

"Here... how could it be like this?"

Ruki couldn't comprehend what she saw.

This place is like a world in the center of the earth, there is no sky, and there are no celestial bodies, only the darkness with no fingers left, and only a few special plants on the ground that are infected by the bubbles of Di Li's magic can barely see clearly The ground, and the air here is obviously much thinner. Jianliang, who had been injured beside him, was already starting to feel dizzy with chest tightness.

"It's the smell of Emperor Limo. This is the small world that was destroyed by it."

The Red Lotus Knight Beast gritted its teeth and said.

"I'm afraid we will have to confront those creatures head-on, Tai Yi, you have to be mentally prepared."


Compared to these, Taichi is more worried about the physical condition of the two of them, and the visibility here is too low, he can't even see his own Digimon body clearly, it's pitch black, it seems that monsters will come from here at any time I'll give you a Jump Scare in that dark scene, it makes my heart feel bad.

"What's wrong? Taichi? Why did you stop?"

Seeing that the battle tyrannosaurus that had been protecting them all this time suddenly stopped leaving, Liu Ji felt a little strange.

Taiyi turned around, and his body in the Digimon body took out the ring again... Since the last time he gave everyone a red card in the Omegamon body, he has mastered the method of using the ring in the Digimon form method, and this time, he drew two cards, namely "Rose Beast" and "Tiannv Beast".

Although, I haven't seen them for a long time... But looking at these two cards now, I feel as if they are close at hand.

【Rose Beast】

"The power of the Queen of Flowers and Plants."

Taiyi brushed out the passive skill of Rose Beast, that is, grows plants.

【Heavenly Beast】

"Holy Bubble."

Immediately afterwards, he continued to use the very useful bubbles of Tiannv Beast. These things can be used for defense or attack, to heal injuries, and they also have a certain face-to-face effect.

Chapter 202 Chapter 190 Five Soon at Your Door

"Taichi, you..."


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He and Yaohu Beast, including Jian Liang and the newly awakened Big Ear Beast, were so shocked by this scene that they didn't know what to say.

I saw that mighty and domineering hunk, Battle Tyrannosaurus, actually... holding a big red rose flower in one hand, and a few transparent but bright little bubbles like light bulbs in the other. It feels weird, but if the person holding these two beautiful things is replaced by a beautiful female Digimon, there will be no sense of disobedience.

But Taiyi was not affected, he first condensed the sacred bubbles together into a big bubble, which lit up the surrounding dark space like a lamp, and then fused the bubbles in his hands with the flower, so that Summoning a huge spray... a huge bubble flower, the originally brightly colored red rose turned into a transparent crystal color, and continuously radiated outwards with a certain healing light.

"Okay, it's amazing! Jianliang, I feel better."

After the big-eared beast was exposed to the light, it suddenly became more energetic. Even Jianliang didn't feel chest tightness, and even had strength in his body.

"Taichi, thank you."

Jianliang quickly thanked the battle tyrannosaurus under the crystal flower.

"Why does it feel like being suckled by a battle tyrannosaurus... This feels so weird."

Liu Ji tilted her head and complained.

"Why didn't you say it earlier when you have such power? It made me worry about you for a long time."

It turns out that Taiyi also has this kind of weird ability. Looking at it this way, he probably swiped his card to use it like himself. I remember that there were cards of Rose Beast and Celestial Beast in his rare and poor deck. These two powers are also very suitable. The settings of the two of them.

"The recovery of this thing is a drop in the bucket for my current body, and the effect will decrease sharply as the time of use increases."

Tai Yi shook his head and said.

"You are also a game player, you should understand that it is impossible to have this kind of card with unlimited blood recovery in the normal mechanism, right?"

"...Then let's go quickly."

Liu Ji blinked her eyes, knowing that she had wrongly blamed him, so she didn't say anything more.

She was very worried about Taiyi, and really worried that the scene in her dream would happen again in this place, but what made her even more annoyed was that she was here, but she was powerless to change... At this time, she couldn't help but think of the Qi Qi she just saw. People, such a gentle and kind person, can actually show that kind of expression and say that kind of words. If something happens to Taiyi next time, can he have the consciousness like Qiren?

