The white-haired black-armored ghost-dragon warrior silently unsheathed the two chrysanthemum swords, and flew towards the cherry tree spirit who had just broken free from the golden ring. The force slammed down on its twisted head, and the two phosphorescent blades left deep wounds on the bark. The exposed part was the rose-red soft body that symbolized the Emperor Limo.

At the same time, the two phosphorescent trails left by the double-edged slash were constantly burning the wound, preventing the guy from repairing the damaged part, and the DOT (periodic continuous damage) damage caused by the burning also caused the tree spirit to suffer unceasingly. , the movements are much slower.

"Liu Ji, continue!"

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Taiyi turned around and threw a glowing object at Shaguya Beast. She immediately raised her hand to catch it, and found that it was actually Taiyi's ring.

"You guys leave here first, go outside and open the exit, let the goddess beast come to support me!"

"Why? can you stay? We don't need to fight it to the end."

"Don't ask too much, just do it!"

"But, Taiyi, isn't this something only you can use?"

Compared with Liu Ji who was anxious after hearing Taiyi's decision, Sakuyamon was much calmer.

She knew Tai Yi very well, and knew that he was not the kind of man who just wanted to have fun regardless of the overall situation after he was in charge, so she didn't question his decision.

"I entered my digital soul on it, just pull the trigger on it to start it, go! Remember to go far away before using it, otherwise you may be interfered by Dili Demon and cannot open the exit. Remember that the chance is only once."

Ruhime was still unable to make a decision. She was very worried that Taichi would have to face such a powerful monster alone. After it broke through the Vajra Realm mandala just now, Ruhime could understand how terrifying the cherry tree's becoming a spirit was, and it didn't feel oppressive at all. No less than the Four Holy Beasts.

"If you hesitate, no one can leave. This guy won't let us leave easily. I don't want him to go to Shinjuku in the real world. Otherwise, I don't know how many people will die because of it, so let's go! The faster you move, I will The sooner you can get the support of the Celestial Beast."

"...Be careful yourself!"

In the end, Liu Ji agreed, and led all the researchers to leave this place along the gap.

"Taiyi... woo woo, he must be fine, right?"

"Hateful monster!"

Hearing that the reason for Taiyi's stay was that he didn't want more victims, Qianben couldn't hold back his tears at the moment... But this also made her more convinced that although Taiyi denied it, he must be the real Taiyi, because In the stories that happened in the animation, there are many times that Yagami Taichi is like this, risking his life to fight for the safety of his partners.

Being able to experience such a real plot in reality, she didn't know whether she was lucky or unlucky.

However, people are indeed dying. This is not a Digimon animation, nor is it a gain or loss of data in cyberspace, but a real life-and-death struggle... I must also work harder to cooperate with Yamaki Muro long, help too

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Defeat this hateful Emperor Limo.

Taiyi was relieved, seeing that they had finally left, he was also relieved. The cherry tree tree spirit finally healed the wound, and roared at Taiyi as if furious, and even sprayed a lot of bubbles from his mouth. The target of those bubbles It wasn't Taiyi, but the Shaguya beasts who had just left the exit.

With quick eyes and quick hands, Kaihuang Beast immediately slashed out a ray of phosphorous fire, and the target was also the crack that he blew up. The slash landed on it like some kind of seal, prohibiting passage, and all the bubbles that hit it were burned by the silver-white flame melt.

"Come on, haven't you always wanted to get rid of me? Now it's just the two of us."

Taiyi pointed his sword at the tree spirit, and smiled without fear.

But just after he finished speaking, the lake below boiled again, and many small dryads similar to it appeared, and they surrounded Taiyi in an untidy line.

"...well, not two, but it doesn't matter."


The sound wave from the dryad's roar shook the space and ripples could be seen, and Taiyi was directly rushed away by the impact of the voice, and at the same time, the newborn saplings also began to squirm their bulky bodies, firing a hail of bullets at it. In this way, Taiyi was engulfed by the rose-red rain of corrosion and fell into the water.


