Chapter 195 Chapter 180 Chapter [-] Talking with the Four Holy Beasts

Taichi thought it was nothing, after all, the Gaia energy cannon should have such destructive power, but the problem is... this is not the kind of soft ground, but the hometown of Suzaku Beast, and the entire God Realm is under this blow. The ground fell apart, and finally only the wall-like building on the outermost edge remained.

"What a powerful force."

"I didn't expect that my power could be released in this way."

The Red Lotus Knight Beast is still in the standard posture with its arms folded, and sighed as if it had nothing to do with itself.

"You really don't know?"

Taiyi squinted one eye and looked at him, there was something in the words.

"What is that look in your eyes? Of course I don't know."

"This is the wonderful result of our first cooperation, don't think of some strange things, Taichi."

"However, fortunately, there are no other Digimon below... Otherwise, this kind of trick will definitely cause a lot of casualties." The red lotus knight stared at the big pit seriously, and the corpse lying there like him half an hour ago Suzaku beast.

"Let's go check on that guy, I think he's willing to talk to you."

Although Taiyi is very suspicious of this guy, but there is really no evidence now, he hasn't shown his feet yet, so let's go and see the situation of Suzakumon first.

That move just now is enough to kill any ordinary-quality ultimate Digimon, but this guy is the Four Holy Beasts, the apex administrator of this digital world, and he has a very large amount of data, which is enough to ensure that he can kill any Digimon with full firepower. Stand up in front of the Taiyi.

"How is it? Suzakumon, have you changed your mind now?"

Taiyi and Red Lotus Knight Beast slowly landed in front of the huge red bird's head.

Although they are still so small, they are completely different now, because Tai Yi has torn down this lofty and invincible "god" including his seat.

"What...what are your plans?"

Taichi knew that Suzakumon no longer had the ability to continue fighting, so he also released BattleGreymon's form, and then he used the Digisoul to float and did not fall, and at this time, he grabbed Crimson Knightmon's hand.

"Humans and Digimon should join hands."

"You humans left us Digimon with an inestimable and terrifying enemy! Do you know how deformed the digital world has become because of the existence of that thing?!"

Although Suzaku Beast was very weak, he still expressed his long-standing grievances and even sick emotions.

"It is to solve this enemy

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People, we're here. "

"Hmph, now that things are up, do you think I will believe it?"

"Then how can you trust me? Do you have a choice?"

When Tai saw the hard beaked appearance, he always thought it was a little bit funny, and he probably understood what kind of character Suzakumon had. In fact, he was already quite shaken in his heart, but he just refused to let go because of face.

"Do you want to be killed by us for that meaningless face, or do you want to save your world and the Digimons?"

"...I will never be with humans..."

"That's enough, Suzakumon."

Suddenly, a heavy thunderous voice came out from the thick clouds above the sky, and then thunder rolled deep in the clouds, and a long dragon-shaped creature turned over in the sea of ​​clouds. Calculate body length.

At this time, Ruki, who was sitting on the back of Grani, was also taken aback, and it seemed that in order to take care of her feelings, Grani deliberately flew forward for a certain distance, away from the dragon Digimon that came suddenly.

"Is it... the Azure Dragon Beast?"

Liu Ji's pupils were trembling, and the demon fox hugged her shoulders from behind so that she could barely stabilize her mind.

She recognized the dragon Digimon, which was the Qinglongmon that appeared in the second season of the animation, but this one's physique was too exaggerated.

For her, a human being who has lived a normal life for more than ten years, such a colossal monster that only exists in prehistoric myths is enough to cause her to have some kind of giant phobia, but she is still Liu Ji after all, even at such a close distance. , and quickly stabilized his mind.

Not knowing if it was an illusion, she noticed that the huge eyes of the Azure Dragon Beast glanced at her.

— is he looking at me?Still watching Grani?

"It seems that your companion is easier to talk to than you, Suzakumon."

