"Really? But I think you can give it a try, Lily Angel Beast may not have an advantage against such a heavyweight enemy."

Taichi squeezed his chin and thought about it seriously.

"Hey! Taiyi, are you doing gods and demons? Why are you just watching?"

Crimson Knightmon didn't seem very optimistic over there, and even had some small quarrels with Ultimate Vdramon.

Just now, when Taiyi had just activated the brand new arc light sublimator, he had already met the enemy with the ultimate V-dramon. The millennium beast first sprayed out thick heat to force the red lotus knight back, and then drove The huge four raised their hands and slapped the Ultimate V-Dramon flying in succession, neither of them took advantage.

"Why is your ultimate V-dragon so slow?"

The Red Lotus Knight Beast taunted speechlessly.

After all, that figure is very similar to my former comrades-in-arms, because Ultimate V-dramon is also one of the royal knights, but the one evolved from Yagumon is obviously far worse. You must know that Ultimate V-dramon is the fastest How can a fast Digimon be hit by such a wide open and close movement?

"I was just being careless...don't talk nonsense! I'm just not used to dealing with this guy's four hands!"

Recalling the last time he fought against Millennium Beast, he was still just a Mechanical Tyrannosaurus, and there was nothing he could do if he was beaten slowly, but it is really unreasonable to be beaten now, it is too bad.

Ultimate V-dramon faltered in defense.

"From now on, I will kill it without getting hit and taking no damage!"

"Really?" Red Lotus Knight Beast thinks this guy is very interesting, even more interesting than Taiyi. "I do not believe."

"...I won't talk nonsense with you anymore, just watch my performance."

Extreme V Dragon Beast was very dissatisfied that this newcomer dared to mock him, and immediately popped his Ultimate Destruction Sword from his hand, and then rushed towards Millennium Beast. Red Lotus Knight Beast looked at his back riding Juechen, But he didn't say anything, instead he turned around and asked Tai Yi what he was doing, why was he just watching?

"Whispering, you newcomer! Aren't I coming right now?"

What the red lotus knight said just now, the sacred goddess was also very upset, and now she didn't want Taiyi to change her evolutionary form, so she just flapped her wings and rushed forward, the speed was even slightly faster than the red lotus knight. He raised his eyebrows... Just relying on this action alone, he can draw a conclusion that this holy goddess beast must be the strongest among these Digimon, no wonder she can become Taiyi's orthodox partner.

"Eden Gun!"

As she sprinted forward, she threw the golden holy spear in her hand forward. The holy gun mixed with the golden sanctioning holy thunder directly hit the forehead of the Millennium Beast. The huge monster let out a painful muffled roar and stepped back a few steps. , and then the Ultimate V-Dragon Beast that had been ready for a long time immediately followed

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In an instant, he rushed to the door in front of him, and a flash of V-ray came to his face.

"Ahhhhhhh!!! Die to me!"

A V-shaped light wave shot out from the blue dragonman's chest armor, and was continuously amplified during the firing process. The Millennium Beast, who was treated by this wave of face-washing treatment, took several steps back and finally stopped his attack temporarily.

"Did you see it? Red Lotus Knight Beast, this is my strength!"

He turned around and asked loudly at the guy who had mocked him before.

"Fool! Look ahead!"

Red Lotus Knightmon shouted anxiously, and Ultimate Vdramon felt something approaching behind him after hesitating for a while, and when he turned his head, he saw that Millenniummon was still panting, but there was something on his back. The giant Moon Millennium Beast Void Spirit had already opened its bloody mouth and moved into action, grabbing the Ultimate V-Dragon Beast at an unimaginable speed for that huge body.

The situation was extremely critical, and no one thought that the spirit behind the Millennium Beast could move by itself. After he grabbed the Ultimate V-Dragon Beast, he released high-pressure destructive energy from his hands. ...although he can't see the mouth with the helmet on, but that's about it.

——Why are you always deflated?

The holy female beast is a little speechless, it seems that this guy is always deflated every time, except for the first battle of his evolution when he is not present, he has almost never won... Especially when he was fighting the Clown King, he was still there for 30 minutes of freedom falling body.

But it's all about complaining, the companion still needs to save it, but when she was about to rush over, she found that the tight battle skirt restricted her explosive acceleration, and she couldn't fly at all.

Things like speed and power are not only related to wings, if the body cannot coordinate to maintain balance, it will be difficult to increase the speed.

— Tsk.

"God Ball Crystal!!"

Seeing that it was too late, the holy goddess had no choice but to release the second nirvana. Fifteen magic balls appeared in the space behind her and above her head, forming the shape of the Kabbalah tree of life, and then pushed forward by her. The magic circle composed of fifteen magic balls covers a huge area, but that is just right for the current Millennium Beast.

