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? "He waved his hands and smiled nonchalantly. "As a royal knight, helping others can give me satisfaction. This is a win-win situation. And because of your arrival, I finally have a way to deal with Di Limo. I am very happy. "

I feel that his character may be more like Jesmon...young, capable and enthusiastic, of course, not the one in TRI, but the Jessmon in the orthodox setting.

But Taiyi still hid his worries in his heart, he was very reluctant to doubt his companions, but sometimes it was just such a little doubt, and an unreasonable intuition could save his life.

"Do you need me to take you out of here?"

The Azure Dragon Beast hadn't left yet, but at this moment it moved its pair of big dragon heads closer.

Taiyi was also taken aback, even he was shocked by the opponent's huge size, only his own group, including Galani under him, was comparable to the size of a blue dragon beast's eye... Really worthy of four The face of the holy beast.

"That's annoying."

Relying on the wind current caused by the Qinglong beast, Galani seems to be a sailboat on a calm sea with the help of the wind, and its flying speed is several times faster than before. Although this is very dangerous for human beings, Taiyi has Digisoul's shelter, so there is no need to worry about falling, for him and Ruki, this is a very safe cabin.

—I have something to tell you.

Taiyi was thinking about how to solve the problem of the ultimate evolution of the combination of three primary colors, but the voice that suddenly sounded in his head pulled him back to reality.

He recognized that it was the voice of the Azure Dragon Beast, so he looked over.

——Don't make a sound, just listen to me carefully, these words cannot be heard by others, especially the royal knight beside you.


Taichi's throat moved.

He was just looking for an opportunity to ask him if he had concealed something in the negotiation just now, but he didn't expect that he would take the initiative to contact him.

——Although I have no evidence, he came to our world a long time ago. At that time, he was not what he is now. It can even be said that he was a different person. He did not listen to my advice and was alone Going deep to the bottom to challenge Di Li Mo, he was defeated and returned. He told me that this thing is beyond his ability to deal with, and even went to the human world once, trying to find the human being who developed Di Li Mo back then.

The red lotus knight beast has been to the human world?

This may not be considered suspicious, and it is reasonable, even wise, for him to rush to the human world to try it out.

——Of course there was no gain in the end, but he said he would not give up. Today I heard you say that Di Li Mo had been to your world, so I was thinking, is there a possibility...?

——Although you trust him very much, when I first met him, he was not as enthusiastic as he is now, and his strength is much stronger than what he showed in the battle just now.

— That's all I can say.

——Please beware of him, be careful in everything, Yagami Taichi.

Chapter 197 Chapter 190 Looks like I'm the same type of Digimon

The Red Lotus Knightmon has something to hide from itself.

Taiyi sat there, looking at the back of the knight sitting in front of him, his bright red cloak was blown by the oncoming gust like a banner.

Originally, Taiyi had just gained some trust and sense of security in this guy, and the house collapsed all of a sudden. Although he acted a little naive, he was also straightforward. It was really difficult for Taiyi, and he was unwilling to imagine such a situation. Digimon are actually villains.

The meaning Qinglong wants to express is also very simple. He suspects that the culprit of the series of chain reactions that sent Di Limo to Taiyi's world and caused Taiyi to come here is the Red Lotus Knight Beast.

This is very reasonable, Taiyi didn't even think of it, but this is also because Qinglongmon has more information than him to reason it out, but Taiyi is still very difficult to accept, this may mean that Red Lotus Knightmon is friendly to itself , Enthusiasm is all acting, it's a fake.

He is by no means a bad person, but he is a very pure royal knight, a royal knight who can do anything for the safety of the digital world, even if it means sacrificing the entire human world.

Maybe one day, Crimson Knightmon will use the "Royal Savior" on Taichi for the sake of the Digital World.

But... why do you do this?Did he want to test the power of Di Li Mo?Hasn't he already tried it himself?This thing will delete all redundant data, keeping it will do no harm, what is he going to do?Could it be that in order to overthrow the World Tree, it is necessary to risk using the power of Di Limo?

But if you do that, everyone should stop playing. The World Tree is gone, and the digital world is gone. Isn't that putting the cart before the horse?

Tai Yi is thinking hard, trying to calculate a result without logical errors, but he can't figure it out no matter how he thinks.

Therefore, he hoped that he was thinking too much. Their meeting was just by chance. These are just the assumptions of the Qinglong Beast. Maybe it is the Qinglong Beast who has the problem. It is also possible that he is lying to himself, trying to create a conflict between himself and Crimson Knightmon.

——Don't be suspicious of your teammates who are fighting side by side.

