"The bed is too small for two people."

Tiannv Beast looked unkind and stared at her coldly.

"It's okay~ I don't mind a squeeze."

"I mind! I don't want to smell your demonic stench from Taiyi!"

"I hate it, how can you say that? I know how to wear perfume every day. If you don't believe me, you can let Taiyi smell it."

Lilith Beast would not be annoyed by Tiannv Beast's aggressive words at all, no matter how exaggerated what Tiannv Beast said, she just laughed it off.

Taiyi can only say that Lilithmon has mastered the essence of quarreling and laning, as long as you are not in a hurry, she is the one who is in a hurry.

Then, after Lilithmon finished speaking, she suddenly clasped the edge of her open-necked kimono with both hands and pulled it outward, which made her already exposed breasts more obvious, and deliberately leaned closer to Taiyi's face by taking advantage of the height difference. .

Tai Yi was frightened by the two turbulent waves and took two steps back, at the same time, a strange fragrance penetrated his nostrils.

"This is indeed a perfume... You actually know it so well. Have you ever lived in the real world?"

"Of course, many of the Digimon I know who left that world have lived in the real world, and some even pretended to be humans and have mixed into the high-level humans~"

"But I personally don't like this kind of rules and regulations that are restricted by the rules set by creatures weaker than me, so I didn't do this, but if I live with Taiyi, then I can bear it~"

"Get some rest, I'm tired too, see you tomorrow, Lilithmon."

Tai didn't want to hear her talk.

The main reason is that I am afraid that I will not be able to control myself after listening too much. The numb voice when she speaks is really a kind of torture to the body and spirit. The body seems to be eager, but the spirit and reason are preventing Taiyi from doing so.

"Hey~ I'm the Great Sin Demon King, I don't need to sleep, so Taichi, as long as you knock on my door, I welcome you anytime~ You should understand what I mean, right? Or I can go to you secretly?"

"Hey! You're almost there!"

Celestial Beast originally wanted to say that Tai Yi belonged to him and told this guy to be more honest, but when he thought that this sentence could not be true even if there was Rose Beast, he had no choice but to say nothing.

"Haha~ Don't be afraid, then good night, you two, I am really happy to meet you again~"

Lilith Beast still exudes charm everywhere. It would be a lie to say that Taiyi has never been moved by her for a moment, but I still can't trust this guy very much, so no matter how much she seduces me, I won't. Hooked.

After sending Lilithmon into her room, Taiyi and Tennyumon planned to go back to the room to rest, but as soon as they passed the corner of the corridor, they saw the trio of Agumon, Dragon, Bird and Insect, who had just arrived in the real world, waiting for them. There are also flower fairy beasts who are pinching their waists to be angry.

"What happen to you guys?"

"Taichi, that guy is a female demon beast!"

Bichumon couldn't hold back the first opening.

"It's too dangerous! How can you keep her around?"

"That's right! And you, Celestial Beast, why didn't you drive her away because you knew that guy's identity?"

The flower fairy beast also echoed.

"I would like to." Tiannv Beast was also very upset at being accused for no reason. "But she holds the information we need right now, and Taichi doesn't seem to be willing to part with it..."

Her eyes were erratic, and the meaning of yin and yang was beyond words.

"There's a reason for that."

"I defeated Crimson Knightmon, but at the same time I entered the original digital world where I am for the first time... I have seen a lot of things, and I also understand the path I am going to take in the future, so I need Lilithmon's help."

"The digital world that Taichi's reality corresponds to... This is a bit interesting, I've heard of it a long time ago, but isn't it sealed away?"

"Come in with me, and I will explain slowly."

Tai put all the Digimon companions he brought from that world into his room,

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He sat on the bed with the goddess beast Huaxianshou, Bichumon stood on the table, Beetlemon lay on the TV, Yagumon sat directly on the ground, and just quietly listened to Taiyi's story about that world... Including the true purpose of Red Lotus Knightmon, and the reality that the world was forced to stagnate.

"It turned out to be like this... the Digimon in that digital world are too miserable."

