"Well, let's try the real ultimate evolution this time! We can't just let Taichi's friends fight for us!"

"Although I haven't tried it yet...but now I can only do it!"

The arc light tyrannosaurus machines of the three people bloomed in red, blue, and green respectively, and wrapped themselves and their respective partners in them. In this way, the ultimate evolution belonging to the beast trainers is about to be completed!

Chapter 216 Chapter [-] The Second Promise

"Go, juniors, the future is yours."

Seeing this scene, Taiyi was also very happy to cheer for them.

The blue light faded, and the figures of the fox beast and Liu Ji merged into one, dancing in a beautiful music that only they themselves or the audience outside the fourth wall could hear. The beautiful woman under the moonlight——Sakuyamon appeared.

Jianliang and Big-Eared Beast are also fused into a normal green Sangalukomon, which is not a black version of the branch of Beetlemon, but the combat power is actually similar.And Qiren also merged with Kiel in the brilliance of gold and red, and became a brand new "Red Lotus Knight Beast". Although Akiyama Liao wanted to help, his partner Monodramon I haven't woken up yet, so I didn't force him.

——Sure enough, even if there are exceptions such as Royal Knights, the evolution route of Qiren and Kielmon is still Red Lotus Knightmon.

"Eh? Crimson Knight Beast? I...have I become a Crimson Knight Beast?"

Qiren, who woke up in the red light group, said in surprise.

"It's just a normal identical individual, Qiren, but you and Kielmon shouldn't be at his level right now, and you still need a lot of training."

"...I will not be weaker than that guy."

What's different is that after Kielmon evolved into the ultimate body, his mind also evolved simultaneously. Now his way of speaking is completely normal as the Red Lotus Knightmon, but Taichi knows that he still can't compare with the one over there. of.

"San Gallo Beast? Hmm~ little brother, if you don't know how to use it, you can ask me."

Lishenbidomon greeted Sangalgomon in a friendly manner.

"Thank you for your kindness, but of course I know how to use it!"

"Let's go, everyone, there is no time for nonsense."

In the end, the Shaguya Beast was very calm, and when he spoke, he felt like an outsider. He held a Zen stick in his hand, and his body was wrapped in light golden armor. He also wore a fox-ear-shaped helmet on his head. Wrapped in black tights... At first glance, it looks divine, but after a long time, it feels a bit astringent.

"In this way, I have fulfilled my promise at that time, Liu Ji."

Tai smiled seriously at her.

"...But, you only fulfilled the first promise, but don't we have a second promise?"

Sha Guya Beast smiled meaningfully.


"Let's go, you can take a good rest in the back, and you will need to open the door back to the real world later."

"Don't forget Gule Beast!! Gulu Gulu!!"

A soft and cute voice came from behind, Taiyi turned around

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Just in time, I saw that Gulemon was rushing towards them with all its strength, just like catching a tram by myself when I was about to be late for school.

"How could I forget you?"

Taiyi rubbed her little head, the current Gulemon no longer has any special abilities, and has become a simple little cutie.

"Okay, stay here with me and don't move around, we are leaving."

Relying on them to open the way for Taiyi in front, everyone began to break through the world layer blocked by Emperor Limo, layer by layer, this lineup is almost invincible, a total of six powerful ultimate Digimon are fighting, and Rose Beast is still in charge. With the responsibility of protecting Taiyi's personal guard, he didn't rush to take action, and soon broke through to the outermost physical world, and saw the suspended sphere.

"The Vajra Realm Mandala!"

Shaguya Beast unleashed its ultimate power and broke through the last barrier, and Taiyi immediately opened the door to the human world.

"Let's go here, everyone, you should not appear in the human world anymore, your help is needed here."

Before heading home, Taiyi gave instructions to the three ultimate bodies including Ultimate Vdramon.

The main reason is that he can't keep so many Digimon by his side at the same time. They have almost no experience living in the human world, which will become very troublesome.

And it won't be long before Taiyi will come back here again, there is absolutely no need for them to follow... As for the Celestial Beast and Rose Beast, they have lived by their side since before, and they are used to everything in the human world. Worry about taking care of them.

"Alright Taichi."

"Beetle Beetle, just like before, just contact me directly if you have anything to do, and that Red Lotus Knight Beast can also come to me directly, and I will come back as soon as possible."

"Go, go, leave this to us."

Ultimate V-dramon urged with a wave of his hand.

After saying a simple farewell, Taiyi took the original combinations, plus the two Digimons who came to find him from another world far away, and finally returned to the human world... The place is still the original Taichi In the park that descended half naked.

The combination of the three primary colors also canceled the ultimate evolution in the process. Qiren and Ruhime are fine, but as long as Jianliang appears in Shinjuku, it will directly cause a large-scale riot. Tiannvmon and Rosemon also understand it well. Entering the real world immediately changed into real-world outfits.

"So, where should we go next? Taichi?"

Tiannv Beast asked directly.

"I'm going to find Shanmu...Although I'm very tired, it's better not to delay this matter...Huh? Where are you?"

As Taiyi replied, he wanted to look back at the Celestial Beast, but found that she was gone.


On the ground, a certain white cat that I haven't seen for a long time is waving its cat's claw gloves and showing a playful little expression.

"Don't know?"

--Are you OK?Why did it suddenly become like this?

Maybe it was because he hadn't seen her like this for a long time, Taichi suddenly felt a little strange.

"The Tiannv beast has degenerated into a Dilu beast."

Qi Ren exclaimed.

