"not now."

Tai shook his head.

"Why don't you go back with me? Go to a safe place and tell me. This is obviously not a place to talk."

"You actually invited me to the human world? That's not good, dear Taiyi, what if you don't let me come back? What if you really want to do something to me, a simple and ignorant girl? I still Virgin."

"You have no choice!"

Taiyi threatened, the current Lilith Beast belongs to that kind... It has passed that provocative degree, and it will only make people feel that it is deliberately telling a joke about sex with itself, in order to make Taiyi laugh, and then briefly summarize, then It is "against the sky".

"Yeah, Taiyi is really domineering, I like it so much~ Then if I go back with you, you will marry me, okay?"

"Shut up, you temptress! Bitchi! Taiyi won't marry you!"

--hateful! !She was preempted again, obviously she didn't dare to mention the "marriage" thing, because Taiyi is still a human after all, and she is a Digimon, she feels that she and Taiyi don't need this kind of human society contract to strengthen the relationship ...But, as expected, it still doesn't work!This woman has no rice noodles at all!

"You look so jealous, sister Tiannvshou, but it's a pity, you can't beat me in terms of charm~"

Seeing that the celestial female beast took the bait, she laughed too.

"Don't get caught by this guy, Celestial Beast."

"Let's go now, Lilithmon. If you are right, you are one of the seven great demon kings in this world, right?"

"The Lilith beast of 'Lust' is exactly me, but don't worry, it's just a name. I'm really pure and innocent. I haven't touched the hands of other men except dear Taiyi! How come? By the way... the virgin succubus is me!"

"It doesn't matter to me whether you touch other men's hands, there is no need to emphasize, I just want to say..."

"Oh, why are you so indifferent? Could it be that you dislike me for wearing too much? It's okay, Taiyi, I can create a set of clothes that will seduce your desire right now—"

Speaking of which, the Lilith beast suddenly released a little energy, surrounded her body wrapped in a graceful kimono, turned around in a circle, and immediately changed into a set of the kind... there will be in restricted movies, similar to female devil beasts The tight-fitting leather jacket, but it is far more exposed than that of the female devil beast. The white skin is exposed, which complements the black belt on the ribs on the body. The long black hair is also let down and loose on the back. Much prettier than normal.

There is even a sense of sight that the celestial beasts change colors, but their looks are still different, and Taichi still feels that the facial features of the celestial beasts are more suitable for him.

Then she even made a pose, causing the two useless lumps of flesh on her chest to shake.

"Come on Taichi, let's go back to the human world, and then hold the wedding in place! I will also send you an invitation letter, celestial female beast girl

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sister. "

She spoke quickly, and then opened a portal.

"you you……!!"

Tiannv Beast's eyes were blackened by choking.

Taiyi was too lazy to make fun of her jokes, what he actually wanted to ask was, you are the Seven Great Demon Kings, do you have the power to open up space like the royal knights, just ask her to do a little favor.

"Can this really be destroyed? You won't lie to me, will you?"

Now it is necessary to destroy the Dili Demon program, but Taiyi is still a little worried about whether he should trust Lilith Beast.

"Take it back if you don't worry, but those humans don't necessarily have the means to deal with this thing."

"That's the storm set off by Examon among the Royal Knights. The purpose is to isolate this place and prevent the Royal Knights who have lost their minds from going to the digital world below to make trouble. Once touched, Even the ultimate body will not die but will be disabled, and the perfect body and below will be directly cut into pieces."

Lilithmon answered seriously.

"Pro-Guards? Why didn't I see any of them?"

"That's because this small island is the dragon of the Red Lotus Knight Beast, the warm nest of Galani, and of course no Knight Beast will come near here."

"Follow me here first."

Seeing that Taiyi was still undecided, Lilith Beast wanted to let him see more things, so she turned around lightly like that, but when she turned around, she obviously added a little bit of selfishness, and her crotch twisted a little too much, making her wobble Standing up, and because the clothes are very revealing, it is particularly eye-catching.

——I have to admit that her figure is indeed more obscene than that of Celestial Beast...ah no, how can you describe Celestial Beast as obscene?

"Hmph, nasty sow!"

The celestial female beast gritted its teeth and cursed in a low voice.

