The Fallen Hell Beast roared and replied.


Regarding his answer, Taiyi made such a sharp comment.

"What can you do after gaining power? Prove that you are the strongest, and then?"


He opened his mouth but found that there was no way to answer Tai Yi.

Because he doesn't know the answer to this question. For him, becoming stronger is what he desires the most, but what to do after becoming stronger... His mind is really blank and he can't think of an answer.

--Dominate the world?But is that really what you want?

The moment Taiyi asked that question, the Fallen Hell Beast already had the answer in his heart, but he didn't want to admit it.

"I don't know! I don't even know where the end of the universe is, so how could I know such a thing! Don't ask me!"

"You know what? You've let me down."

Taiyi didn't want to talk anymore.

The little monster is very hateful and pitiful. If he had known that he would accept the power of Di Limo to evolve into a fallen hell beast, then Taiyi would have brought him by his side no matter what, but now... Taiyi is very clear, There is no way for a Digimon eroded by Dili Demon to return to normal, only to die.

People are mortal, and some people need a little help.

I don't know if there is any remedy, but Taichi can't think about these anymore.

"Shut up shut up shut up!"

"Death Shot!!"

He took out the shotgun again and wanted to attack, but Taichi had already rushed forward with the seal of the brave.

The brave on the ground, the strongest dragon warrior, the battle tyrannosaurus will never lose speed, the shield resists all the bullets of the fallen hell beast, Taiyi has not changed his moves, and does not give him any chance to counter, use this With the power brought by the run-up, he slapped the seal of the brave in his hand on his head, and with a crisp "duang" sound, he flew out directly.

——Eat my shield of justice!

Fallen Hell Beast was stunned by this collision, he never thought that the power he had obtained with all his efforts would be so vulnerable to this human-turned Digimon, his shield is really too troublesome!

And after a successful blow, Taiyi seemed to have discovered the secret to defeating this guy.

That's right... There's no need for him to engage in big moves like in the animation. Most of the time, he behaves like this because he doesn't have enough funds to do action scenes, but this is not an animation. He can fight as he wants. It's just that the Fallen Hell Beast that doesn't have the mark of great crime can't break through the seal of the brave, so just keep using it.

"Bastard bastard bastard!! Impossible! You can't beat me!"

The Fallen Hell Beast has already been completely overthrown, he no longer cares about what will happen next, what will happen in the future, he just wants to teach this Battle Tyrannosaurus a lesson!



The Fallen Hell Beast rushing over with fury was once again misfired by Tai Yi with the shield, his body was out of balance and he was directly beaten out of rigidity, and then Tai Yi continued to slap the Fallen Hell Beast with his shield mercilessly, screaming again that he was shot It was directly knocked down to the ground, and then Taiyi still didn't stop, and directly started the "shield" method of hoeing the earth, using the seal of the brave to slap the fallen hell beast one after another.

Liu Ji saw this side from the back of Galani... She actually felt a little happy, obviously they were two ultimate bodies, but they didn't show their due peak combat power duel, instead it became a scene of children fighting, The two in Fallen Hell Beast's hands are like toy guns, but Taiyi is holding a solid anti-riot shield, which is invulnerable, directly gaining the advantage of crushing.

Originally, being hit by this shield would be painful to death. Although the damage is not as high as that of the Dragon Beast Buster, the toughening effect is sufficient. The Fallen Hell Beast, which can be hit by every blow, cannot stand up, and soon lies flat.

"Comprehensive enough? What a stupid mistake you have made."

I don't know how many times I beat him like this, until Taiyi felt his waist began to sore, and finally stopped.

However, it's also a bit strange. It stands to reason that he has been infected by Di Limo, and he should have gained much stronger strength than now, but now he is showing the strength of a normal fallen hell beast, not so exaggerated.

The Fallen Hell Beast lay on the ground with its eyes closed, without saying a word.

It's just that at some point, the rose red energy aura on his body has disappeared.

——He didn't have that kind of mutation, maybe he can still be saved?

Taichi knows what he has seen

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Those Digimons that have been eroded and alienated by the Emperor Limo will have distorted and swollen limbs as if they were infected with the G virus, but the Fallen Hell Beasts have no other changes except for their breath.

"Hey! Can you hear me? Hey, hey."

He didn't get very close, but just stood at a safe distance and called out continuously.

But the Fallen Hell Beast didn't answer him, as if he was dead, but because he didn't appear to be digitized, so Tai Yi didn't approach rashly, but just waited slowly. roared, but Taichi didn't look back, he knew that Crimson Knightmon couldn't lose.

Soon, the body of the Fallen Hell Beast shone with light and quickly shrunk... It turned into that little purple monster again. Everything changed, only the red silk scarf tied around his arm returned to his neck .

"Little thing, are you okay?"

This time Taichi could let go and walked over.


The little monster opened its eyes, and its voice was a little weak.

"I was lied to by them."

"what happened?"

Taiyi squatted beside him, slowly helped his small body up, and then gave him some time to adjust his thoughts, the little monster didn't continue to go crazy, it seemed to be completely quiet, like a child who did something wrong head down.

"I found a gap in the digital world from the bottom of the bridge... I strayed into this place, and then I met Inujinmon."

The plot is similar to that of the original work, and the dog god beast is also the one that symbolizes the dog in the twelve generals.

"That guy said that he would give me strength, and the price would be to deal with you... I agreed."

"But I didn't expect them to backtrack!"

The little monster gritted its teeth in hatred.

"Well, this should be my problem."

Tai thought the whole thing was absurdly comical.

"Suzakumon has reconciled with me, so of course he doesn't need you to be his tool."

"Is that so... so it's because of this."

"But it's not that guy who broke his promise that I hate so much! It's that he just threw me down!"

The little monster scolded angrily.