However, in the next second, the black-armored dragon war ghost broke through the water and flew towards the giant tree. Taiyi didn't have any extra Chinese words, and was immersed in the current battle wholeheartedly. The flame of the chrysanthemum phosphorus sword burned extremely smooth.

——The work of the lumberjack is about to begin!

Chapter 226 Chapter 210 Chapter Nine Omega Beast Announcement

Taichi is inside the body of Kaihuang Beast, braving the barrage of barrages fired by the tree spirit monsters. He feels like he is flying a fighter jet, or like he is a Gundam pilot, raising his hand at any time to chop it up with two swords. Any foam bomb that hits itself in the face.


Suddenly, Tai Yi, who was advancing, stopped.

Because the giant cherry tree tree spirit once again released a large number of rose-red bubbles that turned into shock waves and blasted towards Taiyi. This move covered a huge area. Taiyi's first reaction was to dive into the water to avoid the attack, but unexpectedly at this time , its tree sons actually stretched their hands into the water, pouring large areas of water into their own unique rose red.

Although he didn't know what would happen if he went down, Tai Yi temporarily decided to change his move. He retracted his left-handed sword to his waist, and at the same time sprinkled a lot of phosphorous fire balls forward. These flames were splashed out to form a burning wall of fire in front of Tai Yi. It seems extremely fierce, but it can't compete with the shock wave that has the characteristics of "ultimate paradise".

The energy wave ejected by Dili Demon Tree Essence shattered Taiyi's wall of fire, but after that, there was no scream of Taiyi, and there was no scene of him being blown away, as if he just disappeared on the spot .

Losing the target of finding the enemy, the cherry tree spirit temporarily entered a shutdown state, but at this time, on the other side of it, the white and blue flames ignited again, and the flame transformed into a huge, intangible monster. Two red eyes flashed in the silver-white flames, and the silver-white fire dragons followed one by one, engulfing the tree sons of the cherry tree, and burned them all to dry wood.


The giant tree rose from the ground, and the branches of the rough giant hand were covered with protective energy. It swung violently towards the ball of fire, but its outstretched hand couldn't touch anything, because it was just a ball of fire. There is no real fire.

Taiyi finally emerged from the will-o'-the-wisp, holding his swords high in both hands, flying up and down along the dryad's outstretched arms.

His sword is like a raging wave. Even though the tree spirit has taken protective measures in advance, it has no major effect under Tai Yi's fierce attack of saber and fire. The phosphorous fire on his sword and himself dance around the shape of a whirlwind. An arm, and in the blink of an eye, it rushed to the dryad's face.

"You seemed to be having fun just now."

There was endless anger in Taiyi's smile, and the two swords were raised high over his shoulders, and they slashed towards his body.

Even though releasing such a large amount of phosphorus fire will seriously consume Taiyi's physical strength, he himself doesn't feel much about it, or he doesn't have this feeling yet. He will kill this guy in one go until the tree is completely cut down It will never stop until it is done.

The sword ghost dragon man was placed high in the air, the silver moon behind him and his burning black armor reflected in the distance.

"Then let me have more fun!"

Taiyi seemed to transform into a fighting tornado, and directly threw himself on the tree spirit monster, igniting the storm, and the sword blade mixed with endless flames launched a strangling array for the creature itself. Many different phantoms of Kaihuang beasts were seen on the tree.

Cross cross slash, double sword Hua slash, whirlwind slash... Taiyi poured all the sword moves he could use on that guy one by one, and soon the cherry tree couldn't withstand such a fierce attack, and was cut off by Taiyi. The back of the legs tilted, and he was about to fall into this quiet lake illusion. Taiyi had never experienced such a smooth battle...

how to say?The enemies I encountered before were either too weak to be instantly killed, or too strong to fight steadily, but this is the first time I have encountered an enemy as heavy as this tree, which can only be clumsy and incompetent after being slashed by myself .

It wasn't until the two chrysanthemum phosphorus swords had their blades curled, from head to toe, until the cherry tree monster was completely ignited by the phosphorus fire, that Taiyi completed this series of attacks.