Taichi looked up at the blue dragon beast that had suddenly arrived, and smiled.

If this guy is here, then things are probably all right.

"Blue Dragon Beast? What do you mean?"

"They are all righteous fighters from other digital worlds. It's a shame that you have been entangled with your human identity like this."

"You actually..."

Suzakumon was so angry that he wanted to stand up, but his scarred body did not support him to do so.

After the two Four Holy Beasts looked at each other on the ground and in the air for a while, Suzaku finally spoke first.

"Okay, I would like to talk to you, human, are you called Taiyi? I will give an order immediately to have my subordinates stop hunting your companion."

Qinglongmon's gaze made Suzakumon regain his composure. Yes, no matter what, he is the guardian of the digital world, and it is impossible for him to act recklessly just to get angry.

"Wouldn't it be better sooner?"

The Red Lotus Knight Beast joked with a smile.

"...Huh? Wait a minute?"

Suzakumon lay there with his eyes closed, as if he was using some kind of communication line that only he could use to contact his subordinates.

"I can't contact the Aries Beast and Emperor Snake Beast I sent out."

"Then maybe they've been... well, sorry."

Taiyi couldn't think of other possibilities, but with Suzakumon's arrogant character, as long as he doesn't send all the generals to encircle Qiren and Jianliang in one go, the result can only be to give them experience points one by one. If he guessed correctly, now Jianliang and the big-eared beast should have evolved to a full body. At present, the only difference is Liu Ji who is by his side... But there is no way, now is not the time to worry about such things.

"That's it."

Suzaku Beast didn't get angry because of this, but was very calm.

These twelve god generals are all Digimon created by him. They were born to carry out the orders of Suzakumon. Although this is very inhumane, but things have already happened, and there is no point in entanglement. What's more, this is the battle of Digimon. Either you die or I die.

"Tell me, what do you want us to do?"

"Gather the power of the digital world, then release the light of evolution sealed on Gulemon, and then launch a general attack on the monster in the deepest part, 'Di Li Mo'."

Taiyi said the speech he had prepared long ago.

"This is sending you to death!"

Suzaku Beast said firmly.

"That thing is not a purely powerful and indescribable enemy, your plan is too stupid! Human!"

"Of course I know, so this is another condition I can offer." Taiyi looked at Suzakumon very calmly. "I have already found the group of scientists in the human world who researched and created the entire digital world back then. As long as I have their technical assistance, there is no problem in completely erasing the Dili Demon program."

"You mean...the Creator of the Digital World? Is it the group of people who sent Dilimo to us?"

Suzaku Beast couldn't hold back his voice for a moment and became irritable again.

"They didn't expect this kind of thing to happen, or they didn't know that you would have such an evolution... I am not pioneering for them who are also human beings, but they are also counted in this world anyway, including all Digimon and even your four holy beasts, the gods of creation, without them, there would be no digital world."

Taichi knew what Suzakumon wanted to say, so he interrupted him directly.

"Now, they are willing to save their mistakes. I hope you can also let go of those grievances and cooperate well. This is the only way out for the digital world."

Chapter 196 Chapter 180 IX The Warning from the Azure Dragon Beast

"Why do you know us so well?"


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The beast had heard something was wrong at this time.

He didn't say anything yet, why does this human boy seem to know everything, including some major events that have happened since the birth of the digital world, and what's more terrible, he actually knows the true identity of that Gule beast!This, this is an absolute secret that only the four holy beasts know.

"It's just a reasonable inference based on past experience, and then it has been confirmed step by step after coming to the digital world."

Taiyi looked back at the blue dragon beast in the air and said.

"In addition, I also have some personal issues with the ultimate enemy you have been worrying about, 'Di Li Mo'."


Qinglongmon looked curious.

"As you can see, I come from another world like this royal knight. He wanted to help you out of enthusiasm, but I was forced to come. It extended its claws to my world, so I have the opportunity to come here."

