Without waiting for the fox to ask any more questions, the imitator of Di Limo launched another attack, and what she spewed out of her mouth was no longer a corrosive liquid but a pure energy shock wave. It's also a trick this guy learned from the data belonging to the Red Lotus Knight Beast. This time Taiyi didn't use the cloak again, but expanded the courage shield on his shoulders sideways, resisting the impact of this move.

It is worthy of being the final boss of this world, but Taiyi didn't feel that he was particularly strong, nor did he have the kind of pity and regret that he would have when facing the Apocalypse Beast, and some only had the urge to tear the opponent into pieces.

After the impact, Taichi quickly changed his posture, pulled out the Garuru cannon, pointed the wolf's head at the imitator, and the cannon's muzzle began to flash and charge, and the imitator, as expected, imprisoned Ruhime's bubble The bubble is placed on the chest like a colored indicator, and it still intends to threaten Tai with it.

"If you dare to shoot, this woman will die!"

Even, Di Limo used the human language it had just learned to talk nonsense.

If Liu Ji was awake at this time, seeing this scene, she would probably yell loudly for Tai Yi to fire, but she is still sleeping, and Tai Yi has already made up her mind, he must believe in himself, Liu Ji, and the demon fox beast!

The Garuru cannon spewed out in the next second, and Di Li Mo was also dumbfounded. He didn't expect Taiyi to dare to do this... According to the human data it has collected, it stared at the truth and identified it as Taiyi. Betting that he dare not use Liu Ji to really block the gun so as not to lose the card that threatens him, but it does not dodge or dodge, even if it loses this imitator, it doesn't matter, as long as Liu Ji is there, it can create infinite imitations By.

At this moment, Taichi in the ball of light in Omegamon flew out of the cannon along with the Nagaruru cannon, held the hand of the demon fox, and ran towards Liu Ji.

The body of Omega Beast also remained in place, because it lost Taiyi, so it also lost its Digicore, its star-like shining eyes went out, and its figure gradually dissipated, but Dilimo didn't notice this at all. .

Rescue Liu Ji in this way, and then re-evolve and leave here, this is Taiyi's strategy!

He tried his best to withstand the impact of the Garuru cannon with his digital soul. After all, this attack was fired by him himself, so he didn't use full power. It just looked very powerful. In front of Liu Ji, but at that moment, the whole time and space stopped, and he and the fox beast entered another space at the same time.

In an instant, everything changed. Taiyi and the demon fox found themselves standing in the darkness of nothingness, and in front of them was a virtual reality scene. There was a little girl on a swing, singing a song from Taiyi's memory. ballad.



——Please stay with me all the time, we made such a promise in the sunset.

She must be the young Liu Ji when she was a child, she seemed to be only in the first or second grade, and beside her was a young man whose face was hidden in the shadow, who was gently pushing little Liu Ji to swing.

That was her father... the father she never saw because of the divorce.

Tai Yi didn't know what to say, but the situation is very urgent now, there is no time to delay, he was about to go forward to say something, but was stopped by the demon fox, he looked along the situation, only

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Seeing Liu Ji, who was an adult, was standing in another direction, looking at this scene in a daze, as if she didn't see Tai Yi at all.


——I want to see you now, please understand this feeling.

The adult Liu Ji sang softly with her childhood self, with a rare gentle smile on her face, but soon turned into a kind of loneliness.

Taiyi felt touched in his heart, but he still remembered the current business, so he tried to call her, but Liu Ji didn't seem to hear her at all, and didn't respond. He still quietly watched the friendly interaction between his young self and his father. The demon fox can only continue to wait.

Soon after the song was sung, the childhood Liu Ji and his father walked towards the sunset, but the father left alone, leaving little Liu Ji alone. Seeing this scene, the adult Liu Ji also clenched her hands Her lips looked like she was about to suffocate... This was the biggest pain in her heart, and it was also the reason why she became her current character. This pain did not disappear with the accumulation of time, but became more profound.

——Although they say they don't care anymore, who can really not care?

But soon, the screen changed, and the adult Liu Ji was teleported to the little Liu Ji, and the two just looked at each other.

"Don't be sad anymore, Dad certainly doesn't want to see you like this."

Xiao Liuji said to her in a childish voice.

"Although my father left me...but I still decided! I can't let my parents down! I want to be a child who can make my parents proud! No matter what difficulties I encounter, I won't be afraid anymore!"


Watching the moment when Nian had herself, Liu Ji's brain suddenly woke up, and everything became clear. The confusion and loss on her face were swept away, and she returned to the usual confident and strong girl.

"I'm ready to go, how about you?"

She finally sent out the invitation, like a spell, and as Liu Ji nodded with a smile, the surrounding space instantly shattered, and she finally saw Tai Yi and the fox beast who had been waiting here.

"Sorry, Fox Beast, for keeping you waiting."

"Liu Ji, it's good that you can wake up, I know you won't be defeated so easily."

The fox beast's eyes were full of emotion, and she even shed tears, but she quickly wiped away her feelings, and walked towards the animal trainer she had been waiting for for a long time.

"Taiyi, I..."

