The holy celestial beast was taken aback.

"I think this place should be real, and it's no longer an illusory space constructed by Di Limo, because there are many details that are different."

Compared with Di Limo's fictional space before, this place is even more desolate. The sun has been completely swallowed by darkness. The sky is no longer a beautiful rose-colored sky but endless darkness. There are more powerful tornadoes in the sea of ​​clouds below. Mixed with thunderstorms, above the pitch-black high sky, the floating island also appeared dilapidated, with broken walls everywhere.

"Come on, Taichi."

When Crimson Knightmon turned around, his appearance also surprised Tai.

The red cloak became tattered, and the gorgeous silver armor on his body seemed to have been burned by flames countless times, showing bad battle damage and blackened marks... This shape is also very familiar to him, when he used Caesar Tyrannosaurus When he was defeated, he also became like this for a moment.

It turned out that his nine-headed dragon array did not damage his armor, but only temporarily broke his disguise.

Chapter 233 Chapter 220 Eight Royal Knights with the Inscription "The End"


"But, this is the biggest truth I've been hiding from you, Taichi."

"You are willing to communicate with me now, which means you haven't really made up your mind yet."

Taichi came back to his senses, and looked up at the lonely knight standing on the dragon's back.

"Will you tell me what happened?"


He remained silent and seemed to be hesitating.

"Actually, this world is not like what you said at all. It's just a small crisis, right?"

Along the way, Tai Yi has probably deduced many things based on his own guesses.

Sure enough, the world was blocked not because of a small crisis, but because some indescribably powerful force was imprisoned inside, causing the whole world to fall into a situation that might be more miserable than being eaten by Di Limo, so the red The Lotus Knight Beast has to find ways to obtain power from other worlds and carry out a black eat black.

"You're right, our world is hopeless, and I don't want you to be involved."

"So, I suggest you leave quickly, Taiyi... Otherwise, I won't have the strength to send you back."

Red Lotus Knight Beast said sincerely.

"Why? How powerful is the darkness that can make you say such things?"

sacred day

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The female beast couldn't understand it at all.

"Have you also seen our strength? How about letting us step in and defeat that enemy? I can do anything with Taiyi!"

She yelled confidently.

"...It's not such a simple question as you said at all."

"Tai Yi, you should also understand that no matter how powerful a civilization is, it is impossible to maintain it for a long time. Even the earth that you humans rely on for survival will one day come to an end due to the consumption of lifespan."

"The world is dying, and there's nothing anyone can do to stop it."

"Where is the World Tree? And your other comrades-in-arms, where are they?"

"You really don't need to know, Taichi."

"Do you want to be a Riddler?"

Taiyi's fist was hardened, and his brows were furrowed.

Facing the Riddler, what Taiyi has to do is to give them a hard lesson. He couldn't do this to Lilith before, but now it's not what it used to be. So what if the Royal Knights are here?Since he was unwilling to speak, the only thing Taiyi could do was to pry his mouth open with his fist.

"This has nothing to do with you. As long as my plan is carried out smoothly, the world can come to an end as it wishes."

The red lotus knight beast replied lightly.

"Been saying things that I can't understand! If you really think so, why didn't you shoot us down just now? If you really think so, why did you let me see your real face?"

"...Because it's really fun to be with you, Taichi."

"It always reminds me of things from a long time ago, and reminds me of the time when everything hadn't gotten so bad... I also became sentimental. After all, I have been alone for too long, and it is rare to meet such an interesting new friend as you."

These words are really intriguing. Have all the royal knights except him been wiped out?How is this possible?Even the most powerful dark Digimon, the Seven Great Demon Kings and the synthetic beast of the Seven Great Demon Kings - Ogudumon cannot do such a thing, especially the Royal Knights, the stronger the external force, the stronger they will be. strong type.

If the Royal Knights were wiped out, then the only possibility is that they are engaged in internal fighting, but looking at the appearance of the Red Lotus Knight Beast, it seems that this is not the case.

"I'll say it again, Red Lotus Knight Beast, stop your stupid behavior."

"Then let's compete."

He held up the Dili magic program in his hand with one hand, causing it to fly high into the sky, and was sealed by a crimson block-shaped object, and then turned into a knight gun "Gramer" with one hand, wearing broken armor The knight pointed at Tai Yi with the tip of his spear, and his fighting spirit suddenly overflowed.


The holy maiden slowly released Taiyi, allowing him to maintain afloat with his digital soul, and then gathered golden light in his hand to summon his "Eden Javelin".

