Dilumon stared straight into the cat's eyes and let out a small exclamation.

"You're quite courageous~ have you done it?"

"... In your eyes, am I the kind of man who pushes one another?"

Taiyi pretended to be very angry on purpose.

"Aren't you?" The corner of Dilu Beast's mouth couldn't help but raise. "Which guy (muffled) me under the pretext of sleepwalking?"

"I've said many times that I really thought I was dreaming."

"Just kidding, but I can see that the relationship between you must be more than a simple 'companion'."

Tilumon didn't tease Taiyi all the time, she still wanted to ask some more serious questions.

"She is a girl with a strong appearance and a weak heart, and she is not good at expressing her true thoughts."

Perhaps it was because there was no need to hide anything between Tiannvshou and Tiannu Beast, or it might be because Taiyi was too lazy to revise his words, so he directly explained all the reasons.

"I encouraged her to be brave and stop covering her heart with a sharp appearance like before... Then I told her that I would return to my world after I dealt with Dilimo, so it might be a farewell."

"Then... In order not to leave any regrets, she decided to bravely confess her heart..."

"So did you confess?"

Tilumon's cat paw rested its chin as if listening with gusto, so Taichi could only nod silently.

"It's amazing." The flower fairy beast is also very interested in these things. "I thought Taichi would attract Digimon. It seems that I underestimated you."

"Not only that, maybe

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Digimon and humans can kill two birds with one stone. "Dilu Beast suddenly remembered something with a smile, and his eyes lit up." That's right!Isn't their ultimate evolution the fusion of animal trainers and Digimon?It's more convenient now. "

"Have you two said enough? Be careful, I will go back and punish you."

Taiyi felt uncomfortable listening to their yin and yang vibes. Seeing them tacitly teasing him, the evil seed called revenge was rapidly sprouting in Taiyi's heart.

"Punishment? Then I have to say a few more words to you."

When Dilu Beast heard it, there was such a good thing.


Tai didn't understand.

"I don't know what you like? It's the same way before. If you lose your mouth, you have to pay it back elsewhere." Dilu Beast said and remembered a more interesting thing. "I remember...the last time we had a duel in the digital world, you lost badly."

"I'm a human being. Is it weird that I can't beat you? Don't keep saying it."

Taichi answered dissatisfied.

"And what did you do that night?"


The young man blushed and was speechless.

"I understand~ so I also cooperate with Taichi~ You see, even a powerful Digimon like me can only be screamed by you. What you want is such a contrasting sense of conquest, right?"

"You...you are too straight, Tailu Beast, don't talk like this from now on, it's uncivilized."

It's obviously very astringent, but it still feels very grassy when it comes out of this cat's mouth. Taichi's head is already covered with black lines.

"It doesn't matter, there is no one else here anyway."

"You said next time you punish me, if I evolve into a holy goddess beast, will you feel more? Will there be an evil pleasure of defiled by the archangel?"

"Stop it, please."

As soon as Tai imagined that scene, he couldn't bear it anymore.

"Wait a minute! How did I not know about this?"

The more Huaxian Beast heard it, the more it felt that something was wrong. When they were sparring, she should have left home with Tai Yi, but she didn't know about it at all?When did they sneak up again?

"You don't need to know so much about Taiyi."

"No! I want to know! What is the name? What is the sense of conquest?"

She pulled Taiyi's arm with both hands and said coquettishly.

"It's a pity that you are still young, you don't understand this contrast." Dilu Beast sighed as if he had come here. "It's such a pity that Rose Beast has such good conditions~ Whip, high heels, mask, Yujie..."

"You want to know, there are some good ones in my computer, and you can study them when we get home."

"Really? Take me to see it when you get home!"

"Don't let her see strange images!"

Taiyi hastily stopped.

——Hey, Tailmon, why did my kind and strong Tailmon become like this?why?

After thinking for a long time, he finally understood.

——This is the story you started yourself!

Chapter 218 Chapter 210 The Decision to Refill the Celestial Girl Beast and the Flower Fairy Beast

Although the topic was changed to a strange angle because of Tilumon's gags, she also gave full play to the knowledge she had learned in the human world and Taiyi's side, and kept probing wildly on the edge of driving, constantly making Taiyi more tormented. Lenovo.

—You little pussy!I'll eat you when I find a place to live!

However, Taiyi quickly adjusted his state and continued to talk about Ruhime.

"I don't know what to do next, but her dream now is to become a beast trainer like me, and she also hopes to have a complete and unforgettable digital world adventure in the future."

"In other words, 'I'm not here to tear you apart, I'm here to join you~' Is that so?"

Dilu beast teased with a loud voice.

"Although what you described is a bit problematic, it's probably like this."

"I said I don't mind, you don't need to have any psychological pressure." Dilu Beast said seriously this time, while looking at Huaxian Beast. "Surely you don't care, do you?"

"What do you care about??"

Flower Fairy Beast doesn't quite understand this meaning.

She doesn't even have the idea of ​​being jealous at the moment, and the reason why she and the celestial beast are arguing is just for fun. In her eyes, it is a good thing that Taiyi is attractive, but even if she knows, she probably won't care, just like the celestial beast As I said, she is a Digimon, she doesn't have to abide by the rules of the human world, and Taiyi is the one who saved her from the abyss, staying with Taiyi is the future she wants, there is no other way additional conditions.

"Look, don't have any moral pressure. Anyway, you have already stepped on so many boats, and it doesn't matter if you step on one more."

"But even you, you have to pay attention to standing still when you step out."