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After hitting, he flew back and pulled away, and began to admire the "potted plant" work that had been carefully carved by himself.


The Dryad let out a powerless roar, but he could no longer stop the burning flames on his body. Under this fierce attack, his huge tree trunk turned into a puddle of rotten wood and soft mud, and gradually fell into the water, but there was no Sink, only to float on the surface like a mountain of garbage.

——Can’t you see that I’m pretty good too, I don’t need a Celestial Beast to handle this guy.

Taiyi heaved a sigh of relief, and immediately felt that the series of attacks just now had really consumed a lot of his physical strength, but it's better to hurry up and leave here now.

As soon as he turned around, he suddenly heard the strange sound of water coming from behind.

"You don't have a third stage, do you?"

Tai Yi's body froze, and he turned his head in shock, only to see that the lump of rotten wood that he had chopped up and was waiting to be burned into firewood started to wriggle in the water, he immediately raised his sword and waited for it.

That disgusting creature made of wood seems to no longer have a vocal organ, it just remains silent, wriggling and reunited after being slashed by Tai Yi, even though it still has the remaining flames of Tai Yi on its body, but these flames... It seems that they can no longer It hurt it, but it ignited on it, as if it became a part of its body.

——Could it be that it has read the data about Kaihuang Beast?

Taiyi gritted his teeth, and at this time the dryad had completed the work of reshaping its body, its current body was like a "slime beast" composed of rotten wood and fire, if the previous dryad was just a slightly larger body Now it has become an immortal Digimon, and the dead wood and ghost fire form a very clever sense of oppression.

Then it made another move that made Tai Yi dumbfounded, that guy actually pulled out a huge sword from the water.

It is impossible to imagine how strange the picture of a huge "mud beast" holding a sword is, but it is not so much a sword as it is a weapon made by Dilimo purely from the data of Kaihuang beast. The huge branch is entwined with burning rose-red flames, and at the same time, the burning flames of the oneness on its body have also turned into rose red that symbolizes the emperor Limo.

——Is it worthy of being the final boss?First in human form, then mutated into a huge monster, and finally broke out completely, making a final counterattack in this immortal form.


It shook its body, and once again released a powerful shock wave towards Taiyi in front of it.

It seems to like doing this very much, because Taiyi's Kaihuang beast does not have an advantage in heavyweight, so every time it uses this trick, it can blow Taiyi away. Immediately afterwards, the guy raised the tree trunk sword and pointed at it. Watching Tai Yi slash out a huge rose-red crescent-shaped sword aura, and then cut faster and faster as if triggering a fatal rhythm, the huge sword aura rushed towards Taiyi like raging waves.

——This guy is taking revenge on himself, for the kind of sharp attack he just made on him.

Taichi calmed down, knowing that it was already difficult to compete with the opponent in his current posture, and it just so happened that he still had physical strength, and he still had the remainder of his digital soul.

【Battle Greymon】

【Steel Garuru】

[Fusion Sublimation! 】

The double capsules were opened again, and Taiyi quickly transformed into the form of Omega Beast. The huge white knight stood on the water, with the Tyrannosaurus sword out of its sheath, and the first sword energy that hit his face vibrated the knife. go back!Immediately followed by the second and third shots, the faster Di Li Demon Tree Spirit slashed, the faster Tai Yi's Tyrannosaurus Sword swung.

"Clang! Clang! Clang! Clang!"

The very rhythmic sound of metal collisions reverberated in this space, and the attacks of the dryad imitating the Kaihuang beast were all easily resolved by Tai Yi with the tyrannical dragon sword, and the sound of flicking the knife was like a pleasant melody.

Although Omegamon may not be that flexible, in the face of absolute power, flexibility is just an insignificant thing.

"The game is over, Emperor Limo."

Walking in the garden is like playing fruit ninja, after deflecting all the flying sword energy, Taichi stands on the water, his cloak fluttering gently with the wind that does not exist, pointing at the holy sword engraved with digital characters loudly declared.

"From now on, you can no longer harm any life."

