"Of course, but I think it's because you are Miss Ruki that your condition has become so good?"

"Actually, I'm not as nasty as you think, Tiannv Beast, and can we stop going around these topics all the time..."

Taiyi really felt that he was innocent. He obviously stayed here to prevent that big monster Di Limo from going outside to harm the citizens. How could it be said that he was just for Liu Ji?Even if it is not her who is imprisoned here today, but Qiren and Jianliang, even if there is no one but the researchers, Taiyi will come to save them without hesitation.

"Just kidding, of course I know Taiyi is not that kind of person."

"You know, where do I think Taiyi is the most handsome today?"

"Don't tell me when you're at home."

Taiyi already had a premonition that she was going to say something to tease him again.

"No, it was when you saw Di Limo intruding into that building, and you wanted to rescue those staff without hesitation, ah~ I also feel very honored to be by your side."

"Although you are my partner, although you have been kind to me, I am not the pure me I used to be. I don't like a guy with a head full of pornographic waste. The reason why you allow you to do whatever you want... is also because You are worth it because I want to."

Tiannv Beast also saw Tai Yi's distress, so she also clearly expressed her attitude.

"Then what if my mind is really full of rubbish, everything is staged, and the purpose is to get you, what should you do?"

Tai asks a bold question.

"In that case, I have no choice but to be forced by you to finally become a mother (silence) who only knows (silence), alas, don't worry Taichi, even if you change your mind in the future, and the edges and corners are smoothed by society and become a middle-aged man Nian greasy uncle, I will not dislike you~ I will heal your wounded heart~"

"Don't say such things suddenly, I won't become a greasy uncle!"

Taiyi defended in a panic.

In fact, when I think about it, I feel a little uncomfortable, but I am still young, so there is no need to worry about getting a loan in the future. Even if it does come to that time, it is not a big problem, is it?

- Go home for one night, day

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The female beast cured my internal friction and so on... It's also very good.

Chapter 228 Chapter 220 One Before the war, the morning of practice

Di Limo's raid on the real world through the network of government agencies really caught Taichi and the others by surprise, but that's all.

Because Taiyi and his two partners were at the place where the incident happened, they could rush to stop the expansion of Di Limo at the first time. Taking advantage of this, he used the perfect Omega beast to deal a heavy blow to Dilimo, and now it has no extra data to invade reality.

With the help of the Rose Beast, the Sacred Heavenly Maiden Beast, the two ultimate bodies evolved by Qiren Jianliang who arrived later, and the Fallen Hell Beast, the Dili Demon clone that ran outside was wiped out one after another, and then the army rushed to the scene. Under the coordination of Yamaki Congzhong, these self-defense forces did not embarrass Taichi and the others, but formed an encirclement circle after the Digimon retreated to isolate the area near the building.

Shinjuku is now completely isolated, which is similar to the situation in Taiyi's world at that time. Although Di Limo has no spare power to continue attacking, it is entrenched there and no one can do anything to it, so for safety reasons, the surrounding residents were evacuated and closed. At present, Taichi and others live in Chiyoda District under the arrangement of Yamaki, and the temporary working place of their wild team is also arranged here.

Through Shan Mu's efforts, the government can be regarded as handing over all these matters to their network administration, and provided a large amount of equipment upon request.

In the afternoon, Akiyama Ryo also rushed over from his hometown in Fukuoka, Kyushu, and joined Taichi and the others, preparing for the final decisive battle with Di Limo.

Finally, after five tense days, the wild team finally sent the long-awaited good news, that is, the annihilation plan has been completed, and the final battle against Di Limo can begin immediately.

In the past few days, Taiyi has lived a leisurely life. Apart from thinking about countermeasures every day and reasoning about any possible situations in the final battle, he also took the time to instruct Qiren, who had just completed the ultimate evolution, how to use it more skillfully. Their ultimate body forms, including Ruhime's immature continuous release trick before, are points that need to be corrected in Taichi's view.

"Actually, there is another form of Shaguya Beast."

On the morning of the decisive battle, Taiyi and Ruhime were doing their final warm-up training in an open space prepared for them by Yamaki.

Rose Beast is responsible for serving as a training partner, while Tiannv Beast is still sleeping soundly and has not woken up. Don't ask why it has been sleeping for so long, it is Xiaobiesheng who is newly married.


After disabling Shaguya Beast's evolution, Liu Ji and Yaohu Beast each took a bottle of soda, sat down at a random place, and while resting, they exchanged their experience of the battle with Tai Yi.

"Well... for example, Emperor Dragon Armored Beast also has a warrior form and a dragon form. The warrior form has stronger combat power, and the dragon form has a speed of 20 minutes to circle the earth."

