Lilith Beast is still talking to Taiyi, and it continues to move forward in this quiet space, and time passes quietly.

This time the speed is not as fast as the Red Lotus Knight Beast, but Taiyi also wants to talk about these things. The fifth-generation Tyrannosaurus machine that entered the digital soul, why the sacred plan was destroyed, etc... will all be answered here.

"Of course it's going to other worlds to expand new territories."

Lilithmon replied confidently.

"Whoever loves this broken world wants whoever wants it~ The other seven demon kings can also run away. Of course, I don't need to stay and be taken advantage of. If I continue to stay here, maybe someday our brains will be lost." I also want to be requisitioned by World Tree, I don't want to become a walking dead."

"Hmph, temptress, sure enough, a disaster is imminent. A guy like you only thinks about himself."

Tiannv Beast heard her say such shameless words so confidently, and couldn't help but yell at her.

Of course, Tiannv Beast itself doesn't care much about this kind of thing, and it's natural for them to fly separately in the face of disaster, but because the target is Lilith Beast, she has to seize the opportunity to attack!

"Hey, I'm one of the seven great demon kings. It's the job of the royal knights to save the world. You've got the wrong person! Besides, you just killed a Digimon who tried to get the tortured Digimon out of reincarnation. The knight who was rescued from the battle, what qualifications do you have to say about me?"

"I am an Archangel Digimon, do you need a reason for an Archangel to scold you, a Demon King?"

"Okay~ You are right, but I don't care~ Anyway, the archangel of this world has long since fallen, I don't know how many years~"

"How is this going?"

"You don't need to know that much, it's all old history... I remember that I was just a female demon beast at that time, don't look at me like this, I'm actually quite young, only about 100 years old, of course , is incomparable to a baby less than 10 years old like Tiannv Beast Sister~"

"Who are you calling a baby? You old woman pretends to be tender every day and calls herself a girl, bah! You don't even want your face!"

"Hee hee, even if I'm 100 years old, I'm still more attractive than you, sister Tiannv."

"What did you say?!"

It's over, these two people are born with a disagreement, they can't communicate at all, and they will quarrel when they meet.

And Lilith Beast, after facing the Celestial Beast last time, seems to have thought of a way to fight the Celestial Beast in terms of language, that is, just obey her... On the day of the long-awaited reunion, Lilith Beast won !

"100 years old? You can be my grandma's grandma."

Taiyi also complained, but for the Seven Great Demon Kings, this age is indeed very young.

It seems that the main opponents in this digital world are the Royal Knights and the Seven Great Demon Kings. It is also quite a classic combination. How can the three angels say that their combat power is somewhat insufficient, and some powerful Demon Kings can even fight all three of them without any problem? .

"Humans and Digimon can't be generalized, especially after I got the brand of 'Great Sin', my lifespan is already very long, so I can only be regarded as a young girl~"

"It's a pity that Taiyi and I have never been the same way. In fact, I really like you."

"After I found out that a righteous guy like you is impossible for me to use, I had no choice but to give up... But I still want to remind you, if you want to save this twisted world, you should give up your fantasy~ Be honest Is your harem life not good?"

"……I think so too."

"Huh? Really? I thought you were going to contradict me righteously, saying 'Gee~ people like you will never understand!' 'You can't ignore tomorrow's digital world~' 'To save those suffering

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Life, no matter how dangerous it is, I will try it~"

Lilithmon is displaying its talent for acting, and its body movements are also very rich.

...Damn it, why is this woman so yin-yang and weird? She still has a bit of a taste for learning. It sounds hard to hear Tai Yi's fist, but there is really nothing wrong with what she said. With only her current strength, she can even make up her mind. Determination is just amplifying words.

"Taiyi, are we really ignoring this place?"

"It's only temporary, Celestial Beast."

Tai Yi looked at her and found that she couldn't hide the disappointment on her face. It seemed that she was still eager to embark on an adventure with Tai Yi again.

"Let's take it slow, build up more strength and come back to deal with it."

The two of them are like two highly skilled doctors now, but now a patient with an unprecedented intractable disease comes, and even they are not sure that they can succeed. The more so, if this patient can be cured, then It will also bring unprecedented fame and a sense of accomplishment, but if you do not have the confidence to operate, it will only be counterproductive.

"I understand, Taichi."

"Our current level is not enough, wait to go to other places to get experience before clearing this dungeon, is that what you mean?"

Celestial Beast understood Taiyi immediately, and cited the wonderful metaphors he could think of.

"Yes, not saving now is for better saving in the future."

It's great that she understands herself, and she really understands herself best.

"Shouldn't you give up in the end? Haha...but I appreciate such a decision, this is the Taichi I like~" Lilithmon was surprised at first and then showed a very gratified smile. "Like what I said back then, if you hadn't rejected me so simply, I would have looked down on you... What is this called? Stockholm Syndrome? It doesn't seem to be either."

