"I can't guarantee that...but if you can realize this responsibility, it must be a good thing."

"There's nothing to worry about, Kaito."

Liu Ji took a few steps forward and said to him very calmly.

From now on, they are considered partners, so Liu Ji no longer calls them by their surnames cautiously.

"Taiyi could do it alone at that time, but there are three of us here."

"...um, um...yes, I should be more confident, I'm also a beast tamer." Qi Ren lowered his eyes a little ashamed after hearing this. "I will work very, very hard, everyone, let's go! Don't waste time here!"

"But where are we going?"

Jianliang looked around, but there was not even a decent landmark here, except for the sand dunes, which were one after another.

"This way."

Taiyi moved his legs, closed his eyes as if he was perceiving something, then he suddenly widened his eyes, then hurriedly turned around and waved his hand, beckoning them to follow him and hide behind a big rock. My partner hid and waited quietly for 2 minutes. No one dared to speak, because Taiyi didn't speak.

Generally speaking, when encountering some powerful Digimon Taichi, he would go straight up and deal with them. If it was a Digimon that didn't need him to do anything, he would make Ruuhime and the others prepare for the battle, but now he suddenly hides... This is indeed unexpected.

Finally, a Digimon appeared.

It was a yellow-skinned tiger with wings, a tiger with wings in a real physical sense. The guy flew over here and landed, and then looked around for something.

"Flying Tiger Beast...complete body...I think we can try it with him."

Liu Ji looked at the data on the arc light machine and thought it was no big deal.

If they want to evolve into a perfect body, they must first challenge the perfect body.

"No, don't move yet... There is another heavyweight guy, but I can't guess who it is."

Taichi was troubled.

Because he knew that the person who came was an ultimate body, he could feel it, the rushing breath was like the "refreshing feeling" of suddenly rushing into an air-conditioned room after running around in the 40-degree outdoors, but he I don't know who it will be.

In this world, there are currently only four holy beasts that can evolve into the ultimate body, because they have sealed all the light of evolution on Gule beasts in order to prevent the world's data from continuing to increase and cause the Dili Demon to recover, so here There are almost no ultimate bodies, but...the four holy beasts came here to greet him in person, Tai Yi felt that it was unrealistic.

Because they are self-proclaimed "gods", this kind of character is very arrogant and conceited, and they will only regard Taichi and others as challengers rather than threats.

"Wait a minute, Flying Tiger Beast."

A voice that reminded Tai Yi of a certain youth that also filled him sounded, and then, a gorgeous and elegant knight in a bright red cloak entered his field of vision... He also lost his words suddenly.

It is Crimson Knightmon.

But why?

——Aren't the Red Lotus Knight and his trainer on your side?They are the original red lotus knight beasts!

Taiyi tried his best to keep himself calm, but still couldn't help but sneak a glance at Qiren, and found that he was also looking at him, as if he didn't understand why Taiyi was looking at him.

"There is no need to go to the real world anymore."


Flying Tiger Beast turned around and looked at the unidentified Red Lotus Knight Beast.

"Because the little guy you're looking for is right here!"

Chapter 189 Chapter 180 Two Another Day of Missing the Celestial Girl and Beast

"No need to hide anymore, come out."

The Red Lotus Knight Beast has noticed this side and issued a warning.

Taiyi had guessed that he would perceive him, but he didn't expect to be seen through so quickly, so he stopped pretending and walked out from behind the stone. Dull, only something that seems to have a digital soul in the depths of the eyes is being ignited.

Taichi is very sure that there is one and only one Red Lotus Knight Beast in this world, and that is Qiren and Kiel Beast behind him. appeared earlier.


He didn't know what to say, he could only tense his nerves and prepare to fight at any time.

"Red Lotus Knight Beast, after all? The ultimate body!"

Jianliang was so frightened that he could not speak when he saw the other party's information in the arc light machine.

"Do you have to face the ultimate body as soon as you come up? This...why is this happening?"