"But I always feel that I am sorry for her... Obviously she already has her own life plan, and she has a safer and brighter future, but I don't know what I will experience in the future. I always feel that I am misleading my children."

Taiyi ignored Dilumon's driving, and continued to talk about his inner entanglements.

"But this is the life she wants, isn't it?"

Flower Fairy Beast expressed his opinion.

"If she really has decided to be her true self as Tai Yi said, then she will definitely not regret her choice. On the contrary, if

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At this moment, she chooses to back down because she is concerned about the dangers she will encounter in the future, so she will regret it all her life, right? "

"Respond to her expectations, Taiyi, you don't need to think about these things, if she can muster up the courage to confess to you, she must have already been mentally prepared."

"Think more relaxed." Dilu Beast also added. "Maybe she just wants to be a great animal trainer, and she doesn't have to be greedy for you to make this request. Human girls are not as tolerant as the two of us."

"Let's defeat Di Limo first, and then I will have a good talk with her."

Tai Yi thinks it makes sense, but there is still a kind of inexplicable hesitation, forget it, I'd better not think about it, and get rid of Di Limo first.

Although her height is considered short among Digimon, she is almost the same as Taiyi. Plus she is wearing a college uniform. At first glance, they will think she is an ordinary high school student. With such a normal dress, plus there is no Tiannv Rare foreign blond beauties like beasts are in the team, so they look a lot more normal.

Taiyi took them to a fast food restaurant on the street, and ordered some food, and soon Taiyi received a call from Shanmu.

"Brother Taiyi, why don't you change the meeting time to tomorrow? You must be very tired just after you came back today. If you are not particularly anxious, there is still a key person on my side who is not present. I will call them all to see you tomorrow." .”

"Okay, let's do it tomorrow."

Taiyi is also very tired, and urgently needs to replenish his energy.

Although Tilu Beast teased him for a long time, Taiyi really couldn't produce any particularly impulsive desires, because he was too tired, and the consumption of such a high-intensity use of the ring evolution was beyond his imagination.

Coincidentally, Beetle Beast also sent a message just now, which probably means that Di Limo has been temporarily suppressed by them, and there is no need to worry about it in the Digital World.

At such a critical juncture, Taiyi couldn't believe that he had a precious rest time...but it was also necessary, because in his current state, he might not be able to accept those complicated scientific terms, let alone fight , a break is necessary.

After a simple meal, he packed and took away some instant food, and then Taiyi found an apartment that can be rented daily. The space is large and the upper and lower floors are duplex. Because it is a private sublet, no documents are required. You can move in with money and a deposit. Taiyi rented it for three days. After entering the house, he inspected it and made sure that there were no strange pinholes before he was relieved.

Although the cost is not low, Shanmu has already given Taiyi a lot of "living expenses", which is nothing at all.

From the landlord's point of view, Taiyi was like an ordinary student with a pet and girlfriend, and it was reasonable to not ask for a certificate.

"I searched and searched, and there are actually animations... Eh? Isn't this me?"

After entering the house, Dilumon suddenly changed back to the appearance of Tiannvmon, and sat at the computer desk. He opened the webpage very skillfully and searched for the title "Digimon Adventure", and two movies with a total of 100 characters popped up. Multiple episodes of animation to come.

"The Taiyi here is exactly the same as the one in the previous world."

Tennemon sighed while browsing the animation poster.

Taichi did not avoid suspicion, and began to undress in front of them, intending to take a shower and rest early.

"In a sense, the 1999 world we went to last time is the orthodox world line of this animation. You can see how the plot would develop if there were no vampire monsters on our side to disrupt the situation in the past."

"It's quite interesting."

"It's Meimei and the others... It's been a long time."

After hearing the words, Huaxianshou also leaned forward with great interest. Seeing the animated version of Meimei on the poster, although it was somewhat different from the real person in reality, it still reminded her of the appearance of that cute girl, and she was deeply moved for a while. Qian, not only thinking of her, but also thinking of myself at that time, thinking of the battle that determined my own destiny, I feel like my old lady's youth has returned.

"Look, watch! Taiyi will go to bed later, let's finish watching the two animations tonight!"

She patted Tiannv Beast on the shoulder, and took the initiative to find a chair and pull it over to sit down.

"Don't worry, I want to look at the settings about Digimon first."

Tiannv Beast said calmly.

"You can find the settings on the Wiki for the animations you watched on Taiyi's side. Maybe this one also... Let me search for it... Tiannvshou."

She may not have thought of that for a while, but when she searched for the image results that popped up after the Celestial Beast, she immediately realized that she had done something wrong.

"Pfft ha ha ha, something is wrong, heavenly female beast, is this you?"

The Flower Fairy Beast couldn't help laughing loudly, it's a rare opportunity for the Celestial Girl Beast to be deflated, so don't let it go!

Because those are all... all kinds of beautiful pictures of celestial maidens and beasts with different styles, but because it is a normal search site, the more explicit ones will not appear.

"Don't talk nonsense, how could this be me? This looks different, okay, the painting is too fake! How could I make such an embarrassing expression?"

Tiannvshou pointed to a picture of herself on the screen showing cute gestures.

"But they all cover their faces, how do you know it's not you?"

"Is it the same? Look again! Is it the same?"

The Celestial Beast covers her face with her hands, looking aggressive.

"I feel the same!"

Even if it's not the same at all, the flower fairy beast has to say the same.

"I don't believe it, let me search your name again!"

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"Don't look for it, don't look for it, if you find some strange pictures, it will leave a psychological shadow on me!"

Chapter 219 Chapter 210 Chapter Two

"It's too weird, take another look."

"Don't look at it!!"

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