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I don't know what Di Limo is going to do, but there are not only Liu Ji, but also Shanmu's subordinates. They are all lovely and reliable staff, including the little girl who has been asking for autographs. fan girl.

This place is no longer a constructed ruin, instead it is pitch black everywhere, and there is flowing pink liquid everywhere. Taiyi no longer wants to play decryption with him, because he is now an Omegamon, and he can do everything.

But soon, more imitators with Liu Ji's appearance appeared in front of them, one after another, the magical arrangement was like watching a football team warm up.

"... Tsk! These bastards are using Liu Ji's appearance to disgust us again!"

"Hold on tight and don't fall."

Taiyi reminded the fox beast on his shoulder, and then began to wave the wolf head of his left hand wide open and close. His blue eyes shone like stars with a cross-shaped glow, and then he swung his big hand forward, and the Garuru Cannon sprayed out ice The energy wave continues to output forward. This powerful cannon is in Taiyi's hand. It feels like holding a high-pressure water gun that is unique to a fire truck. You need to stabilize your body to shoot steadily.

Soon, those imitators that came out were frothed again by the Garuru cannon, and their quality was far inferior to the one that fought against Tai, so Tai seriously suspected that the big one was still behind.

——As we all know, no matter how powerful a monster is, once it is mass-produced, it will be treated as a miscellaneous soldier.

"Taichi... I can feel Ruhime!"


"I don't know whether it was her arc light machine that reacted or it resonated with my heart... Anyway, I can sense her position."

"I'll show you the way!"

"it is good."

When the bond between the partner and the trainer is strong enough, there will be this kind of reaction. I remember that Tai Yi and Tiannv Beast were able to do it a long time ago, so this is also an important reason for Tai Yi and the fox beast to come in.

"right here!"

Although there is still a void of darkness in front of him, Taiyi has already understood the meaning of the demon fox beast. He holds the sword with one hand and cuts through the space. Entered the next new scene... It turned out to be a piece of water, a huge moon hung high in the night sky, and a huge cherry blossom tree grew unbelievably on the water.

This kind of picture immediately reminded Taiyi of the animation scene where the fox beast evolved into the ancient tooth beast.

"Everyone! Are you all right?"

Taichi saw the researchers in white coats clinging to the branches of the cherry trees.

"This it Brother Taiyi?"

A certain woman shouted in surprise, Taiyi remembered that her name was Feng Lihua, and she was a big sister with a relatively cold personality, but even she couldn't help being pleasantly surprised at this time.

"Don't call me that!"

Taichi's Omegamon made a sound that didn't match his majestic appearance.

"It's oh, oh, oh, Omegamon... um... it's over, I, I'm about to pass out."

The female researcher surnamed Senbon who had asked Taiyi for his autograph almost fell off the branch while holding her forehead.

"Be sober, Qianben, we are saved."

"No...Senior Onodera, you don't understand, it's an Omega beast... Woohoo, it's my only god! Uncle Ao!"

Lying in her senior's arms, she murmured happily.

"I have no idea what you're talking about..."

"Everyone, have you met Liu Ji? It's the girl I rescued last time."

Taichi was also speechless, thinking that no matter how much he likes Digimon, it wouldn't be like this, but he still asked the most important question first.

"Her? We haven't seen her in person, but in this weird place, many phantoms about her just appeared... It seems that they are all memories of her past."

Feng Lihua explained that suddenly, Tai Yi heard the soft rippling sound of something falling into the water.

Although it was a soft voice, Tai Yi knew that this kind of place was the most dangerous, so he immediately turned his head to look over, and saw at some time, under the huge silver moon, there was a man with disheveled hair and wearing a suit. The girl in light blue pajamas was standing there with bare feet.

"Taiyi, you are finally here."

She seems normal.

But only Taichi understands that she looks exactly like Kato Juri who was controlled in the original plot.

"I've been waiting for you for a long time, I decided to let you merge with me now, what do you think?"

She widened her eyes and curled her mouth into a smile, which was an expression that Liu Ji would never make, a gloomy face that could trigger the uncanny valley effect.

Because the eyes are usually squinted when you laugh, but if you open your eyes and try to laugh, it will have such a terrible effect.

"I really want to record you now and let you see it for yourself and execute it publicly."

Tai Yi slowly floated to that side, touched the water lightly with both feet, stood on the surface of the water, and confronted her.

Chapter 223 Chapter 210 Six Ways to Save Her

"Liu Ji..."

The fox beast looked at the girl standing on the water, under the moon, next to the cherry tree, and tried to call out to her.

"Liu Ji! We're here to pick you up! Come to us quickly!"

"Fox beast."

Liu Ji, who had no emotion in her pupils, suddenly showed a sneer.

"What are you doing? Why are you there?"

"Didn't you say you want to protect me for the rest of my life? No

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Does it mean that no matter what, you will stand by my side? "

The repeated questioning made the fox tremble all over, and it was speechless.

Indeed, from her point of view, even if Ruhime would do the same thing as the second male lead Ishida Yamato in the anime and want to break with Taichi, then Yaohumon would, like Gabumon, fight with him without hesitation. Ruki stood together, but now...she couldn't do that.

"Freedom cannot come at the price of giving up liberty."

"Liu Ji, everything you do now is not your intention, so I can't obey your orders!"

The fox beast gave its own powerful answer.

"What are you talking about? Demon fox beast."

"It's you who should come back to me! Liu Ji!"

The fox beast loudly expressed its position.

"Hmph... Go back? What can I do when I go back? Continue to taste that powerlessness?"

"In the past, I experienced failures, endured loneliness... I even got it at my fingertips, and I couldn't grasp the ignorant feelings for the first time... I have had enough of this. I just want to sing happily and loudly. I don't want to be a a bystander!"