Qiren also swallowed hard.

Although he thinks this Digimon is very handsome

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It doesn't look like that kind of evil Digimon, but it has an instinctive fear. At this time, the Kiel beast has also transformed into a berserk beast pupil, grinning, but it doesn't dare to rush forward to challenge.

"The one on your head is just the Digimon we need, give her to me."

Crimson Knightmon started to make a domineering president's speech, but this was also within Taichi's expectation.

"Which world do you come from? What is your purpose?"

Tai began to ask questions seriously.

He doesn't like unexpected factors to appear, just like the appearance of Lilithmon at that time also made him feel difficult, but fortunately, Lilithmon didn't intervene because of unknown reasons so far, but no one There is no guarantee of what Red Lotus Knightmon will do.

"Me?...Hmph, since you asked this question, I'll tell you openly."

"I, the Red Lotus Knight Beast, is one of the thirteen royal knights, a knight who shoulders the heavy responsibility of saving the world!"

This character is also very red lotus knight beast, no matter who he faces, he has a kind of arrogance that is self-respecting, and he will always call himself by his own name, because he is proud of this name.

"A royal knight? A royal knight from which world?"

Of course Tai One knew all this, but that wasn't what he cared about.

"Why should I answer you? It's you, who are you?" The red lotus knight beast looked suspicious. "Before, a huge energy suddenly appeared in this world, completely reshaping the terrain. Your taste is very similar to that time."

"Could it be you who did it? Human?"

"It's me, what? Do you have any objections?"

"Destroying the digital world without authorization, do you think this is your back garden?"

Frequent rhetorical questions made the smell of gunpowder between them more and more intense, and it seemed that a fierce battle was inevitable.

"Hey! Human brats! Give me that Digimon! Otherwise, you won't be able to bear the wrath of our 'god'!"

At this time, the Flying Tiger Beast began to pretend to be the Duke's prestige, and began to shout arrogantly because of the Red Lotus Knight Beast by its side.

"Gulemon is our partner! We can't just leave it to you!"

Qi Qi retorted angrily.

"You don't know anything about it. Its power is only valuable if we control it! You lowly humans, don't come here to make trouble!"

"Watch your words!"

The fox beast is also suppressing its anger.

"Hmph, minions who mixed with humans! You don't deserve to be called 'Digimon' at all! You are the scum of the race!"

The Flying Tiger Beast scolded more and more vigorously, as if it was convinced that this group of humans could not be its opponent.

Liu Ji raised her eyebrows coldly, and the arc light machine in her hand had already started to glow.

"I'll leave that guy to you, Gu Le Beast, you go to Qi Ren's side first."

Taichi knew that an encounter was inevitable, but it was what he longed for.

Red Lotus Knightmon is different from Lilithmon, who has a clear positioning as a demon king. He will definitely not do things that are harmful to the digital world, so as long as he understands his position, it will not be a problem, but Taiyi Knowing that you can't convince anyone with words, you can only do it.

Gu Le Beast was a little bit reluctant, but still left Tai Yi, and threw himself into Qi Ren's arms.

"Don't lose, you three!"

"Yeah! Leave it to us! Taichi!"

Qiren took out the arc light machine, Jianliang and Liu Ji also made comprehensive preparations, Taiyi knew that they would be fine, so he also prepared the ring, and the two most suitable for fighting with the Red Lotus Knight Beast. cards.

"Oh? How dare you challenge my Red Lotus Knight Beast?"

"A royal knight, eh? Let me try a knife."

Taichi didn't mean to be timid at all.

【Battle Greymon】

【Flame Dragon Beast】

"The power to heat up, please!"

[Fusion Sublimation! 】

【Caesar Tyrannosaurus! 】

In the furnace-like flames, the dragon knight with the big sword on his back showed his true face, and at this time, the three primary color combinations also finished swiping the cards, and the Digimon collectively evolved into a mature stage, forming a formation to surround the Flying Tiger Beast.