"The Shaguya Beast also has a 'witch form'. In this form, it will have stronger lethality against enemies with dark and evil attributes, and the power of spell skills will also increase slightly."

Taichi looked at Ruhime who was listening to him carefully, and had the illusion that he was like a professor teaching his female students.

Now Liu Ji no longer has the boring arrogance of the past at all, she will accept Taiyi's guidance very humbly, at first she will practice against Taiyi himself, and then Rosemon and Tiannvmon will take turns as sparring opponents work.

On the surface, it is said that it is afraid that Taiyi will be tired, but in fact, it is just here to put a serious eye on it, so as to prevent Taiyi from doing anything out of the ordinary.

"Hey~ Does that mean that Sakuyamon will change into a priestess costume?"

Rose Beast sat on the other side of Taiyi and said suddenly.

"Of course, it is a Digimon derived from the cultural characteristic of Miko after all."

"Hey~ That should be very beautiful, right?" Rose Beast sighed. "Actually, this is what you pay attention to, right? Taiyi?"

"Don't talk to the celestial girl beast."

"Is that so? Does Taichi like miko costumes?"

After hearing this, Liu Ji also understood that Rose Beast was teasing him, so she immediately joined the camp.

"Actually, I was thinking, since Tiannv Beast and Hua Xian Beast can change their stats to change their costumes, can the Demon Fox Beast and I do it too?"

But now it is training time after all, and Liu Ji still attaches great importance to it, because besides Di Limo, she will face many enemies in the future, so she has to hurry up and get used to this body.

"It's hard for me to say, after all, they are all native Digimon, and you are a fusion of humans and Digimon."

"Hey~ I don't know if I evolve into the witch form, can I force out the ultimate body of the celestial maiden?"

Now Liu Ji's biggest goal is to be able to force the ultimate evolution of the celestial maiden beast in the battle. She is obviously only a perfect body but can't get an advantage from her. Thinking about it, it's the fault of hitting people!But in view of Tiannv Beast, Tai Yi's official partner, she didn't think it was unreasonable.

"Soon~ In fact, Tiannvmon is not a Digimon that is good at fighting. It is all thanks to her own awareness and training that she is what she is today."

"That's not it." Rose Beast complained immediately. "Although these things are also very important, but that guy must be so strong and talented! All she has done is to gradually stimulate this talent, just like fighting Millennium Beast back then."

"Ah, I'm sorry, Liu Ji, you fox beast, I seem to have fallen asleep.

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Things that shouldn't be said. "

Rose Beast just wanted to complain about Tiannv Beast, but suddenly realized that what she said seemed to be hitting Liu Ji and the others.

"It's nothing, Tiannv Beast... She is indeed much, much stronger than me, I don't think this is anything to hurt people."

Yaohu Beast answered frankly.

She does have a clear understanding of the strength of Tiannvmon, she is almost all-rounder, stronger than any Digimon she has seen, and Yaohumon is also very glad that such a Digimon is not an enemy, but also Taichi's partner, In the future, I will have many opportunities to ask her for advice.

"I don't care either."

The brown-haired girl wore a ponytail and wore a tight gym suit with a vest and tight trousers. She looked like a morning jogger girl who can be seen everywhere in the park in the early morning.

After drinking her saliva, she smiled at Rosemon in relief, and then patted Taichi on the shoulder.

"Do you think I've been around this guy for so long, and my confidence will be hit because of this kind of thing?"

"? When did I hit you? It sounds like I like to show off."


Liu Ji was planning to have a good argument with Tai Yi, but at this time, a voice that both of them are familiar with, a middle-aged woman with vitality, was still calling their names.

It was Rumiko Makino, Ruhime's mother... Taichi hadn't seen her since the day she went to the Digital World.


Liu Ji stood up from the ground in shock.

"Didn't I say you don't use it until this matter is resolved?"

"I heard that you are going to fight that monster today, so your grandma got up early and made a lunch box for you, as well as Miss Fox and Taiyi's friends~"

Rumiko was still full of energy, not looking at her appearance but listening to her voice, Taichi even thought she was Ruhime's younger sister.

So many things have happened recently, Liu Ji couldn't hide it even if she wanted to, so she simply confessed everything, including the existence of the fox beast, and she lied that Taiyi was her boyfriend. Teacher... But Rumiko was not angry either. After all, she was still a mother, and she already knew in her heart whether some parts were acted out or real.

"Also, Liuchan! Didn't I say you can't sit on the floor! You're a girl!"

"Don't talk so much at such a time, okay, go back quickly, it may be very dangerous here today, you should go back to your hometown as soon as possible."

"I'm also your mother. If you want to do such a dangerous thing, how can you not let me see you off?"

