These words seem to have unraveled the curse of the brutal and wild instinct that Kiel has been trying to suppress. The Guramon began to emit black light, and its eyes turned into vertical pupils. The impact of the shock forced the fallen hell beast to retreat. took several steps.

"Evolve!! Great Gula Beast!!!"

There was a crack in the arc light machine in his hand, and the big gula beast was wrapped in black and red violent energy, and Qi Ren's voice was almost hoarse.

He knew what that meant.

Taichi once advised him not to worry about evolution, he must not be like Yagami Taichi in the animation, because of the rush to evolve, the Greymon evolved into Zombie Greymon, and now most of his Kielmon will also develop in that direction... …However, he has no choice. In order to survive, and to meet Kielmon with a smile in the future, he must bear the price now.

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This is a huge torture for Kielmon, but for Kaito who regards Kielmon as his closest companion, it is also a piercing pain.

But it doesn't matter, no matter what, he will stay by Kiel's side, no matter what the result of this runaway evolution is, he will bear it.

Thus, the Shattered Demon Dragon Beast was born.

This is what Qiren and Jianliang experienced before Taiyi arrived here.



Passing through the door of the small world, Tai Yi felt as if he had stepped into a small copy of the dungeon in a fantasy world. A barren underground world was presented in front of him, but compared with the land style here, there are two more The guy worthy of his attention...a huge crimson dragon, the dragon man's upper body has a snake-like lower body, more like a "snake man" race, with a pair of demon giant wings on the back, the crimson dragon, basically The ultimate evolution of the beast.

Although there is no wrong or correct statement about the evolution of Digimon, for Kairen and Kielmon, this is definitely not the result they want to see.

At the same time, in front of the Destroyer Demon Dragon Beast, there was also a Demon King Digimon in a black leather jacket, with a stylish appearance and the familiar double guns on his waist. Look at his classic appearance, and the scar on his arm. The bound red silk scarf undoubtedly showed that he was that little monster, that fallen hell beast.

Did this classic scene come so soon?But... Taiyi found it incredible.

In fact, it hasn't been too long since they arrived in the digital world. Even if there may be a certain time difference between each layer of the world, it can't develop so fast, right?Enlighten them, what have they experienced?

At this time, Keito didn't collapse on the ground completely absent-minded like in the original work. On the contrary, Taiyi saw emotions on his face that he had never had before—anger, extreme anger, and this was the gentle Matsuda Keito. person?

——Like, very similar.

Suddenly, Tai Yi found some sense of déjà vu from Qi Ren's face.

In order to defeat the Bright Beast, I had to force myself to have negative emotions, so that the Tiannv Beast could undergo a wrong evolution to obtain the dark attribute, but now Qiren really resembles himself at that time.

"Don't be scruples now! Destruction Demon Dragon Beast...kill him for me!"

Veins popped up on Qi Ren's face, anger burned in his pupils, and he didn't care if the arc light machine in his hand was all broken into glass slag, and the Shattered Demon Dragon Beast also started a duel with the Fallen Hell Beast.

"What the hell is that idiot doing! He's already disqualified as a beast tamer!"

Liu Ji shouted anxiously.

"...inspire him..."

Taiyi hesitated to speak, he understood why Qiren became like this.

"Qiren knows the consequences of doing this, but he still has to do it, just to be able to survive, just to keep the life of Kiel Beast."

"Wait! Ruhime, Taichi! That black Digimon seems to be... small, small monster?"

The demon fox screamed in surprise, she recognized the thing tied to the arm of the ultimate body, didn't it belong to the little monster?

Chapter 199 Chapter 190 [-] The Defensive Fallen Hell Beast

"Little monster? That... the little monster who threw stones at us? Is it him??"

Liu Ji's expression froze directly on his face.