"Some things are beautiful just because you can't get them~ I hope you can keep this beauty forever, Taiyi."

"Of course I will."

Taichi is very clear that these precious qualities and consciousness are the foundation of his foothold. If he loses these, because he is afraid of danger and loses the courage to challenge, then he will no longer be Yagami Taichi.

"Don't tell me, if it was you, you might be able to do it. After all, I never thought that you could beat the Red Lotus Knight Beast."

"It caused me to travel all the way to help you, but in the end I could only be a spectator~ But fortunately, you played pretty well, and the compassionate form is also a new Digimon that doesn't exist in our world. It's an eye-opener."

"Will you help us?"

The Celestial Beast is skeptical.

"You know, if that guy releases the Dili Demon and the Dili Demon eats the World Tree, then I won't be able to live anymore. My consciousness is still firmly locked with the World Tree! It's just that my class is relatively In addition, there is the big crime mark of the demon king, just like the royal knight has its own inscription, this thing can protect us from the World Tree without being affected."

"But if the World Tree is gone, then of course we can only destroy it, alas, so it is really unfortunate to be born in this world, and we are not free at all."

This is also what Lilith Beast is most worried about, that a stunned young man like Tai Yi will suddenly come to his world to make some big moves, and in the end not only their lives will be lost, but he will also be buried with him.

"That's why I, including the other Seven Great Demon Kings and a few royal knights, all have this idea. Why don't we just let it go, anyway, we can't die by ourselves, and it's easy to lose our lives if we act rashly."

"Of course, if you can solve this crisis perfectly, I will also support it, but this method needs to be approved by me, otherwise... Hehe, Taiyi~ you don't want to be my enemy, do you? You can't bear it either Kill me?"

"I will consider it carefully before acting."

"Then I'm excitedly looking forward to the day when the Supreme One will descend from the sky and break the gate of the World Tree~"

This conversation came to an end with Taiyi's final decision, and the exit was finally within sight, and he could return to Ruhime and the others immediately.

Although many, many unexpected things happened, but fortunately, the matter ended satisfactorily, Di Li Mo was completely wiped out, but the matter of the Red Lotus Knight Beast is very regrettable... huh?etc!If it is said that the Digimon that establishes a connection with the World Tree will not die, then wouldn't the Red Lotus Knight Beast only die temporarily?


Chapter 242 Chapter 230 Six is ​​not advisable to boil the old man

It was very late when we came back here, and it was already dark, but it was not as quiet as Taichi imagined... There were many lighting lamps around, and a large group of people and Digimon surrounded them , but all of them are familiar faces.

The trio of three primary colors, Akiyama Ryo, Yamaki and his subordinates, as well as the scientists of the wild team... and the partners of the beast trainers, Agumon and Beetlemon who came back from the digital world at some point There are also Bichu Beast, and Flower Fairy Beast, all companions and teammates are waiting for him to come back.

Facing Taiyi's return, they also breathed a sigh of relief, and finally showed some expressions that a victor should have had long ago.

Just like the feeling that Tai Yi had always had faintly before, the final battle against Di Limo was won so easily and without encountering any obstacles that could be called difficult, which made them somewhat disappointed. .

However, after Taiyi chased the Red Lotus Knight Beast into the tunnel, their feeling finally became real and unforgettable. None of them could accept such a smooth journey.

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Fighting, but in the end it was the sacrifice of Taiyi in exchange for victory, so after some discussion, everyone decided to wait for him here, so no one dared to go home first, but called their relatives to report a temporary safety .

The Beetle Beast knew in advance that today was the execution date of the annihilation plan formulated by Taiyi, but it has never received good news or bad news from Taiyi. Obviously, the Di Limo in the digital world has completely disappeared, which logically should not be the case.

After he discussed with the four holy beasts, they helped to open the door to the real world, so the dragon, bird and insect trio finally entered the real world for the first time.

Of course, they didn't really understand it. They just hung the huge body of the ultimate body over the city like that. The rose beast has sharp eyes. After rushing to explain to them, the three of them degenerated into the growth stage and were brought here Come on, wait until now.

"Taiyi, we..."

Rose Beast opened his mouth to say something, but there are too many people here now, and Tai Yi, who is talking to each other, can't be busy at all. It seems that everyone wants to communicate with him, and he has nothing to do with the noise for a while. Listen clearly.

"It's okay, everyone."

He looked at everyone and tried to force a smile.

"Di Limo has been completely destroyed now, everyone can rest assured."

"It's you we're worried about! Taichi!"

Liu Ji couldn't hold back at first, she stepped forward and said to him in a very reproachful tone.

