"It can't be regarded as a complete eradication, but when it becomes the original program, we still have a lot of time to find a way to eliminate it."

Astringent fruit explained with a smile.

Yes, things are going so smoothly, originally they have the means, as long as Tai Yi reveals to them the original method of fighting Di Li Mo that he knows, everything will be fine, so Tai Yi is not very worried about Di Li Mo, On the contrary, because it was too smooth, I was worried about whether there would be any accidents.

"Wait a minute, I'll take a call."

Shan Mu found out that his subordinates were calling, so he stood up and turned to answer.

"What did you say?? Hypnos was infected??"

His words shocked everyone present, and Taichi soon realized that the so-called Hypnos was the huge network monitoring device that covered the entire Japan that helped Taichi find the location of Ruhime!It is a tool used by Yamaki and others to capture Digimon who escaped to the real world.

Immediately afterwards, Shan Mu seemed to have heard something terrible again, and suddenly rushed to the window and looked outside, which is the office where his network management room is located next door, and saw pink bubbles overflowing from a certain floor.

"Mr. Yamaki! We are... we are trapped! That guy is materializing!"

From Shan Mu's mobile phone came a sad cry for help from the female researcher.

——Is it still inevitable?

Tai stared at the overflowing bubbles that were quickly encroaching on the entire building, and soon the place they were in became unsafe, and commotion began on the street, but most passers-by hadn't realized the danger, and were curious about these pink bubbles. What exactly are bubbles.

To actually materialize through Hypnos... I really underestimated that guy, but with me around, you can never succeed!

"I'm going to save them! Let's go, Celestial Girl Beast Flower Fairy Beast!"

Chapter 221 Chapter 210 Four Do you have to do this?Emperor Limo

"Mr. Taiyi!"

At this time, a familiar middle-aged man suddenly came up.

It was Li Zhenyu, Jianliang's father... He hadn't had a chance to talk to Taiyi just now, and he probably learned from Jianliang what Taiyi and his party had encountered in the digital world.

"Uncle Zhenyu, put

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Take it easy, no matter what happens, I will do my best to keep Jianliang and the others safe. "

"...you have to be careful yourself."

He seemed to have a lot to say, but there was no time to communicate now, and after saying this short but heartfelt sentence to Taiyi, he stepped out of the way.

Taichi didn't talk any more, and rushed out of the room. The outside has become chaotic, but with Yamaki here, he shouldn't need to teach him how to evacuate the crowd. Taiyi and his two partner Digimon rushed out of the crowd and came outside , Looking at the eroded building, this familiar scene also reminded him of what happened in his own world.

However, it is different now, and he is also different, this time... must win!

Tai Yi held the Tyrannosaurus Rex Machine in his left hand and the Arc Light Sublimator in his right hand. Just as he was about to evolve, he suddenly saw a familiar figure in front of that door.

"...Liu Ji?"

He blinked and almost wondered if he had misread.

But soon, with the continuous evacuation of the crowd running out of the building, that figure also disappeared.

"...Did you see it?"

Tiannv Beast nodded and gave her own proposal.

"Why don't you make a phone call? I think even if that girl happens to come here, she will contact you first after seeing these things."

Flower Fairy Beast said.

"Then let's control that guy first, we need to evolve, Taiyi."

Tennyumon was ready to fight and said to Taichi.

"Be careful not to trespass inside of it."

"it is good."

Tiannv Beast and Huaxian Beast glanced at each other, and walked forward side by side in tacit understanding, at the same time, two digital souls of purple red and green burst out from Taiyi's Tyrannosaurus Machine.

"Digital soul charging! Ultimate evolution!"

Charge a large number of digital souls in one breath, and convert them into two completely different digital souls through the Tyrannosaurus machine.

The purple and green digital souls poured into them as they took off like a torrent, and they sublimated into the ultimate sacred goddess beast and rose beast. They strictly followed Taichi's order, and did not touch rashly, but spread out from the left and right directions. The energy standpoint has been suppressed, and its expansion has been restrained.

