"Let's go, Red Lotus Knight Beast, Nine-Tailed Fox Beast."

Chapter 192 Chapter 180 Five Digimon XP is also free

"Do you want to fly over? Taiyi?"

Nine-Tailed Fox

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After the beast asked Taiyi a word, it turned back into a fox beast.

"Honestly I don't want to fly."

Taiyi suddenly realized a serious problem.

Because he knew that without Gu Le Beast, the irritable Suzaku Beast among the Four Holy Beasts would definitely not believe him, and would probably fight, but if he flew over... he would definitely consume a lot of energy on the way. In the case of Suzakumon, Taichi didn't think that he could easily defeat Suzakumon under the condition of not being physically fit.

And the Red Lotus Knight Beast... doesn't look like it can win.

Nonsense, he can't even beat himself, how can he beat Suzaku Beast!

"But it's too troublesome to walk there? How far is it from here to the residence of the four holy beasts?"

Liu Ji frowned and looked at the Red Lotus Knight Beast.

"It's quite far away, and it will take more than 20 minutes to fly."

"I see, so Taiyi, you are worried about exhausting your energy."

"Yes, this is a very real problem."

"Wouldn't it be better to say no earlier? I can take you there."

Red Lotus Knight Beast didn't care at all.

"You...? How are you going to take the three of us?"

This time even the Demon Fox was surprised, this guy is not a giant Digimon like Taichi's Lightning Tyrannosaurus, can't the three of them hold this guy?

"Don't worry."

The Red Lotus Knight Beast smiled mysteriously, then turned around, looked up at the sky, and shouted.



This voice seemed to have some kind of magic, which was very penetrating. Liu Ji and Yaohu Beast didn't respond, but Taiyi's heart stirred up waves again... What was he shouting?Granny?

Isn't that the name of the "Ark" developed by the wild research team?It is a special Digimon that will only appear in this world in the future. It can not only provide the function of a vehicle, but also combine with the Red Lotus Knight to form a true Red Lotus. In the original plot, Kairen and Kielmon And the story of Grani is also very moving.

— But why do you have Grani too?Could it be that you are also incapable of enlightening others?

— But his reaction just now didn't look like he knew Qiren at all.

Just at this moment when Tai Yi was puzzled, a thunderstorm suddenly rose in the dark clouds deep in the sky, and a sense of oppression rushed over his face, and then a crimson pterosaur pierced out of it, its appearance was not like that of Galani It's not a mechanical creation, but more like a living thing... It's like changing from a mechanical transformation type to a normal dragon-type Digimon.

Grani spun around in the air and landed in front of them. The size of this thing was also much larger than the Grani in Taiyi's impression, but it was not too exaggerated.

"Old friend, I will work hard on you this time."

The Red Lotus Knight Beast stepped forward, reached out and touched its head.

"...You still have a mount."

Liu Ji was also dumbfounded.

Now the Red Lotus Knight Beast finally has some "knight" feeling, and it is still the kind of mythical knight. Standing next to Grani also gave Tai a very different feeling.

——Who is this guy?

"It's not a mount, it's my best friend."

Red Lotus Knight corrected with a smile.

"Come on, everyone."

Grani has a pair of blue eyes that most dragon-type Digimon have. It seems to be looking at Taichi and the others, and Taichi is also observing it intentionally.

The sense of incongruity is still serious.

No matter how you look at it, this Grani doesn't look like a mount that a novice red lotus knight beast will have... But, maybe it's just that I think too much.

And just like that, Tai Yi rode on the back of the red dragon, and Galani flapped his wings and flew into the sky, heading towards their destination.

"Taiyi, don't you have a partner of your own?"

"Yes, but she is not with me at the moment."

Taichi sighed regretfully.

"Then let me take the place." The Red Lotus Knight suddenly laughed loudly. "I can see that it's really hard for you to become a Digimon to fight, right? After all, you are also a human being, and it's not something a beast trainer like you should do in person."

"You don't have to worry about this, and the partnership is not created casually, and I can't help you with backup."

Honestly, what boy could resist owning a Crimson Knight?But Taichi felt that he couldn't agree so easily, because the only thing he knew about this guy was that he was a warm-hearted royal knight from another world.

"Crimson Lotus Knight Beast, are you interested in telling me the story about Grani?"

"Oh~ I really asked the question!"

Red Lotus Knight Beast is very excited.

"I knew you wouldn't be able to refuse your curiosity about Grani."


Liu Ji cast her characteristic disdainful gaze at Taiyi, as if to say that Taiyi is really a child, isn't he just a dragon?

But Ruuki didn't understand Taichi's worries at all, because she didn't understand what kind of Digimon the so-called Crimson Knightmon should be.

"This guy is my former partner, and has been my closest comrade-in-arms since I became a royal knight. Without him, I would not be able to get to where I am today."