He chuckled and shook his head, indicating that Liu Ji didn't need to apologize to him, and Liu Ji immediately understood, and took out the arc light machine that had already started to shine from his waist.

"Let's go! Demon Fox!"

The animal trainer and his partner are undergoing network evolution in the light blue soft light, and the two become one, and Taiyi is also preparing to become an Omega again, but at this moment, he suddenly discovers that there are actually many Omega beasts in his reserves. a new capsule.

Its name is - Sand Ancient Tooth Beast.

So, does this mean I have formally established a bond with Liu Ji and the Yaohu Beast?

Although it is a bit baffling, Taiyi still holds it in his hand and tries to evolve into a new form!

【Battle Tyrannosaurus! 】

【Sha Guya Beast! 】

The roar of the dragon and the ethereal sound effects unique to Sha Gu Ya Beast sounded around him.

"Bloom, 'true me'!"

After speaking the shameful lines unique to evolution, Taiyi truly released the power of the two capsules and began to merge into one, a dragon warrior with jet-black sharp armor was showing his true face in the light.

[Fusion Sublimation! 】

【Armor Emperor Beast! 】

Chapter 225Chapter 210Chapter Eight Double Sword Hua Zhan! (4K)

Emperor Kai Beast...?

In fact, all of Taichi's current evolutions, except for Omegamon, are basically the same formula, that is, the battle tyrannosaurus he likes and is good at is the main body, and the second Digimon has different attributes and strengths as the main body. Auxiliary, to transform into other subspecies or branches of War Greymon.

Among Taiyi's known settings, the only one that overlaps with Shaguyamon's characteristics is this armored emperor beast, the ultimate Tyrannosaurus beast with mysterious power from the east.

"Taiyi? You are..."

Liu Ji in the body of the Shaguya Beast also saw that suddenly there was another one beside her. It looked fierce and was equipped with a black armor with thorns. The wild red hair on the back also turned into white long messy hair. Coupled with his fierce and terrifying appearance, Liu Ji immediately had a sense of sight of "sword ghost" and "armored devil" in ancient legends.

"It is a new form evolved from the data of Sakuyamon and WarGreymon."

"When did you acquire the power of the Shaguya Beast? And you are a virus species, right? Why can the vaccine species and the data species be fused to form a virus species?"

The arc light machine in Liu Ji's hand showed the data about Kaihuang Beast and asked curiously.

"Well, don't worry about those details."

"Don't hold me back, Liu Ji."

Thinking about it carefully, this is also the first time that Taiyi is no longer with her as a guardian, but by each other's side as a comrade-in-arms.

"Oh, trouble, I won't hold back."

Taiyi is trying to adapt to this new body and new limbs, and the combat knowledge belonging to Kaihuang Beast also naturally flows into his mind. It is a dragon warrior like a samurai who fights with two swords, and of course he also has the corresponding skills. A series of tricks of the Gaia energy cannon.

At this moment, this part of Liu Ji's inner world completely disappeared, and they reunited.

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Back under the huge full moon and above the water, the huge imitator with Liu Ji's appearance was still standing there, gradually repairing the body that was damaged in the attack just now.

"Is this the image of me that that guy imitated? This is too..."

Facing such a creature that vilified her own image, Liu Ji could hardly hold back.

"If you don't want to see it, kill him quickly."

Taichi pulled out two strangely shaped blade-like weapons from his waist and back.

"After your body is freed, I think he no longer has the power to reproduce you... There is no need for that at all."

Di Limo himself came out with a guy like Liu Ji to target his mentality. If Liu Ji and Tai Yi didn't know each other at all, then she would be safe. Now that Liu Ji has been rescued, he will no longer have any scruples. All you have to do is shred it and get out of here!

"The Vajra Realm Mandala!"

But before Tai Yi drew his sword, Liu Ji and Yaohu Beast had already started to move. Sha Guya Beast waved its Zen staff and summoned a huge golden ring suspended on the upper body of the imitator. The imitator seemed to be aware of the polar opposite of the situation Turning around, it no longer had any advantage, so it tried to escape, but soon Sha Guya Beast rushed up and gave it a second attack.

"Fan Gang!"

Shouting a term with a strong Japanese style, four tube foxes of different colors flew out from the waist of the Shaguya Beast, and rushed to the imitator to repel it, just falling within the casting range of "Diamond World Mandala" , the gold ring fell and contracted to bind the imitator tightly, and the imitator screamed again and again after being stimulated by the golden lightning on the ring.

Through this series of attacks, Taichi immediately realized the difference between her and the Celestial Beast. The posture she rushed over just now, if it was the Celestial Beast, it would definitely have a powerful flying kick, right?Using a unique move would be a waste of stamina, but it is true that Liu Ji lacks combat experience now, but she will grow up slowly in the future.

Tai Yi did not let go of such a good opportunity, pulled out the weapon named 'Ju Lin', and stepped forward with a wide open and close double sword Hua Zhan, the swift sword strike carried dark blue energy and drew two swords in the air A perfect crescent moon directly cut the imitator in half, and was finally burned to death by the phosphorous fire.

"Let's go, take everyone out!"