"...Can't get through?"

Liu Ji's phone didn't hurt, just like when she was locked into the cyberspace at that time.

--Could it be that?

Di Limo invaded the real world through the equipment in the network management room, and another key person in that incident was Liu Ji.

Taiyi had an ominous premonition in his heart, he really didn't want to see his companions being kidnapped, but he was just an ordinary person with special power, it was impossible to take care of everything... Then, Taiyi called the Makino family The phone call was answered by Rumiko Makino.

"Mr. Taiyi? Is Liu Ji with you?"

It was him who called, but it was Rumiko-san who asked the question first.

"The child suddenly wasn't at home when I got up in the morning... I couldn't find her anywhere, and I couldn't get through the phone. I heard from her that you have found a new residence. Even if you want to find you, you should contact us, right?"

"Hmm...she might be out of battery, or something has affected the signal. Don't worry, I think she will come to me later. We agreed to come to see me today."

Taiyi blinked, and used the other hand to create a space sealed off by the digital soul, shielding the surrounding chaotic sounds, and creating an illusion that he was at home and the surroundings were safe.

"Oh, this child really worries me, I'm sorry to bother you, Mr. Taiyi, let her call me back when Liu Ji arrives at your place, or you can send me a text message, so that I won't worry about being a mother. "

"Alright, Miss Rumiko."

When the phone was hung up, Taichi's heart gradually sank... Makino's house is still far away from this place, as long as he is there, there is no need to worry about the danger of Rumiko and Grandma Liuhime.

"Taiyi, look quickly!"

The Celestial Beast in the air suddenly shouted, Taiyi heard the sound and looked, and saw a huge humanoid creature more than ten meters high suddenly drilled out of the pink bubble that covered the entire building, it was the part of Di Limo's avatar. The imitator' is also the strongest avatar that Tai Yi has been wrestling with on his way to this world.

But at that time, the shape used by the imitator was Su Na, but now that image, no matter how you look at it, is... Makino Ruhime.

"Do you have to do this? Di Li Mo."

Taiyi understood that Di Li Mo might want to stimulate himself, after all, it has long regarded itself as its greatest enemy.But does he have to?Don't you want to leave yourself a way out?

Although she still doesn't know what Liu Ji has experienced from last night until now, Taiyi's anger can hardly be contained.

"Destroy her for me! Celestial Maiden Beast! Rose Beast!"

"Roger that!"

They have all accompanied Tai Yi to fight Di Li Mo, and they also understand that this imitator is a fake body made according to the appearance of a human being, and they spare no effort at the moment. At the same time, the crimson energy wave wearing the tree of life crystal ball smashed over, directly hitting back the imitator who wanted to break through the restriction, and smashed through the wall of the building.

But what was exposed was not the interior of the ordinary floor, but a dark network data space.

At the same time, a large number of all kinds of Emperor Limo clones gushed out from the central spring again. Powerful individuals such as the Striker, the Creeper, and a large number of group creatures such as the Pendulum, their purpose is also very clear

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, and get rid of the enemies that hinder their expansion and reproduction.

Needless to say too much, the holy goddess beast and the rose beast immediately went up to fight these clones.

——It seems that I have to go hunting for people again... But Taiyi is not sure if it is a trap.


At this moment, a familiar voice suddenly came from behind.

"Fox beast? Why are you here?"

"I've been looking for Liu Ji."

The golden humanoid fox replied panting, the fur on his body was sticky with sweat.

"what happened?"

"I woke up today and found that Liu Ji was gone, and she didn't even change her clothes, she went out in her pajamas... I knew something happened, so I kept looking for her, I didn't expect this kind of thing to happen here."

"Di Limo launched an attack from this place, and caused Liu Ji to experience abnormalities. It must be related to the last incident. I am afraid that Di Limo has already started planning this matter. Damn... I forgot Check her out."