"Liu Ji, you are not a bystander! You can sing whatever you want at any time. Liu Ji's singing voice is beautiful, but you don't want to express it, don't you?"

The demon fox tried hard to persuade.

"Shut up! You traitor! I don't want to see you anymore!"


These words dealt a severe blow to the young fox's heart.

"If you still want to come back to me, then come forward to me."

The ice-cold Liu Ji's body started to float with rose-red light energy, and her cold expression was like a god of death.

After a short thought, the fox beast took a few steps forward, but stopped suddenly.

"Taiyi, is this Ruhime really Ruhime? I mean... Will she be an imitator like the previous ones?"

"I don't think so."

The always silent Tai spoke.

Compared with Kato Juri, Taichi thinks that the current Ruhime is more like the Ruhime after being parasitized in the theatrical version, but has richer emotions, and it will amplify all the negative and disturbed thoughts in Ruhime's heart Let her express it, but in doing so, it cannot be regarded as the real her at all.

"Is it only possible to fight? Is there no other way?"

"Then I can only hope that you can wake her up, but I need to weaken her strength first."

"Sure enough, you still didn't choose me, demon fox... Hmph, I remember you were very close to Taiyi before, didn't you want to abandon me and choose this man long ago? Only by following him can you get better evolution, right?"


Yaohu Beast was shocked at first, but admitted it straightforwardly.

"Taiyi is indeed a better animal trainer. At first I came to you with the idea of ​​​​evolving quickly, but then I realized...even if there is better, but for me Ruhime is the best , because Ruhime is no longer a beast tamer to me.”

"You are the most important person in my life, and I will always protect you, but I don't like Liu Ji now! What I like is that she will share delicious food with me, will always care about me, will be annoyed because she cannot be honest, will Blaming yourself for not making up your mind is the imperfect but real you!"

"Shut up, shut up!"

The offensive of the demon fox beast seems to have had the opposite effect, Na Liu Ji became more irritable, and even shouted at the end, her voice turned into overlapping noises, and a large number of rose-red lumps gushed out of her body to wrap her up , and formed a gigantic imitator not much different from Omegamon.

"I want to sing! I want to be the strongest! I don't want anyone or anything to hinder me!"

The eerie imitator opened his mouth like a sewn doll, and his voice was no longer the cold and sweet voice of Ruhime before.

"Based on the way you are now, I don't think anyone wants to hear you sing."

Taiyi took a deep breath and slowly moved his body towards her.

"Taiyi, do you want to do something? But if you do this, wouldn't Liu Ji also be..."

"I know."

Taiyi answered the fox beast.

"That's why Di Limo did this. It thinks that I won't attack my partner, so it uses this method to deal with me." Although he was describing a very cruel thing, Tai Yi's tone was so relaxed that it was terrifying.

"Then what are we going to do?"

"We can only suppress her first and then find a way."

Taiyi noticed that Liu Ji didn't become the imitator's body, but was locked in, but he really didn't have the means to purify the infected object now, but Taiyi didn't care even if she was seriously injured and brought back, Because he has no other way now, if he is not determined to make a move, it will only harm everyone.

Taiyi was ready to fight, crossing the dragon's head and the wolf's head on his chest, and the imitator who looked like Naruhime also sprayed a cloud of corrosive solution from his mouth, he immediately used his cloak to block the saliva attack, and then turned around He swung his sword and slashed at her, but she neither dodged nor dodged, but the flesh on her chest suddenly became transparent, revealing the sleeping Liu Ji inside.

Its intention is obvious, it is to use Ruhime as a shield, Taichi really has no way to cut off the sword, and the imitator took the opportunity to smash the Omega beast's face with his fist, there is no time anymore to dodge.

"Hahahaha, Yagami Taichi! I knew you couldn't do anything to this woman!"

it sends a

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It laughed wildly, and at the same time its fist hit the Omega beast's cheek, making a "bang-dang" sound.

"Are you at this level?"

The seemingly powerful attack could not cause substantial damage to Tai Yi, because he is now a complete Omega, and he is already extremely angry.

Taiyi shook his neck, then suddenly raised his kick and kicked the imitator in the crotch, it immediately bent down in pain, then Taiyi raised the Garuru cannon, and directly hit it in the head with the wolf head cannon. The imitator's entire body was swept away, landing on the water behind and splashing a lot of water.

"Stop! If you dare to fight again! I will destroy her data right now!"

"Taiichi Yagami, you don't want to see Ruhime die because of you, do you?"

The imitator made an ugly sound, and placed Ruhime in the palm of his hand, wrapped in a bubble.

It is basically certain that the person who spoke just now was Liu Ji, but this guy manipulated the words after reading the data, not from her own mouth, and it is not only Taiyi who understands this at the same time... Just when the imitator used Liu Ji to intimidate Tai Yi, the fox beast had already rushed forward, trying to rescue Liu Ji when it was not prepared.

But after all, she is only a Digimon in the growth stage. Even if she has gained super speed through training, she does not have the power to break the seal. Even if important people are close at hand, she cannot be touched. back.


The demon fox screamed unwillingly, but it could only see that it was getting farther and farther away from Liu Ji, and before she fell into the water, Tai Yi stepped forward and reached out to catch her.

"Sorry... Taichi, I failed."


In the eyes of Omegamon, there is the kind of self-confidence that Foxmon is very familiar with, which belongs to Taichi.

"I've already thought of a way to save her."

Chapter 224 Chapter 210 Chapter [-] Kaihuang Beast

"You come up first, wait and come with me."

"Let's go? Taiyi, you..."

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