"Ahem, Taiyi, don't you have anything to say to us?"

The black sangaluko spewed fire from behind, and the steel kobolds landed beside them.

"If I hadn't been here, you really wouldn't have seen us."

"I know, thank you very much, and Agumon, Bichumon, thank you for being willing to help me." Taiyi put his hand on his chest, looking at the five familiar Digimon here, just like yesterday, Just like the final battle not long ago.

"What are you talking about, isn't it natural?"

Ultimate Vdramon seems to be a little unhappy, but it doesn't matter, he is always unhappy, and occasionally a little brainless.

"At that time

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You came to our world from your world to save us, and now you are in danger, we are just doing this to repay our gratitude. "

"In addition to repaying the favor, Taiyi and we are all companions. We are comrades in arms who have fought against evil together. I think Taiyi will come to save us without hesitation when something happens to us, right?"

Yanlong Beast also added seriously.

Taiyi was only touched, and there was no other words to describe his current mood. There was no need to use too many words to describe their relationship, just a faint smile.

"Taichi, do we... really still have to face that guy?"

Rose Beast asked hesitantly.

"I can't just leave like this. I have already promised them to destroy Dilimo, and I have a sure-fire plan this time."

"We failed to get rid of him last time, let's end the old and new hatred together this time!"

Ultimate Vdramon clenched his fists and said confidently.

"Wow, how do I want to face that kind of guy again, it's too torture."

Rose Beast sighed, although she knew that things were likely to go in this way, she also knew Taichi's character very well now.

"But I'm not afraid! Let me tell you, Taiyi! As long as it's your decision, no matter how dangerous it is, I won't run away! I believe in you!"

"I already... don't want to go through that kind of thing again."

She folded her arms and bit her lips in some pain.

Tiannv Beast is already very mature, she knows to stay rational, not to cause too much internal friction because of the disappearance of Tai Yi, and to believe in the science and technology of Beetle Beast, but Hua Xian Beast does not have such a good attitude, she once suffered from insomnia, I don't think about food and drink, I just think wildly when I have nothing to do, and even after finally falling asleep, I can only sleep for an hour or two before waking up.

She can't imagine a future without Taiyi, and she knows that her life is inseparable from that person.

"Of course I know, idiot, don't keep emphasizing it."

Seeing her like this, Tai understood something, so he just had to smile.

"Your partners are very reliable, it seems that I don't need to do anything anymore."

Although the red lotus knight beast doesn't know what the origin of these digimon is, each of them has a unique strong aura, especially the goddess beast who moved Taiyi to tears before, there is a high probability that it is his real partner Bar?But it's strange to say that each of these five Digimons seems to be his partner... Is it still possible to do this?

Now that the scene was stabilized, those big-headed avatars were knocked to the ground by the heavenly purple light that bloomed from the Celestial Beast and never stood up again, so Tai Yi still couldn't hold back his curiosity, he really wanted to know the answer.

"But you still have to tell me clearly, what is the relationship between that red card and you?"

"It's a long story, let's get out of here first."

Red Lotus Knightmon patted the dust on the armor.

Thinking that Ruhime and the others may still be fighting hard, Taichi really can't say much, but they haven't found Akiyama Ryo's lost partner Science Wyvermon, and they don't know what to do to get back to the original place.

Just when he was about to ask the Black Saint Gargomon if there was anything he could do, suddenly, a huge crystal fell down from the rose-colored sky above, like a strange star, and it was slowly heading towards them landing.

"What a strong breath... what is that?"

That thing descended like a dark cloud and shrouded everyone's hearts, only Tai Yi quickly recognized what it was.

As he had expected before, such a large venue was indeed prepared for such a huge boss battle.

"Moon Millennium Beast...wait a minute, could it be that this is Akiyama Ryo's..."

Akiyama Ryo and the Millennium Beast had a bad relationship. Although he didn't have a deep impression of it, he still vaguely remembered that they were the kind of objects to express their feelings. Akiyama Ryo's partner even absorbed the data of the Millennium Beast. It is equivalent to becoming Qiushan Liao's partner, but his Unicorn Dragon Beast did not follow the route of the Millennium Beast, but the Judgment Beast, but... now it may not be like this in Di Limo's hands!

"Millennium Beast? Is it the one we defeated last time?"