"It's a pity that I can't meet Jiaer and other people... But I am very satisfied to see you all!"

He also knew from Taiyi that in fact Taichi's story is far from that in the animation, in his story he is the only chosen child, but even so, there is no way to stop Qiren's enthusiasm.

"I used too much power, so I can't help it. I defeated that Millenniummon."

As he said that, Dilu Beast suddenly jumped high and jumped into Taiyi's arms, Taiyi could only catch her with his hands like a conditioned reflex, rubbing her chest with a small expression of enjoyment.

"You shouldn't be..."

Tai Yi vaguely guessed what she was thinking, but Dilu Beast suddenly raised his hand and closed his mouth.

"Don't tell me."

"Hello~ Can I be friends with Gulemon?"

Gulemon got out from the collar of his coat and greeted Dilumon friendly.

"Very happy, Gulemon~"

The cat's mouth is slightly raised.

——Stop it, Gulemon!You can't beat her!

With two pendants hanging on his body, even Tai Yi felt the pressure...but he couldn't say anything.

"Stop making trouble, hey! Taiyi is already very tired!"

The Rose Beast also degenerated into a Flower Fairy Beast. This time she was wearing the high school uniform of Tsukishima High School before Taiyi. She thought that the Celestial Girl Beast would also change into a costume like herself, but unexpectedly, she directly Degenerated into that smelly cat.

"Taiyi didn't say anything, what are you in a hurry for?"


"Stop making trouble, while I still have some strength, I'm going to find Shanmu to ask about the situation."

Tai interrupted their daily little bickering, and sure enough once they were off the battlefield, they started again.

"Taiyi, we... what should we do?"

Qi asked in a puzzled way.

"It's good for everyone to go home and rest~" Tai Yi squeezed out a tired smile and said. "After so many battles this time, I must be exhausted. Eat something and sleep well, and think about other things tomorrow."

"Gule Beast, you should go back with Yaohu Beast first, I have something important to do next."

"Hmm, well, Gu Le Beast is also very sleepy."

Gu Le Beast yawned, opened its ears and slowly flew towards the Demon Fox Beast.


"It just so happens that I haven't been back for a long time...Taiyi, please leave a contact information, I will wait for the Unicorn

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Come back to join you when you recover. "

Akiyama Liao took out his mobile phone, Taiyi also reported the phone number he handled here, and then Jianliang and Qiren also left their numbers to Akiyama Liao respectively, as for Liu Ji...she didn't like this very much Guy, of course he wouldn't take the initiative to propose it, and Akiyama Liao was in no mood to joke because his partner was injured.

"I still have a question before you go, Taichi."

Lucy looked at him seriously.

"Are you waiting to go back to my house?"

Chapter 217 Chapter 210 This is the story you started

"From today onwards, I won't bother you, Ruhime. After all, I'm going to take the two of them with me now. Even though Ms. Rumiko is very open-minded, I'm too embarrassed to ask. Let's just find a place to live."

Because there was really no reason to deceive Liu Ji's family. After all, he stayed in as a "boyfriend".

"Phew~ so I was abandoned from the beginning to the end?"

If Jianliang and Qiren were not still there, she might still say some hot words, such as "I have done that kind of thing" or something, but this alone is enough to make Tai Yi drink a pot, Liu Ji It can be seen that Taiyi's partner is very possessive.


Taiyi couldn't tell because he knew that Liu Ji said that on purpose.

However, Tiannv Beast sounds tricky, while Qi Ren and Jian Liang thought it was just an ordinary joke, and they didn't hear anything.

In fact, what happened that day... Taiyi still hasn't figured out how to deal with it, how to respond to Liu Ji's wishes, because he has already given Liu Ji almost everything he can do, as for the second one she just said The promise, of course, is the matter of taking her to adventure in other digital worlds, and Taichi doesn't even remember whether he promised her or not.

But she can evolve into an ultimate body now, so this is not a problem.

It's just... Do I really want to do this?If this continues, will the number of members of this family increase?

"Thanks to you and Ms. Rumiko and grandma's care. After all this is over, I will buy a gift and come to thank you."

"Hmph, who cares."

"Let's go, fox beast."

Liu Ji turned around gracefully and was about to leave.

"Wait a minute, Liu Ji, that...Taiyi, just now, the little monster left secretly."

"Well, let him go."

On the way back to the real world, the little monster has been thinking about why he was silent, and Taiyi also saw it. Maybe for him, returning to the real world has a different meaning. The child of misfortune, after the end of the misfortune, he also escaped from the gate of hell, it is inevitable to go back to face the reality he escaped in the end.

Because Taiyi reminded him several times that what he really wanted was the approval of the animal trainer and his companions. The more he resented the fox beasts and hated the Kir beasts, it was precisely because they had the little monsters. What the beast does not have.

After helping Liu Ji and others to resist Di Limo, his knots in this aspect have been somewhat untied, so Taiyi thinks there is no need to worry too much, maybe when he appears again, he will already be in the form of Fallen Hell Beast Burst .

After a short farewell, Taiyi also got rid of the brigade, and finally walked with Tiannv... no, Dilu Beast and Huaxian Beast after a long absence.

The last time I got along with them like this was on the morning when I was going to take the exam. Unexpectedly, so many things happened, and the world line completely changed.



Tailmon, which was wrapped around his shoulders like a scarf, asked.

"Could it be that you have been staying at Miss Liu Ji's house for so many days?"

"I knew you wanted to ask." Tai paused, and replied confidently. "Yes, I live there."

——I did it!what to do!You still want to rebel!


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