Although Ultimate Vdramon doesn't know anything about this place, he's not blind either. Such a stunning view of this place is something he has never seen in his life.

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see only.

"It's a normal royal knight's castle."

Red Lotus Knight Beast replied as a matter of course.

"However, this is only a corner of our castle. It is usually used for training and battle simulation." The Red Lotus Knight explained embarrassingly while touching its head. "At that time, I came to this world to challenge Di Li Mo, but I almost didn't come back... It also read some of my memories and simulated this space."

Although Taiyi was also surprised, this result is also reasonable.

This kind of place is very high-class at first glance, symbolizing majesty and power, and this digital world, including the digital world I went to before, does not have such settings as royal knights or three angels, only four holy beasts, and among the four holy beasts There are no characters that match this background setting, so it is probably data from other worlds.

"Next, let me leave, everyone."

The Red Lotus Knight cleared its throat, and took out the red card that took Taichi away from the inner lining of the armor, then closed its eyes, the red card began to flash, and then the body of the Red Lotus Knight began to flash, continuously The red energy flowed back into his body, but it didn't change his appearance.

"When are you going to tell me the whole truth? Crimson Knightmon?"

Tai asked with a frown.

"It's actually very simple to say, let's talk as we go."

The red lotus knight raised its cloak, turned around and flew towards the floating island, Taiyi followed behind him with his relatives and friends, although it was the space restored by Di Limo, but the basic The structure should still be the same, the Red Lotus Knight Beast must know some hidden mechanism or something.

"That's what happened."

The Red Lotus Knightmon didn't look back, but started from how he discovered the world where Dilimo existed here like a story, and the other Digimon also listened quietly without expressing their thoughts to interrupt him.

As he spoke, the group quickly returned to the island. The originally flat and wide ground here was not so beautiful after being baptized by the Millennium Beast, but it smelled more like the end of the world.

"Actually, that was really an accident."

The red lotus knight continued to tell his story, and flew to the north edge of the venue, pointed the knight gun at a circular pattern on the wall and shot silver light, the door was activated immediately, and an exit was opened... nothing A complex mechanism is a very simple thing.

"Because my battle with him seems to have made him evolve and wake up in advance, he actually followed the track I left in the sea of ​​countless parallel digital worlds when I came to this world, and found Tai Yi where you are. world."

"Wait a minute, this means that the reason Di Limo appeared in my world is because it followed the direction you came from? Could it be that our two worlds are very close?"

"Not very close."

"This is also one of the lies I told you, Taiyi, the world I live in is the corresponding 'digital world' on your side."

The Red Lotus Knight Beast didn't hide anything, and confessed very bluntly.

"...It turned out to be like this."

I remember that at that time, Constancy once said to Taiyi, that is what Taiyi saved at that time, the digital world very similar to "Digimon Adventure 01" was not his original digital world, but the real digital world corresponding to Taichi's reality There is only one Digimon, and that is the Lilithmon. He also said that the digital world on Taiyi's side has evolved to an exaggerated point.

It turned out that this red lotus knight beast was actually one of the thirteen royal knights in his own world!

"So, I already know who you are, Taichi...but I can only pretend that I don't know you."

"You already know who I am."

"One of the powers of the Royal Knights is the power to freely travel through parallel worlds, so of course I know you and the story of your victory over the Apocalypse Beast."

Standing in front of the open exit, Crimson Knightmon looked at Taichi and the Digimon who had established a deep bond with him with a little more emotion in his eyes.

"That means you actually know Lilithmon?"

Tiannv Beast asked after looking down for a while.


He didn't deny it either.

"Isn't that guy one of the demon kings? Why don't you help us eliminate her?" Tiannv Beast was very upset this time. "You should know that she obstructed us, right? Since you are a warm-hearted person, you can come to this world to send police to fight Di Limo, why don't you want to help us?"

"Because I was busy with other important tasks at the time and I didn't have time to spare, and... Lilith Beast, I know her, she will not attack you."

"Why? Do you know her well?"

Tiannv Beast was even more puzzled.

"You are obviously a royal knight who guards order, yet you actually trust the Lust Demon King, one of the Seven Great Demon Kings?"

"I don't trust her, I just know her." Faced with the obviously provocative words of Tiannv, Red Lotus Knight Beast was not angry. "She is the kind of character who will never fight unless it is absolutely necessary. I think you have fought her a few times, and you should know something about it."

"I have another question." Taiyi continued to ask.

