Standing on Grani's back, Tai Yi looked at the bright red land below. Unlike the wasteland with dark red soil before, the land here is more like the dark red color after being scorched by flames, and it is not no sand

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Most of the deserts are regular rocky ground, and the huge buildings are also made of this kind of red rock... There is no sense of solemnity like a so-called "god", but it looks like a castle of some demon king.

"Stop! Go no further!"

Soon, the guy guarding the gate appeared, they were bull beasts and horse beasts with the shapes of cows and horses respectively.

They shouted loudly to Taichi and the others to stop, but the Red Lotus Knight Beast ignored them and drove directly in front of them, and even deliberately asked Galani to lower the flying height, and the red pterosaur spit out blue water from its mouth. Lightning bombarded the ground, frightening the pair of ox and horse to run away in different directions.

And Grani also seems to understand that he didn't really hurt them, he just wanted to show them off, but the ground struck by the lightning he sprayed left scorched black marks, and there was still a lot of electric energy left on it. The Brute Bull Beast and War Horse Beast didn't even have the desire to catch up.

Galani drove them into the realm of the gods, and after flying for a while along the red stone corridor, which was shaped like the Demon King's City, they finally came to an ominous gate.

"It's me, Suzaku Beast, open the door!"

The Red Lotus Knight Beast stood up, folded its arms around its chest, and yelled at the door very tugging.

"I brought humans here, they are here to negotiate terms!"

The giant door opened with a creak, and steaming heat came blowing from the other side of the door. Even Liu Ji took off her denim jacket at some point and wrapped it around her waist casually. It looks like you are facing a big enemy.

Grani began to enter the world inside the gate, and at this time, Crimson Knightmon came over and said to Taiyi again.

"Suzakumon has a fire attribute, so if you want to fight him, you may not be able to take advantage of it."

"You are quite gentle, but don't worry, I have other ways."

Taiyi couldn't hold back a smile, and the Red Lotus Knight Beast saw how confident he was, so he didn't say anything more.

Finally... After entering, what Tai Yi saw was a huge and empty space. If you put this place in any game, you would know that a huge boss battle would definitely happen here. Although it is empty now, Just some peculiar nonsensical decorations, like that huge brazier in which there is an eternally burning flame.

As Grani got closer, the "cutscene" also started to trigger.

A huge phoenix-like phantom rose from the brazier, and then the flames began to bloom further and then quickly faded, turning that black shadow into a real body, a huge red bird that had reached an extremely exaggerated size, covered with It can be called gorgeous decorations, with six bright red orbs around the head and tail respectively, those things are his digital core.

As one of the Four Holy Beasts, it should have such oppressive power.

However, his combat power should not be very strong. After all, in the original plot, Jianliang relied on the novice buff to make Sangalgomon draw with Suzakumon, so Taiyi is not very afraid.

"Granny, please protect Ruki."

Taiyi took the initiative to speak to the dragon under him, Grani did not speak, but flapped his wings twice, then Taiyi and the red lotus knight jumped off its back at the same time, Liu Ji also knew not to be brave at this time, so she also Honestly sit on Grani as a spectator.

"Red Lotus Knight Beast, what do you mean?"

Suzakumon opened its voice and made a very intimidating sound.

"My purpose is to save the digital world, that's why I brought him here."

"Hmph, humans! It's because of these humans! The digital world will start to collapse! Humans can't be trusted!" Suzakumon was very angry, and the flames on his body became more vigorous. "I thought you were a nice guy, but I didn't expect you to be with humans!"

"As a ruler, as a god, you are actually like ordinary people, because some individuals label groups. Are you worthy of being called a god? Are you also worthy of managing the digital world?"

The Red Lotus Knightmon, who has seen the tricks of those bigwigs in the Royal Knights who are known for their wisdom, is very disdainful of Suzakumon's statement.

Of course he doesn't like human beings himself, but he is very clear that it is his personal emotion, and it is impossible to bring this emotion into the handling of major events.

"It's not your turn to teach me a lesson!"

Suzakumon seemed to be getting angry, but Red Lotus Knightmon showed no signs of fear.

——This guy's flame looks much stronger than the nine-headed dragon array I made. The red lotus knight can't even hold the nine-headed dragon array. How can it hold the Suzaku beast?

Although Taichi doesn't understand why Crimson Knightmon is so popular, he tries to avoid fighting as much as possible.

