Tiannv Beast raised her eyebrows in surprise.

"I just can't beat you, and I'm not that weak, okay?",

It was too white for her.

"You were beaten? Suzaku beast?"

The white tiger laughed maliciously.

"No, no! It's just a small misunderstanding!" Suzaku explained roughly in animal language. "This human is just discussing with me how to deal with the real enemy. The negotiation... how can it be considered as being beaten?"

"Looks like you were beaten. It's okay to let you know that there are people outside the world who are beyond the sky. It saves you from showing your bad temper with a stern face every day."

The Xuanwu beast also spoke slowly, except for the Qinglong beast, which had no expression changes, and the other two were trying to hold back their laughter.

"The entire digital world is shaking... The world above has begun to lose its stability in the data layer, and countless small worlds have begun to disintegrate. I think the real world may have been affected by now."

The Azure Dragon Beast ignored this little farce, but before he finished his sentence, a large jet of huge pink bubbles spewed out from the depths of the huge pit.

"Is this a provocation?"

Yagumon gritted his teeth, and wanted to move forward even after snapping his wrists.

"I'm going down to see what it can do!"

"Are you crazy? Have you forgotten what happened before?"

Beetlemon slapped Yagumon directly on the head.

"Of course I haven't forgotten! I'm just... angry!"

Facing Beetlemon's harsh criticism, Yagumon could only scratch his head and worry, and of course he wouldn't really want to go down.

"Don't worry, holy beasts, since you invited us here, you must have a way to deal with it, right? Let's start quickly."

The Red Lotus Knight Beast is very calm. After confessing his identity to Tai Yi, he finally doesn't need to pretend to be stupid anymore. He can be his Royal Knight openly. He flies up and starts negotiating with the Four Holy Beasts one step ahead of time. .

"It's finally time, this guy is finally going to make a move."

The white tiger sighed.

"We also have to give it a go, so... the patron saint of the digital world, please give us back the light of evolution sealed in you."

Qinglong Beast turned its head to Taiyi and the others, and its gaze was directed at Gu Le Beast on his chest.

It seemed that he was worried that Gu Le Beast didn't understand, or wanted to have a more ritual sense, so he continued to explain.

"In order to prevent that guy from waking up early, we hope that the Digimon will stop the unlimited evolution, so the Digimons responded to our wish and transformed the power of evolution into a Digimon... But now, we have no time, Please return the power of evolution to this world."

Faced with Qinglong Beast's invitation, Gu Le Beast was still dazed, but her expression became more serious than ever. Even she, who is like a child, must have felt some kind of destiny call from the Four Holy Beasts. .

"Go, ancient music beast, do what you really should do."

Taichi rubbed her head and said softly.

Gu Le Beast didn't speak any more, she nodded seriously to Tai Yi, then opened her ears, and flew towards the Four Holy Beasts.

"To protect our land, to protect our race... Please protect the digital world... No, Gulemon, please show your true power!"

The call of the four holy beasts, coupled with the blessings of Tai Yi and other friends along the way, the ancient music beast gradually closed its eyes, and at this time, countless luminous elves flew from the other side of the sky to surround the ancient music like a garland Gradually, her petite body was covered by light. Under the colorful light, a phantom of a huge elf gradually reappeared on her body, and at the same time, the inverted triangle shape on the top of her head also became a solid red crystal hanging. at high altitude.

That figure is undoubtedly the real figure of Gu Le Beast. After accumulating some strength, she shouted "Shining Evolution!", and the red triangular crystal released a lot of golden light, rushing straight towards the sky. Go, the light of evolution has covered the entire digital world in a short period of time.

"This, this is?"

Suddenly, Liu Ji realized that her arc light machine was actually flickering, as if she had also received the energy released by the ancient music beast, including Jianliang and Qiushan Liao, and even Qiren who lost the arc light machine, Between him and Kielmon, a tiny star also rose.

"Kilmon, can we...can be partners again?"

