
Taiyi was taking a bath in the bathroom, and through the sound of rushing water, he could hear the various noises of the two Digimon playing outside, so he couldn't help smiling.

He also heard the words of Tiannvmon just now, and knew that she was just idle and wanted to see what Digimon looked like in this world, and what would be the fate of "himself" as Jia Er's partner .

However, it's better to stop for a while when it comes to pictures, and she should understand why.

After washing, Taiyi wiped his body and walked out of the bathroom, just in time to see that they had started the normal make-up session, Taiyi yawned, and walked directly into the master bedroom, the house is relatively soundproof, and he is also sleepy now It's terrible, even if their voices are loud, it won't affect Taiyi's rest.

As he said when he introduced himself to Mitsuo Yamaki at the time, he did some simple exercises before going to bed, and then fell asleep quickly in bed.

Maybe it was because Dilu Beast said a lot of those words to tease him in the evening, and Taiyi had some strange dreams at night... When he woke up and gradually became conscious, he immediately felt the familiar and strange stimulation feel.

"you're awake?"

"What are you doing?"

At a glance, he saw the Flower Fairy Beast and the Celestial Girl Beast, one on the left and one on the right, kneeling on the big double bed in the master bedroom, working hard on Tai Yi's side.

"Taiyi is uncomfortable like this, right? Don't worry, we will help you."


Tai didn't know what to say, because he knew they wouldn't listen if he told them to stop.

"Aren't you making up for it?"

"It's okay to wait and see slowly later, what's more important is to solve Taiyi's troubles, woogoo."

The sweet smell and all kinds of subtle but presumptuous sounds constitute such a trap that Tai Yi cannot escape.

Taiyi was still a little sleepy, because he was "woke up" by this special method, so his mind was still not clear, he just looked up at the time, and found that it was indeed still early, and it shouldn't matter if he relaxes a little now Bar.

It didn't take long for such a movement to end.

"What an unpleasant smell! Taiyi is really perverted!"

Huaxianshou frowned and complained while pulling out a tissue to wipe his mouth.

"I can't help it, maybe it's because I haven't done this kind of thing for a long time." Tai Yi smiled. "Feel sorry."

"Well~ I'm going to prepare breakfast, so you should get up quickly, don't you have business to do today?"

"Well, please excuse me."

Hua Xianshou had lived alone for a while. Although she mostly made desserts, some dishes were not more troublesome than desserts, so she learned a little and quickly got started. She turned and left the room, so the bed was only Only Taiyi and Tiannvshou were left, and it was not so crowded for a while.

"This guy, since he thinks it smells bad, he still wants to fight me so hard."

Tiannv Beast rested comfortably on her side with her chin in her hands, and after delivering a speech, she posed a difficult question to Tai Yi.

"Tai Yi, are you having fun with me or with flowers and beasts?"

"...What kind of cheating speech did you make? I told you not to speak like this in the future. It's impolite."

Tai Yi was not in the mood at first, but his words were too rough, and he couldn't hold back.

"What, why are you so unhappy in the morning?"

Tiannv Beast noticed that Tai Yi seemed to be completely out of state. He used to have some more cute reactions, but today he lay there like a zombie, as if he and his life were completely separated, and they talked about each other.

"I have a faint uneasiness, but I don't know why."

"Is it because of Di Limo? Didn't you already have a solution?"

Seeing Taiyi's troubled expression, Tiannvshou stopped joking.

"I do have a way to calm him down completely, but... that's not what I'm worried about."

"Could it be Ruhime Makino? Are you worried that she won't be as obedient as we are?" Her eyes showed a sly color. "Don't worry, it's just a small human being~ If it doesn't work, I can also take action, and together we can make her into a physique that cannot be separated from Taiyi."

"It seems that I will limit your game time in the future. What strange things have you been playing?"

Taiyi was startled by her explosive speech, and coughed several times.

"Just kidding, Taiyi is definitely not worried about this, so what are you worried about?"

"It's the Red Lotus Knight Beast."

"? I didn't expect you to be interested in this kind of Digimon, but he should have a male body under his armor. Could it be that Taichi you..."

