
"It's okay, this is what I should do."

Taiyi smiled, indicating that they had no problem.

"The red card and the annihilation plan are all ready, ready to go at any time, Mr. Taiyi."

Li Zhenyu took out a brand new red card from his pocket and handed it to Taiyi. This was also proposed by Taiyi. In order to allow them to move freely in the core of Di Limo, such a procedure is essential.

In fact, if you look carefully, this card is obviously different from the one given to Tai by Red Lotus Knightmon. There is also a small blue logo on it, while the card made by Red Lotus Knightmon is a very pure crimson.

"Okay, then everyone can start, let's completely wipe out Di Limo today... huh?"

Before Tai Yi's speech was over, suddenly there was a strange vibration in the space, and he immediately stopped his voice and became alert.

A portal suddenly opened near them, Tiannv Beast and the others didn't even notice this change, just when Tai Yi was about to take out the equipment in surprise, a very familiar figure walked out from it.

"Red Lotus Knight Beast?"

"Huh? But isn't Mr. Qi Ren still over there?"

Shiguro's eyes widened.

"That's right, Mr. Mizuno, this Crimson Knightmon is a different instance of the same Digimon as Kairen and Kielmon."

"It turns out that this is the case. It turns out that the ultimate body will also have the same individual."

After hearing Jianliang's explanation, Shiguozi suddenly realized that he was still very optimistic about the prospect of Digimon. Looking at the living Digimons in front of him, he really had a feeling of saying no to the real creators of Digimons like them. out of happiness.

"What are you doing here?"

Tai was puzzled.

"Shouldn't you be on the front line in the digital world?"

"The situation over there has stabilized, and Di Li Mo can't afford to make any big waves, so I want to help you."

He explained with a smile.

"Oh, we meet again, Mr. Mizuno, what happened last time is really thanks to you."

"??do we know each other?"

Shiguozi was dumbfounded.

"The one who helped you last time was the memory data left by Mr. Mizuno in the Digital World. This is him himself. Don't get it wrong."

"That's it, what a pity." The Red Lotus Knight touched its head in embarrassment. "Let's get back to business, I want to help you as the executor of the annihilation plan."

"The sword of judgment that beheaded Di Limo's head, I hope you can give it to me."

The Red Lotus Knight Beast asked solemnly.

Chapter 230 Chapter 220

Crimson Knightmon's sudden request made Taichi a little at a loss.

Taiyi absolutely believes in his strength. There is no doubt that he is the strongest combat power on his side besides himself and the Celestial Beast. But so far, Taiyi has never seen what his full strength looks like, but if It is the strength of a mature digital world royal knight, he should be far stronger than himself and Tiannvmon.

But the problem is still, Tai Yi doesn't know, what is he?

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There is no other conspiracy.

"Any doubts? Taichi?"

I can't think of the purpose of Crimson Knightmon at all... If there is no reason, even Taichi can't refuse it.

As far as this incident itself is concerned, it is of course better to go to the Red Lotus Knight Beast than Tai Yi, because he is more stable than himself. The Omega Beast that he evolved is not the real Omega Beast after all, but just borrowed props temporarily. It's just data, and going by yourself would risk your life, but now Red Lotus Knight Beast is willing to help you bear this risk.

Still don't suspect this guy.

Looking at Red Lotus Knightmon's face full of fighting spirit and energy, Taiyi really couldn't refuse him.

And Taichi really thinks it's okay, if the Red Lotus Knight Beast wants to turn against him, there is no doubt that he will attack him in that space, and he will definitely attack him before the Digimon such as Tiannvmon come, and also Don't worry about him ruining the annihilation plan or something... because that's just a program.

The program has been developed, but it is just a copy and paste of him. The original material is still stored in the equipment of the wild team. As long as there is a backup, it can be copied infinitely. It is completely meaningless for him to deceive the annihilation plan.

Moreover, Taichi also believed in his intuition, that is, Crimson Knightmon is definitely not an evil Digimon.

"Okay, I'll leave it to you, Red Lotus Knight Beast."

"Eh? Taiyi, I, I have begged you so many times and you have not agreed... You are too double-standard!"

Jianliang felt wronged now.

"This guy's physical strength is far stronger than you and the big-eared beast, and this operation is too dangerous. Jianliang, as the commander of this operation, I have to be responsible to you and Uncle Zhenyu."