In order to protect important people, it doesn't matter even if you lose your qualifications as a beast trainer.

Thinking back now, how terrifying is Qi Ren's talent?Didn't he just evolve to a full body?Why did he suddenly become an ultimate body again?

I remember that Taiyi once said to her that what evolution needs is trust and bond with partners, as well as the "consciousness" to stand up without hesitation when something happens, and Qiren obviously has this kind of consciousness, even if He chose a wrong direction.

In that ice demon incident, Liu Ji was disappointed in herself at the end and gave up the fight, but this time... she will never make that mistake again.

The girl took out the blue arc light machine from her waist and stared at the transparent mirror screen for a long time, as if asking it silently, whether she has the consciousness of evolution?Are you ready to fight for what is important in your heart like Taiyi?



Taiyi didn't know what Liu Ji was thinking, he just wanted to finish this quickly and then go back to sleep well and eat some good food to replenish his body, so he continued to move forward, this place was like a valley, and it seemed that he was in many places An underground city that has been seen in all kinds of fantasy games.

They went deeper and deeper, and the rose-red components infected by Di Limo in the environment became more and more, until they finally found a huge crack growing on the rock wall, and there was a large amount of high-concentration soft sticky substance in the crack It leaked out from inside, and just near this gap, there was a man who passed out on the ground.

"It's Qiushan Liao, he is indeed here."

Jianliang recognized the fainted guy, while Liu Ji showed a complicated expression.

"Wake up, Liao, are you alright?"

Taiyi and the others immediately stepped forward, and Jianliang also hurriedly jumped off Gelani to check Qiushan Liao's injuries. Taiyi had already begun to observe the gap... It was exactly as he thought, here is a dividing line, once you enter If not, he will lose all his power just like when he entered the inside of the pink bubble.

"Science... Wyvern..."

Under the influence of Taiyi's crystal flower, Akiyama Ryo gradually woke up, and the first thing he said after waking up was to talk about his partner.

"What happened? Where's Gulemon? Where's your partner?"

Jian Liang asked very anxiously, shaking his shoulders.

"...You guys are finally here."

The brown-haired boy with wheat-colored skin finally regained focus, and then saw the battle tyrannosaur.

"I think you are the 'Yakami Taichi' that Keito said?"

"I am." Tai nodded. "Let's wait until later, we don't have time to talk about this."

"I know...but we really have nothing to do with this thing!" Akiyama Liao said with a bitter face. "I chased Gulemon here, and that bastard got into this hole. As soon as Science Wyvern and I entered, he was forced to degenerate into a growth stage."

"My partner used his last strength to send me out, but he stayed there...Damn it!"

Even the legendary animal trainer, in this terrible

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There is nothing he can do in front of the monster. His expression now is very similar to Tai Yi who was forced to the end of the mountain by Di Limo and felt that he could do nothing.


Tai nodded, then turned to look at the crowd.

"Ready? Going in, everyone."

"I'm already impatient!"

Red Lotus Knightmon answered confidently.

"No no! Taichi-kun, once a Digimon enters, it will lose its power, even you!"

Akiyama Liao was worried that Taiyi didn't understand what he meant, so he hurriedly stopped him.

"I know that thing is terrible, but...my luck is better, I happen to have a kind of power that can not be affected by it."

Taiyi smiled, and the human body in the battle tyrannosaurus data took out the red card that opened all the stories. Up to now, he didn't know the origin of this thing, but thanks to him, he was able to come to the present and not Restricted by the shackles of Emperor Limo.

Perhaps this secret can be revealed the moment Di Limo is defeated.

"Extend your hands, and I will share the power in me."

Like last time, he shared the power of the red card with everyone around him, and an unprecedented powerful energy covered his whole body. Even human beings like Liu Ji, Jian Liang, and Liao shared this effect, as if they were wearing clothes. It is like a layer of invisible protective clothing, so that you can safely enter the high-concentration infection area.