"Kielmon and Kaito will always be partners!"

The little red dinosaur smiled foolishly, the golden light ended, and a brand-new gold-plated arc light machine fell into Qi Ren's hands, and he couldn't help crying with joy.

"In this way, you should already have the power to evolve into an ultimate body."

Taichi is also very happy that they can all recover their strength. Sure enough, the glory of Gulemon will affect every Digimon, including the Digimon of the trainers of course.

"Really? Taichi?"

Liu Ji was shocked.

"If you don't believe me, you can try it."

Chapter 215 Chapter [-] The Celestial Girl Beast Tsundere.jpg

Ancient Lemon release, triggered by

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The "Shining Evolution" covering the entire digital world raised all the Digimon who were illuminated by this light to a higher level of evolution, and soon, a lot of perfect and ultimate Digimon came here from all directions .

They are all Digimon who were summoned by the Four Holy Beasts and are willing to fight to protect their homeland. Now they are blessed by Gu Le Beast. The number of these ultimate bodies alone is enough for Dili Demon to drink a pot Yes, that guy is hard to kill, but as long as you don't get close to him, there's nothing wrong with just stopping him.

How do you say that?You can't stop a person who wants to mess with you, but if you want to carry, it will show flaws, so as long as there are these Digimons, Di Li Mo can only be a gangster no matter how against the sky, once he has other ideas, even the slightest , will be hit head-on by Tai Yi.

"Next, leave this to us, Yagami Taichi, you quickly return to the human world with your partners, and look for the technical support of those scientists."

"Although I want to do this too, that guy doesn't seem to intend to let me leave easily."

Faced with Suzakumon's urging, Taiyi could only take out his ring.

He was already trying to open the passage to leave the digital world, but the ring didn't respond, even if he tried using the newly acquired arc sublimator, there was no response.

But unlike the circle, Taiyi can feel some power blocking his application of "opening the door to the digital world", but the arc sublimator has no response, it seems that the arc sublimator like Ruhime and others is itself The reason why there is no such authority... In comparison, Taiyi still prefers the ring.

Once again, Di Li Mo living in the deep pit suddenly sprayed a large number of bubbles, and these bubbles fell on the nearby Digimon like spring water splashing on the spectators, except for the four holy beasts. In addition to the influence, even many ultimate bodies were infected by these bubbles, causing their bodies to mutate.

"It's the method of alienating Digimon! Has Di Li Mo already proficiently manipulated the ultimate body?"

Jianliang immediately turned pale with shock.

"After such a long battle, it must be evolving like us."

Tai Yan saw it in his eyes, although he was also very anxious, but he didn't panic. As early as when Di Limo was the first to attack the boy who harassed Liu Ji, he had already expected this day.

"Let everyone disperse! Don't touch those glowing bubbles! Use long-range skills to blast Di Limo back!"

"pass it to me."

The Crimson Lotus Knight Beast jumped up, and Galani caught him with his roaring wings, and rushed forward.

"Royal... savior!"

The Red Lotus Knight Beast, which has gained all its strength, finally showed its true power as a royal knight. The spear in his hand shone with silver light, and swept out a huge silver crescent in the air, which continued to expand like a firewall. The Di Li Mo who splashed the mud all blocked it.

This move is completely different from his previous one,

"Holy Bubble!"

Under Taichi's instruction, the Celestial Beast also rose into the sky, and released a large number of rainbow-colored soap bubbles to the sky to form a huge colorful cloud. The bubbles falling from the cloud successfully dispelled the bubbles stuck to the Digimon. .

"I didn't expect this guy to be able to infect individual Digimon... What a scary guy."

"Fortunately, our patron saint is safe and sound, otherwise even we may have difficulty resisting the erosion of this guy."

In order to get rid of these poisonous bubbles, the White Tiger Beast shook its head like a cat, throwing the cat away, the Suzaku Beast directly evaporated, the Xuanwu Beast sprayed some airflow outwards, and the Qinglong Beast flew in the sky without being affected.