"Let me see the strength of the Royal Knights!"

She walked forward stepping on the air clouds, the holy gun in her hand took shape, the armor on her body bounced and exploded in a very regular way, and she performed a very standard "Cast off". In addition to the Valkyrie carrying ten golden holy wings, although the slightly cool armor on her body has reduced defense, it has also increased her speed and strength.


The red lotus knight beast suddenly left Galani's back at an elusive speed, and stabbed towards the holy goddess beast. Taiyi didn't see his trajectory at all, and he rushed over with just a flash of light, and the holy goddess beast was also taken aback. , but still held up his gun to resist his stabbing.

"This power is... tsk!"

With just this one move, the Holy Celestial Beast realized what a terrifying opponent it was.

There is only a strong fighting spirit in the eyes of the red lotus knight beast. The constant friction between the knight gun and the angel's holy gun caused a lot of sparks. Human beings turned into two rays of light, one red and one golden, instantly arousing countless lightning and flints on this stormy sea of ​​clouds, and the two ultimate Digimon exerted their physical abilities to the extreme.

Taichi couldn't even see their specific movements clearly, because he was only a human body now.

This is like a dragon ball-like fighting scene. If there is no slow motion and close-ups unique to animation, it is really difficult to see what happened. What's more terrifying is that the red lotus knight beast that suppressed the holy goddess beast with such a powerful strength has never been seen. He didn't take out his shield, just used that gun to fight the holy goddess beast.

It is conceivable how much water he let go when Tai Yi defeated him last time.

The sacred female beast has gradually lost the power to fight back and can only parry the opponent's attack. This guy is a level higher than her in terms of combat skills, martial arts and strength. She never thought that she would be suppressed in close combat. In this way, not to mention accumulating power, the Red Lotus Knight Beast has almost made up its mind to fight close to itself, and it doesn't even have a chance to release the "God Ball Crystal".

The blond angel gritted her teeth, because the opponent really gave her a mountain of pressure, almost suffocating, and the marksmanship that was so fast that she couldn't react in time forced her to step back.

——Is this the martial art of a royal knight? ...Sure enough, compared to this kind of powerhouse, I am still much worse.

Maybe it's because they have lived in Taiyi for too long, and they are not used to fighting, and the holy goddess beast really rarely encounters opponents like the red lotus knight beast.

However, the holy female beast was not reconciled to being pressed and beaten like this all the time. She held the pressure and stabilized her mind.

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The Lotus Knight threw three Eden guns, and this time it finally forced the guy to take out the round shield, and bounced off the attack, but while pulling out the shield to block the gun, the Red Lotus Knight also started to attack. Read the ultimate paradise.

His ultimate paradise is at least twice as fast as that of Qiren's red lotus knight beast. In the blink of an eye, all the red dots on the shield light up. The pre-reading of Ultimate Paradise is completed in one second and sprays towards the sacred female beast.

She didn't expect the other party to react so quickly. All the actions seemed to be completed in his mind. The moment she saw the shield light up, she hurriedly flew upwards to dodge this move. However, her action also Within the prediction of the Red Lotus Knight Beast, it came to the position where she would dodge ahead of time, and then hit her on the back with an elbow. The powerful force knocked her down and fell into the sea of ​​clouds below.

No matter how powerful a Digimon is, it takes time to think about the on-the-spot reaction in the face of battle, and it is impossible to make the optimal solution immediately.

But the Red Lotus Knight Beast is an exception, his combat experience is enough to support him to make the best choice at any time.

"Comprehensive enough?"

"What is the third seat of the Royal Knights, the Red Lotus Knight Beast with the inscription "The End"?"

"Are you okay?"

Taiyi also fell down on the sea of ​​clouds. Although there were ferocious tornadoes all around, the cloud under their feet was enough to support them to stand. He walked over to help the holy goddess beast.

"It's okay, that guy didn't kill him."

The Holy Goddess Beast knew that the Red Lotus Knight Beast could pierce itself with a single shot, but he didn't do it. It was just a simple elbow, but it also caused her some damage and consumption, and more importantly, the consumption of confidence.

"But Taichi...for the first time in my life, I have the idea of ​​'totally no match'. Sorry, I am not his opponent."

"It's okay, let's go together this time."

As soon as Tai helped her up, his firm eyes also swept away the uneasiness in the heart of the holy female beast.

Chapter 234 Chapter 220 Chapter [-] Haoxuan Did You Kick My Armor Off?

"Okay, I have to show my true skills too, Taichi, let me become a beautiful angel beast."

