"I let you stay because I trust you. Now I don't have time to reason with you."

"...I, but... okay."

The little monster was very dissatisfied, and even changed the shape of his face due to his mood swings, but in the end he could only agree. He also knew that this waywardness was meaningless. What he needed to do was to vent all his anger in the next on the enemies.

"Don't worry about Taiyi, Grani is here, and it will help."

The Red Lotus Knight Beast said, and Grani seemed to understand this sentence, and raised his head and let out a neigh.

"I leave it to you, Jianliang, Liu Ji, and everyone... We will be back soon."

"Come on Liu Ji, cover them in, I'm ready!"

The demon fox put on a fighting stance, while Liu Ji and Jian Liang were already ready for battle.

"Card swap!"

"Network evolution!"

The fox beast and the big-eared beast are surrounded by green and blue light and evolve into a normal green rabbi and a humanoid fox priest wearing an onmyoji costume. The pendulum in front of them repelled and broke up the formation of Di Limo's clones.

Immediately afterwards, the little monster also roared and charged forward, and its body evolved into a fallen hell beast, but the difference was that this time he no longer had those rose-red luster on his body, and his red eyes also turned green. The gun rushed into the enemy's formation, and a series of death shots evaporated a large number of small clones, but at the same time, those large crawlers had also arrived in front of them.

"Let's go now, Taiyi!"

After the red lotus knight beast roared, it rushed up first, and Taiyi also hurriedly followed, nimbly avoiding the palms that were slapped by the creepers, and rushed into the huge deep pit. At that moment, Grani also arrived with flapping wings, and spit out a mouthful of thunderstorm energy on those guys, evaporating them into a large amount of pink foam.

Yuliu Ji and the others delayed the clones of Emperor Limo coming from all directions here, while Taiyi and the Red Lotus Knight Beast were finally able to break into the real core area.

You can't even see the bottom at a glance below, you can only see a small light spot in the distance, which seems to be the exit.

Taiyi and the Red Lotus Knight Beast have been accelerating downward, even at their speed, it took a long time, but they don't have a timing device now, this long time may be a psychological effect.

But at the very least, Tai Yi could no longer hear the sound of the battle above, the surroundings were eerily quiet, and there was a glowing exit at the bottom that could be seen from a long distance away. I wondered what the world would look like after that.

He suddenly realized that he is now alone with the Red Lotus Knight Beast... Isn't this a bit dangerous?

No, no, the red lotus knight beast is absolutely impossible to be Di Limo's helper. If he is really strong and hiding his strength, he can kill himself as soon as he meets him. Why wait until now?Besides, I have also received power from him, he has absolutely not been corroded by any Dili Demon, it is just normal, very pure and high-level sacred energy.

"Look, Taichi."

The red lotus knight suddenly pointed down with the tip of its spear.

Looking too closely, there are many potholes and uneven places on the surrounding rock walls, and not far from the glowing exit, there is a small white thing crawling there.

"Gule Beast! Don't move! I'll be right there!"

He yelled at the little guy, and Gu Le Beast looked up in surprise when he heard the voice, and cried and waved his small body, and called Taiyi's name.

Just when he continued to speed up and wanted to get the Gule beast back and leave this ghostly place quickly, the glowing hole at the bottom suddenly started to shine, and then changed into a whirlpool, this shape was very familiar to Taiyi!It was the singularity that was exposed after he killed Di Limo's body!Could it be said that Di Limo's goal is not the ancient Le beast, but... himself?

Taiyi, who was rushing forward, immediately felt the tyrannical pulling force. This force tore the rock wall and sucked the ancient music beast in, and Taiyi, who was approaching, was also pulled uncontrollably to that side.

"Taiyi! Catch me!"

"Don't come here you idiot!"

The red lotus knight beast was not obedient at all, and wanted to get close and pull Taiyi back, but unexpectedly, he was also tricked, and the two of them were forcibly dragged into the world beyond the entrance of the cave.

Chapter 204 Chapter 190 Chapter [-] Taiyi, Miss Me?

The space behind that is the world inside Di Limo.

But it itself is nothingness, so Taiyi doesn't know where it saw this terrain... Below is a vast sea of ​​clouds, and on top is a magnificent rose-red sky, just in between such superb scenery , is just a beautiful floating island, on which is a huge open land, like some kind of arena, but the floor tiles and the surrounding white towers in a circle are not very suitable for gladiators. An occasion with a strong smell of blood.

It's more of a... a pure ornament.