"Taiichi Yagami, the network layer leading to the human world is blocked by it, you have to find a way to break through!"

Qinglong Beast turned back and shouted at Tai Da.

"Can't you help?"

"Now the world above is also being affected. There are countless Digimon that need our help. We cannot leave here, otherwise the collapse of the world will accelerate."

"Sorry I can't help you guys."

What Qinglongmon said was very sincere, and Taiyi didn't force him. Now he doesn't have the means to contact Shanmu and others in the real world. If he wants to leave, he still has to rely on his own strength.

"It doesn't matter, isn't it just breakout? I like fighting breakout battles the most."

Agumon stretched his muscles and said confidently.

That's right, there is no need to worry about anything, because he is no longer alone, as long as they are there, there will be no difficulties.

"Then let's say goodbye here, Red Lotus Knight Beast, I'll leave this to you, okay?"

"Give me time, as long as you give me time, I can drive it back to the bottom, but I still need your help to get it out."

Crimson Knightmon stood on Grani and said to Taichi.

"Okay, see you in a few days, thank you for your help all the time!"

"... Good luck, Taichi, good luck to you, tamers and Digimons."

The Red Lotus Knight Beast stood on Grani, and gave a solemn knight salute to them on the ground.

"Okay! Let's go!"

"Senior, stay by Tai Yi's side, you consumed too much in the battle just now, let us open the way this time."

Bichumon looked at her and volunteered, and the others also started their own evolutions. Beetlemon became Lishen Bidomon, and Yagumon evolved into Ultimate V-Dragonmon. Only Bichumon found that he still had no option for ultimate evolution. Sighed in frustration, but still intended to

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Let's talk about evolution first.

"Probably because the conventional method can't evolve to the ultimate body. After all, the flame dragon beast is a special kind. Let me help you."

Unless a large amount of "fighter's soul" is obtained, or the battle tyrannosaurus and flame dragon are fused together like myself, it is indeed difficult for Bichumon to evolve further.

Taiyi took out the arc light sublimator and the "Love Badge" capsule as he said that, he didn't fuse and sublimate it, but just awakened it and pointed it at Bichumon.

"This is... well, a new evolution is coming!"

Bichumon said in surprise, then turned over and exuded a deep red dazzling light, and immediately doubled into a huge golden phoenix that was only a circle smaller than Suzakumon.

"Bhikkhu Beast... Leap Evolution!"

"Phoenix Beast!"

"Oh~ very handsome."

Ultimate V-dramon gave an approving look.

"Finally... I can also become the ultimate body, everyone, let's go!"

Just when Taiyi was about to move, he was suddenly pulled by the sleeve by the goddess beast.

"Wait a minute, Taiyi."

"what happened?"

"You just used the badge of love?"

She showed a very dissatisfied expression.


Tai Yi blinked and didn't realize there was a problem at first, but quickly realized it.

"If you use it for her, wouldn't I be unable to evolve the Angel Beast? What will I use in the future?"

Taichi began to break out in a cold sweat from the oppressive feeling from Tennyumon.

"This... just lent her temporarily, these badges belong to me, everyone can use them~change them~"

"That's the badge of love that sprouted between us, how can you give it to Bichumon?"

"Don't worry about such details~ Besides, when I regain my physical strength, even without a badge, I can stimulate the love-colored digital soul by myself." Taichi is now like making trouble with an awkward girlfriend, smirking and While patting her on the back.

"I can only inspire this kind of digital soul to you~ That badge or something is just a prop, don't worry."

The celestial maiden put her arms around her chest and pouted slightly with her cheeks puffed out.

"...Uh... I always feel that the relationship between Taiyi and his partner is so delicate."

The demon fox frowned and whispered to Liu Ji.

"But that's pretty cool, isn't it?"

Liu Ji smiled slightly and straightened her expression.

"Let's fight too, both of you."

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