It was a hidden tool he established to communicate with the Celestial Beast, a very slim and hidden earphone.

"The Dili Demon is like a tank of water now. It has been let out by the drain drilled by the Red Lotus Knight Beast. It has no power to recover."

"...Well done, you all worked hard."

Taichi said to her with a sigh.

"It seems that I was thinking too much. That guy really has no bad intentions. When he comes back, he should apologize to him."

"Brother Taiyi!"

Suddenly Yamaki yelled, Taiyi quickly turned off the communication to see if something unexpected happened, but unexpectedly Yamaki Mitsuo came up and gave himself a big hug.

"We did it! We got rid of this guy!"

"...Yeah, Mr. Yamaki, it's really nice."

Taiyi smiled reluctantly, but he was also very happy in his heart. In this way, there is no possibility of Di Limo escaping. It has been completely killed. Next, Taiyi plans to go to the Internet and various places in the digital world to check. Is there any fish that slipped through the net, that is, some fragments, but even the fragments can't make big waves, and the hometown is gone, so what can you do as a soldier?

"It's really thanks to you all the time. It's great that I didn't stubbornly exclude you!"

"I just want to say thank you, Mr. Yamaki, without your help, our battle would not have been so smooth, and your continued financial support for me."

At this moment, on another screen, the Dili Demon block covering the center of Shinjuku is also rapidly shrinking, and will soon disappear. Now everyone can hardly restrain their excitement, and they all hug and clap hands. This is their The result of hard work in the past few days is also the result of the hard work of the animal trainers and Digimons.


Although the battle plan was a complete success, Shibuka sighed.

"Is that thing really just a program? I can no longer make a judgment."

"Or is it a creature that exists somewhere in the online world and is connected to other... other worlds?"

"Don't be so sentimental, Shiguozi, haven't we already solved it? There should be a lot of time to do research in the future, let's have fun."

Li Zhenyu also persuaded this old friend who looked like Shakespeare. The two middle-aged men smiled at each other and didn't say much. It's just that after going through so many things...they finally got a good night's sleep.

The people who stayed in the central area of ​​Di Limo were also wrapped by the crystal of the divine ball released by the sacred female beast and brought to a safe place outside. Everything seemed to be settled and there would be no more problems.

"Come on, let's pick them up."

Yamaki let go of Taichi and got off the car, and Taichi followed naturally.

Yes, that's the end... Di Limo is eliminated, and then he can go back to the digital world to find Beetlemon and the others, and after saying goodbye to his friends here, he can return to his own world, that is That's all, no problem.

But why...why do I still feel like I'm missing something?What's wrong?

If what I have experienced is also a Digimon animation, then such an ending is undoubtedly mediocre and lacks explosive points. The decisive battle is coming to an end, and Tai Yi has experienced many times before in this life-and-death battle.

"Uncle Zhenyu, I have a question."

However, Taichi still decided to deal with what he had thought of before.

"What? Taiyi-kun?"

"Are you planning to repair the channel between the digital world and the real world in the future, so that the two worlds will be completely parallel in the future and never intersect?"

"There is such a plan..."

"I want you not to do that."

"Why?? If this is not the case, it is very likely that the phenomenon of 'Wild No. 1' will appear, which will pose a major threat to our world!"

Li Zhenyu is very firm and seems unable to accept Tai Yi's proposal.

"Please also think about us beast trainers who have fought so far. I will return to my world sooner or later, but they certainly don't want to end up fighting for so long not only gaining nothing, but also losing everything. The most important partner of all time.”

"I don't want to see this situation, and I don't think you have any way to prevent Wild No. 1 except to completely block this method."

"Mr. Taiyi, what do you mean...?"

"The encounter between humans and Digimon can bring about miracles, and I believe you have witnessed this miracle with your own eyes, so I hope you can fix the messy parts and still retain a stable space between the two worlds, even if it is only a small one. There is no problem with an entrance and exit, as long as they can ensure that their partners can survive in this world safely."

