In fact, after such a long time together, Taiyi can no longer treat her simply as his Digimon partner, and requires her to constantly cross the danger of life and death in order to become Stronger, Taiyi couldn't believe it was said by himself now.

But this hesitation quickly disappeared, because he saw the eyes of Tiannv Beast.

Most of the time, they don't need to communicate with each other to understand each other's thoughts, yes...he has nothing to hesitate, of course to love her, he must trust her, and through the attack of the sacred female beast just now, he has confirmed a One thing, that is, Tiannv Beast is his biggest "trump card" and the most precious "golden finger" without a doubt.

"God Ball Crystal!"

The blue pupils of the holy goddess beast began to flash with silver light, as if the energy in her body was overflowing, and the Kabbalah tree-like magic ball rose above her head again, making it more powerful than before. The powerful offensive hit the Millennium Beast like a meteorite falling from the sky, making him unable to move.

"Everyone, just like before, give me all your strength."

The sacred female beast raised her arms horizontally, and made a brand new magic ball, which was as clear and colorless as glass, just like her once sacred bubble.

It seems that she intends to reproduce the experience of defeating Millennium Beast last time, gather the power of all her companions to strengthen her special attack skills and hit a lore blow, but Taichi thinks that is not necessary, because everyone's strength is also very precious, and then It's hard to say what will happen next, and you can't just exhaust your strength casually.

"No, no need."


"This time, let the two of us do it."

"……it is good."

Looking at the young man's resolute face, the holy goddess beast is no longer confused.

In fact, she didn't see through what Taiyi was going to do, but she didn't need to think about that anymore, yes, she just needed to do her best, and Taiyi thought about it.

As if back to the original time, in the digital world, every day is an unknown adventure, only the short but beautiful time between him and the celestial beast.

Taiyi told everyone to back off, even though Rosemon and Lishenbidomon were puzzled, they would not express it at this time, and they all knew what they should do.

The boy's hair was whirring by the wind above the sky, and the armor-exploded holy goddess in front of him floated under the magnificent sky.

Taiyi holds the ring in his hand, and the sublimator consciously withdraws temporarily. When Taiyi needs it, it will reappear. As an upgraded version of evolutionary equipment, it also has the function of a ring. He inspires the most The pure basic color digital soul, and then imbue it into the ring, and then hold all the cards he currently has in his hand like a shuffle.

"Everyone! Show your true strength!"

Tai shouted and threw the cards into the sky, and those cards began to shine as if they had been given life, circling around Tai Yi, and finally one by one quickly entered the card reading range. Such a huge data input has exceeded The limit that Taiyi himself can bear, cannot be sublimated into a Digimon form, but these powers are not for him to use.

He sent all the energy that was about to burst the upper limit of the ring's memory into the crystal ball of the sacred goddess, and the crystal was immediately dyed with many colors and emitted rainbow-like brilliance.


This colossal power made the sacred female beast astonished, but she didn't say much, and directly converted all of it into the energy needed for the next attack, holding her original javelin in her hand, and then the crystal ball The energy shattered and dropped golden rain, forming countless energy-like Eden javelins. In an instant, the sky was covered with rain of guns like a net.

"Secret Angel Eden Gun!"

After adding a powerful-sounding prefix to her enhanced nirvana, the energy javelins floating behind her fell like beasts out of the cage, and even if they were exhausted, they could quickly generate new ones in the golden light rain. The final lore of the Millennium Beast was launched, and this is the "King's Treasure" of the Holy Celestial Beast.

That guy still wants to try to resist, but these energy javelins are not real guns, but missiles in the shape of javelins, each of which has the destructive power no less than that of Sangaluko giant missiles.

The thousand-year-old beast kept roaring and roaring, and this ferocious beast was also trying its best to fight back, but his prepared breath was interrupted by the rain of javelins before it could come out. struggling with this trick

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There is still no strength to fight back.

Under the sky, in the world above the clouds, the huge demon was continuously sunk and fell under the attack of the holy angel's verdict, and finally was completely swallowed by the rain of javelins, and the whole body fell into the sea of ​​clouds below.


Ultimate V Dragon Beast wanted to hurry over to help, but when he came, he found that he had no room to intervene, and could only be forced to watch a performance of the holy goddess beast.

Is this really the little white cat that followed Taiyi back then?What she killed was the Millennium Beast!Was the monster that beat them to the ground with all its firepower so easily defeated?

"You really deserve to be Senior Tiannv Beast! You are really too strong!"