"What's wrong with you? You look so ugly."

Ruki's voice brought Taichi back to his senses.

"I'm thinking about things."

"Coincidentally~ I'm thinking about something too."

She sat beside Taiyi, and put on the denim jacket tied around her waist again, because it was still very cold to fly in the sky.

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The Red Lotus Knight Beast didn't know what it was doing, but he was sitting in the front alone in a daze. When he was on Grani, he would often do this kind of action, as if he was admiring the superb view of the sky in front of him, so Liu Ji It's natural to lean against Tai Yi, it's not very intimate, but it's much warmer than being alone.

"Thinking about what?"

"I think, this adventure, I should not be able to achieve my goal."

Liu Ji was very calm when she said this, even Tai Yi found it inconceivable.

In the past, she was the kind who was furious because she couldn't evolve. Her anxiety about not being able to evolve even brought it to her partner, the fox beast.

"But I'm not in a hurry, there will be more opportunities in the future, because I have decided that like you, I will go to other digital worlds to take risks in the future."

Liu Ji smiled, it was not bitterness, but a kind of prospect for a better future.

"It's really good for you to think so. In fact, sometimes too much pursuit of evolution will bring about the opposite effect. How should I put it? It's like when you play chess or cards, the more anxious you are, the easier it is to mess up."

"There is no need to be introverted in this kind of thing. The fun of being a beast tamer lies in establishing a deep bond with your partner. Take your time and keep your own rhythm."


Liu Ji let out a long breath of relief, and stayed close to Tai Yi without saying anything, just like that night.

Just this can make her feel at ease, and the restless heart after the shock can also calm down.

Now she finally understood why Taiyi said that his journey was not considered an adventure. The adventure that Ruki thought was the kind of exploration of the unknown world full of expectations, but if there were enemies like Apocalypse Beast or Dili Demon, That is not an adventure, but torture, survival.

"I hope there will be no more accidents. I hope that Jianliang's father and Mr. Shanmu can quickly think of a solution."

Following the guidance of the ball of light released by Suzakumon, and relying on the speed of Grani, Taichi quickly returned to the previous digital world, but for some reason, the ball of light responsible for guiding work suddenly began to lose its direction at this time , turning in a circle along a fixed range.

"What's going on? Suzaku is playing with us?"

Ruki said cautiously.

"No, they should be somewhere in the lower space."

The Red Lotus Knight Beast came over and explained to them.

"The digital world will have such a small-scale space world, like an independent small digital world."

"And the structure of this world is not flat but hierarchical. It is divided into six floors from high to low, just like a high-rise building has six floors, and each floor has many rooms that can be entered and exited."

"Boundary Creation Mountain?"

Taichi thought of a place name from Crimson Knightmon's description.

"...You also have this animation there?"

Of course Ruhime knew what Chuangjieshan was, but she was just surprised that Taiyi knew.

"Yes, of course there is."

"Although I don't understand what you are talking about, I think your companions must have accidentally fallen into a nearby small world. Let's fly a little lower and look for it."

Red Lotus Knight Beast knew that they were talking about human beings, so they didn't have much interest.

"Why do you know this world so well? Red Lotus Knight Beast?"

Taiyi pretended to ask casually.

"My world over there also has this kind of structure, but it is much larger than this side, with about ten layers... Then I also conducted a survey of this world before, and now we are on the highest layer and the surface layer World, there are not many Digimon here, what we just went to is the bottom level of the 'God's Realm', and the deeper place is where the devil is."

The Red Lotus Knight Beast was slowly explaining, and at the same time, Grani also began to descend to prepare for a low-altitude flight, but at this moment, the whole ground suddenly trembled, and even several surrounding hills collapsed. This scene is An obvious earthquake, it seems that there is some terrible energy underground that is transmitted to the surface to cause natural disasters, but this is the digital world, and all disasters can be traced.

"It seems that our journey is always accompanied by danger."

Taiyi seemed to understand something.

It must be that Qiren and the others have encountered new troubles, and this time the troubles are not little monsters at the level of the twelve generals.

Fate always seems to be playing tricks on itself like this... It always presents one new problem after another, and doesn't give Tai Yi any chance to pass the test easily.

"My friend, do you smell that stench?"

The Red Lotus Knight Beast suddenly squatted down and stroked Galani's forehead.

"What stink? What are you talking about?"

The demon fox frowned and asked.

"It's a stench I'm familiar with, and I hate it."

Red Lotus Knightmon looked back at Taichi and the others.

"It looks like your companion's partner is the same type of Digimon as me."