"At that time, I tried to explore my original digital world with Celestial Beast, but I found that no matter what method I used, my Tyrannosaurus machine and the ring did not respond, even if I wanted to open the digital world. The gate will only come to the goddess

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Beast their world. "

"I don't understand why."

This matter had troubled Taiyi for a long time, but he gave up thinking about it because he couldn't figure it out, and thinking about it now, it feels even weirder.

"Well... because something happened, the world I'm in is now completely closed."


"That's right, there is no way to enter using conventional methods, unless you have a higher level of authority, you can understand that there is a ring of firewalls around our digital world, and only Digimon with higher levels of authority like me can freely enter and exit. "

"You're not eligible, and that's why you're not eligible."

...Tai Yi was a little speechless. It turned out that his level was too low to enter this difficult dungeon?

"Did something happen? Why the blockade?"

"It's World Tree's decision, and we can't help it~ However, our world is still very stable, so you don't need to worry, Taiyi, there are thirteen royal knights and three angels, and the crisis will be resolved soon La."

Red Lotus Knight Beast replied with a smile.

"That's good."

Taiyi was relieved a lot. He was worried that the crisis in the digital world would affect the real world he lived in, and he didn't want to save the next world non-stop after the Dilimo crusade was over. That would be too tiring. , and what he longs for now is the daily life with Tenmamon Rosemon and other friends.

But... Taichi was still a little worried that Crimson Knightmon wasn't telling the truth.

Because, he smiled heartily like when he first met him, maybe it was an illusion?Taiyi always felt that when he just confessed those things, he seemed like a seasoned and mature knight, but when he said this, and when he first communicated with himself, he showed such a passionate and stupid silly image.

But this is just a detail, Taiyi is not delusional, the reasons why he remains suspicious are, one is the advice from the Azure Dragon Beast, and the other is the last sentence that the Digimon said, he has to maintain a special attitude towards the Red Lotus Knight Beast. vigilance.

While they were talking, the exit activated by the Red Lotus Knight was also fully opened, and the dark data channel was exposed. The Red Lotus Knight led Taiyi and his party through the passage again, leaving this space.

Chapter 212 Chapter [-] The Stealing Cat

"As for the reason why you came here and the origin of this red card, it's even simpler."

On the way back to Ruuhime and the others, Red Lotus Knight Beast continued to explain the origin of the red card.

"Because I found out that Di Limo went to Taiyi's real world along the path I opened up when I came. This is something I can't accept. Although this incident was not my fault, after all, it was I who indirectly caused you to die. The world has encountered such a catastrophe."

"I know that with your current strength, it is very difficult to fight Di Limo, so I can only go to the real world here to find a solution, but I have found nothing. I have invaded the hidden databases of many places, including Silicon Valley. I read it, but there is no record of the research and development of Dilimo, let alone find its underlying code."

"So, the Emperor Limo wasn't developed by humans in this world?"

After hearing this, Taiyi was thoughtful.

"I have a bold idea. At the bottom of this digital world, that's actually the weakest point of the so-called 'dimension wall'. Di Limo probably came from another parallel world...but it doesn't matter anymore."

"Although I haven't found the origin of the Dili Demon, I have discovered that the group of scientists who created the digital world back then, that is, the 'wild research group', had already discovered the existence of the Dili Demon program when they created digital life, and I did some research and found a lot of foreshadowings they left in the digital world."

"After returning to the digital world, I found the consciousness data of the man named 'Shiguozi' in a small world. He is one of the founders of the wild research group. With his help, I successfully used my own Power made a 'red card', which allows Digimon to fight in the area interfered by Dilimo without being affected."

"And through the channel opened by Di Limo, I attached this card to one of its bubbles and sent it to your world."

This is the beginning and end of everything. Through the confession of the red lotus knight beast, Taiyi finally knew the reason why Di Limo appeared in his own world, and the reason why the red life-saving card appeared was because of this special person in front of him. The Red Lotus Knight Beast is the story he personally opened.

The long-standing doubts in Taiyi's heart were answered, which also made him feel better. It seems that Qinglong Beast did not lie to himself, it was indeed because of Red Lotus Knight Beast that he had the opportunity to come to this world, but he did not intentionally cause this. result.

"I'm very sorry, Taichi... I really didn't expect this to happen."

He lowered his head and apologized sincerely to Taiyi.

"Because of the guilt towards you, when I first met you, I chose to act in a scene, thinking that I would tell you the truth if I had no other choice in the future. I hope you can forgive me."

"It's okay, although I'm also very angry, this matter can't be blamed on you after all."

