The Red Lotus Knight Beast seemed to have returned to its original appearance, even laughing and teasing. He quickly stood up again and patted the dust off his body.

"Huh? Who cares about you, idiot, you said two pairs of two pairs, right?"

The Red Lotus Knight Beast was about to speak hard, when it suddenly heard the movement behind it, it immediately turned around and raised its gun, just in time to face off with the Omega Beast who was attacking him with renewed vigor, the Lily Angel Beast attracted the Red Lotus Knight Beast The attention plan fails.

"Cunning little tricks, no use against royal knights."

"Then use strength to convince you!"

Taiyi didn't back down in the slightest this time, the continuous collision between the Tyrannosaurus Sword and the Gramo Gun sparked a lot of sparks.

The Angel Beast set out again to continue to double-team the Red Lotus Knight Beast, but Galani moved at this moment. The giant dragon flapped its wings and shouted lightning and spewed red dragon breath at her, the Angel Beast had to dodge , and took advantage of its own speed to go around to the side of Grani from the other side, and then hit him on the side of the head with a punch. The Li Angel Beast dodged on the ground.

"Ola Ola Ola Ola Ola!!"

A continuous storm of punches landed on Grani.

The dragon who is not very good at this kind of battle was beaten by Li Angelmon, and the thick dragon scales could not resist the stormy punches from Li Angelmon. Dodge it, and Grani is also ready to fly to the sky so as not to fight melee with the angel beast.

This dragon also seems to know that in front of her, his big size is the biggest shortcoming, but just before Grani took off, he was hit on the head by the beautiful angel beast after jumping and turning over, and hit him back with a heavy punch on the head. On the ground, if it was real land, the punch would have created cracks, but because it was a sea of ​​clouds, Galani was directly blasted below the clouds.


Realizing what happened here, the Red Lotus Knight Beast also unintentionally continued to fight with Taiyi, and took the initiative to give in to dissolve his power, then plunged into the cloud without looking back, and killed Ge Taiyi in just a few seconds. Lani fished back into the field.

Taiyi and Li Angelmon stood together and looked at them, and didn't do anything at this moment.

"Sorry... old friend, I shouldn't have let you join the battle when you are so weakened."

The red lotus knight beast stretched out its hand to caress Galani's forehead, and the dragon seemed to be knocked out of his mind by the punch of the beautiful angel beast.

After all, although he is considered an ultimate body, his strength is indeed completely inferior to the other three Digimon present.

"Give up, Red Lotus Knight Beast, with Li Angel Beast and me as opponents, even you can't win."


Red Lotus Knight Beast nodded, and suddenly asked a question.

"But, Taiyi, do you still remember when you told me that Grani and I can try to evolve together?"


Taiyi suddenly felt bad.

"As a royal knight, how could I not know about this kind of thing? It's just that I didn't want you to doubt me, so I lied on purpose."

"But I really don't like doing this with Grani, but there seems to be no other way now... So let's fight together, old friend."

Grani was lying on the clouds, growling in his mouth, as if nodding in agreement, and then his body began to glow, and the red lotus knight beast also glowed. Taiyi realized that something was wrong and wanted to stop it, but was emitted by their evolution. The air field shook.

"It's over, it's troublesome now."

Chapter 235 Chapter 230 Omega Beast: Mercy Form

In the red light that soared into the sky, Grani turned into countless energies and merged with the Red Lotus Knight Beast. The broken armor was painted crimson, and the back

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Ten gorgeous white wings are born, and the whole body is like a brand-new armor tempered from the raging fire. This is the form of the red lotus knight beast, the true red lotus!

"Taiyi... Has he evolved again? Can the ultimate body continue to evolve?"

"Although the highest level of Digimon is the ultimate body, for many powerful Digimon, becoming the ultimate body is just the beginning. This may be the true strength of the Red Lotus Knight."

As a royal knight, he should have such a strong strength and a hole card... Perhaps, the Red Lotus Knight Beast and his Grani, the two beasts together, is the real "end" inscription, the Red Lotus Knight Beast. True red lotus form.

"It's been a long time since I played in this posture, Taichi, Li Angel Beast... Let me give you a little compliment."

"However, my position remains unchanged."