Taiyi was a little annoyed, he clearly checked even the little monsters and the one-horned dragon beast of Qiushan Liao carefully, but he forgot Liu Ji who was the first to experience this kind of thing.

"Tai Yi! Liu Ji, do you think Liu Ji is possessed by Di Li Mo?" The voice of the fox beast was almost desperate. "Could it be that Ruhime will turn into a monster like the boy you met when you came to this world?"

"I do not know."

Taiyi couldn't tell lies to comfort her.

"...No, I can't accept it! I can't accept this result!"

After thinking about the terrible picture with his eyes tightly closed, the fox beast shook his head and put all these distracting thoughts behind him.

"Taiyi, let's save her!"

"I'm about to do this, but I can only let you evolve to maturity at most. After all, we haven't established a partnership. I think you should stay."

Taichi replied after careful consideration.

"It doesn't matter, if you let me wait here, I would rather die, Liu Ji is calling me, I can feel her calling me!"

...Perhaps, the miraculous evolution of the network that combines the tamer and the Digimon into one can play a vital role. After understanding this, Taiyi finally lost the battle under the fierce eyes of the fox beast.

"Okay, then let's go together."

Chapter 222 Chapter 210 Five Omega Beasts Standing on the Earth

"Heavenly Maiden Beast, Rose Beast, I leave this place to you! I want to go in and get Liu Ji!"

Tai is ready.

"Don't worry, I think Qiren and Jianliang will be here soon! I'll be right back too."

"Go, I won't forgive you if I can't save you."

The sacred female beast replied easily, and stabbed a row of pendulums to death with a spear, as proficient as a master who wears mutton skewers.

Taichi also smiled easily, yes... nothing is impossible, as long as you never give up, as long as you always believe, miracles will definitely appear, and that is Ruuhime Makino!How could she be eliminated by the enemy so easily?

Now she is not the same as before. At that time, in the isolated and helpless cyberspace, Liu Ji gave up fighting and the arc machine also gave up on her, but Taiyi firmly believes that the current Liu Ji will never be like this, she will believe in herself I myself will also believe in Taiyi and the fox beast, this is the realization of becoming a beast tamer!

"Then let's go."

Taiyi picked up the arc sublimator and finally used it for the first time.

"Battle Tyrannosaurus."

The golden capsule in his hand burst out the roar of the battle tyrannosaurus, and then it was filled.

"Steel Garuru."

The other capsule flashes blue light and emits the long cry of a steel wolf. After scanning, a gold and blue DNA-shaped helix appears in the arc sublimator, exactly the same as when Taiyi first evolved into an omega beast.

【Battle Greymon, Steel Garuru】

[Fusion Sublimation! 】

【Omega Beast! 】

The huge white-cloaked knight stands on the ground, and the long-lost re-becoming an Omega also makes Taichi feel in better condition than ever before, perhaps because he used equipment that was no longer developed in a hurry. The body will no longer feel burdened by becoming an Omegamon.

"Omega Beast? It's Omega Beast!!!"

In this state, Taiyi's five senses are much more sensitive than those of humans, so he stands in the city like a giant of light, and he naturally hears the shouts of those humans from all directions... There are many young people the same age as Taiyi, There were also quite a few community animals in work uniforms, all looking at the huge Omegamon here as if admiring outsiders.

For them, this Digimon is no stranger, and it represents many memories of their childhood.

Taiyi glanced over there, and heard people shouting the name of his "Omega Beast" in surprise... Maybe he was one of them once in a while.

"Save us!"

"That's what we saw when we were kids...Omegamon!!"

But right now, he has more important things to do.

The fox beast climbed onto his shoulders through the huge knight's long cloak that mopped the ground, and then Taichi entered the hole, and the huge Omega beast was sucked in instantly. Everywhere he saw along the way, wandering Bubble still has an unformed clone, he threw out the Tyrannosaurus Sword, easily cleared away the things blocking the way, and finally entered the interior of this space.

——If there is an annihilation plan at this time, it should be able to start execution, right?It's a pity that it's almost there now.


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