"What? Why did that guy do that?"

Suzakumon was very surprised.

"If it has awakened to the extent that it can affect the world on a large scale, why is there no news from us here?"

"I'm also looking for this answer, but it's not important anymore. No matter what, I will eradicate Di Limo, for the sake of my friends here, and for myself."


Listening to their conversation, the Azure Dragon Beast entrenched in the sky remained silent.

There seems to be something wrong with the blue dragon beast, Taiyi thinks it's a bit weird, but he doesn't care too much.

"Think about it, human beings, once Gulemon releases the light of evolution sealed on her body, all Digimon in the entire digital world will be evolved accordingly. We sealed it up to prevent Di Limo from capturing it. It’s a bad idea to wait for the data explosion in the digital world, and because of this, the Digimons can no longer evolve through normal means, which eventually leads to the situation where they cannibalize each other’s data.”

"As much as we would hate to see that happen, sometimes there really isn't a choice."

The voice of the Azure Dragon Beast came from the clouds.

"Of course this can only be done after everything is settled, and I have to go back to the real world once during the period, so please go and gather the Digimon who are willing to fight to protect the world."

"But before that, Suzakumon, you have to tell me the location of my companions first, I'm going to find them, and Gulemon is also with them."

"Of course it's no problem. In fact, if you don't want to move, I can also ask my subordinates to bring them here, and you can rest here."


Tai Yi didn't know how to answer him, because he looked around and found no place to "rest" within a hundred miles, even Suzaku himself was still lying in that big crater with him. Taiyi spoke, take a closer look... His posture lying there is still somewhat enchanting, as if he is very comfortable.

"Besides, I'm also curious, why on earth can you change from a human to a Digimon? Is that a special power from your world?"

"The situation is very complicated, and it's not convenient for me to explain it, but my digital world was not created by humans, but was formed naturally with the birth of the Internet, so besides the Four Holy Beasts like you, there are also gods 'Administrators' exist, how should I say? An invisible monster, I guess."

Suzaku Beast really couldn't figure out what kind of picture it was, but he was quite interested in these things.

After getting along, in fact, there is not much difference between human beings and Digimons... Especially the Yagami Taichi in front of me can actually become a Digimon. Just his miraculous existence beyond common sense is already considered a human being can be compared with Digimons. Proof of peaceful coexistence.

"It's very interesting... Yagami Taichi, it seems that I was too reckless with you before, but you also hurt me like this, so it's a write-off."

——It's quite good at reckoning.

Taichi actually started to think that this guy is kind of cute, is it true that all grumpy Digimon are arrogant?

"Ah~ I don't care, I don't know each other if I don't fight, Suzaku Beast."

"Go to your companions, and I will let this light guide you."

Suzaku released a bright red feather, which quickly turned into a glowing sphere and landed in front of Taiyi.

Sitting on Ge Lani at this time, Liu Ji was nervous and worried, because she could only hear the words of the Qinglong beast and part of the voice of the Suzaku beast. They seemed to be discussing about Di Limo, so the situation should be Well, the plan is going well, and the digital world can become their strength.

Seeing that Taiyi and Red Lotus Knight Beast finally came back, Liu Ji also breathed a sigh of relief.

"What are you guys talking about? We've been chatting for so long."

"I'll talk to you slowly on the way, let's go to Qiren and Jianliang first."

Taiyi sat down on Grani and began to slowly recover his strength.

"What's the hurry? Haven't we already reconciled? Surely they won't come to harass us again."

"The digital world is so big, and there are many, many wild Digimon. The Four Holy Beasts, Emperor Tiangao, are far away from controlling them, so I have to find Qiren and Jianliang before I can rest assured."

"Don't worry, with Grani and I here, I will protect you."

Red Lotus Knight Beast patted its chest, and smiled at Taiyi.

"Well, thanks to you this time too, Crimson Knightmon, I will count on you from now on."

"It's okay~ what are you being polite to me

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