After following the Lilith beast to the second portal, you can see a huge floating castle directly here, but the scene here is also very sad... The castle was seriously damaged, and there were broken pieces everywhere. There are ruins, and there are floating building fragments everywhere. In addition, there are many knight beasts wandering here, and they walk aimlessly like a group of ghosts.

Most of them have lost consciousness, so the reason why Examon set off a tornado all over the sky to seal here is to prevent these soldiers from leaving?

And looking at it like this, this castle should have been the residence of the Thirteen Royal Knights, but now, most of them have left here.

Lilith Beast smiled contemptuously, released its breath and flew forward, which immediately attracted the attention of many Knight Beasts, and they rushed over recklessly like zombies discovering humans.

She stretched out her hand lightly, and a huge black claw emerged from the air, grabbed the two knight beasts in one go, and then threw them into the sea of ​​clouds and storm below. The moment... the bodies of the two knight beasts were dismembered into many pieces, and after a short second, they were turned into powder and could no longer be seen.

"Can you trust me now?"

Lilithmon turned around and brushed its hair.

"Since they can deal with these knight beasts at any time, why go to all the trouble to seal them?"

"Because it can't be killed, didn't the Red Lotus Knight Beast tell you?"

Lilithmon looked at him strangely.

"The Digimon in this world will have a data connection with the World Tree. It can also be understood that the Digimon believe in the World Tree, so they are blessed by this god."

"But now that the world tree is stopped, no new life will be born, and no old life will die. Maybe a few days, maybe a few weeks... the two dead guys will be reborn here. "

"However, if you still have that Emperor Li Demon, if you go down, you will be chopped into pieces directly, because you are not connected to this world tree, and you have not received its blessing."

"I say that, do you understand?"

Chapter 239 Chapter 230 Chapter [-] The Thread of Destiny Constructed by Jess Beast

"I understand."

Taichi quickly understood what was going on in this world.

But first of all, the first rule is extremely unreasonable. Why do Digimon have to forcibly connect to the Internet of World Tree?Wouldn't it be able to control all Digimon at any time?Haven't all Digimon become its hostages?You must know that although Yggdrasil is the god of the digital world on the surface, it has always appeared as a villain.

As long as any work focuses on the role of World Tree, then probably its final ending will be discarded.

While thinking about these things, Taiyi has already imitated what Lilith did, throwing the original program of Di Li Mo, like an embryo, into the tornado below, and this evil guy finally got his due There are penalties.

There is no sound or any other messy special effects, it is as simple as a piece of paper thrown into a shredder and completely shredded.

So, could it be that Alpha Beast took the initiative to seal the World Tree because he realized that there was a problem with the huge Internet of the World Tree?

"Let's go, Lilith Beast, Celestial Beast, I have a lot of questions for you to answer."

"Okay~ But Jie...forget it, I won't tell you this kind of joke, you don't react at all, it's boring."

Lilithmon saw Taichi's frowning and thoughtful expression, and immediately understood that he had entered the detective Taichi mode and was doing reasoning, so he didn't want to continue working.

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"But before you go, can you change back the previous suit?"

"Huh? I thought you'd like this one very much."

"...I don't care, but I don't want you to appear in front of my friends dressed like this."

"Oh~? So that's the case." Lilith Beast laughed out loud. "It turns out that dear Taiyi doesn't want my posture to be seen by others~ Hehe, you are so cute even if you are jealous!"

"Huh?" Tai Yi raised his eyebrows. "Are you sick? I just don't want to be regarded as the tamer of perverted Digimon!"

And when she appeared in front of those people, not only would she be blamed for no reason, but her image was too exciting for ordinary, just grown-up children, not suitable for children!

"Okay~ let's treat it like this~"

Lilith smiled lightly, put back on the normal graceful kimono, tied up her hair again, then reopened the portal, returned to that place, and followed the portal over there to return to the third generation. A long way around the world.

"Are the thirteen royal knights still alive? Do you know where they are?"

Because Taiyi has walked this section of the road many times, even with the acceleration of the Red Lotus Knight Beast, he flew for nearly ten minutes, so Taiyi decided to ask some questions now.

"I only know that Alpha Beast is trapped in that Internet tree, I don't know anything else~"

"That guy suddenly destroyed the World Tree, but that is the World Tree! Even if he is ranked first, the strongest knight with the inscription 'Hermit' cannot destroy the World Tree. That's why the current catastrophe happened."