"The important thing about a team is not to see who contributes more, but to be able to complete the tasks that they are responsible for in a timely and effective manner."

"...Of course I know this, Taiyi, I'm just complaining casually, not serious." Jian Liang replied with a wry smile, he is also responsible for the IQ of the original protagonist group, of course he can distinguish between primary and secondary. "I will play well and cover the Red Lotus Knight Beast."

"Well, let's start preparing now."

"The last battle to annihilate Emperor Limo!"



With the help of Beetle Beetle, Tai Yi and Tiannv Beast built a line that can communicate in time, which is the kind of outrageous signal that can communicate across the world, so Tai Yi can understand the unexpected situation on the battlefield at any time.

After Mitsuo Yamaki said hello, the self-defense forces that surrounded Dilimo withdrew one after another, and Taiyi also brought his Dilimo crusade army here. Everyone should integrate, evolve, and three primary colors The human group is transformed into Crimson Knightmon, Sakuyamon, and Sangalgomon, and Akiyama Ryoya and Science Wyvermon evolve into Judgmentmon.

"I leave it to you, don't worry, and don't need to work hard, just play normally."

Taichi said to Tennyumon and Rosemon like a coach telling his players to take care of them.

"The more you say that, the more nervous I become." Tiannv Beast smiled. "But Taiyi, you can finally get back to business."

"?? Haven't I been doing business?"

"Which of the selected children's business is to evolve into a Digimon to fight head-to-head?"

"That shows that your knowledge is not enough~ There are many worlds with this kind of setting."

Taichi joked, and thought of the setting of the fourth generation of Digimon, which is actually not too different from his own now.

"Anyway, I'm very relieved, everything is under my control."

"Wait, if Di Limo suddenly causes any unexpected troubles, just notify me in time, and I will find a way to support you as soon as possible."

"You are so wordy, Taiyi, did you learn it from your mother?"

Tiannv Beast's ears were almost callused.

"That's right, don't treat us as Digimon in the growth stage!"

Huaxian Beast also took the opportunity to make up for it.

"I can really understand my mother's feelings... Ah, I really miss them now." Taiyi smiled, then straightened his expression, and took out the Tyrannosaurus machine from his waist.

"Then, let's start fighting!"

Taiyi released the two-color digital soul, evolved all the Celestial Beasts and Flower Fairy Beasts into ultimate bodies, and gave the Red Lotus Knight Beast the final winning trump card annihilation plan, and then they set off towards the giant beast. A group of rose-red bubbles entrenched in the center of the city flew away.


There was the sound of a lighter rubbing against his ears, and Shan Mu lit a cigarette, but this time Tai Yi didn't blow it out for him.

"You did a good job, brother Taiyi, you really have some talent as a commander."

"Come on, I don't want to do this job." Tai sighed. "I'm too tired. I have a lot of things to think about. Just direct these few people like this. Wouldn't it be more troublesome if there were more people?"

"Doesn't that mean you are responsible?"

"They are also my juniors, so of course we should take good care of them."

If in our own world, the Digimon IP series can release sequels every year for 20 consecutive years like Kamen Rider, then there will undoubtedly be a so-called relationship between seniors and juniors, and as the first male number one As a matter of course, Taiyi will have a very high status in the hearts of fans of the entire series.

But Taiyi is a good senior, he will not steal the food of the juniors, nor will he steal the number of the juniors~ He will only take care of them gently and train them.

When they came back to their senses, they had already entered the inside of the bubble, Emperor

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Limo's annihilation operation started at such a seemingly ordinary time, Taiyi and Yamaki also returned to the delivery truck, surrounded by many special soldiers who were responsible for protecting them, and on several vehicles were wild teams and others. Shanmu's subordinates, there is a big screen inside to see the scene inside Di Limo.

A few days ago, through the operation of Shanmu, the government launched a satellite, and fired many transmitters at the bubble inside Emperor Limo, so that the situation inside could be monitored. Taiyi also sat down with peace of mind, quietly Watch the ultimate battle as he leads it.

Everything went smoothly. Di Limo sent a large number of clones to resist after discovering the intruders. There were even the Reapers who had been dealt with by the Taiyi before, and after the government building was completely alienated and transformed, it looked like some kind of The "mother" of Buddha statues.

"These young people are really not what they used to be."