The crystal of the god ball hit the head of the spirit behind the Millennium Beast, and the powerful sacred energy caused the dark attribute Millennium Beast to suffer double damage. He successfully liberated the Ultimate V-Dragon Beast. He shook his head and quickly regained his sanity before taking off again.

"...Damn it! How dare you sneak up on me!"

Ultimate V-Dramon became angry with embarrassment.

"Don't be impulsive! We're here to create opportunities for you."

The Red Lotus Knight Beast also flew forward. This time, it didn't get angry with him anymore. It just advised him not to get too angry in the battle. At the same time, it sent out another ultimate paradise to make up for the damage. The blazing red light hit the Millennium Beast's head. His body made him lose his footing once again when he just wanted to get up, this time he finally sat down on the ground, causing the entire floating island to tremble.

"Isn't your form quite good?"

The red lotus knight beast turned to ask the holy goddess beast.

"Of course, just because I don't like it doesn't mean I won't use it."

The holy celestial maiden brushed her hair and replied.

In fact, she also felt it. In this form, she has more pure sacred attributes, which can be regarded as the ultimate sublimated version of the Celestial Beast. Although she has melee weapons and armor, her main attack is still based on long-range means.

"Yeah, you're really strong... It always reminds me of a friend from the past."

Red Lotus Knight Beast smiled, showing a nostalgic smile.

But in the next second, the atmosphere that had just relaxed was interrupted by the roar of the Millennium Beast that resounded through the sky and the sky. This roar was deafening and frightening.

"That guy... can he still stand up?"

Chapter 208 Chapter [-] Holy Celestial Beast, Cast Off

The Red Lotus Knight Beast looked back in horror, only to see that the Millennium Beast sitting on the ground stood up again, its body gradually floated up, and a roar came out from its huge opened mouth, and then he finally started to move. The infinite cannon adjusted its angle, and a fiery breath was brewing in its mouth, and the eyes of the entity and the spirit behind it emitted a scarlet light at the same time.

Immediately afterwards, the Millennium Beast opened its bow left and right, the infinite cannon matched with its breath, and its two heads and four pairs of eyes emitted blood-red laser light. Its aura seemed to bury the enemy in front of it and the field together!

There was no time to think about it, the three Digimons on the front line, including the Holy Celestial Beast, could only speed up and escape to avoid the huge bombardment, but at this time Taichi was still behind, as a human being, he gave all the remaining power to the Celestial Lady As a beast, he has no ability to resist!

She looked back anxiously, and found that the Black Sangalukomon had already stood in front of Taiyi and Rosemon, the huge steel kobold had its arms crossed in front of it, and the Rosemon also released the unique move "Forbidden Temptation" to defend, the two The ultimate body formed a protective wall to protect Taiyi, but they couldn't last long.


The holy celestial female beast sees all this in its eyes.

Millennium Beast is a very strong Digimon. Even when she faced him last time, Taichi, who has always been calm and composed, didn't hold back. It was also the first time she faced an opponent who could be regarded as a strong enemy. Now, she finally Only then did she find Taiyi, she had a hard time... finally saw him.

—How could it end here?

As Taichi's partner, she knows that some things must be done by her, not Rosamon, not other Digimon, not even Taichi herself.

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- Move, my body, if you want to win as much as I do, move!

"Eden Gun!"

She held the golden holy spear tightly with both hands like a court knight, and then used her body as a spear to brave the various energy waves of Millennium Beast. The whole body began to flash with golden energy, and rushed towards Millennium Beast's head from a side angle. Finally interrupted his never-ending bombing.

The attack finally stopped, and Taichi waved the dust in front of his eyes.

"Woo... what kind of damage is this? It's so difficult for me to use all my strength to defend with forbidden temptation."

The crumbling body of Rose Beast was supported by Taiyi's hand.

Forbidden temptation is her strongest nirvana, so the consumption caused by continuous casting is also very large.

"After all, he is a genuine Millennium Beast. It is normal to have this kind of power."

Moreover, this is not the strongest form of Millennium Beast, but thanks to their efforts, Taiyi finally figured out the strength of this guy, and then he just needs to grit his teeth and squeeze out the last physical strength to evolve into Omega Beast, and match The holy celestial female beast and the others attack together, and they will surely win this battle.

However, Rosamon is just a little tired, but Black Saint Gargomon resisted the Infinity Cannon head-on, and he resisted Millenniummon's breath from the front, and he didn't have any shields, so he could only rely on his own Digizoid armor for defense. In Taiyi's field of vision just now, the breath that landed on him sparked a lot of sparks like electric welding, but he didn't take a step back until the attack stopped.