"Do you think he resembles someone?"

Taiyi ignored Tiannvshou's gag and directly expressed his thoughts.


"Lilith Beast."

"That stinky bitch? I don't want to recall that guy."

The Celestial Girl pouted unhappily, then changed her position and lay beside Taiyi, stretched out her cool fingers wrapped in white silk, and stroked Taiyi's waist and abdomen.

Because when she was a simple Digimon who only knew how to fight and survive, because of her lack of knowledge in this area, Taichi was slapped a lot by that guy, even in front of her face... She didn't mind Taichi kiss other women

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It's close, but it's different from the flower fairy beast, it's a kind of provocation and contempt for myself!

If Lilithmon can still be seen, Tennemon will prove to her that he knows how to please Taichi better than anyone else.

"I didn't mean that, but her attitude and voice."

"...I remembered."

Tiannv Beast suddenly thought of something.

When she was sent to the nightmare realm, immersed in the nightmare of the past and unable to break free, it was the appearance of this Lilith beast that led her to leave that place... including her from the beginning to the end, she did not show any respect for Tai Yi. His hostility even counted as helping himself and Tai Yi.

"So, that red lotus knight beast...he has been helping you all the way, but no matter what, we have encountered such disgusting things because of his actions."

"So Taiyi, are you saying he's lying? In fact, he and Di Limo are in the same group?"

"It won't."

Taiyi didn't know how to explain the uneasiness in his heart.

"I just feel that he is not that simple, and Di Li Mo generally does not have the idea of ​​cooperating. I think his purpose in coming to this world is definitely not to simply call the police to protect lives here."

"I don't quite believe what he said. My world is just in a little crisis. If it's just a small trouble, there's no need to close it... But it doesn't make sense if it's actually in danger."

"If the world of the Red Lotus Knight Beast is at a critical point of survival, the more this is the case, the more authority should be opened and invitations should be sent to other parallel worlds, animal trainers like Taiyi, and chosen children."

"So I can't figure it out either."

After a self-argument, Tiannv Beast also fell into confusion. No matter how she thought about it, she felt that it was unreasonable, and no matter how she reasoned, she couldn't find a theory that made sense.

"Don't think so much, maybe it's just that we think too much. The red lotus knight orc is also pretty good. At least he is willing to give up so much of his power to help you who have never met. Although he is indeed wrong, he has already I tried my best to make up for it.”

She suddenly turned over and sat on Taiyi in an elegant posture.

"So you don't have to worry about it all the time, just be happy."

"What are you doing? Tiannv Beast, didn't it just end?"

"Make Taiyi feel better~ And only you were comfortable just now, I'm not satisfied yet, by the way, do you want to try evolution?"

While she was skillfully preparing for the work, she suddenly had a whim.

"Wait...the Flower Fairy Beast is still cooking outside!"

Taiyi mentally felt that it was too depraved to do this before such an important battle, but his body responded honestly.

"It's okay, just let her wait until I'm done."

The blond-haired Miss Angel stretched out her tongue and licked her lips with a seductive smile, then adjusted her coordinates and sat down.

"No... Next time, you can't use your precious Digisoul... for this kind of thing."

Taichi explained intermittently.

"That's right~ Then I can only rely on my own efforts, so be prepared!"

Chapter 220 Chapter 210 Chapter [-] Annihilation Plan Started

So just like this, before enjoying breakfast, Taiyi was squeezed and exploited by the two of them again, until Yamaki called, Taiyi hurriedly ate something and left the residence, to be honest...doing this kind of thing and using Digi-soul was not the same, Taiyi felt relaxed when he walked out of the house, after a little testing of Digi-soul, it was more full than usual.

This kind of thing is very strange, Taiyi thinks that this is probably a principle similar to "replenishment of magic", through this kind of negative distance contact, it is a reason like they transmit power to themselves during battle.

In short, Taiyi is going to meet with Mitsuo Yamaki and the wild research team first, to discuss the creation of the degeneration program of Dili Demon.