"That guy is so strong...Taichi-san went away for so long and didn't come back, we are all worried about you."

Qiren also stepped forward to Taiyi's side, with sadness written all over his face.

"It's urgent, and I don't have time to explain... Thank you for waiting for me here for so long."

"But it's really okay. Although it's been half a day here, I've only been there for an hour at most."

"This is according to my prediction. The time in the digital world is not synchronized with the real world, but... Taiyi-kun, we are really worried about you, and we are all getting old. The day is full of high-intensity work without a break, and we don’t dare to go to the front line easily if you don’t come back, maybe we will need our help... So, don’t make the old man careless.”

After explaining this, Shiguozi complained to Taiyi in a humorous way, which made everyone in the wild team behind laugh out loud.

"I didn't mean to torture everyone, but I can't help it."

Taichi also answered with a wry smile.

"Haha, don't be nervous, just kidding, to be honest, I was really sleepy just now, but after you came, I feel refreshed."

The Indian lady from the wild team came up and laughed.

A simple joke dilutes the anxious atmosphere at the scene. Now that Tai Yi has returned safely and has received the news that Di Li Mo was indeed eliminated, there is no longer any worries. Although the chaos caused by Di Li Mo now, They still have a lot of trouble to deal with, but at least these are things that can be sorted out with time.

"Huh? Taiyi, why is there... behind you...?!"

When Akiyama Liao also wanted to make a joke, he suddenly found that standing behind Taiyi, there seemed to be some strange creatures in the shadow. Although he lost some memories of traveling in other digital worlds in the past, his physical memory has a sense of evil. The sense of smell of the dark coefficient Digimon has not disappeared.

He is very clear about how terrifying the existence behind Tai Yi is, this strong dark aura

"This, um, this is a special friend of ours. It is thanks to her that I can come back as soon as possible."

"Nice to meet you all~ I am Taiyi's newly recruited partner, please give me more advice in the future~"

Lilith Beast walked under the light, and bowed slightly politely and gracefully.

She didn't go crazy like she was when she was around Tai Yi, of course it was because Tai Yi had told her not to drive recklessly and not to cause trouble for herself, but Tai Yi didn't expect her to cooperate like this.

The animal trainers all had complex expressions, some lamented that Taichi was so attractive to female Digimon for some reason, and some lamented his miraculous taming speed. Vertical pupil.

"Lilith Beast...Ultimate Body...Demon, Demon King Type?"

"Don't get me wrong, Jianliang, although she is a demon king, she won't hurt us now."

In the eyes of the beast trainers in this world, the good and evil of Digimon can be divided by their population, because almost all dark and devil-type Digimon in animations are vicious, sinister and cunning villains.

"I don't have that kind of partnership with her, it's just a temporary cooperation."

"Is that so..."

They are also adults with their own worldview, and of course they understand the difference between animation and reality. For example, the Fallen Hell Beast who helped them in the battle just now is also a demon king, but he is a partner of justice.


The Beetle felt that Lilith looked familiar, and after a little reasoning, it came to a conclusion.

The Demon King Digimon in front of him is the body of her that he saw through the female demon beast with the instrument that analyzed the fragments of Apocalypse Beast... That is to say, this Lilith beast is the female who was defeated by Taiyi and the others. Devil Beast!

After saying goodbye, they returned to the temporary hotel accommodation here.

Tomorrow, we need to have the Self-Defense Force go over to check and make sure there is no problem before isolating the surrounding area.

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Only then can the evacuated Shinjuku citizens begin to return home, and then the government building and nearby streets and buildings also need to be renovated, which is not a small project.

But it doesn't matter, the last enemy of this world has been eliminated, and there is only a bright future waiting for them. One day, the damage caused by Dili Demon will gradually become old talk in people's memory, and it will only To leave behind the legend of the children who saved the world... This is also what Qiren and the others unanimously requested, and they do not want this incident to destroy their daily life in the future.

But in fact, Taiyi suggested that it is better to leave some evidence, so that even ten years or 20 years later, in case they are not able to afford food and pay the mortgage, they can also pull Kiermon to open a live broadcast, marketing The image of a wave of former heroes who saved the world is just bad money.

Of course, he was just joking, but Qi Ren didn't understand why this would be a waste of money, and he didn't even understand why he, who was not a media worker, could engage in live broadcasting.

Chapter 243 Chapter 230 Seven You Smell Her Perfume (4K)

"Your room is here, Lilithmon."

Taichi asked Mitsuo Yamaki to add another vacant room in the hotel.

Anyway, this luxurious hotel has been completely taken down by them. All the staff, animal trainers and the wild team live here, and there are too many rooms to live in.

"It's very late today, let's go back tomorrow, and then I'll ask you something, and you can go back."

"Eh? Why don't you let me stay in Taichi's room?"

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