"No, it's scarier than that."

Taichi gritted his teeth.

"This guy is a complete Millennium Beast, get ready!"

Soon, the huge prismatic crystal wrapped in shadow broke, and the sleeping monster inside opened its blood-red eyes, without any communication or reason, the purpose of this thing is obvious, to kill Taiyi and all Digimon Buried here, it was more than twice the size of the Millennium Beast they had seen last time, with a height of nearly 400 meters. It just floated in the air and let out a roar that shook the world.

"It's this guy again...it seems to be much stronger than you."

Ultimate V Dragon Beast never forgets to tease his old friend.

"Don't mention that."

Black Sangalgomon retorted.

"Oops, this guy... is so strong, how can there be such a strong Digimon?"

"Don't be afraid."

Tai looked calm, and bent down to pick up the ring and the card from the ground. Even though he no longer had to fight himself, he still wanted to stand with his companions no matter what.

"With you here, we will never lose."

Chapter 206, Chapter 190, the updated version of Chapter [-], the holy female beast!

So, does it want to use the Millennium Beast to get rid of itself?But this is indeed the strongest weapon it can dispatch at present, in terms of combat effectiveness

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In other words, it is far more useful than a reaper, if it still has the characteristics of a clone of the Dili Demon Apostle... then the consequences will be disastrous.

"Taiichi, that guy is not a Digimon!" At this moment, the Black Saint Gallomon suddenly shouted. "It's the same species as the clones we encountered before!"

"Is that so?"

Taiyi gritted his teeth and said.

"Di Li Mo must have reproduced the data of that man's partner, and then created this thing!"

The Red Lotus Knight Beast said.

"It's obviously not a Digimon, but it still has such a strong power... It seems that this time is really a tough battle, but I'm ready, Taichi." Tiannv Beast is used to this kind of thing, and the other party can always play out Come up with something new. "It's been a long time since I've had an ultimate evolution, you know what I mean."

"of course."

Taiyi looked at her beside him. Although he was facing an unprecedentedly powerful enemy at this time, as long as he had the Celestial Beast by his side, he would have no doubts, because they were the most correct combination, and the Celestial Beast itself was his sense of security.

"Rose Beast, protect that little guy, we are ready to go!"

Just when Taiyi was about to activate his own Digisoul and give full play to the effect of the Digisoul to inject evolutionary energy into his companions, a ball of light suddenly appeared between him and the Celestial Beast, and Rose Beast hurried forward upon seeing it He wanted to protect Taichi, but soon the ball of light dissipated and turned into a cute digital elf.

That was the moment when the animal trainer was born. When humans and Digimons were connected, Digimons would come to them as arc machines and become a tool for them to establish bonds and bonds. But this time Digimons did not Instead of turning into an arc machine, with a cute smile, he slowly came to Taiyi under the eyes of everyone, and transformed into a brand new tool.

It was a handle-shaped thing, and it was accompanied by a small box filled with capsules of various colors.

"A new evolutionary tool?"

Taiyi's eyes were also illuminated by this holy light, and in the next moment, his consciousness suddenly wandered into another space.

This space is pure white, and there are only him and the digital elf. The cute little elf first greeted Taiyi and waved his hand, and then began to pick up the handle-shaped thing for live demonstration and teaching, and sent some A very beautiful voice, as if saying, "Study hard with the teacher!"

"Arc sublimator and digital capsule, that's its name."

"Because you have a bond with many Digimon, and you have been working hard to protect our kind and the 'Hope' Gulemon in our world, so this is a special reward, it was created by imitating your ring of."

For some reason Taichi understood what the little elf was saying.

I saw the Digigenie holding the arc light sublimator in one hand and using the battle tyrannosaurus capsule in the other. After opening, the capsule began to flash like a yellow signal light, and then it was stuffed into the loading device to complete the pre-reading, and then scanned with the sublimator, and then It can evolve.

"Your destiny is closely related to multiple worlds. From now on, you will have more opportunities to upgrade your equipment, but before that, you must save our world first~ This is an agreement with me, you can do it!" Are you there?~"

The elf obviously didn't open his mouth but conveyed such a long paragraph of words into Tai Yi's mind.