Bhikkhu Beast is overflowing with sympathy. Although he has not seen it with his own eyes, he feels empathy and empathizes with it.

"Since this is the case, let us save that world! Taiyi, we will hurry up and become stronger!"

Agumon naturally planned to take on this seemingly impossible challenge.

His goal all along has been to become a hero, but last time Tai Yi took the first place to save the world, and this more difficult and harder-to-save world obviously has higher gold content, and he has no reason to refuse.

"Huh... In the end, it is inevitable to fight with stronger guys."

Flower Fairy Beast doesn't really want this to happen.

"It's okay, Flower Fairy Beast. I also said that the current situation in that world is complicated, and it is not suitable to attack quickly, so we can still rest with peace of mind now."

"Taiyi has also matured."

Tiannv Beast suddenly felt something.

"I remember that you deliberately prevented me from interrupting the power absorption of the evil beast in order to get a more interesting battle."

"At that time...it was different. The main reason was that I wanted to test your strength, but now that I think about it, it was a bit reckless. If it were now, I definitely wouldn't do it."

"Okay, everyone, it's time to rest. I also prepared a room for you. Qiren should have taken you to see it, right? How do you feel?"

"It's good, but the bed is too soft and I'm not used to it." Agumon complained with his hands on the back of his head. "I feel that this rug is more comfortable to sleep on, hehe."

"Since this is the case, we won't bother you to rest anymore, Taichi, as long as it's your decision, we have no objection."

Compared with Kiyagumon, Bichumon, and Flower Fairymon, Beetlemon is not worried about the threat of Lilithmon, he is more curious, because he knows Taiyi is not such a stupid man, so he treats Lilithmon Curiosity arose about the reason why he could reconcile with Taiyi.

After saying good night, they also left the room one after another. Tiannv Beast and Hua Xian Beast did not live with Tai Yi during this time... The main reason is that the influence was not very good, although the other tamers were all partners with him They are in the same room, but their partners are normal, Taiyi's two are not very good at it, they are easy to imagine, and Taiyi doesn't want to be so indulgent when everyone is nervously preparing for the decisive battle.

Even if there is a need, just knock on the door of the Celestial Beast or the Flower Fairy Beast~ Of course, Taiyi has only done this once so far.

"Good night, Taichi."

After Tiannvshou said this, he turned and left, Taiyi sighed, forgot so many things for a while, and began to undress to prepare for a rest.

"Don't knock on Lilith Beast's door! You can't open it even if she comes!"

Halfway through taking off her clothes, she turned back suddenly, stared at Taiyi seriously and said.

"Understood, really, there is no need to worry, don't you understand my attitude?"

"I understand, but I always feel that the normal you and the sperm-on-brain you are two different people."

"Okay, okay, go back and rest, your consumption is not small."

Traveling across two worlds so far apart was tiring in itself, let alone fighting a battle of unprecedented intensity.

Really... how could I do such a thing?I'm... hmm?

Not long after Tiannv Beast left, when Tai Yi was sitting on the bed and going to sleep, suddenly a lot of thoughts about Lilith Beast flooded into his mind, every word Lilith Beast said, every playful little expression Floating in the deep sea of ​​consciousness.

——That guy is indeed very attractive. If she can really change her ways and really help me, it's not impossible to let her stay.

Forget it, what do I think these are for?Maybe she was just joking.

After comforting himself, Taiyi soon fell asleep.

Until midnight, around three o'clock in the morning... A strange purple light flashed in Taiyi's room, and it opened with a "squeak", and Lilith Beast carefully closed the door.

"Sleeping so soundly, but you must be feeling very uncomfortable right now? Taichi~"

Lilith Beast looked at the boy resting on the bed, the corners of his mouth slightly raised.

Now, Taiyi must be immersed in a spring dream related to herself, because this is the special ability of her lust demon king. Those people she usually meets, whether they are Digimon or humans, Lilithmon only needs to be like Taiyi. A simple tease can make them bow their heads and become obedient servants, which is meaningless at all.