"That would do a lot to alleviate it, but it wouldn't eradicate the 'Wild 1' phenomenon."

"Isn't that good too?"

"Dangerous means opportunities, and with them here, occasionally one or two Digimon are not a threat at all, and if you do this, won't Mr. Yamaki lose his job?"

"...cough cough, I'm the Network Management Bureau, and I'm mainly responsible for testing network security. It's reasonable to say that what's happening now is extra work."

Their job is only

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It is to prevent hackers, and then act as an Internet policeman, and deal with the reports of the masses or something!Who knew that after coming in, they would have to face a group of digital monsters, who could stand it?

"Okay, Mr. Taiyi, I will discuss this matter with them, and try to keep the big-eared beasts and others."

Li Zhenyu saw the persistence in Tai's eyes, it was a non-negotiable and unyielding attitude, and what he said was indeed very reasonable, inexplicably sending all the Digimon back suddenly, it was really too much for Jianliang and the others. It's not fair anymore.

"Well, it's good of you to understand."

Chapter 232 Chapter 220 Five The True Face of the Red Lotus Knight Beast

Now that this matter is resolved, Taiyi can leave with peace of mind.

Yes, if you think about it carefully, it is completely unnecessary!Since the two sides cannot communicate with each other, then you can build a stronger wall, and if you build it higher, it will be over?Why is it necessary to block all the doors?

Although 3 primary colors sounds good, but in order to consider the feelings of Ruhime and the others, I decided not to listen to it. Besides, this is not the original animation world, and there is no need to follow the original work.


At this moment, a long howling sound of some kind of animal suddenly came from above the head.

This voice is very familiar to Taiyi, he looked up, it turned out to be Grani... not the original "Ark" activated by the wild team, but the one following the Royal Knight Red Lotus Knight Beast from another digital world , is that guy's best buddy.

"Did it come to pick up the Red Lotus Knight Beast?"

Taiyi shook his head and said to himself.

In this way, it is not only me who wants to go back, but also the Red Lotus Knight Beast. Now that Di Limo has been dealt with, he has no reason to stay, but is this a bit anxious?Taiyi still planned to have a good chat with him, why did he summon Grani so soon?

Even Lilith Beast didn't leave in such a hurry.

"Taiyi, something is wrong."


The anxious voice of Tiannv Beast came from the earphones, which suddenly made Tai Yi alert.

——Little Heizi!Show your red feet!

"I don't know why, but the Dilimo turned into a tiny spherical primitive program."

"Isn't it natural? Our annihilation plan was successful, and of course it was... wait, how did you know it was going to be a ball?"

Taiyi doesn’t know if his memory is wrong, but in his perception, the original version should not have any pictures to show what Di Li Mo looks like after returning to the original program, because it has already been returned, so it should return to its original form. Go where you should stay, and you will never have a chance to develop again.

"Because Crimson Knightmon is holding that thing in its hand!!"



"Hey! What are you doing? That thing is dangerous, let it go!"

Kielmon didn't understand why his own kind would do this at all.

The people behind were also shocked, because after discussing the plan beforehand, Tai Yi decided not to take care of the original program of Di Limo for the time being, because even if he wanted to take care of most of it, there was no way, and it would be too dangerous to stay in that wormhole , but... The Red Lotus Knight Beast seems to be more powerful than they imagined.

"If I let go now, this thing that doesn't have the ability to materialize itself may be disbanded, or it may be forcibly sent back to the digital world."

Now the Red Lotus Knight Beast is like holding a virtual program in its hands. Thinking about holding a certain security guard in its hand, maybe the internal friction will be more serious because of its existence?

"Isn't that just right? We were going to destroy it!"

Qi Ren said anxiously.

"That won't work."

The Red Lotus Knight looked at them, showing a smile that seemed to be... comforting?

At this moment, the roar of the red dragon Gelani came from high in the sky, circling around them.

"Are you talking to Taiyi? The holy goddess beast."