At this time, the ground that trembled to the point of cracking suddenly exploded, and the splashed gravel almost hit Grani's body, but Taichi's Digi-soul protective layer made for flight safety blocked them, and then a The bright red light shot straight into the sky and quickly turned into a strange symbol, three red triangles surrounded an inverted triangle from three directions.

"Digital crisis... tsk."

Tai Yi felt dazed, even a little unrealistic.

That sign is the so-called "digital crisis" that is enough to destroy this

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The sign of the birth of the world's monsters... That monster is the evolutionary branch of the ultimate body of Kielmon - Destroyer Demon Dragon Beast, and the appearance of this sign means that Kaito has encountered the greatest crisis in his life.


As soon as the Red Lotus Knight Beast gave an order, Grani immediately let out a long moan, and swooped in the direction of the digital crisis.

Chapter 198, Chapter 190, Side B, the Broken Arc Machine

Akito Matsuda and Li Jianliang embarked on an adventure that could not be called an adventure in the digital world. They were sent to an unknown place by that strange beam of light... But the surrounding terrain has undergone earth-shaking changes. The desolate desert turned into an oasis. After discussing with Jianliang, Qiren and Jianliang decided to take Gulemon to a safe place first, to see if there was any way to return to their original place.

But not long after they left, they encountered the Emperor Snake and Aries who came to find fault. In order to protect Gule and live up to Taiyi's long-term training and expectations, they decided to fight. The desire to fight with their companions also made them light up the "blue card" that can be used for full body evolution. Jianliang successfully evolved his big-eared beast into a full-body Rabimon.

After defeating the chasing enemies, they dared not stop to rest and continued to move forward, and finally fell into a pool of water by mistake... There, Qiren and Jianliang met many Digimons and learned all the secrets about Digimons. Including the origin of this world, and why he was able to meet Kiel Beast, made him more convinced that this was the most correct choice in his life.

They are all running on the road of their dreams now.

In fact, Tai Yi had said these things to them in the chat, but listening to other people's dictation and witnessing it with his own eyes are still two different things.

After leaving the pool, Qiren and Jianliang continued to walk upwards, preparing to return to the outermost surface world. On the way, they encountered many chrysalis attacks, but here they met another unexpected person, That person's name is "Akiyama Ryo". Kaito has heard his name before. It should be said that in this world, anyone who is interested in Digimon will know who he is.

Makino Ruhime of the same team is also a well-known battle game player, who once won three consecutive championships, and the player who ended her impressive record was this Akiyama Ryo.

Qiren didn't expect that he would come to the digital world to take risks, but this is also in line with his status as the "legendary strongest animal trainer". Just when Qiren and Jianliang breathed a sigh of relief, thinking that there would be no more accidents... a new enemy appeared in front of them.

His name is Fallen Hell Beast. This guy looks very strange, as if he has received some kind of curse, or like a patient with hyperthyroidism, he has been provoking them with red eyes, asking for a fight.

And he also has a strange energy color, this color Qiren and Jianliang have seen it before... It was the day they first met Taiyi, he evolved into a battle tyrannosaurus in front of them, An alienated Vajra Beast was eliminated.

With the help of Akiyama Liao, Qiren and the others barely resisted the attack of the Fallen Hell Beast, but when they were dealing with the enemy in front of them with all their strength, there was a pink bubble who turned into the sixth child and took the opportunity to steal the ancient music beast. Fleeing to the lower world.

"Leave this guy to us! A Liao, please save Gu Le Beast! Only you are suitable for this among us!"

"Protecting that child is my promise to a very important companion! Please!"

Faced with Kaito's entreaties, Akiyama Ryo had no other choice. He also knew that the power related to evolution was hidden in that Digimon. Qiren and Jianliang came to face the Fallen Hell Beast.

However, the gap in strength cannot be made up with faith. The Great Gula Beast and Rabi Beast soon fell down. The Great Gula Beast even received a fatal blow from the Falling Hell Beast in order to protect Qiren, and directly pierced through the chest.

"A Digimon like you that only revolves around human beings is not worthy of living! Go to hell!!"

The Fallen Hell Beast's eyes were bloodshot, and its voice was completely demonized.

For Kaito who had just realized how wonderful and lucky he had met Kielmon, this scene was more painful than piercing his own chest.

"Qiren! Run away! Run away!"

Jianliang was so anxious that he didn't know what to do, he was at his wit's end!

"Enough is enough! Big Gula!"

Kaito quickly made his decision.

"Evolve! It doesn't matter if you make a mistake! Even if Taiichi-san said that you can't pursue evolution too hastily, it doesn't matter!"

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