Feng Lihua sighed with emotion, the beast trainers who needed to be rescued by them at the beginning are now also displaying their fighting power to the fullest together with their own Digimon.

"It's really satisfying, Taichi."

His little fan girl Qianben looked at the picture on the screen and also felt emotional.


"It's the ultimate body of the Celestial Beast and the Flower Fairy Beast. The Holy Celestial Beast and the Rose Beast are official settings released later, but they don't have the chance to actually appear in the animation... Now I can see them in real life. , I am really satisfied!"

"Hey, if Mr. Yamaki allows, I really want to take a picture and post it on the Internet, so that all Digimon fans can see this scene."

"Don't do that."

Yamaki rejected her very strongly.

"Haha, I was just joking~"

The atmosphere here is also very relaxed, because everything is according to plan.

Although the Reaper and the Godmother caused quite a lot of trouble for the protagonist group in the original work, but now there is a holy goddess beast here, she just fought for a few rounds, and stabbed the big guy's body to the core, Combined with the connection of other people's various nirvana, it is not a threat at all.

It's like watching the final battle of the animation from a different perspective, everything is proceeding in an orderly manner, and even if someone is in crisis by chance, there will be other partners to help out.

Taiyi pursed his lips, not daring to blink his eyes, feeling that he was more nervous than them fighting inside... But luckily nothing happened, and the fighting power of the Red Lotus Knight Beast was also demonstrated by Taiyi at this time, he It's really strong, even if Grani is not with him now, he still has the ability to fly, compared to the one that Qiren evolved is much inferior.

Under the bombardment of the two strongest nirvana skills of "Ultimate Paradise" and "God Ball Crystal", the body of the Godmother also collapsed, and it was difficult for Di Li Mo to resist such a powerful attack, and the deep pit with the wormhole was exposed.

Afterwards, the Red Lotus Knight Beast flew into the black pit in one fell swoop, and began to execute the final "annihilation plan" according to Taiyi's order.

Chapter 231 Chapter 220 Four We Have Victorious

Not only was Taiyi keeping a close eye on the Red Lotus Knight Beast at this time, but the nearby Holy Celestial Beast also opened her eyes wide. Even though everyone was relieved at this time and felt that the overall situation was settled, she maintained a high degree of concentration.

"As long as the Red Lotus Knight Beast has any abnormal behavior during that process...for example, if it doesn't rotate in reverse, you can directly interrupt him, you know?"

Tiannv Beast recalled in her mind the important words that Tai Yi had told her before leaving, and she did not dare to relax at this moment, and was even ready to make a move.

However, the guesses of the two of them did not come true. The Red Lotus Knight Beast normally began to perform reverse maneuvers, causing everything around it that was eroded and infected by the Emperor Li Demon to attract towards the big black pit in the middle. The Reapers who were completely dead were even screaming feebly.

"It's starting to work! Di Limo's activity has become weaker!"

"This will definitely work! It will work!"

The wild team members present couldn't help cheering, and even hugged excitedly.

Although Taiyi and the others have recuperated well in the past few days, the wild team and Yamaki's subordinates are all under tremendous pressure to develop the "annihilation plan". Compared with Taiyi and others fighting for their lives, their battlefield is longer and longer Torment, maybe not enough sleep for four hours a day, has been repeatedly arguing, testing, failing, and then re-proposing a new theory.

Fortunately, such efforts were not in vain, they succeeded, but Shibuya and Shanmu were still very serious.

In the projected funnel-shaped wormhole model, the red lotus knight beast is continuously accelerating the rotation, and finally the cylinder model of the entire wormhole is also started to rotate in reverse.

"As long as the rotation exceeds the speed of light, a small-scale time machine can be formed, allowing Di Limo to return to the original program."

"Come on, Red Lotus Knight Beast... almost, almost."

Everyone is very nervous, because they don't know if they can succeed, and Taiyi is also very nervous now, what he is worried about is the Red Lotus Knightmon.

Although at present, all his suspicions about that guy ended up slapping himself in the face, proving that he had wronged such a good man from another world, but Taiyi still couldn't let go, and he didn't know why.

If possible, he even wanted to share the bed with Red Lotus Knight Beast and have a good chat overnight, and then suddenly picked up his knight gun weapon and aimed it at his chest, and asked him when he planned to betray?

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"Taiyi, he succeeded."

At this moment, the voice of the celestial female beast suddenly came from Taiyi's ear.

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