Chapter 227 Chapter 220 The Celestial Girl Beast Healed My Spiritual Internal Conflict

After saying this, Taiyi no longer had any reservations, the Garuru Cannon finished adjusting its trajectory, and began to warm up aiming at Di Limo who had finished attacking.

This cannon blasted past, and the dazzling light illuminated the body of Taichi's current Omegamon. He didn't need to keep his hand this time, and he directly pulled out the full power, and the largest Garuru cannon rushed like a raging wave. Going out, the space along the way is distorted, and the lake water sets off waves several feet high.

Anyway, Omega Beast is also a Digimon that can destroy the world with a flick of a finger, and it is only natural to have this kind of performance. He decided to give Dilimo a heavy blow here, and buy time to advance the annihilation plan .


This cannon continued to fire, making the tree spirit's distorted body gradually lose its ability to move under the baptism of frozen energy. Even though Di Limo could use the ability to delete data to offset it, it didn't make it persist After too long, the dryad's body was soon destroyed into some kind of even more twisted and ugly lump, and even ice was born under the unique icy breath of Steel Garurumon, blocking its movements.

In fact, the original Garuru Cannon has a freezing effect

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Energy cannon, but because the opponents I fought before were too weak, they were directly destroyed when they couldn't hold the shot, and the icing effect didn't take effect at all.

Taiyi no longer gives the opponent any room to fight back, even if you are the final boss, it is impossible to stand up again in a short time after being killed three times in a row.

Even if it can still stand up, it will at least take time to accumulate strength again... This is the result Taiyi wants, as long as the "annihilation plan" he just proposed to the wild team is successfully implemented, then Di Limo will no longer have any resistance the power of.

Carrying the last explosive energy, the Tyrannosaurus Sword slashed on the lump of mud, smashing it and the entire water surface and space.

This sword killed the cherry tree tree spirit, and also announced that Taiyi had won the victory. After the Dili Demon showed strength no less than that of the Millennium Beast, there was basically no support from any other partners. Next, a victory won purely by hard power.

The Tyrannical Dragon Sword not only ended the Dili Demon, but also completely destroyed this space. When Tai Yi came outside, he happened to see countless Dili Demon clones disintegrating. This was a signal for the Dili Demon to retreat. There was a holy white light, and the holy celestial beast with ten golden wings was flying towards him.

Tai looked up at her, feeling nothing but peace in his heart.

——Perhaps, this is the meaning of fighting. Fighting is to meet important people again with a smile.

This sentence is really good in the second grade, Taiyi only dared to think about it in his heart.

"How about it? Tiannv Beast, I killed it by myself, can I hang it?"

Taiyi's evolution was released, and he naturally took over the hand extended by the holy goddess beast, and let her pull him back to the real world.

"...Really? I feel that Tai Yi is in good condition today."

A smile appeared on the red lips that were half covered by the Celestial Beast's helmet.

"I also feel that way."

"Then, is it because I want to save the princess Liu Ji that the fighting strength exploded? Or is it because I moisturized better before I set off?"

"Is there a possibility that my pure state is good?"

To be honest, Taiyi just realized whether Di Limo would attack when he was most relaxed, that is, pretending to be a fake celestial female beast to deceive himself, but after what she said just now, he completely rejected it. This kind of thinking, this is definitely her, the best... partner of her own who is now happy to drive, named the Holy Goddess, but is actually the Shishi Goddess.

"I don't believe it! You have to make it clear!"

She seemed angry, but she never stopped laughing.

"That's because of Liu Ji, Liu Ji has value for me to pay for."

Taiyi replied decisively.

"As for the latter possibility you mentioned... there is no evidence that doing that kind of thing has anything to do with improving combat effectiveness, so I'm skeptical."

"You are really brave~Tai Yi~ you actually dare to admit it blatantly, at least you were stubborn before."

"Is it necessary to be stubborn? It's not a shameful thing. I think it's cool to fight desperately for an important partner, don't you think? It's like a real hero."

Perhaps only in front of the Celestial Beast can Taiyi speak freely like this, saying what he normally only thinks in his heart.

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