"'You are useless!' 'Don't keep pestering me here!' 'A lowly Digimon like you is not worthy of negotiating terms with me!' That's what he said! Then I started from the realm of the gods Fall down!"

" have suffered."

Taiyi can already imagine what happened next, the gods and beasts like dogs have high self-esteem, they look down on anyone except the four holy beasts, so it is very reasonable to treat little monsters like this.

"Then I woke up out of nowhere, with those pink bubbles all around me."

"They entered my body and I screamed desperately not to! But I couldn't resist... Then, I became very irritable."

The fear in the eyes of the little monster, one can imagine how painful the scene when he was injected with power.

"Human! I know you look down on me, but even I am like this! Even a Digimon like me has dignity! I will not sell my life to such an unknown guy!"

Chapter 201 Chapter 190 Four Heroes Can't Get Cold

Although I don't know why, the little monster returned to normal.

But Taiyi still didn't relax his vigilance. He would never allow the little monster to return to the human world until he was completely sure that the Dili Demon was eliminated. He was not sure when he would have another attack. At least... he must be quarantined for more than 14 days .

The Red Lotus Knight Beast also successfully defeated the runaway Demon Dragon Beast at this time, and Qiren was crying silently holding the dying Kiel Beast... Although Taiyi successfully found them and resolved the temporary crisis, But they can't rest yet, because they lost the most critical person.

"Listen to me, Taiyi, we have to hurry up! The Gule beast was taken away by that bastard, if the light of evolution on her is deprived, the consequences will be disastrous!"

After Liu Ji heard about their experience from Jian Liang, she hurriedly told Tai Yi the news.

"I know."

"We met Akiyama Liao here, do you remember? Taichi, the legendary animal trainer I told you about before."

Jianliang did not forget to remind another companion they met on the road.

Before, when Taiyi was chatting at his home, because Liu Ji was mentioned, Jianliang did a little science for Taiyi, especially the man who terminated Liu Ji’s consecutive championship record. Of course, Taiyi knew that there was such a person in this world early on. , it just cannot be expressed.

"Although Qiushan Liao is not bad, but the opponent is that Emperor Limo, it's better for us to hurry down and support him."

Taiyi sighed, thinking that he really didn't even have time to rest.

From fighting Red Lotus Knight Beast, Suzaku Beast, Falling Heaven Hell Beast, and now going down to snatch Gule Beast from Di Li Mo... After this series, Tai Yi is almost exhausted, but no matter how tired he is , There is no time to rest now, the Gule beast is at stake, he has to go, and if Di Limo gets the "Light of Evolution" and is upgraded to a more terrifying existence, it will be too late.

"But your have been fighting for so long, Taichi, you will be very dangerous if you continue like this!"

Seeing that he still wanted to continue fighting, Liu Ji couldn't hold back her urgency.

She accompanied Tai Yi all the way here, she saw everything Tai Yi did, and of course she knew his consumption.

"If you rest now

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, the situation will become more dangerous. "

"Don't worry about me, I'm Yagami Taichi."

"But if the opponent is that thing! Even you...!"

Ruki couldn't say it, but suddenly remembered the original dream, the dream of the Omega beast falling in the void.

——This man came to this world alone, but he worked tirelessly to help them, and he even wanted to be so stubborn and desperate to save their world...Damn it, why, why am I so weak?If I can also master the ultimate body...Damn it!

"It's okay, don't worry."

Taiyi reached out and stroked Liu Ji's hair.

He still maintains the posture of the battle tyrannosaurus.

Because he didn't know if he would be able to evolve successfully next time if he was relieved, the more he had to do it all at once, the more he had to finish all the work before his body could react.

"In my world, the Digimons regard me as a hero, so heroes, you can't run away."


Jianliang also hesitated to speak, and he also understood that Taiyi's limit was approaching.

"Let us go with you."

After some tangling, Jianliang still spoke.

"Although we still don't have the strength to fight the ultimate body, we can also help if it is a rescue operation."

"No, it's too dangerous."

Taiyi directly shook his head.

The current Di Li Mo is not the Di Li Mo who is still in the new stage in the animation at all. He already has many strange and unpredictable abilities, and Taiyi dare not let them who are not yet mature enough to take risks.

"And Qiren is not in a good condition right now, so you can stay here with him."

"I'm fine, Senior Taichi."

Qiren hugged the still sleeping Kielmon, his eyes were red and swollen, and he wiped away the tears from the corners of his eyes while talking.

"Don't worry, I'll wait for you here myself, and I'll talk to Kiel Beast by the way."

"Well, well, let's go together then."

Although he has gone through a catastrophe, there is a reassuring firmness in the young man's eyes besides the sadness. Taiyi knows that any concern he has for him now is superfluous, and he really has no reason to refuse him now, let alone There was no time to argue any further.

"I'm going too! Take me with you!"

At this time, the little monster suddenly rushed to Taiyi's side.

"I want to take revenge on that guy! I want... Take me! I can still fight again. The Gule Beast was taken away because of my fault, so I should take it back!"

"Okay, I believe you."

Tai Yi didn't hesitate at all, and agreed to him directly.

Liu Ji was quite surprised, because she couldn't trust this guy at all, but this was Taichi's decision, and now is not the time to raise opinions and argue.

In fact, Taiben planned to take the little monster with him, because he couldn't put the little monster, Qiren and Kiel together alone, since he proposed it on his own initiative, and his motive was also the same as the little monster's repentance in the original plot The motives are almost the same... Then Tai Yi agreed without hesitation, hoping that he can truly perform his duties.

A group of people immediately smashed the entrance that was blocked by gravel, and a new glowing entrance was exposed, and then the red lotus knight beast led the battle, followed by Taiyi, and Galani rushed the others into the lower In the space of one floor.

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