"I know what you're worried about, Suzakumon. I came here this time to resolve this conflict. Let's join forces! Let's deal with that unknown enemy together!"

"It's a joke, you didn't even bring the little Digimon I wanted, why are you talking about teaming up?"

"My companions and the ancient beasts were sent to other places by those lights. If you know their coordinates, I will bring them to see you immediately."

"Hmph, you don't need to worry about it, I've already sent my subordinates down." Suzaku Beast seemed to be sneering. "Soon, they will come back with Gule Beast, and of course there will be news of your companion's death!"


After hearing this, Taiyi had no choice but to give up his illusions and prepare to fight.

"It seems that your god's mouth is very hard, so I can only smash your bird's beak first."

Chapter 194 Chapter 180 Seven Royal Gaia Energy Cannon!

Taichi uses Battle Greymon's

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card, and evolve it into WarGreymon.

The reason for doing this is that there is no other choice... Currently Omegamon is still in the title state, and Caesar Tyrannosaurus has the same attributes. In front of Suzakumon, this thing without the spirit of a fighter can only be regarded as weak fire. But the opponent is really strong, and if he plays this hand, he will definitely be crushed to death.

Then the Electro-optic Tyrannosaurus will most likely be directly forged by Huo Nan, and Taiyi is not very proficient in mastering this form, so he chose the form he is most confident and good at at this time.

"Battle Greymon...? You have changed a lot, what else can you change? Can you change me?"

Crimson Knightmon couldn't help sighing when he saw Taichi become Battle Greymon in the light of courage.

"Whenever you can give me a card."

Taiyi twisted his neck, shook his wrist, and said to that guy angrily.

Speaking of which, I haven't gotten a new card for a long time, maybe it's because the bond is not enough, right?Like Agumon and the others, Taichi took a long time to get their respective cards, and established a very deep friendship before they were awakened.

"Although I don't understand what a 'card' is, if I can do it, I'm still happy to help."

Their relaxed atmosphere here made Suzaku feel a great humiliation.

"Inverted! Inverted! You, a little knight from another world, dare to treat me like this, I am the god of the digital world!"

"Although I'm not strong among the Royal Knights, I can still deal with you without any problem."

Red Lotus Knightmon answered neither humble nor overbearing.

"Sure enough, Digimon that get close to humans will all become unlucky, so wake up!"

Suzaku was already extremely annoyed, and was openly betrayed by the red lotus knight he trusted, and now he is going to join hands with humans to attack him!It's the other way around!Now he is going to use this fire of punishment to punish the ignorant Digimon in front of him.

Suzaku opened all its wings and released a large amount of flames that gathered in a swirl shape, and the heat swept across the entire open space. In an instant, Taiyi felt the ground scald his feet. It seemed that the entire site was about to be turned into a flaming mountain by Suzaku. Fortunately, there was Galani Now, Liu Ji and Yaohu Beast can stay at a safe high altitude without being affected.

Taiyi took off immediately, and the Red Lotus Knight Beast also kept pace with him. The two flew into the sky in different directions, and then moved forward against the flames.

"Gaia energy cannon!"

A large energy bomb was condensed from both hands and hit Suzaku Beast, but the opponent just shook his body a little and remained motionless. This cannon is still too small in front of Suzaku Beast, unless Taiyi can become a 50-meter God of War Tyrannosaurus can knock him down.

But Taiyi didn't inject too much energy into this shot, because at this time, the Red Lotus Knight Beast had already finished the pre-reading preparations for the big move.

"The Ultimate Paradise!"

With the shield fully lit, he spewed out a purer crimson torrent. The completely different holy energy collided with the fire of cleansing sins, and it pierced like a sharp arrow, directly hitting Suzaku Beast's body, but ...still doesn't work.

In front of Suzakumon, Red Lotus Knightmon and Taiyi are too small, the opponent's huge amount of data can fully support this kind of turn-based attack, because Suzakumon's health bar is too thick.

It is necessary to create a skill that can hit hard with one blow.

Taiyi began to think of a way, but at this time Suzakumon's turn also came. He spewed high-density flames from his mouth and swept everything in front of him. As a holy beast that guards the world, he still has this majesty.

"I said, are you too inferior? Are you really a royal knight?"

Relying on the shield of the brave seal, Taichi avoided a lot of fire damage, and at this time the Red Lotus Knightmon also held his own shield.