Crimson Knightmon spoke slowly, while reaching out to stroke Grani's back.

"Then can you fit together?"

Tai Yi licked his lips, a little impatient.

"Fit? Is it okay?"

Crimson Knightmon opened its eyes wide, looking very shocked.

"Of course, this is similar to a kind of 'joint exhibition evolution', not your world

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There is no joint exhibition evolution in the world, right? "

"I've never heard of it. I usually don't pay much attention to these things."

Crimson Knightmon gave an ambiguous answer.

"Then among your colleagues, isn't there anyone who has developed a joint exhibition?" Tai Yi became more and more suspicious of his identity. "Are you... really a Royal Knight? Those are the thirteen Digimon that maintain the highest security of the Digital World network."

"Of course I know that the joint exhibition has evolved. That's how Omegamon came to be, but I don't like doing it very much."

The Red Lotus Knight Beast seems a bit unspeakable.

"Grani and I are good partners, and I don't want it to become a tool for me to enhance my strength."

"But if you fit together, it can still be with you."

Taiyi seemed to understand why he was so coy.

"It's different. For me personally, doing so will make Grani my servant or the 'mount' that Miss Ruki just said, rather than a companion."

"It may not matter to you, because you are a beast tamer, but I definitely don't want to do this... This is my personal preference, sorry, thank you for your kind reminder, Tai."

"Understood, you are an XP party, strength doesn't matter."

Taichi immediately understood what he meant.

Just like in the future, even if Taiyi has the means, he will not think about combining with the Celestial Beast or the Flower Fairy Beast, unless it is absolutely necessary, there is really no need for that, and his XP is the Celestial Beast, so the XP of the Red Lotus Knight Beast Maybe... maybe I need to see a doctor, but people are free, and Digimon are of course free.

"It's okay, I respect your choice, but I was a little rude just now, I hope you don't mind."

"No~ It's just a normal communication between men. Compared to Monarchmon and Jesmon, you are much more friendly."

--Oh?Did you mention these two?

It seems that this guy is really a member of the Royal Knights, and I don't know what kind of weird world view can give birth to this weird red lotus knight beast.

"Because I have been unwilling to develop in a joint exhibition with Galani, they have talked about me a lot."

"Among the others, who do you get along with the most?"

"Omega beast."

Red Lotus Knight Beast gave the answer without much thought.

"He is the Digimon I respect the most."

"You came to this world to do these things, does Alpha Beast know?"

Taiyi followed the clues to learn more about his side.

"Alpha Beast..."

"Honestly, we don't usually see her."


——As expected, you are fishing, Alphamon.

"Then you just go to another world to be a policeman? Is it really okay to ignore your world?"

"It's quite peaceful over there. Everyone is simple and happy." The Red Lotus Knight Beast smiled. "There is nothing to do except sit all day long. Even if something happens, Jess will rush over there as soon as possible, so I will go to other worlds to see and do something that royal knights should do."

Chapter 193 Chapter 180 Six Raising the Blade of Rebellion to God

— God.

——What kind of Immortal Royal Cavalry is this?

In a beautiful world where everyone lives happily, why didn't you start making trouble yourself?Or is their world tree more humane?

"I would also like to visit your world if I have the chance."

"Okay, then I will welcome you very much."

Red Lotus Knightmon seems to be very happy to be able to share these own stories with others.

"We've arrived at the 'Divine Realm', get ready, Taiyi!"

Taiyi gradually dispelled his doubts about the Red Lotus Knight Beast, but at this moment Liu Ji pulled the hem of his clothes from behind, and before Taiyi turned his head, a warm breath suddenly hit his neck, and suddenly Let Tai Yi recall the kitchen in the evening yesterday.

"I said Taichi... why do you seem to know very well, what is a royal knight?"

Liu Ji listened to their chat all the time, but she couldn't bear it any longer. She had never heard of any of the "Alpha Beast" and "Jess Beast" he said, except for Omega Beast. But he also understands that those are very powerful Digimon.

No one who likes Digimon can refuse the unknown and powerful ultimate Digimon!

"It is the thirteen holy knight Digimon responsible for protecting order in other digital worlds, and Omegamon is usually one of them."

Taiyi whispered into Liu Ji's ear and briefly explained.

"Thirteen... You mean, there are thirteen more powerful Omegamon?"

The girl's worldview has been refreshed.

This is a matter of course. For any viewers who have only watched the first part, the subsequent expansion of the Digimon world view can indeed bring such a shocking effect.


"But why don't we have them in our world? Not even in the animation?"

"Maybe the animation company has already designed it, but it just couldn't be released for some special reasons."

Taiyi pretended to be guessing wildly, and told the truth.

"I feel like I have lost a lot." Liu Ji was very regretful. "Now, I'm going to decide to go on an adventure with you, and I'm going to meet more powerful Digimon."

"Let's deal with the situation at hand first."

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