Rumiko finally took a tone of reproach, but it was more distressing. At this time, Taichi really felt what Rumiko should be like as a mother, and she was trying hard to hold back tears.

Liu Ji didn't know how long it took Liu Ji to convince her and grandma. This was a miracle in Tai Yi's eyes, because he absolutely didn't have the confidence to convince his parents about this kind of thing. There is no way but to acquiesce.

"Don't worry, I will definitely protect Ruhime, and Taichi and many other friends are here... Please don't worry."

The fox beast stepped forward and made a solemn promise to Rumiko.

Chapter 229 Chapter 220 Chapter Two

After appeasing Rumiko, she also left with peace of mind. At this time, one after another, everyone who was about to participate in the battle also gathered at Asahi's side. Qiren, Jianliang, Akiyama Ryo and the little monsters, probably These people are gone.

It's the same as Taichi thought, since Rumiko is here, there is no reason for the other family members not to come, especially Jianliang, this time it can be regarded as a father-son soldier, only Akiyama Ryo can't come because his parents are far away from here ...But his family seems to have some special reasons, but he is very happy to be able to come to Taiyi.

"You don't look too nervous."

"Could it be that you are very confident?"

Akiyama Liao sat beside Taiyi and chatted with him more or less.

The main function of the conversation at this time is to relieve the pressure before the battle, otherwise it is easy to think too much and cause unnecessary worries... And this kind of reaction should not have appeared on Akiyama Liao, his partner has already merged The data of Millennium Beast also proves that he did not defeat Millennium Beast once or twice.

"Confidence is of course one aspect, but the most important thing is that I don't have to play this time."

Taiyi was relaxed, smiling a bit cunningly.

"Aren't you going to fight?"

"I don't need to go, because that guy has always wanted to kill me, and if I go, it will easily implicate you, and, as a battle that cannot be lost, we must also have a reserve team. No matter what action you take, I will come to support you when necessary."

According to the previous battles, Taiyi came up with such a course of action, and in the original plot, only the trio of three primary colors plus Akiyama Ryo can handle Di Li Mo. Although Di Li Mo may be stronger than the original one now, but Taichi will also let the Holy Maidenmon and Rosemon attack in coordination, so there is absolutely nothing to worry about in terms of combat power.

If it wasn't for insurance, Taiyi even thought that the Celestial Beast could single out this guy.

"I see."

After hearing this, Akiyama Liao suddenly realized.

"As expected of you, Taiyi, since you are so confident, I feel much more at ease."

"By the way, is your partner okay now?"

Taiyi glanced and stood beside Akiyama Liao

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The tall and mighty dragon man on the side.

"Small matter~ Scientific Wyvern is very strong, this little injury is nothing."


Akiyama Liao laughed jokingly, and the Science Wyvern also put on a very philosophical pose, showing his muscles, as if he fully understood this state and didn't like to talk very much, anyway, Taichi never heard him speak.

Taiyi and Akiyama Liao are chatting here, and the trio of three primary colors are also communicating with Jianliang’s father and Mr. Shibuka over there... Taiyi suddenly has a vision of playing a football match with the school next door in high school Feeling that the next game will be played, everyone is nervously discussing tactics, and he was also acting as a substitute at that time, so he will not play for the time being.

That's right, don't be too nervous, because everything is expected, Taiyi has already included all possibilities as much as possible, and this battle must be won.

"Little monster, is there any problem with your animal trainer?"

"...Of course no problem, they have always been my good partners!"

Facing Taiyi's concern, the little monster is still as arrogant as ever.

When he returned home, the siblings were blaming themselves for ignoring the little monster's feelings... Listening to his description, Tai Yi felt that the little monster was like a child who ran away from home after a quarrel with his parents. No matter how dark the quarrel was at that time, his parents still cared about him.

And this is exactly what the little monster "really wants", it is simply to be recognized, needed, and valued.

Adolescent boys ran away from home after quarreling with their parents. They went astray when they encountered a gangster organization. In the end, they were beaten up by police officer Taiyi and then brought back to their hometown. They learned from their mistakes and made up with their relatives. What a great script!


Suddenly, Jianliang stopped him, and his father, Li Zhenyu, and Seguozi, the representative of the wild team, also walked towards him.

"Have you thought about that question? Sure enough, I should go with the big-eared beast."

Jianliang has been concerned about this matter since he confirmed the action plan yesterday, that is, who will carry out the most critical step, who will be responsible for the annihilation plan, and then enter the core area of ​​Di Limo to start the reverse superluminal gyration manufacturing The wormhole degenerates Di Limo into the original program.

"No, I'm not very relieved, I'll do it myself."

Taichi knew that Sangalukomon was a very suitable candidate, because they were also involved in the original plot, but this time Taichi still felt that it was better for him to be on the safe side.

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