Although the situation is a little bad,

"In your understanding, is the royal knight much stronger than me?"

Red Lotus Knight Beast asked with a smile.

"Yes, it's much stronger. To fight a guy of this level, almost one blow can make him unable to recover."

"That's really sorry, let you down, I'm so weak, I'm really sorry."

It's like being weird, but it's more like laughing at yourself.

——It's really strange, this is very abnormal, no matter how you think about it, the Red Lotus Knight Beast of the Royal Knight version shouldn't only have this kind of strength.

"However, I have a solution."

"What is it?"

"Although my Gaia energy cannon does not rely on flames, it is a fire-attribute skill after all. It cannot cause significant damage to Suzaku beasts, and there is no water or other elements here... But as long as you give me your power, I will It can be transformed into a sacred energy attribute, do you understand what I mean?"

Taiyi thought of the scene where he used the power of the Li Angel Beast and the Rose Beast to rub the super-large Gaia energy cannon to smash the Emperor Limo, and now he is going to do the same.

"Okay, I believe you."

"The winner is up to you."

The Red Lotus Knight Beast didn't even hesitate a bit, this kind of unconditional trust even Taiyi was not used to it, but there was no time to think more.

He threw his shield forward, and the shield suddenly multiplied and enlarged enough to cover his body and Taiyi, and it was also able to block the raging red flames from the Suzaku beast. Immediately afterwards, the red lotus knight beast stretched out its hands Coming over, he felt that the power of his whole body was being continuously absorbed by Tai Yi into his brewing Gaia energy cannon through his hands.

Taiyi gritted his teeth, because accepting a Digimon who is not his partner is far less efficient than Li Angelmon and the others.

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Good, but fortunately he has grown a lot now, so he still resisted.

The Gaia energy cannon emerged between Taiyi's claws, and then quickly began to expand, and the color gradually turned white from the initial golden yellow, just like the flame will turn orange red into white blue after heating up... from The power of the Paladin of the Red Lotus Knight Beast is "dyeing" it, and his shield in front blocks the flames, so the whole process has not been disturbed in any way.

"What a powerful force... Red Lotus Knight Beast, aren't you quite capable?"

"It's because we have a tacit understanding, but my strength is almost exhausted."

Red Lotus Knight Beast smiled indifferently.

Maybe he just didn't know how to use it. The amount of data Taiyi felt from his hand seemed to be the concentration that a powerhouse at the imperial knight level should have.

Liu Ji, who was sitting on Grani's back, also saw the huge silver-white Gaia energy cannon. Its size was no less than that of Suzakumon, and it looked like a star!Her mouth was opened wide... No matter what, it was impossible to imagine that the Gaia energy cannon turned out to be such a terrifying move.

——How could Taiyi be so big?

"Suzaku Beast, do you want to try it?"

Taichi loudly challenged the red bird standing still.

"Come here!"

Suzaku Beast also had troubles in his heart, but the dignity of God did not allow him to move, he had to take the blow head-on!

"Gaia... energy cannon!!"

"Royal... savior!!"

Taiyi and Red Lotus Knightmon spoke at the same time, calling out the real name of this move, Liberation, but something embarrassing happened because they called it differently.

"Huh? What are you talking about? This is obviously a Gaia energy cannon."

Taichi glared at him very displeased.

"No, he should be completely transformed by me, he should be the savior of the royal family."

Red Lotus Knight Beast refuted with reason and evidence.

"It's the Gaia energy cannon!"

"Royal savior!"

"No, no, you can't steal the show, this is my skill!"

Taichi felt that this was a very serious question, and he couldn't just turn the page like this casually.

So at the juncture between victory and defeat, he actually quarreled with the red lotus knight beast.

"Then call it, Royal Gaia Energy Cannon."

The Red Lotus Knight Beast also seemed to find it ridiculous, so it simply backed down.

"It's almost there."

After getting a satisfactory answer, Taiyi and the Red Lotus Knight Beast threw the "Royal Gaia Energy Cannon", and the silvery white light flashed in the open field, and the cow and horse combination outside were terrified when they saw this scene I don't know what to say, the terrifying energy that is so thick that it cannot be added quickly flooded Suzakumon's main body... At that moment, Suzakumon's consciousness became blurred.

The earth-shattering explosion destroyed all the buildings in the temple, engulfed the flat land, and dug out a huge crater like a meteorite hitting the surface.

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