Tai watched all this and found himself floating

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Above such a sea of ​​clouds, under the sky of roses, it is really impossible for Di Limo to replicate such a place. What exactly is this place?

Dili Mo itself has no thoughts and no intelligence. It learns everything from others. The avatars she made are all made by analyzing the data of the human world, just like when she rescued Su Na before. The lunar environment is also copied from the background of a certain website. Whose world is it copied this time?

"Gulu... Gule Beast is so scary."

"Don't be afraid, with me here, nothing will happen."

Taiyi hugged Gule Beast and gently comforted her.

Fortunately, his goal is still accomplished, although there is no way to see where he can leave.

Now is not the time for a decisive battle, maybe that guy's goal from the beginning was to get rid of himself, but that's still the problem, since he is already so powerful, why didn't he just eat the entire digital world when the four holy beasts didn't react Woolen cloth?


"Red Lotus Knight Beast!"

Hearing the whimpering sound from his companion, Taiyi quickly looked forward, only to see Crimson Knightmon suddenly in pain.

"What's wrong with you? Could it be that the function of the red card is about to disappear?"

"No, I'm fine, don't worry about me."

He straightened up and smiled at Taiyi.

"Let's think about how to leave."

"There's no exit around here, and I think it dragged us here, and it must have no intention of letting us out again."

Taiyi continued to observe the surrounding sky, the sea of ​​clouds below seemed endless, even tornadoes were blowing in many places, forming many eddies in the thick clouds, and the howling wind could be heard from a long distance away.

"Is it possible to go down there?"

"I don't recommend it because it looks dangerous."

"Let's take a look at that place first, maybe there will be clues."

The Red Lotus Knight Beast thought for a while and made a suggestion. While looking at Taiyi, he pointed to the floating island below with his right hand, which looked like a grassy card.

"I think so too. Although it's not the time to fight this guy, since it took so much effort to lure me here, it definitely doesn't want me to leave easily."

"If you try it rashly, you may waste your energy to bear the damage in vain."

Taichi felt that he was playing an adventure game, and the space he was in was like some kind of epic boss battlefield. If he wanted to escape, he would definitely hit an air wall, and the only way to leave was to go to That battlefield, solving the terrifying monsters that appeared there is the only way out.

Holding Gu Le Beast, Tai Yi and Red Lotus Knight Beast slowly landed on the island... After landing, he realized that it was even more spacious than what he saw from above, comparable to ten football fields , surrounded by white low walls and high towers, there is no auditorium, and even an entrance cannot be seen.

"Could it be that we want us to solve the puzzle? The mechanism is hidden under a certain floor tile here?"

Tai Yi squatted down, touched the stone bricks with his hands, and found that this thing was extremely strong, and seemed to be made of a material he had never seen before.

"Thinking too much, that guy just wants to surround and kill us."

The Red Lotus Knight Beast patted him on the shoulder, and Taiyi also heard that roar. At this time, Gule Beast had already hid in the lining of Taiyi's battle armor and got up. He stood up slowly, and then there were many translucent The monsters emerged from the cracks in all directions and quickly materialized.

Although Di Limo's clones have always been "cute" in appearance, with a strong taste of restraint, just like their existence itself, no one knows why they appear in this world, and who created them Yes, even the Tai who came from the fourth wall didn't know about these things.

But the monsters that appear around them now have humanoid bodies, but their skin is the standard rose-red soft shape. What's more remarkable is that they all have a huge head, like a pumpkin on Halloween. Like a child coming out of the head, it is extremely huge, and a sarcoid is covered with a small mouth, which makes people feel nauseous at a glance.

"This is... what! Woo!"

Those big-headed monsters slowly surrounded Taiyi and Red Lotus Knight Beast like zombies, and then they stopped suddenly, and the small mouths on their heads opened at the same time, making an indescribable sound, which even became visible. Energy waves are transmitted layer by layer in this wide area.

These sound waves are not only unpleasant to describe, they can even make ultimate Digimon such as Taiyi and Red Lotus Knight be completely powerless, unable to develop the slightest sense of resistance at all. The effect of this skill is comparable to Griza's death knell, Gule Beast was even stunned directly, Taiyi covered his ears but it didn't help at all, the distracting thoughts coming to his face were disturbing his consciousness.

——I didn't expect...it would be such a trap.

Taiyi couldn't hold it anymore, he couldn't maintain the evolution, the battle tyrannosaurus was removed, and he turned back to the original human, Gulemon also fell aside, and at the same time his ring and cards, these things He has supported him to fight in this world alone, but now he is powerless.

