's just right for adults, right Qiren?"


"Oh~ I suddenly don't have any hope for the future of this journey~"

Liu Ji looked very heartbroken, of course it was pretending.

In fact, Qiren would also feel ashamed and blushed, but Taiyi didn't care, and he didn't care about it, Qiren is the kind... If it can make everyone laugh, then he doesn't care about self-deprecating at all Personality, going to the digital world was a very dangerous thing, but now everyone has a relaxed smile on their faces, until they penetrate the green boundary and enter the gap between the digital world and the real world.

This place is almost the same as the place where Liu Ji was trapped before, so it also awakened her bad memories.

So she approached Taiyi quietly and grabbed his wrist.

What happened yesterday really seemed to have never happened. Liu Ji behaved very naturally along the way, but it was different in many small details.

Layer after layer of data ground, they were accelerated to break through, and then a white light covered the field of vision in front of them... The first thing came was a violent acceleration and a sense of weightlessness. The few of them and the Digimon were like a ball A swarm of small meteors accelerated towards the reddish earth below.

"Wow! It's about to fall!"

Kielmon and Big-Eared Beast struggled together in the sky.

"give it to me."

Taiyi unhurriedly took out the ring and prepared to evolve, but was stopped by Ruki.

"Leave this trivial matter to me, 'Captain'~"

She looked at Taichi and gave him a confident wink.

"Card swap."

Liu Ji flattened her body in the air, and did not fall like Qiren and Jianliang, who were uncontrollable in her posture, and then took out her own arc machine and card.

"Card swap!"

"Angel Wings!"

Chapter 188 Chapter 180 The First Red Lotus Knight Beast

This is the first time Tai Yi has seen a serious card exchange.

But he always feels that he doesn't need this thing... He is already very strong, and there is no need to use these "scientific ninja tools" to improve his strength, but I have to say that it is quite interesting to watch others operate it.

Soon, eight archangel wings sprouted from the fox's back, dragging and holding Liu Ji to slow down her descent, leaving the other people in the free fall behind.

"We're coming too, Qiren! Hurry up!"

"I, I'll look... I can't seem to find that card!"

"Don't rush and take your time."

Qiren took out a lot of cards in a hurry and almost spilled them all by accident, while Jianliang calmly drew cards slowly... At first glance, they are not experienced card players, like Liu Ji, what kind of cards do they want? You can get the next card directly at random, that is the essence of playing cards.

Soon Jianliang and Qiren both found the Angel Wings cards one after another, and Qiren accidentally lost a few of them... But it didn't matter, they all imitated Liu Ji's way of swiping the cards to let their partners get the Archangel Although Kielmon and Big-Eared Beast are not particularly used to flying with this kind of wings, they are still stable anyway.

Seeing that they relied on their own strength to hold on to the first difficulty of entering the digital world, I felt a lot relieved. Fortunately, his care did not turn these three people into useless wood.

Gu Le Beast was hiding in Taiyi's collar at this time, and Taiyi easily released the digital soul to stabilize his body, and just like that, the group of people landed smoothly.

"Is this the digital world...why is it so desolate?"

Jianliang looked around and found that there was not even a single plant in sight, and all he could see was a dark red wasteland.

"The digital world over there is not very good, most of it is also such a desert terrain."

"But after the crisis is resolved, everything will return to normal." Tai Yi said confidently. "Remember this place, hope we can finish the mission soon and go home!"

He pointed to the sky, and everyone looked up, and there was a huge sphere with a strange shape floating on it, which seemed to be composed of some unknown substance, and there were bumps and holes like the moon on the surface, just like a satellite in the digital world. There are also many green data belt rings entwined, and many beams of light are emitted in all directions.

"Is the opposite of that ball the real world?"

Liu Ji thought of something and kept looking up at that thing.

The irregular and weird shape made her eyes a little uncomfortable, because the flow of those data blocks was too fast.

"For Digimon, this thing is a shortcut to the real world, which is also a proof that the two worlds are not stable, so when this thing is gone, it means when the crisis is over."

"Gulemon... doesn't like the digital world."

At this time, Gule Beast got out from Taiyi's collar and lay down on his head again, talking a little aggrieved, but soon she changed her face and looked at everyone very firmly and seriously.

"However, Gulemon will be very obedient! Because everyone came to such a dangerous place to protect me, Gulemon won't complain!"

"It's okay, don't think too much, I will protect you."

Taichi reached out to the top of his head and rubbed her body.

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body, Gulemon gave some cute reactions, and then turned over on Taiyi's hair... For some reason, like Gulemon, some small Digimon always like to move around on Taichi's head, Gulemon Le Beast's reaction also reminded Taichi of the group of children from the founding village he met when he first came to the digital world.

"Qi Ren, why didn't you speak? I thought you would jump up excitedly."

Jianliang suddenly found that Qiren was surprisingly quiet, which was not in line with his usual style.

"Jianliang, I just now realize how difficult what I have to do next..." Qiren turned his head to look at Jianliang and at Liu Ji who was walking at the back, skipping over Taiyi. "But, we can make it, right? Just like Taichi did before, we too can save our world."

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