The current Taiyi does not have the stalwart body of Omegamon, and is basically the same size as Shaguyamon. He and Taiyi looked at each other, and then saw the researchers wandering on the cherry tree, wearing fox The masked priestess knocked down lightly with her sticks in both hands, and ripple-like lines appeared in the air, forming a special magic circle, which lifted all the researchers up in the air.

"Taiyi-kun, it's good that you're fine! Just now we saw Omegamon disappear, we thought you... Senbon was crying so sadly."

"Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo L L L L K K L L A M A N T H

The little girl's eyes and nose were red, obviously crying.

"Well, it's called Kaihuangmon, and it's a new form obtained by BattleGreymon after accepting the power of Sakuyamon."

Her appearance reminds Taiyi of himself when he was young. It is not Taiyi, but his real "infancy" form. Seeing the episode where the battle tyrannosaurus was smashed by the clown king is also true. I couldn't hold back my tears... how should I put it?Taiyi doesn't dislike people like Qianben, although he is a little naive, but sincere and valuable.

"Don't talk about it, let's leave quickly."

"it is good."

Taiyi put away the sword and looked around vigilantly. He was worried that Di Limo would make other moves and might not let him go easily.

"Listening to your voice, you should be Ms. Makino, right? So you can also become a Digimon."

"It's not the same. I'm fighting with Yaohu Beast, but Taiyi is fighting with cheating devices." Sha Guya Beast himself didn't speak, but Liu Ji's voice came from his body. "I rely on strength, but he doesn't."

"? Why don't you hurry up and sail the boat if you have time to joke around, Liu Ji."

Taiyi scolded her.

"Leave it to me, Liu Ji is not very skilled yet."

This time it was Shaguya Beast who spoke, and it was the voice of a mature female fox beast completely different from Liu Ji. She held a Zen staff in her hand to control the magic circle that supported everyone, but just when Liu Ji was about to laugh and refute Tai Yi, the whole The surface of the water suddenly trembled, and her relaxed nerves tensed immediately, looking around to be alert to any enemies that might emerge from the water at any time.

"Woo! Woo! What is this!"

The short-haired researcher Onodera suddenly screamed.

The huge cherry tree, which is also the only unreasonable landmark in this space, suddenly began to soar at this moment, and began to wake up like a living creature endowed with life, which also caused the researchers hiding on it to stumble and fall, but still The magic circle of Haosha Ancient Tooth Beast has been completed, and it caught them steadily.

The cherry tree began to mutate, the bark cracked and spewed out a rose-red sticky substance. Tai Yi drew his sword and cut it invisible to the naked eye, and a blue-blue phosphorous blade flew out, attacking Their bubbles burst, but the trail left by the blade slash can still exist in the air, blocking all flying objects that touch it.

"Let's go!"

Taichi doesn't want to fight an uncertain battle, because the cherry tree-changing monster has become bigger and bigger. Originally, it could only be equal to his 40-meter-tall Omegamon, but now his physique has soared

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It rose to more than [-] meters, and the trunk gradually changed into the image of a monster with limbs. The floating cherry blossom petals also turned into highly poisonous and corrosive objects, and fell into the water to explode into huge splashes.

The twisted cherry tree that has become a spirit is not easy to mess with at first glance, Taiyi intends to ignore him and leave directly, so he draws out his two swords, and uses the ultimate special move "Gaia Reactor" in the direction of the boundary... Basically It is the color-changing Gaia energy cannon, the principle is the same, and the energy is concentrated and released.

Sure enough, as he thought, this space looks boundless, but it is actually an arena prepared by Di Limo. Once the powerful attack hits the edge, it will shatter, and after the space is shattered, , what is exposed outside is exactly the dark space that Tai Yi passed through when it came.

Just go there and use the ring to go back to the real world!


Just after finishing the trick, there was a terrifying roar of some kind of monster from behind. Taiyi felt something and immediately turned around, only to see the cherry tree spirit patted towards him with the giant hand made of that tree. The palm of my hand is still close at hand.


Sha Gu Ya Beast called out his name nervously, but now that Tai Yi had just finished using his trick, it was a vacuum period, and it was too late to speed up and escape.

But that slap didn't catch Taiyi, it brushed past him at a subtle angle, Taiyi also pulled away sideways in time and looked forward, only to see Shaguya Beast releasing the Vajra Realm Mandala again. The golden ring, that thing was buckled on the dryad monster and hindered his action to save Taichi.

The golden ring has completely turned into a halo, but the tree spirit monster is still struggling violently. The ring that bears the huge force keeps flickering, emitting golden energy. But soon, the ring could no longer withstand the monster's brute force and was exploded, and the Shaguya Beast let out a painful groan.

The trick was cracked and she suffered feedback damage, but even so, Shagu Yamon still stabilized the magic circle and did not let the researchers fall.


Seeing all this, Taiyi suddenly didn't want to run away.

He was very angry, really very angry, originally he did not intend to fight this kind of uncertain battle, and even if he defeated it, it would be meaningless, Di Limo is immortal... But he no longer wants to bear it anymore, Even if it is to consume Di Limo's physical strength to buy time for the wild team to advance the annihilation plan, he is here to give Di Limo a head-on blow!

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