He said so, of course Taiyi will give him a step down, and he really won't resent Red Lotus Knightmon because of this kind of thing.

The feeling right now is very strange, Taichi has never felt this way before,

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That is...he can be sure that the Red Lotus Knight Beast will never intentionally hurt innocent lives, and it will never be detrimental to him, but why?There is always an indescribably weird feeling.

"I have a little doubt." Lishen Bidomon was also thinking about this, and raised his doubts. "Since Di Limo found Taiyi's world along your track, why don't you come directly to help, what else are you going to do with the red card?"

"Although I can freely travel through the parallel digital world, this ability is not unlimited. What's more... the two worlds are far apart, and I am powerless. If there is a way, I will not go to the human world to run around. gone."

"Oh~ we can only blame us for being unlucky."

Although the Rose Beast was half-knowledgeable and confused, it still understood the whole process of the matter. It was the Red Lotus Knight Beast who wanted to execute justice to eliminate Di Limo, but accidentally implicated them.

"Since you have such a strong power, now that the red card has returned to you, you have also recovered your strength, so it should be easy to destroy Di Limo if you join forces with us next time? Don't refuse!"

"Of course I will do my best to fight in the future, but if I want to completely eliminate Di Limo, I still need Taiyi you."

"After returning to the upper world, I will stay here and form a defense line with the four holy beasts. You must hurry up and go back to the human world to find those scientists. We need their technical support."

"Well, I think so too."

All in all, everything is proceeding step by step, and now compared with the trio of three primary colors and other protagonist members in the original work, Taiyi now has the team he defeated the Apocalypse Beast in the last world, and a royal knight warrior Strength, the odds of winning must be greater.



On Liu Ji's side, because of the support of the Fallen Hell Beast and the mount of the Red Lotus Knight Beast, Grani, she and Jian Liang also successfully blocked the attack of the Di Li Mo's clones, and soon died in the holy battle with the Millennium Beast. Under the sharp spear of the goddess beast, the entire space also began to disintegrate. According to Jianliang's speculation and suggestion, they temporarily withdrew to the surface world beyond the gap and returned to Qiren's side.

Kielmon has awakened, but there is no arc machine between Kaito and him, but as long as Kielmon is safe and sound, Kaito has nothing else to ask for.

They didn't wait too long, a beam of light rose into the sky, and Taiyi, Red Lotus Knightmon, and many other Digimon appeared in front of them.

"Kill Beast! Demon Fox Beast!"

Gu Le Beast, who woke up in Tai Yi's arms, rushed forward as if seeing her family again after the rest of her life, and the Demon Fox Beast also reached out to catch her intimately.

The relationship between the two Digimons has been very good for a long time. After all, they have lived under the same roof for so long. On the day when Taiyi and Ruhime went out, it was even the Yaohumon who played with Gulemon all day long like taking children.

"Qi Ren, are you two alright?"

Taiyi came out and patted the dust off his body, and was relieved to see that Kielmon had also recovered.

"I'm worrying you, Taichi...hehe, I'm so stupid that something like evolving a zombie tyrannosaurus will happen...huh?"

Kaito scratched the back of his head and smirked, but he soon saw so many Digimon around Taiyi... this!Isn't this the protagonist group Digimon in the animation! ! ?

"Oh, let me introduce. These are my partners. I don't need to mention their names, right?"

"It's Agumon! There's Beetlemon! Bichumon! There's even a Celestial Beast!! It's a Celestial Beast without a mask! Have you seen Jianliang? It's really them!"

Qiren suddenly changed back to the same day when he first met, tugging at the corner of Jianliang's clothes, the excitement in his eyes couldn't be restrained.

"Don't be so excited, Qiren..."

Jianliang smiled wryly, but he was also very excited inside. After all, the original intention of them entering the Digimon pit was because of that animation.

"How stupid is this human being?"

Agumon, who had degenerated from Ultimate Vdramon, scratched his head and asked.

"It's a long story, but for humans in this world, the story between me and you is what happened in an animation... So now it's like meeting an idol."

"Our adventure to save the world was actually made into an animation??"

The blue pupils of the Celestial Beast shrank suddenly, and hurriedly bent over to ask Tai Yi nervously.

"Then the things the two of us did were broadcast live?"

"Cough cough!"

Taichi hastily cleared his throat.

"It's a child offering to the animation, it's not Li Fan, and it's also the story of me and seven other human partners when the divine plan was not destroyed. Don't think too much about it."

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