"Evolved from humans to Digimon? Where did this evil power come from!"

Red Lotus Knight Beast saw that Taiyi was abnormal at a glance, but he didn't expect him to be so abnormal.

— unimaginable!How many innocent blood of Digimon has been stained on his hands to have such ability!And how can I be lenient as a knight of justice!He immediately turned his hands into spears and shields, ready for battle.

"Flame Dragon Strike!"

Controlling the body of Caesar Tyrannosaurus full of flame power, Taiyi released heat energy from his eyes, unfolded the epee in his hand, and sprayed a heavy artillery bombardment forward, shaking the surrounding ground and bursting out of the sky. There was fire, but behind the thick smoke, there was only the figure of Red Lotus Knight Beast holding a shield.

"Is this the only human power?"

Although the Red Lotus Knight Beast is easy to say, Taiyi always feels that he is being stubborn. Although his move was blocked by him with the holy shield, it is obvious that his feet have sunk deeply into the ground and left behind. After two drag marks, it was definitely not as easy as he said!

"The Ultimate Paradise!"

The Red Lotus Knight Beast started to fight back, the shield glowed white, and quickly lit up twelve red dots clockwise like a clock, but why would Taiyi foolishly wait for him to zoom in and do nothing?

Caesar Tyrannosaurus Immediately swung its sword upwards, and slashed towards Red Lotus Knight Beast with a jump

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, He reacted quickly, immediately canceled the cast of Ultimate Paradise and stabbed with the knight spear in his right hand. The heavy sword collided with the big spear, and the shock wave created shattered a large number of surrounding stones, and even affected the battle over there.

Realizing that it was time to change the battle venue, Taiyi immediately retracted his sword and flew towards the sky, and Crimson Knightmon immediately took off to catch up.

They come and go in the sky, fighting evenly.

This is still not like a battle between Digimon, but a fair duel between two knights. The knight spear and the heavy sword go back and forth, but in fact Taiyi does not have particularly rich combat experience, and soon began to fall into the The scene is disadvantaged, especially his own physical fitness is not as good as the opponent's ultimate physique of the emperor's level, but it is no problem to persist for a while.

This guy... must be much more powerful than the one who will evolve from now on.

At this time, he missed Tiannv Beast very much.

—If only my wife was here!How can you be arrogant!

Chapter 190 Chapter 180 [-] Taiyi is a lesson for the world!

——No, you can’t fight this guy in the sky.

Tai Yi knew that he could only fight quickly, and he couldn't let him see that his physical strength was not enough, so he had to return to the ground, so that he could have the opportunity to display his true nirvana in this form.

"It's almost time to surrender! Human! Let me judge you!"

The Red Lotus Knight Beast shouted loudly from behind, but Taiyi quickly flew towards another piece of land, and of course the Red Lotus Knight Beast chased after him directly. The flame energy was injected into the ground, and the whole ground began to tremble.

"Nine-headed dragon formation!"

The Red Lotus Knight Beast realized something and wanted to turn around and escape from the earth, but it was too late!

The flame injected by the epee tore through the ground, and eight fire dragons devouring the sky and the earth burst out from the ground, biting at the red lotus knight beast from all directions, and immediately put the mighty royal knight into danger.

The Red Lotus Knight Beast had to struggle and start entangled with the nine fire dragons. Even though they were only creatures transformed from the data of Caesar Tyrannosaurus, due to the large number and sneak attack, it was difficult for even him to break free.


Bitten by the fire dragon, the proud crimson knight couldn't help crying out in pain.

"Royal savior!"

The red lotus knight gritted its teeth, sprayed silver flashes from the big gun in its hand, blasted two fire dragons, and was about to break free from their shackles, but at this time, as the last dragon that must be killed in the "nine-headed dragon array", That is, Caesar Tyrannosaurus itself has already rushed towards him bathed in raging fire.

——The Flame Dragon King!

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