Of course Taiyi has no objection, he re-given the power of the love badge to the Celestial Beast, causing her to transfer and evolve, and become the Angel Beast again. The red lotus knight beast competes.

"Aren't you going to give up yet?"

Grani roared, and together with the Red Lotus Knight Beast landed in front of Taiyi and Li Angel Beast, with some displeasure on his face.

"This is just the beginning."

"By the way, you just said that you are the Ming of 'The End'? What does that mean?"

Even if he is a royal knight, his sacred celestial beast is at least close to the strength of the fifth "burst form". Knowing is even more terrifying.

"The thirteen royal knights were given their respective inscriptions by the World Tree, representing their own responsibilities."

"And the inscription of 'The End' I have means that I will bring this world and this era to an end, so Tai... don't stop me!"

"The end of a story marks the beginning of the next one. Is there a possibility that the inscription of 'the end' on your back means that your encounter with me will bring salvation to this world and enter a new era?"

" interesting idea." The Red Lotus Knight Beast was a little surprised. Could it be explained like this?No wonder he couldn't figure out why he got such a title from World Tree.

"Then show me your true strength, Taichi."

【Battle Greymon】

Too expressionless, he just slowly raised the capsule in his hand.

【Steel Garurumon】

[Fusion Sublimation! 】

It was Omegamon that appeared in front of the Red Lotus Knightmon. Its huge body stood above the sea of ​​clouds, and its white cloak was rattling by the wind blowing from all directions. Taichi stared at him closely, with his hands forward Swing it out, and the Tyrannosaurus Sword and Garuru Cannon are equipped at the same time.

"It's Omegamon... No wonder you have the courage to fight me."

"However, I get angry when I see Omegamon!"

The Red Lotus Knight Beast seemed to have some prejudice against Omega Beast. After he let out a big drink, he suddenly began to double the speed of the Gelani under his feet, and his body quickly returned to the same size as the Taichi-evolved Omega Beast. attitude.

This is like a royal knight, because the red lotus knight beast in the fifth part is many times larger than the one that evolved from the third part. Their normal size is such a giant, but compared with some really huge In terms of Digimon, this is actually nothing at all.

"Two against two, fair enough, right?"

The Red Lotus Knight Beast smiled, and the red dragon Gelani roared loudly, then flapped its wings and took off, emitting a thick breath of thunder and lightning from its mouth. Seeing this, Taiyi immediately unfolded the shield of courage, and held it firmly. With one move, the backhand turned around and fired the Garuru Cannon.

The trajectory like an electromagnetic gun sprayed towards the Red Lotus Knight Beast in the sky, but Grani turned around in the air strangely to avoid it. Taiyi's cannon cleared the sky but missed the target, and the Red Lotus Knight Beast had already framed Granny swooped down on him!


Tai Yi's eyes widened, his speed seemed to be much slower than before, maybe because he got bigger, or maybe because he had evolved

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Because of this, Taiyi did not dodge or dodge, raised the Tyrannosaurus Sword at the critical moment, and flew the bullets stabbed by the Red Lotus Knight Beast.

Borrowing inertia, Red Lotus Knight Beast and Galani rushed under the sea of ​​clouds, and soon rushed up again.


The red lotus knight beast roared, and the tip of the spear pierced the royal savior. Tai did not change his face, and drew out the Tyrannosaurus sword to wrestle with it. With the power of Galani's mount, Tai Yi was directly sent flying.

--unfair!This is cavalry fighting infantry!Rematch!


And the moment the Red Lotus Knight Beast succeeded, Li Angel Beast finally joined the battle. She had been spinning on the spot to accumulate power just now, and the rainbow-colored dreamlike energy formed a small vortex under her feet, and then While the Crimson Lotus Knight Beast knocked Taichi into the air, it kicked with all its strength towards Grani at his feet.

Through previous fights, she already understood that the red lotus knight beast was unlikely to be attacked by herself, but his dragon was different.

But what Li Angel Beast never expected was that the Red Lotus Knight Beast moved over in an instant when it saw this, and withstood the blow from the back for Galani, and the blazing colorful glare exploded on him. This time It is a real nirvana, even though they are now very different in size, but in the battle of Digimon, the size has never been the decisive factor.


Li Angelmon was panting, and the right foot of Flying Kick was still emitting smoke, while Red Lotus Knight Beast had already been kicked to the ground by her, and fell at Galani's feet.

"You are too despicable. Not only did you sneak up on my partner, but with this big flying kick, you almost didn't kick the thread of my armor."

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