"That's right~ that's good."

She covered her mouth and squinted into a smile.

"Is this the Celestial Beast you've been talking about?"

Seeing Tiannv Beast flirting with Tai Yi, Liu Ji suddenly felt uncomfortable, but she still came forward to say hello.

"Nice to meet you, my name is Makino Ruhime, and that is my partner, Yaohu Beast."


Hearing the other party greet him, Tiannv Beast's smile stopped abruptly.

——It is the thief Xymao who sneaks in, and her despicable fox servant.

Chapter 213 Chapter [-] I originally wanted to get along with you as an ordinary Digimon

"Thank you very much for taking care of Taiyi when I was away. This kindness is beyond recognition.

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report. "

Tiannvshou extended her hand and thanked Liu Ji with a smile.


Ruhime was not polite either, and accepted her thanks and shook hands in a friendly manner.

"It's nothing, no need to say thank you."


Liu Ji's face suddenly changed slightly, and she looked at the hand held by Tiannv Beast and herself... Could it be that this is a show of authority?

Just listening to Taichi's description, Ruhime can imagine what kind of character Tennyumon has. Although she cannot be changed physically, she is still a digital life, but in fact she is different from her own fox beast who still has not given up her own thoughts. Beast, the way of thinking has fully evolved to a mature human level... It always feels like those villains with high IQ in animation.

Now she is clearly acting...jealous.

——What kind of cultivation method can make your Digimon look like this?

Liu Ji looked at Taiyi who was standing beside Tiannvshou with weird eyes, and Taiyi also met her eyes.

"Ah that, Celestial Beast, let's get out of here first."

"Of course, Taichi."

Tiannv Beast only used a little bit of strength, the kind that can silently intimidate others, although she doesn't want to see her Tai Yi messing around outside, but as she decided before, she is very happy Knowing that he is positioned as Taichi's partner Digimon, he will not interfere with Taichi's choice.

"Hmm... I didn't expect your partner to be an angel."

The little monster stood aside, looking at Tai Yi and Tiannv Beast, its expression of gnashing its teeth in fear and fear was very interesting, like a little purple mouse seeing a noble white British short-haired cat.

"No wonder I can't get along with you."

"No, I think we have a good relationship."

Tai didn't think so.

"? Why didn't you say that when you hit me with the shield? Wouldn't your conscience hurt?"

"Of course it will."

Taiyi spread his hands innocently.

"But there's no way, it's because I want to get along with you, so I have to beat you harder to wake you up."

"You... well, I feel like I'm allergic to prismatic blunt instruments now."

The little monster couldn't bear to think about what happened back then.

"What is this ugly little creature?"

Tiannv beast looked down and saw the little monster talking to Tai Yi on the ground.

"You! Who are you calling ugly! You hateful angel! Don't think I'm afraid of you!"

"Oh, I accidentally said what was in my heart." Tiannv Beast covered her mouth and laughed.

"Ahem, little monster, don't worry, she doesn't mean anything malicious." Tai Yi stopped the possible quarrel between them. "Thanks for your help, little monster."

"You...Even if you say that, I won't be happy, hum!"

——This Tsundere, even if you play Tsundere, I won't think you are cute, hum.

"By the way, Liao, we rescued your partner."

Taiyi hurriedly changed the subject, and waved to Akiyama Liao who was standing there. Hearing this, his pale face finally recovered a little, and the red lotus knight handed the single-horned dragon beast in his arms, and the boy hugged him tightly. The smile of the partner I lost and found is indeed the same as the various side descriptions of Akiyama Ryo in the original work, he is a hearty boy who can heal others.

Although, he now looks a few years older than Taiyi and the others. If Taiyi is a prospective college student, then Akiyama Ryo should be a prospective graduate.

"Taiyi, what has happened to the mono-horned dragon?"

"Well... he became a Millennium Beast, but he's fine now."

Akiyama Liao's expression trembled slightly, but he didn't say anything, he just hugged his partner tighter.

"Thank you."

"Without you, we might not be able to save Gu Le Beast, needless to say thank you."

Tai smiled and patted him on the shoulder to make him feel relieved.

"Haha." Akiyama Liao also laughed. "It feels like Tai is not the same as the Tai I met a long time ago."

"Another Taiyi? Is it the same age as me?"

"No, it was you a long time ago, when you were a child."

"Am I bad?"

"Of course not!" Akiyama Liao quickly vetoed it. "You are also a very good person! It's just that the feeling is different."

"Don't worry, I'm just kidding."

Taiyi doesn't know what he has experienced in the past, but what he can be sure of is that Ryo Akiyama must have defeated Millennium Beast more than once, but his past has nothing to do with what Taiyi wants to do now, so he doesn't want to go either. Chase Akiyama Liao to get to the bottom of it.

After a group of people assembled, they left this small world and just returned to the wasteland of the physical layer... Liu Ji looked at the still not very clear gray sky, but always had a feeling of being reborn, going deep into the ground She survived such a terrifying place, and the sense of accomplishment brought by such an exciting adventure is indeed higher than those extreme sports in the human world, which also strengthens her determination to become a beast trainer like Taiyi in the future.

However, before they had time to take a few breaths of fresh air, they saw the two cows and horses who were guarding the gate in the Suzaku beast's territory before, and the spirit monkey that Tai Yi had beaten before.


Seeing the spirit monkey beast, Gule beast couldn't help the stress reaction, and quickly jumped into Taiyi's arms.

"Are you okay?"

"That's it, Master Suzakumon asked us to wait for you here, and wait for you to find the patron saint and take you to the realm of the gods."