His whole body began to emit black smoke, and the armor scorched by the laser light had completely softened.

The Black St. Gallomon removed the burnt armor, and the black paste fell on the ground and turned into thick water. Seeing this scene, Taiyi's heart skipped a beat. Could he...?

"Beetle beast?"

"I'm fine, it's just that the armor has been reimbursed."

When he turned around, the iron dog's head had been smoked into black charcoal by the high-temperature rays, although he was already very black.

"Taiyi... help me too, let me use the power of the badge of knowledge, I can't degenerate now, otherwise I won't be able to stand up."

He flashed a bitter smile.

"it is good."

【Black St. Gallomon】

[Knowledge Badge]

[Fusion Sublimation! 】

Under the action of Taiyi's sublimator, the Black Sangalukomon turned into a huge digital egg, and then broke out of the shell to become a huge golden-yellow unicorn fairy insect, which is his most authentic ultimate form ——Li Shen Biduo Beast!

"Okay, now, I can resist his attack like this."

Taichi felt relieved when he saw that he was safe and sound, and looked forward again. The Red Lotus Knightmon has a shield, and the ultimate V-dragonmon is fine. Keep the distance, the holy goddess beast...?What about the holy goddess beast?

He rubbed his eyes, which were already in trouble, and finally found her.

——Am I dazzled?Why did the holy female beast... the whole body suffer from battle damage?Why would she fight Millenniumon at that distance?Could it be that she interrupted Millenniummon's indiscriminate attack just now?

In order to save himself and other companions, the heroic Celestial Beast chose to sacrifice himself.

--No!I can not accept!

Taiyi became energetic all of a sudden, his eyes were no longer blurry and his waist was no longer sore. It seemed that all the exhaustion had been left behind, and now he only felt a surge of energy and blood. As the saying goes, the magic power of teammates is boundless, and it seems to be true. , but Tai Yi didn't think so much, he just wanted to get to the Celestial Beast as soon as possible!

"Let's go, Taiyi!"

Rose Beast also saw that scene, immediately stretched out its arms to hug Taiyi's waist, and rushed towards Millennium Beast, and Lishen Bido Beast also hurriedly followed.

"Taiyi? Don't worry, she didn't..."

When the Red Lotus Knightmon was thinking about how to fight next, it suddenly saw Taiyi and the two ultimate Digimon passing by in the rear, and hurriedly spoke to stop it, but they didn't seem to hear it.

"Millennium Beast! I'm going to kill you! Let me go...eh?"

Taiyi took out the luminous sublimator and planned to recklessly evolve into Omegamon to avenge Tennyumon, but he didn't expect that when he got closer, he found that things seemed to be different from what he thought.

The holy female beast turned her head, her helmet was broken, she was still the familiar face of Tai Yi, almost two-thirds of the thick armor on her body was shattered, especially the skirt armor and even the long white skirt were shattered, It can only play the role of covering important parts, and then the shoulder armor is basically cracked in sevens and eighties.

I saw her holding a long spear, completely transformed into a Valkyrie, the tip of the gun was charged with golden light, and her super fast moving speed dragged out her phantom. For a moment, she seemed to see four holy female beasts moving. The extremely fierce piercing attack devastated the Millennium Beast, and the giant beast was so furious that it wanted to reach out to grab it, but it couldn't keep up with the speed of the sacred goddess beast.

With a flying kick, the steel gold high-heeled shoes were firmly embedded in Millennium Beast's nose, and then she turned over beautifully to avoid the claws that Millennium Beast grabbed at her, and then flew up again after a very rhythmic pause , avoiding the second pair of claws of the cunning Millennium Beast.

"Why? Taichi?"

Seeing Tai Yi coming, she turned around and asked in confusion.

"Holy female beast, you are..."

"Oh~ I thought it was too troublesome, so I did it. Sure enough, I feel much more comfortable after removing the armor."

She smiled awkwardly, looked down at herself now, except for the basic parts

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Except for the armor of the first bit, the rest can be dismantled, just like the female knight BOSS who will definitely explode after reaching the second stage in some games.

"Although it is not very beautiful, but it can be played very well."


Taiyi, including Rose Beast, and Lishen Bido Beast were all speechless.

——This is normal, after all, cast off will definitely increase the speed in the future.

Chapter 209 Chapter [-] Family Harmony (×) Harem Harmony ()

"Taiyi, just give it to me, you don't need to evolve anymore."

The sacred female beast smiled lightly, as if she had a plan in her chest.

"I don't know why, but now I'm full of strength and feel like I can do anything."


Taiyi was still a little hesitant, he didn't know whether he should trust her with everything, not because he didn't trust her, but because he was worried about her.

——No, what's wrong with me?

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