The date with Taiyi that day was thanks to this little guy, which made Liu Ji's mood worse. She didn't think much about it at the time, but she just thought that she was just a child with a temper. The teachers reconciled, but I didn't expect that the little guy who couldn't even throw stones correctly a few days could he become such a terrifying ultimate body in a blink of an eye?

"I'm afraid he's had some adventure."

"But this is too exaggerated, he is just growing up."

"This is the benefit of joining the forces of darkness. Without any conditions, the power can skyrocket endlessly." Tai Yi closed his left eye and began to tease Liu Ji. "How? Do you want to join too?"

"Stop making fun of me."

Liu Ji cast a disdainful glance at the Fallen Heaven Hell Beast that had gone mad, and replied directly.

"It would be better to die if it becomes like that."

Liu Ji couldn't figure it out, but Taiyi knew why.

The original little monster was given the power of evolution by Suzakumon to become the ultimate body, the condition is that he wants to kill the human beings who enter the digital world.

But now Suzaku Beast has cooperated with him. Although it is not 100% sure, most likely he will not backstab himself. ...Only Di Limo is the only thing.

The rose-red energy breath emerging from the Fallen Hell Beast from time to time seems to confirm this point.

"The situation is not optimistic."

Looking at the Destroyer Demon Dragon Beast fighting with the Fallen Heaven Hell Beast, the Red Lotus Knight Beast beside Taiyi began to lose its hold.

"Who should we help?"

"Anyway, let's talk it out first."

Tai Yi rubbed his temples, seeing the saliva dripping from the Shattered Demon Dragon Beast corrode the ground like sulfuric acid, and his headache became even more severe.

"Okay, I'll deal with the big ones, and you go after the small ones."

The Red Lotus Knight Beast smiled confidently, before Taiyi could react, it made a move. It transformed into a lance and a round shield with both hands and flew towards the Destruction Demon Dragon Beast. Taiyi had no choice but to take out the ring from his waist.

"Liu Ji, go and see Qiren, I'm worried about his mental state."

"be careful."

Ruhime is also very unhappy, every fight

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I have encountered such a strong and terrifying ultimate body, so far, she has only fought against Flying Tiger Beast in the digital world, and she has joined forces with Qiren Jianliang, but it is not about these things now it's time.


Taiyi's ring began to flash, and the card quickly appeared in his hand, and then he jumped off Galani's back. During the process of free fall, he swiped the card and directly evolved into a battle tyrannosaur, and then the dragon beast nemesis double in his hand The claws shone coldly, piercing the back of the Fallen Hell Beast.

"Young man, step back."

Seeing the red cloaked knight falling in front of him, Qiren remembered that he was the ultimate body who had come to stop them before, and the battle tyrannosaurus transformed by Taiyi was also following behind. It was the opponent's appearance, Qi Ren felt dizzy, and soon a roaring pterosaur passed over his head, and then a certain heroic lady jumped off the dragon's wings.

"Liu Ji...I..."

Suddenly, Qiren's legs went limp and he sat on the ground.

He knew that Taiyi had already arrived, and there was no need for him to worry about the next one, so after the tight string was loosened, he fell to the ground without standing still, because the bond between him and the Kiel beast was getting worse. He is much deeper than the other two, so the mutation that happened to Kielmon has caused his current state to be very bad.

"Don't talk too much, let's get out of here first."

Liu Ji was about to grab his wrist, but Qi Ren quickly opened it.

"No, Kielmon is still here...I can't leave him behind."

The teenager shook his head.

"You come up first! You can't do anything like this!"

Liu Ji couldn't help but wanted to punch this guy, it was hard to imagine that Qi Ren, who usually spoke softly, would be so stubborn.

"Leave this place to them, Qiren, wake up, you've done enough."

"Qi Ren, listen to Liu Ji's words, let's hide for a while, staying here will only affect their battle."

Jianliang walked over with the big-eared beast in his arms and was supported by the demon fox, and persuaded his companions.

It seems that after the full body, the damage suffered by the Digimon will be directly fed back to the animal trainer, so he is also scarred now, and he can't even stand firmly.