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The monkey showed a healthy smile, and the white teeth even reflected the light.


Qiren blinked his eyes in confusion, but soon realized who the guy was referring to, and his expression changed instantly.

Liu Ji didn't respond at all, after all, she also overheard what Qinglong Beast said, and knew the identity of Gu Le Beast long ago, but Jian Liang couldn't help asking Tai Yi.

"Gu Le Beast really has an extraordinary origin...Tai Yi, did you already know about this?"

"I just knew that she has the power to evolve Digimon, so I thought it might become the key point of the incident, so I made preparations in advance, and fortunately nothing happened."

"I'm sorry, Gulemon. I thought you were a child like Kielmon before. I admit that I was abrupt."

Qiren hurried over to apologize to Gulemon.

Perhaps in his heart, Gulemon has become the following style of painting - originally wanted to get along with you as a normal Digimon, but unexpectedly got contempt and alienation in return, I don’t pretend anymore, I am a Digimon I have a showdown, the patron saint of the world!

"Huh? What is Qiren talking about? Is the guardian spirit talking about the Gule beast?"

The white, soft and cute creature moved its ears, pointed to its own face with its small fingers and asked innocently.

"There are things only you can do, and you are essential to defeat the enemies that threaten both worlds."

"Although I don't understand it very well... Gulemon will be obedient and work hard!"

"So when we go back, Taiyi will continue to make delicious meals for Gulemon!"

"Ah~ I really can't do anything about you."

He lay on Taiyi's chest and rubbed her back and forth coquettishly. No one could withstand Gulemon's coquettish offensive. Taiyi quickly held her small body with his hands and rubbed it, just like they often do at home. do that.


Seeing this scene, Tiannv Beast was stunned. If it was in the comics, she should be staring at Gu Le Beast with bloodshot eyes.

She thought it was just a golden fox and an insignificant human girl, but she still underestimated Taiyi... This... This was obviously her exclusive privilege before!No way... I also want to change back to Tilu Beast to be touched by Taiyi!But there are still so many people here. I am obviously a powerful Archangel-type Celestial Beast. I almost defeated Millennium Beast by myself just now. How could I do such a shameful thing?No no no!

Chapter 214 Chapter [-] Release the divine splendor of evolution!

Under the leadership of the spirit monkey beast and the combination of cattle and horses, Taiyi and his party set off again without stopping.

Although Taichi has not recovered his physical strength yet, with so many Digimon around him, he feels full of security, so there is no need to worry.

This time, their speed was much faster than when they were taken away by Galani before, because these twelve god generals all had a fast and safe passage to the realm of gods, and there was an invisible power in the luminous transparent tunnel Being pulled, he soon returned to the lowest level, the realm of gods.

"Are these the Four Holy Beasts?"

Looking at the giant beasts emitting four different kinds of divine light, each of which is big enough to cover the sky and the sun, Tiannv Beast couldn't help expressing emotion.

She has only heard about the Four Holy Beasts. In her world, the Four Holy Beasts are the guardians who help her and Taiyi hold back the Four Heavenly Kings of Darkness before they gain power, but their combat effectiveness should not be very good... After all , she didn't realize how powerful the Four Heavenly Kings are until now, and only the Clown King can fight a dozen, but she was directly killed by herself after evolving into a beautiful angel beast.

"Is it going to be a decisive battle with Di Li Mo? Taiyi, I still don't know who is who here, and what are we going to do..."

Rose Beast stood behind Taiyi and asked cautiously.

"You don't need to know what you are going to do, as long as you know that you are going to kill."

"It's a matter of mass murder... you'd better leave it to the Celestial Beast, and I'll just hang around in the back."

She stuck out her tongue and said.

"You've become tactful too, you weren't like that before."

Taiyi recalled that at the beginning, the Flower Fairy Beast was trying to compare its combat effectiveness with the Celestial Girl Beast, but now she has self-knowledge.

"Because I found something more interesting than fighting. Fighting is too troublesome~ I just want to eat snacks, play games, drink happy water on the sofa of Tai's family, and sleep peacefully in the warm sunshine every afternoon." Afternoon nap, there is nothing more blissful than this!"

"Hey, Rose Beast, have you forgotten your flower kingdom?"

The Bhikkhu beast is very rigid, she feels that her comrade-in-arms has fallen!

"No, it's just that I sleep every day over there, and it's still interesting to be here with Taiyi. I can't go back to that cold life anymore."

——What kind of evil queen, who said that she seemed to be a yellow hair, and turned the pure and pure queen of flowers and plants into a physique that could not be separated from her?

"...Don't talk about this, they are calling us."

Taiyi shook his head and put these messy thoughts behind him.

The Four Holy Beasts, Xuanwu Beast and White Tiger Beast are standing on the ground, Suzaku Beast and Qinglong Beast are floating in the air, they surround a huge deep pit in four different directions, this scene is also familiar to Tai Yi, it seems, it should be My actions over there had already stimulated Di Limo, and it finally didn't plan to continue acting.

"That guy has woken up, did you do it?"

Suzaku looked back at Taiyi and the others and asked.

"In order to save the Gule Beast, we have to do this

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. "

Tai looked up at the big red bird.

"It's you, isn't the injury all right?"

"...What kind of injury, don't talk nonsense, I just don't want to hit it anymore."

It may be because the other four holy beasts were present, so the Suzaku beast was at a loss for words and started talking nonsense for a while, but it was obviously too late... because the white tiger beast had already laughed out loud.

"You can beat him? Taiyi, I underestimated you."

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