The Red Lotus Knightmon noticed the Holy Goddessmon who was communicating with someone at the back of the line.

"What are you going to do? Red Lotus Knight Beast, this is not in our plan."

Tiannv Beast took a few steps forward and confronted him in a cold voice.

"It's nothing, I just want to take this thing away, I hope you don't stop me."

"Are you crazy! That's Emperor Limo! Instead of getting rid of it quickly, you'll bring it back to your world? Do you want your world to be destroyed?"

Rosemon couldn't understand what this guy was thinking.

"For you, destroying the world is a catastrophe... But for me, this is actually a relief."

He himself said some unclear words there, and at this moment, Taiyi and the others finally arrived here. Just looking at this position and posture, Taiyi roughly understood that his long-standing worries still became In reality, although the Red Lotus Knight Beast would not help Di Limo, nor would he attack himself and others, he still lied.

"Taiyi, I want to thank you. Without you, I might not be able to carry out my plan, but thanks to the help of you and your partners, I finally got this thing."

"you lied to me."

Taichi tried to steady his mind.

Sure enough, I still can't help but do it?And it's still with the Red Lotus Knight Beast?

"You didn't come to this world to save the world at all, did you?"

"My purpose is Dili Demon, I want to bring it back to my world." The Red Lotus Knight Beast looked

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He answered with the dark red sphere in his hand. "For this, I need to turn it into what it is now."

"Why? I don't understand why? You're not a bad person at all! Why do you do such a cruel thing?"

The demon fox couldn't help it either.

"Cruel? You fox beast, you don't know anything about real cruelty."

"Don't worry, I won't endanger you, I also sincerely regard you as friends, especially you...Taiyi, although I was acting at that time, I really enjoyed the atmosphere between us at that time, It’s as if I’ve really returned to my youth.”

"Farewell, Beastmaster and Digimon from another world."

The red lotus knight jumped up after finishing speaking, and Galani came to catch him with a long howl, then the red lotus knight pointed his spear at the sky, opened a brand new portal, in the Juechen of Galani He flew into it and left just like that.

"Let's chase, Celestial Beast!"

Taiyi knew that there was no time for him to think about it, and he had to intercept the Red Lotus Knight Beast immediately, otherwise the consequences would be disastrous.

It never occurred to him that the Red Lotus Knight Beast did not want to destroy Di Limo, but to take it away... This is of course a good thing for this world once and for all, but it means that another digital world will suffer And unfortunately, he is going to the real digital world where he is. It is hard to say that Di Limo will not endanger his side again.

No matter what reasons he has, Tai Yi can't let him succeed!

As he ran forward, he manipulated the Digi-soul to let himself fly into the air, and the holy celestial beast also knew that it would take off to catch Taiyi. The two of them seized the time and squeezed into the passage that was about to be closed like a car following a pole, while the one who stayed in place Everyone didn't react at all, and everything disappeared.

Rosemon was also very annoyed why he didn't catch up, but if he was his opponent... I'm afraid he wouldn't be able to help if he went.



"Stop! Red Lotus Knight Beast! Put Di Limo down!"

"You can tell us if there is anything unspeakable, there is no need to use such an extreme method!"

The holy goddess beast also shouted together, although she knew it was useless.

Next, the invincible royal knight will be the opponent in the ether... Thinking of this, she still has a little expectation.

With the support of the sacred female beast, Tai Yi was able to maintain a high acceleration in this chaotic channel of energy, but he still couldn't catch up with the red-robed knight who stepped on the dragon's back in front.

"It's such a tangled guy... that's fine, then I'll let you see it with your own eyes."

"What do you want me to see?"

The Red Lotus Knight Beast didn't pay any attention to it, but Grani flew a little faster, and it stayed like this for an unknown period of time... a few minutes, maybe ten minutes later, it finally reached the exit, after the white light covering the field of vision faded , what appeared before Tai Yi's eyes was still that familiar place.

"Isn't this... the place where we fight Millennium Beast?"

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