The time is very tight now, because Di Limo's evolution rate is much faster than normal. This may also be the reason why this world is not the original world of three generations. Liu Ji and others have become Taiyi's peers. It's also understandable that Dilimo will evolve at a faster scale... In short, Taiyi doesn't have a lot of time. I can only hope that the Red Lotus Knight Beast and its partners can delay and buy more time.

The meeting place Yamaki agreed to meet was in a meeting room of the Shinjuku government agency building. As soon as he entered, he saw that it was full of people, including Yamaki Mitsuo, and several others who were the same age as Jianliang's father Li Zhenyu. Almost foreigners, whites, blacks and even Indians, as well as the most critical character - Shibuyako, they are the last scientists gathered in the animation.

"Sorry Mr. Yamaki, I'm late."

Taiyi first apologized.

"It's okay, brother Taiyi always likes to play at critical moments."

Yamaki took off his sunglasses and laughed, and then saw the two outstanding women around Taichi.

"These two beautiful ladies are...?"

"They are my partner Digimon."

"Digimon? Why is it like this?"

Yamaki was stunned.

"Didn't I tell you? My Digimon has an appearance that is almost the same as that of a human."

Taiyi smiled, while Tiannv beast and Huaxian beast showed unfriendly eyes at the same time. As Digimon that have gone through several battles, they all have an accompanying fierce aura similar to killing intent, which is absolutely human. can't

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can have.

"That's right, there are indeed some Digimon that will evolve to look like humans."

The middle-aged man who looks exactly like Shakespeare walked over with a smile. This man is Shibukako, whose real name is Mizuno Goro. Crimson Knight Beast makes red cards.

"But I heard that you are guests from other parallel worlds, right? It's incredible."

"That's right... I think so too."

"It seems that you already have a clear understanding of Di Limo, why don't we sit down and have a good chat."

A woman with a gentle voice and wearing traditional Indian clothes smiled.

Because there have been several times before Dili Demon eroded Digimon and appeared in the human world, and even almost broke through the government's network firewall once, scientists also pay special attention to it. If Digimon can be transformed through quantum transformation Materialized, then Di Li Mo can naturally do it, which is exactly what they are most worried about.

"My idea is also very simple. Although I don't understand science... But in my world, Di Li Mo has already created a large-scale invasion of the real world, so some of my scientist friends have conducted in-depth research on it. Research."

Everyone looked calm and serious, waiting for Tai Yi's proposal.

In fact, they had discussed a lot after Shiguo woke up last night, but no one could give a 100% feasible method.

"To carry out reverse operations, Di Li Mo itself is a super-large quantum computer, which makes that guy degenerate into the original program again."

"A clever trick!"

The lady with short blond hair brightened her eyes.

"But Mr. Taiyi, how can you be sure that it is a quantum computer? Is there any reliable evidence?"

The bald man questioned.

"This information was bought by my friends who race against time, and countless people in Odaiba, my world, in exchange for their lives. I will not joke around at this time."

"So that's the case, then let's do it this way, but how to implement it...I'm afraid it won't be figured out in a day or two, we still need time."

"You can let me or my partners come. As long as we push Di Li Mo to a desperate situation and break into his core, we can serve as the carrier of reverse rotation and rotate at a speed exceeding the speed of light, so that the plan can be carried out smoothly."

"However, we still need your technical support, including how to break through the speed of light and 'catch' Dilimo, which are not small problems."

"I can't see, Mr. Taiyi, you are young, but you are very mature in your thinking. Now that we finally have a direction to work hard, leave this matter to us. We will complete this plan as soon as possible and start developing a plan for Emperor Li. Demon's program...let's name this program 'Di Li Demon Annihilation Plan'!"

The people who didn't have any hope at all, and couldn't see the future at all, now finally see the light of day. For scientists like them, sometimes what they need is just a flash of an idea, and Tai Yi provided them with such a precious idea. .

"Is this enough? Can you completely eliminate that guy?"

Shan Mu didn't quite understand it, but he felt that the atmosphere suddenly improved, and it was a little unbelievable that it went smoothly.

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