Qi Ren closed his eyes, his mind was in a mess, and he was about to lose the ability to think.

Rationally, he understands that leaving now is the most correct, but emotionally, he can't bear to leave. He is afraid that Kielmon will misunderstand that he has abandoned him, and his heart is very difficult as if being grabbed by a hand.

"Go, boy."

At this time, the red lotus knight beast who had been their enemy before also fell in front of them.

He had kicked the Demon Dragon Beast's jaw with a flying kick before, directly knocking the Demon Dragon to the ground, and then he landed right here, and heard the conversation of the combination of three primary colors.

"By my silver spear, I will save your comrades."

For some reason, the words of Jianliang and Liu Ji failed to move him, but the words of the Red Lotus Knight Beast poured into the young man's muddy heart like a clear spring, as if it became transparent all at once.

"Red lotus... knight beast."

Qiren murmured his name, and suddenly felt an indescribable intimacy with this ultimate body who was an enemy before.

"Red Lotus Knight Beast, don't hurt Kiel Beast."

Liu Ji was worried that he would misunderstand, and even reminded him.

"Don't worry, I'm still very experienced in dealing with this kind of runaway Digimon."

After finishing speaking, the Red Lotus Knight Beast raised its gun to meet the Destroyer Demon Dragon Beast again. Qi was dazed, but he followed his companions and climbed onto Galani's body.

Taiyi knew that the strength of the Red Lotus Knight Beast was far more than what it had shown before, so he didn't worry too much. What he needed to pay more attention to was the fallen hell beast in front of him.

"Long time no see, little monster."

At this time, Taiyi also came to the fallen hell beast.

"It's you! I remember your voice!"

Hearing this name and the familiar voice, Fallen Hell Beast saw the appearance of that human from this Digimon in an instant, which made him even more irritable who was already completely insane.

Now his mind is full of shameful images of himself being teased and humiliated by this human being in that park at that time when he was still growing up!

"You shouldn't have forgotten what you did to me! Bastard!"

The sharp claws of the Fallen Hell Beast pointed at Tai Yi and cursed angrily.

"I'm not what I used to be now! I'm going to let you know what it means not to bully young people and be poor!"


Taichi just couldn't help laughing when he saw his appearance, and then stroked his red hair of War Greymon like a villain.

"How should I put it? It feels like a child being bullied by an adult, crying and asking an adult to help him take revenge."

"How dare you... despise me like this!"

The Fallen Hell Beast was going mad, even though he was already abnormal.

"Did you get your power from Di Li Mo?" Tai Yi suddenly changed his face, his smile disappeared, and his voice was raised several times. "Don't you know what kind of creature that guy is? Helping him, you have lost your dignity as a Digimon!"

"I just want to gain great power! I want to become a Digimon that is not attached to any human beings!"

"Look at how you look now."

Taiyi pointed at him with the dragon beast nemesis and said coldly.

"Are you still a Digimon?"

"You have digital

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The beast is disqualified, I have seen Digimon like you who only want to become stronger on their own and do not want to rely on the trainer, but they

"It's so noisy! It's so noisy, it's so noisy!"

The Fallen Hell Beast held its head in pain, the words in its mouth were already slurred, and then took out a pair of shotguns and shot at Tai Yi together, but all the bullets were blocked by the shield sealed by the brave.

Projectiles like raindrops hit the shield, and sparks flew in an instant, but they couldn't break through the defense at all. Taiyi silently held up the shield to observe him. The appearance of this Fallen Hell Beast was indeed very similar to Belstar Beast, but Taiyi really didn't want to Connect this guy in front of you with the dark evolution of the Celestial Beast.

"Little monster, do you remember what I told you last time?"

"Don't call me by that name!!!"

Chapter 200 Chapter 190 Chapter Three

"I said, don't forget what you really want."

"All I want is power! Power!"

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