The white-winged red knight slowly lifted into the sky, and the clouds under his feet began to disintegrate. It seems that the energy burst out during evolution washed away the surface of the sea of ​​clouds that had been built, and the mass of the clouds under his feet was no longer enough to support them. After standing up, Taiyi and Li Angel Beast had no choice but to take off, followed the True Red Lotus Knight Beast to ascend, and returned to the dilapidated island.

Here is the real final battlefield.

Compared with the last time, this place is indeed what it should be now. Almost none of the surrounding stone pillars are intact. They are either completely smashed or only half of them remain. The ground and walls are also dilapidated, and even a large area has become Soft black soil.

"Tai Yi, the area imitated by Di Limo before is actually the most beautiful time in my memory."

Said the true red lotus knight beast.

"But what you see now, is what it really looks like."

"What exactly are you trying to say?"

Taiyi is under a lot of pressure now, but his mind is still turning very fast, and he is trying his best to think of ways to defeat the red lotus knight beast in this form, and at the same time delays a certain amount of time in talking to him.

"This is the true portrayal of this world, Taiyi."

"In my memory, the beauty of the past, you have seen it before, but now there is only such a dead darkness... This is the reality I have to face."

The True Red Lotus Knight Beast doesn't seem to be eager for a decisive battle, because he has already mastered the form of the "True Red Lotus" very well, and he is also confident that he can definitely win against Taiyi and Tiannv Beast.

"I want to use the program of Dili Demon to make it re-evolve, devouring this corrupt world and all life... to end this endless torture, and then wait until a certain day in the future, the flame of life will definitely burn in this land again. Light up the dark land."

"But in that future, you won't be there, will you?"

"I don't care about such things at all."

Red Lotus Knight Beast continued to answer.

Do everything possible to create a future without yourself and important people... Taiyi thinks that he does not have such a high level of ideological awareness, unless there is really no way out.

"Although, I still can't know what's going on, but since you still need to use Di Limo to clear all life, it means that there must still be living Digimon. The Digimon who gave up their lives make the decision!"

"...That makes sense, Taiyi, you really understand."

"But my thoughts will not change. If you have the ability, you can use your fist to change me."

"You bastard really deserves to be beaten!" Li Angel Beast scolded through gritted teeth. "Does it have to be beaten?"

"For a royal knight to take orders from you, you must first show your corresponding strength."

"But this kind of problem has nothing to do with combat effectiveness at all."

"This is how knights make decisions. If you want to convince me, use strength to speak!"

"...No wonder you take pills."

The former Li Angel Beast would definitely agree with Red Lotus Knight Beast's thoughts. Of course, whoever has the harder fist speaks more weighty, but after being with Tai Yi for so long, she no longer thinks this way. Talent without virtue is a hundred times more dangerous.

"So, are you ready?"

The red lotus knight beast raised its hands forward, and a pure white holy sword and sharp spear emerged from its hands.

Although there is no way to deal with him for the time being, we can only take one step at a time.

Taiyi and Li Angelmon looked at each other, and they separated and attacked Red Lotus Knight Beast from two directions. The Tyrannosaurus sword waved and made a whistling sound of breaking wind, and Red Lotus Knight Beast received the sword like an elegant court knight, Then it easily blocked Tai Yi back, and then turned around like a dance, using the energy hot wind emitted by the sharp gun to bounce back the beautiful angel beast that rushed over.

In one round, Tai Yi and Li Angel Beast were completely suppressed.

This is the power of the true red lotus form.

"Damn... I can't touch him at all!"

The Li Angel Beast finally realized the flaws of this body, but at present she has not learned the ability to become gigantic, so the most effective attack at this time... can only be a long-range nirvana.

——The power of the emblem of light... I want to become stronger, I want to defeat this guy here!Together with Tai!

The beautiful angel beast's body began to flash while moving at high speed, and the strong emotion inspired another talent she should have, and began to transfer and evolve into a holy angel beast by itself.

——Absolutely can't compete with this man... At least the current self can't win.

"God Ball Crystal!"

While Taiyi continued to fight with the Red Lotus Knight Beast, the Holy Goddess Beast continued to launch its nirvana from behind

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However, even in such a situation of one against two, that bastard was still able to do a job with ease. He kept besieging Taichi with a sword in one hand and a pistol in one hand, so that the Omega beast had no power to fight back at this time, just like the ultimate body It's the same as the whole body, and there is even a leisurely way to avoid or block the crystal of the god ball.