"No...it's game over if this continues!"

He gritted his teeth, desperately trying not to pass out, and reached out to grab those cards... He had to complete the evolution again!No matter what method you use, you can't fall down here!

It's such a simple thing,

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It is extremely difficult for him now, his hands and feet are as if they are tied to a big iron ball, and it is difficult to move an inch.

"I'm sorry, Taiyi, I lied to you."

Just when his life was hanging by a thread, the red lotus knight suddenly spoke.

"You bastard is really playing me."

Tai Yi laughed back in anger.

"It's not what you think."

"Give me the red card, quick!"

"Red card? Could it be that it was you..."

"I didn't mean to hide it from you, I just don't know how to explain it."

The Red Lotus Knight Beast stretched out its hand and touched the red card on the ground. Just when Taiyi couldn't figure out why the red card had something to do with him, suddenly, a certain floor tile near them began to glow, and then a whole small area The floor tiles are lit and then disappear.

"This breath, could it be?"

Taiyi felt a very, very familiar smell from it, and there was a reaction that was the same as his own soul, and it was rushing from below, a smile appeared on his sleepy and tired face, because he knew that he had already safe.

"Heavenly Purple Light!!!"

The loud and heroic voice was like a female general raising a flag on the battlefield. The eight-winged female angel broke through the final barrier and appeared on the battlefield, releasing a large number of purple energy rings in all directions. This powerful force directly knocked down all the surroundings. The Big Head Emperor Limo clone.

Looking at the back of Tiannv Beast, Taiyi felt a surge of sadness in his heart for a moment, and tears filled his eyes when he came back to his senses.

Just like Tiannv Beast saw Tai Yi at that time, Tai Yi has always believed that he has a way to return to the original world, but this is only his unilateral belief. Now, the dust has finally settled, and soon, Qiangwei Beast also flew out from that exit, in addition to Ultimate Vdramon, Flamedramon, and Black Sangargomon, who once saved the Digital World together, now they all came to this world for Taichi!

"Taiyi, did you miss me?"

She brushed her long blond hair back, and the iron mask on her face dissipated, revealing her flawless and beautiful face just like in her memory.

Chapter 205Chapter 190Eight is so pitiful, Taiyi, has he been bullied again?

"I, of course I..."

It was only when Tai opened his mouth that he realized that he was crying.

It's really embarrassing, crying when seeing a partner who has been away for many days... This is not like me, he really rarely sheds tears.

He wiped away the tears that accidentally flowed from the corners of his eyes, and quickly adjusted his emotions, but when he was about to explain the current situation again, a huge snow-white object hit him head-on, almost knocking him unconscious.

Classic remake, same touches as the day she first evolved.

But the difference is that at that time, Tiannv Beast was still a simple kitten, but now she is an old man. Of course, she understands what this kind of contact means, but seeing Tai Yi's pitiful expression is unnatural. Weeping and still trying to look strong, I couldn't help but want to give him a hug.

Although they were hugging, there was still a height difference between them, so there was no way it could become like this, she didn't care, after all, they were both old couples, so she just hugged Taiyi to her chest and gently stroked his hair.

"I'm here, it's okay, Taichi."

Tiannv Beast said softly.

"It's so pitiful, Taiyi, you must be bullied by that brunette girl and golden fox every day, right? Don't worry, with me here from now on, I won't let them get close to you again."

"No...how did you know?"

Tai Yi almost broke out in a cold sweat, why did Tiannv Beast know about Liu Ji?

"Thanks to your activity in cyberspace last time, Beetlemon was able to lock your coordinates, and then we took a lot of effort to get here."

A seductive smile appeared on the corner of Tiannv Beast's lips.

"But, I wasn't bullied."

"Damn it, Taichi, how can you lie?"

Maybe it's an illusion?I always feel that the hands of the celestial female beast are no longer touching me gently, but rather pinching me gently.

"Hey! You are too cunning! Is this the purpose of your first rush?"

Rose Beast came to them and pinched its waist in dissatisfaction.

"Rose Beast...it's good to see you."

Taiyi turned his head to look at her, but this picture was a bit weird in the eyes of Rose Beast, because Taiyi changed from washing his face from the front to washing his face from the side, and it also caused some subtle tremors on the Tiannv beast.

"Really, do you know how much people worry about you? Suddenly disappeared, I thought you were dead!"

"I don't want to do this either, but please forgive me, Rosemon." Taiyi also found it strange to talk to her like this, so he left the embrace of the Celestia.

"This is the last time, and there will be no such thing in the future."

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