Although the two of them had some feuds, this did not prevent Bichumon from adoring her all the time.

In the eyes of the current Yanlong Beast, that is, the Bhikshu Beast, all of this is taken for granted. As their ace player, Tiannv Beast should behave like this!

"It's really a reliable angel, but this fighting style doesn't seem to be like a normal Archangel Digimon..."

Red Lotus Knight Beast also squeezed its chin and made a sharp comment.

No wonder she can be Taiyi's partner, so it seems that he was not very willing when he proposed to be Taiyi's temporary partner before, but now it seems that he is really abrupt, this very wild sacred female beast is indeed very qualified, Much stronger than the others.

"It's really a hand... Even if Taiyi uses our card as a support, this kind of power is too amazing."

Lishen Bidoshou was also quite frightened, but it was not easy to make expressions due to its current appearance.

Of course he knew that Tiannv Beast was the strongest among them, but he never expected to be so strong. Is this what she said "not very good at using this form"?

"It's scary. Are you okay? You won't faint suddenly, will you?"

The rose beast guarding Taiyi couldn't help but ask her too.

"I'm fine, but what should I do next?"

After the performance, the holy goddess remained the same as usual, without much change in expression, as if everything that happened just now had nothing to do with her, and just asked Taiyi lightly.

But in fact, Tai Yi knows it very well, it's just her pretending, it was like this when she was playing games before!Because her operation is better than Taiyi, and she doesn't need to go to school or work, and her account is more advanced than Taiyi. Every time she finishes playing, she always looks like this, but in fact, she is already very happy in her heart, and she enjoys giving others The feeling of "Basic Practice 6".

"The relationship between the two of you seems to have improved, and I'm very pleased."

Taiyi noticed that Rosamon was seriously worried about the Holy Maiden, and couldn't help but feel relieved.

As an excellent man, of course he has to manage the family well and harmoniously!

Chapter 210 Chapter [-] Angel Eden Gun

"But I think it's better to worry about me a little bit. I don't have any strength now."

Taiyi can no longer maintain the digital soul that can levitate himself, there is really no drop, just when he is about to fall, the rose beast quickly embraces him.

After leaning against the soft and elastic body of Rose Beast, Taiyi felt a lot better, not in a nasty way, but really a lot more comfortable, as if he had walked more than 20 kilometers in the mountains and was exhausted Suddenly found that there is a public bench in front of you to rest.

"Really, I make myself like this every time."

Rosemon covered Taichi's waist with one hand, and put Taichi's arm on his shoulder.

"We have to go down and see. If the Millennium Beast is really dead, we should be able to find a Monodragon Beast, and maybe we can find the exit."

He looked at the sacred female beast and said.

"Okay, Taichi, but wait for me to catch my breath."

The holy goddess put one hand on her chest, and it seemed that after launching such a powerful attack, she didn't really feel nothing.

But just when they thought the battle was over and planned to rest for a while before acting again, the voice of Lishen Bido Beast suddenly came from behind.

"Be careful!!"

In an instant, everyone's nerves tensed up, and at some point, the huge Millennium Beast didn't die!And in an extremely strange way, it flew up from below the sea of ​​clouds without making any sound. The infinite cannon behind it had already warmed up, and two soaring destruction beams came to surprise them, while the holy goddess beast and Qiangwei Even the beast has no ability to resist this move, and Taiyi has no strength anymore!

But soon, a golden giant shadow blocked the launch track of the infinite cannon. It was Lishen Bidomon. He was the first to discover the intention of Millennium Beast, so he acted ahead of time.

Two golden rays of destruction hit Lishenbidomon's back carapace. Although its size was not large enough to cover the attack range of the infinite cannon, Millennium Beast reversed the attack trajectory of the two cannons in order to concentrate its firepower. Gathered together, so now Lishen Bidomon is bearing the full lethality of Millennium Beast's infinite cannon!

"Beetle Beast!"

The Rose Beast felt scared just looking at the shape of the cannon, let alone the Lishen Biduo Beast that was carrying it hard.

"It's okay... I said it... I'm in this form... I can handle it!"

She didn't dare to hesitate, and immediately hugged Taichi and flew back. After seeing this scene, the red lotus knight beast and the other three digimons rushed over.

see them

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Hiding in a safe area, Lishen Bidoshou left the attack range.

Just when he was about to lament that he was really rough-skinned and thick-skinned, he suddenly felt someone stepped on his red-hot carapace.

"Thank you, let me deal with him next!"