Even if there are one or two that can hit the Red Lotus Knight Beast, it doesn't make any sense. The crimson holy armor is simply invincible.

If it wasn't for the Tyrannosaurus Sword in Tai Yi's hand, he would have been knocked flying at least three times.

"Enough, Taichi."

After another attack that forced Taichi back and broke his posture, Red Lotus Knight Beast finally raised the sharp spear in its hand.

"Eat my trick, and then go back to your companions, and never get close to this digital world again."

"Where are you going...!"

Is this really the trick?

Taichi doesn't know what to do now, but it seems that he really can't stop the Red Lotus Knight Beast. Is it really going to end here?But now this is his full strength, and the celestial maiden has no choice. Can they really defeat a royal knight?'s not over yet.

Taichi in Omegamon's body suddenly thought of what the digital elves said at that time, that is, the arc sublimator will play a key role in the battle against the royal knights... there any way for the sublimator? ?Now this battle tyrannosaurus + steel Garuru is already the strongest combination, isn't it?


No!There is another possibility!

I'm not sure, but I can only try it now.

After making up his mind, Taiyi took out all the digital capsules, and then began to scan in order.

【Holy female beast】

【Rose Beast】

[Great Adventure Capsule α! 】

- can do it!It will work!If it's that can defeat this guy!

【Phoenix Beast】

【Li Shen Bidou】

[Great Adventure Capsule β! 】

[NEO Fusion Sublimation! ! 】

After reading the brand-new ultimate power, the sublimator called out the name of the new fusion.

"I have no limits!"

[Great Adventure Capsule α! Beta! 】

【Omega Beast Mercy Form! 】

Chapter 236 Chapter 230

This ultimate power... It's almost bursting Taichi's body. It can only be said that there has never been such a wonderful treatment. This unparalleled power... is the limit of Digimon, and it is also under the world view of Digimon Adventure. The existence of the most ceiling, Omega Beast Mercy Form!

The cloak on the back has feathered into huge white wings, the armor on the body has become white-blue with some kind of fluorescent paint, and there are blue lines like tears on the face, the heads of Garurumon and Tyrannosaurus The composed hands are also unified into white, and the overall sense of unity is stronger, just like the true red lotus knight beast in front of it. The sublimated form will have a lot of characteristics belonging to words such as "angel" and "sacred".


"Omegamon Mercy Form? Why..."

The red lotus knight beast was stunned, and the king in his hand never threw it out, dumbfounded.

He never expected that Tai Yi would inspire new power at this time... Why?Why on earth is he so lucky?This is evolution?No, no, he is not a Digimon, and the method of exercising himself through a Digimon cannot allow him to evolve. As a chosen child, he has only one way to evolve.

That is "enlightenment" and a lot of positive emotions to stimulate myself... I thought he was just a better human being, but I didn't expect to be able to do this.

What's even more frightening is that this form is a new power that the Omega beast in the Royal Knights does not possess.

"Taiyi, you... is this form a fusion of the power of all of us?"

The holy celestial female beast was also dumbfounded.

Mainly, she didn't think about it. When she just unlocked the upper limit of cognition and learned that the ultimate body can be upgraded upwards, just when she thought that the red lotus knight beast was invincible in the world, Taiyi also entered that Behind the forbidden door, become an existence above the ultimate body!

"The second round has begun, Red Lotus Knight Beast!"

But Tai Yi knew that he could not maintain the form of compassion for too long, so he had to make a quick decision as soon as possible.

He flicked the Tyrannosaurus head, and what popped out was no longer the rune long straight sword, but the "Yu Ling Sword" in the shape of a Japanese sword. The reason for this... Maybe it was also because of the meaning of the form of compassion itself, Taiyi remembered, this The shape is to evolve successfully when encountering an enemy who has a "good heart" but accidentally walks on the road of no return, and the meaning of this Yu Ling knife is precisely to give him "intervention".

But now, the right time, the right place, and the right people can be matched. Taiyi is facing the royal knight who has gone astray. At the same time, he also has the capsules of all Digimon except Badamon and Gomamon. Although he lacks those, But the two beasts that have passed away also appeared to help him in the battle against the Apocalypse beast, plus Taiyi still has all eight badges and can still evolve into a form of mercy.

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