"He turned himself into a seal to make the world tree stagnant, so the whole world became neither human nor ghost, just like the Internet in your world was cut off by the administrator, the old data cannot be deleted, and the new data cannot be updated. Get out and stay stuck there."

When Lilithmon said these things, although she still had that frivolous tone, Taichi could tell that she actually cared about these things very much.

"Can't you go to Alpha Beast and ask him why he did what he did?"

"No one can break that seal."

Lilith turned her head and looked at Taiyi very seriously.

"That is the firewall with the highest authority in this world. Unless you can find an existence that can suppress it from another world, no Digimon can disturb the 'sweet date' between Alphamon and Yggdrasil."

"That's why that idiot Red Lotus Knight thought of using this extreme method to erase all the data..." Tiannv finally got the answer from the information.

It turned out that it was not a lunatic's act, and the phrase "you don't know the real cruelty" he said is finally understood now.

She and Taiyi seem to have really ruined a straw that was burnt out in the last despair of a man. Now she can no longer see the red lotus knight beast as an enemy, a traitor... What he did These are just helpless actions that have no other way. There will be neither life nor death in this world. Sooner or later, all Digimon will become like those knight beasts, becoming monsters without self.

It is impossible to imagine how much despair he has gone through before he finally chooses to die together. Is there really a way to save this kind of world by himself and Taiyi?

——No, I don't need to worry about these.

Taiyi's decision is my decision, Taiyi's thoughts are my thoughts, and I will act according to his choice. Can work miracles.

But now Tai Yi, who has high hopes, doesn't know what to do.

Whether you want to really try to save the world, you have to seriously consider it, because this matter is too difficult.

Even if I have unlocked the Mercy Omega, it does not mean that I can use it anytime, anywhere. The meaning of the Mercy form is to bid farewell to friends in battle. In other words, if he is directly asked to face a powerful enemy he does not know, this power I'm afraid it can't be woken up.

He's not some multiverse cop, and he's not a flooded Madonna.

As long as this current digital world maintains the status quo, the outside can't get in and the inside can't get out, it won't affect the real world he lives in, but if this balance is broken, it's easy to put his real world in danger.

Although saying this is a kind of disregard for all the beings in this world, but Taiyi is not sure that he can save such a dark world, so for the safety of the real world, he can't be arrogant.

"What? Little savior Taiyi, are you going to break the seal of the World Tree and save our world?"

Lilithmon covered his face with one hand, with a faint smile in his eyes.

"That's why you said you wanted to recruit me back then."

"I really hope that you can become my subordinate, because you have characteristics that many other animal trainers I have observed do not have. Several royal knights are interested in you."

"Why?" Tai Yi was curious. "At that time, I was barely able to evolve the Celestial Beast to a full body. How did you see that I had potential?"

"I'm not the first person to stare at you, aren't you surprised? Your tyrannosaurus machine that can input digital souls is actually... um... what's the name of that guy? Sorry, I really don't remember Not to mention the names of all the Royal Knights."

Lilith Beast

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I pressed my temples in distress and thought about it for a long time, but sometimes you just suddenly forget something that you usually remember.

"Do you remember the ranking?"

"It's the smallest one, No. 13."

"Oh...is it Jessmon?"

Taichi immediately thought of a handsome face.

"That's right, that brat, he seems to have seen the hidden ability in you, but that guy's purpose is different from mine, and I don't know what he's going to do, but he just threw the Tyrannosaurus machine at the time when he was still in the mature stage. The Celestial Beast Little Sister, and then left."

"It is also because of his actions that I am sure that you must have something extraordinary, so I must win you over!"

"So it was a royal knight."

At this time, Tiannv finally recalled the voice he heard long, long ago, when he didn't meet Taiyi.

At first, she always thought it was constancy, but now that she thinks about it carefully, that voice is indeed different from constancy, no... constancy doesn't seem to have a fixed voice, it always depends on being possessed by others. The one who spoke was unexpectedly given by Jessmon, the last of the Thirteen Royal Knights.

It was he who constructed the first line of fate where Taiyi and Tailu beasts converged.

Chapter 240 Chapter 230 Five Days of Breaking the World Tree

"My purpose is not the same as the one who gave you the tyrannosaur machine. Their royal knights are like red lotus knights trying to find a way to restore everything outside the world, but I am the devil. I will not destroy the world. He is a great man.”

"Then why do you want to recruit me?"

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