The holy goddess beast used his back as a springboard to accelerate and bounced itself out. The battle-damaged angel moved forward at full speed, its eyes re-ignited the sacred golden brilliance, and hit the millennium beast below like a meteor. .

That guy is now covered in bruises, and one eye is blind. It seems that he was directly hit by an Eden gun and was scrapped. There are hundreds of wounds all over his body, and the spirit behind him is no longer in harmony with the entity. Bravely swaggering together, but lying on the shoulders of the entity as if exhausted.

It's just a dog jumping over the wall in a hurry, the last flashback before death.

The holy female beast once again released its divine power, holding the weapon tightly and pointing straight ahead, the tip of the spear began to gather golden light spots to extend to dozens of meters, this time she put all her strength into this blow, holding these few The ten-meter gun is a marching sprint.

"Angel Eden Gun!!"

The holy celestial maiden beast with holy flames shining in its eyes roared the name of this move.

As a Digimon, if you use the nirvana, you will feel that the damage will be low if you don’t shout something, so she played some legends about the human world that she read during the half a year she lived with Tai. The name gives it a name.

This is much better than the "sacred bow".

The Millennium Beast is still dying, and its four arms stretched out and stacked together like building a house, trying to embrace the Holy Celestial Beast, but the result is...the Holy Celestial Beast that has been fully ignited holds a giant spear to make a sprint of Tianyuan Breakthrough, even Millennium Beast has four hands, but it just pierced through four more hands.


Five times in a row, the tip of the gun exploded five times in a row. Finally, the holy goddess beast stood on the head of the millennium beast. The big gun in his hand pierced his forehead, and the extended gun head made of energy was exposed from the back of the head.

Although it seems to be a fatal attack, for Digimon, as long as the Digicore is not destroyed, there is still the possibility of regeneration, and the Millenniummon, which was hit hard by this, can no longer maintain this posture, the data is shattered bit by bit, and it begins to move towards the sky. Distant places gradually wave away.

The holy female beast also pulled out the holy gun that had been disarmed. She spread her wings and jumped back, quietly waiting for this guy's body to disintegrate, but soon she couldn't hold it anymore, her body was disarmed and degraded. It is the posture of a goddess beast.

"Heavenly beast!"

Taiyi called her name, and came to her with the help of Rosemon, followed by Lishenbidomon and three other companion Digimon.

"How is it? you really feel that I am irreplaceable now?"

The Celestial Beast slowly regained its strength while panting, and finally smiled.

"I never said you could be replaced."

"Meeting you was the biggest—"

Taichi didn't think too much, just wanted to express his thoughts after such a fierce battle, unexpectedly.


The Celestial Beast stretched out her fingers at a very fast speed and pressed Taiyi's mouth to make him shut up.

"Don't say such things, it's fake and secondary school, I'm just joking, and it won't be very good for others to hear it."

...?Wouldn't your action be more harmful?

Tai Yi blinked, but didn't say much, but the gentle smile of the celestial girl and the cold touch on his lips turned into some strange seeds that reminded him of those days when he lived together in the past. memory.

——It is said that Xiaobie is better than a newlywed, it seems that the sayings are really true...

"Is this your true strength, Taiyi? It really taught me."

"Sure enough, you are the strongest animal trainer."

The Red Lotus Knight Beast sighed, then smiled and sighed, then pointed in the direction of the Millennium Beast to remind him.

"By the way, are you going to pick up that little guy? He's about to fall."

Taiyi turned his head and saw that in the data center dismantled by Millennium Beast, there was a small Unicorn Drake falling asleep, and Yandramon had already left ahead of time, allowing the Unicorn Drake to fall into his palm.

"It feels exactly the same as the Beetlemon at that time. It's all hidden in the destroyed body of Millenniumon."

"There's no keep mentioning this kind of thing, right?"

This is the dark history of Beetlemon, so even Lishen Bidomon shyly raised a hand and scratched its head.

"Ahem, then, next, we should leave this place."

Red Lotus Knight Beast cleared its throat and said solemnly.

"Have you found the exit yet?"

Taichi questioned.

"No, actually I already knew where the exit was." The Red Lotus Knight Beast smiled and said something extraordinary. "Because the prototype of this place is my former home~"

Chapter 211 Chapter [-] You are not qualified, and that is why you are not qualified

" your home? Is it your home?!"

Hearing this, Ultimate V-Dramon looked back at the huge floating island with an expression of doubting life.

"What kind of family conditions are you in?"

He didn't understand very much.

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