——Wait for me, Di Limo, I will be at your door soon!

Taiyi stepped forward and tore open the tightly closed crack with his claws. The evil aura coming to his face was as pungent as walking into a public toilet that hadn't been cleaned for several days, but he still couldn't hide, he had to force himself Going in with a scalp... The feeling that he experienced not long ago came again, and this time, there were no Digimon such as Tiannvmon behind him, so he had to be more rigorous.

The world inside is almost like a cave made up of the flesh and blood of monsters. There are pink bubbles everywhere on the ground and rock walls, and in this, there is a huge deep pit in front of them.

There is no doubt that below that is the real abyss.

Chapter 203 Chapter 96 The World Over There

This side of the gap is much wider than the outside, and the deep pit is in the middle of the low-lying basin.

Just when everyone was shocked by the indescribably harsh environment, the red lotus knight suddenly spoke.

"Be careful, those guys are coming to pick up the guests."

It was almost impossible to say anything, and soon the deep pit seemed to have an explosive reaction between the leaked gas and some element in the air, and a large amount of rose-red substance was sprayed out, and at the same time, a large amount of pink matter surrounded it. The bubbles burst open one by one like spider eggs, and a large number of Emperor Limo clones were born from them.

These are all species that have appeared in the world of Taiyi, the pendulums like locust swarms passing through the border, and some other individuals with strong fighting power all rushed out.

"What are these things that don't even have any information?"

Jianliang wanted to check the enemy's level, but found that nothing was displayed.

"Obviously, the Digimon that were infected by Di Limo before will also have data."

"They're not Digimon, but pure Emperor Limo." Akiyama Liao gritted his teeth and clenched his fists. He really wanted to fight, but his partner was no longer by his side. "It's neither a Digimon nor a human thing."


Taiyi didn't think too much about it, he just didn't want to fight, he just planned to throw a Gaia energy cannon to clear the field, and led everyone to rush in, at least he had to go first to confirm the location of the ancient music beast.

However, just as he raised his hand, he was stopped by Liu Ji behind him.

"Leave it to us here, Taiyi, you are very important, you can't waste energy on these miscellaneous soldiers, right?"

Liu Ji holds a blue card in her hand, which is also the result of her strong wish.

These blue cards and arc machines are closely related to the place Qiren and Jianliang just visited, and the digital elves they saw, and the digital elves are the foreshadowing left by the scientists who created the digital world back then.

Unlike the world of the first generation, which has many settings that are relatively vague, and were even added later, the world of the third generation has a complete set of perfectly closed settings, and even this kind of metaphysics is clearly explained.

"No, even if they are perfect, they... wait! Red Lotus Knight Beast, don't do it!"

After thinking of the perfect body, Tai Yi suddenly remembered what the Celestial Girl Beast had said when he was fighting Di Limo.

"do not."

"Taiyi...you, don't talk at a time like this!"

The Red Lotus Knight Beast, who was about to release the Ultimate Paradise to clear the field, had to hold back his big move, as uncomfortable as the man who was about to shoot X suddenly had his door broken and a group of people came in and interrupted him.

"You can't attack. These enemies will undergo adaptive evolution according to our attack strength. Once you release your unique move, maybe a replica of you will be created immediately."

"It turned out to be like this, no wonder I can't win no matter what I fight... Then isn't there no solution? Since it is always stronger than us, how can we get over it?"

The red lotus knight suddenly realized, as if thinking of some unpleasant scenes that happened when he challenged Di Limo before.

"Don't worry, there will always be a way, but let's save the ancient beast first."

Tai replied.

So since they will adjust their stats according to the enemy's combat power, let Ruhime and the others temporarily

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It's okay to delay, and there is that monster who doesn't know what is hidden in the deep pit, and it is likely to delay them if they are put in. This is what they and Taiyi don't want to see.

"I leave it to you, little monster, you stay here, and I will go down with the red lotus knight."

"Me? I don't! I'm going too!"

When the little monster heard that he wanted to stay, how could he agree?He was suffocated and wanted revenge.


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