They are the elves that make up this digital world. The previous Gulemon was originally one of these elves, but in order to seal the light of evolution, she became a Digimon. In other words, the gift of the elves is the same as that at that time. The gift of permanence is the same thing.


"Although I don't know the difference between this thing and the ring."

After returning the sublimator and scanning device to Tai Yi, he muttered.

"This is your fault, how can you not cherish the gift our world gave you?"

"No, no, that's not what I mean, I will cherish it."

"Now the things you use have rewinded the environment, it's time to update the version! The props we give you will play a vital role in future battles, so you must keep this in mind!"

"The most obvious thing is that you can use it to evolve into an Omega beast freely, and there are no restrictions! There are many other functions, waiting for you to discover in the future!"

"……it is good."

Taiyi smiled and agreed, of course he wouldn't dislike this thing, he simply thought it was more handsome to swipe the card to evolve, besides that, those capsules contained not only Digimon, but even those badges owned by Taiyi.

Badges, after the victory in the last world, were kept by Tai as a collection at home, because they are generally not needed, they are a kind of thing that locks the evolution chain, and they do not have power, and now Tai They can already be used subjectively, without arousing any emotion.

In addition to the regular eight badges of courage, friendship, etc., there is even a black badge that symbolizes Tai One's negative emotions.

"Go back, Yagami Taichi, with this, you can defeat Di Limo and any royal knights!"

"?What did you say?"

Taiyi suspected that he had heard something wrong, but soon his consciousness returned to reality, and at this time the Ultimate V-Dragonmon and Red Lotus Knightmon had already stepped forward to confront Millenniummon, and he was shaken twice by Celestiamon. It was only after I got down that I came back to my senses.

"What's wrong with you Taiyi? The battle has already begun!"

Millennium Beast is like that

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Slowly descending like a gigantic mountain, its entire volume is about to occupy more than half of the field, and a huge black shadow spreads on the ground to cover Taiyi and all the Digimon. Even a huge tin kobold can only When it reached Millennium Beast's knee, Ju V and Guren couldn't even find the small ones in front of him.

"Nothing, let's fight again."

"So, come on, Celestial Beast, this time we use the power of 'light'!"

Taiyi corrected his expression, and started the first battle using the arc sublimator!

He is holding two capsules in his hand, namely the Celestial Beast and the Bright Badge. This is the ultimate evolution that the Celestial Beast can only open when the partner is Jiaer, but now Taiyi has seized this authority!

After pressing the capsule with one hand, the capsule belonging to the Celestial Beast began to flicker, and gave out her unique battle cry, and was automatically sent to the scanning board suspended in front of Taiyi.

There was a crisp sound like knocking on a crystal, and the flickering light waves looked like the pink badge, which also returned to the vacant position on the scanned version.

[Heavenly female beast!Bright Badge! 】

From the sublimator came a female voice that was very similar to the voice of Gule Beast. It was very imposing, but because the voice was too low, there was a sense of contrast.

--so!Or the sound of the ring is better!After all, it was recorded by the Beetle Beetle!

[Fusion Sublimation! 】

Taichi aimed the scanned sublimator at Tennemon, and pulled the trigger.

Tiannv Beast was surrounded by incomparably sacred energy in astonishment, and the amount of data in its body began to increase sharply.

"The Celestial Beast Evolves!"

"Holy female beast!!"

Chapter 207 Chapter [-] How to Use the Divine Celestial Beast

The solemn dark green armor wraps the body of that elegant woman, and the white dress under the armor does not give people any room for imagination, and the eight golden holy wings on the back sway a little bit of crystal translucent gold powder, compared to a full body. The Celestial Beast, the sacred Celestial Beast has almost changed from an angel to a goddess of war.

Taiyi felt the purest majesty and murderousness from her, as if he had become an unselfish judge angel.

However, there is still a bit of humanity reserved, that is, her abdomen that is not wrapped in armor, her lower abdomen and navel are completely exposed, and with such solemn armor up and down, she has another angle of reverie.

"What is this? Can I degenerate? Taiyi, this armor is too inconvenient to move around."

The holy angel beast also came back to its senses, and immediately felt a kind of discomfort, just like wearing a straitjacket, and it didn't have the pleasure of completely releasing itself as a beautiful angel beast, moving freely and giving full play to its strength.

She tried to twist her body, but the restrictive battle skirt made her unable to lift her legs.

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