"I don't know how you and the Celestial Beast met for the first time~"

She also planned to do the same, so she gradually walked to the bed, lay down elegantly on her side, observed the boy's sleeping face, and then observed other parts of his body, reached out and lifted the quilt, and found that a small tent had been propped up there.

Suddenly, Tai Yi opened his eyes without any warning.

"Li, Lilith Beast...why are you here?"

"This is a dream, Taiyi, you don't have to have any moral constraints here, you can do whatever you want~"

Although she was slightly surprised that Taiyi could wake up by herself, she still followed the original plan, and the clothes on her body dissipated with the light spots.

"No...it's not

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Dreams... I can tell reality clearly, don't try to lie to me. "

"You actually... dare to use this method to deal with me, I should have thought of it long ago."

"Tch, it's really boring—eh?"

Lilithmon thought that his plan had failed, and stuck out his tongue in disappointment, but unexpectedly Taichi turned over and held her down the next moment.

"You hateful devil, you have repeatedly fooled me... It's time to punish you."



Thus, Lilithmon paid a heavy price for his reckless and daring behavior.

What are you doing, I haven't woken up yet... But it's okay~ At least my goal has been achieved, and my body and mind have also been satisfied like never before, ah~ It feels really good to be injected with the powerful and hot digital soul~ I feel like I It's all going to be straight.

After Taiyi woke up, he found that his clothes were messy, the sheets were still wet, and they were messy and out of shape. Combined with what happened last night that he no longer knew whether it was a dream or reality, he immediately understood what was going on.

That kind of touch is definitely not fake, that guy... I remember muttering "It was the same for the first time with me and the Celestial Beast", damn it, I won't be branded as a demon, right?

He hastily checked his body and found that there was nothing abnormal, so he was relieved. Then he thought that it might erode his spirit?Sit down again and take a deep breath. After calming down, I found that I can’t think of Lilith beast no matter what I think like last night... It seems that everything is normal, I just simply did some indescribable things with her That's all.


The young man who accidentally slipped began to regret everything he had done.

In fact, he must have been awake at that time, knowing that he was not dreaming, but for some reason, when he saw the Lilith beast lying beside him like that, he couldn't control it for a while... Just like what Tiannv beast said last night, it's normal He and him with the upper brain are two people.

——No, I can’t think about these anymore.

That guy is one of the Seven Great Demon Lords anyway, how could he be so unrespectful...but last night...she seemed to have no experience at all, like a guy who has read countless movies and blows his mouth very hard, once it comes to actual combat, immediately He became a simple boy.

Tai got out of bed and walked to the bathroom, washed her face quickly and put those evil thoughts behind her, then knocked on the doors of the Celestial Girl Beast and the Flower Fairy Beast as usual, calling them to act with her.

"Taiyi, good morning."

Hua Xianshou yawned and opened the door while still wearing pajamas.

"Good morning, Flower Fairy Beast."

"What are you going to do today? Are you going home?"

"Well... But I think I still need to talk to Liu Ji, and I have to say goodbye to everyone."

"Then why don't you go eat a big meal! I want to try the food from this world."

"There is no difference, but you can ask the chef aunt of Jianliang's family to prepare it carefully. The Chinese cuisine she cooks is very authentic."

Taiyi walked into the room with a smile. Although he didn't know why, facing the smile of the flower fairy beast, he felt a little guilty. This is probably the so-called guilt of cheating, right?

"Hey~ Our Taiyi just likes to flirt with flowers, there's nothing I can do about it."

Tiannv Beast has already changed into a more casual dress, her model is really good, no matter what clothes she puts on, she can give Tai Yi a bright feeling.

"The Celestial Beast is also very beautiful today!"

"Hmph, don't fool me with such words, you...?"

She suddenly showed a puzzled expression, and finally the doubt gradually turned into shock.

"You... smell of her perfume!"

Chapter 244 Chapter 230 Eight Respective Minds


Tai Yi's face changed, and he immediately responded like a conditioned reflex.

"Maybe it was accidentally stained a little yesterday. You know that guy has been pestering me, but I won't change my position on her just because of her actions."

"She has always been different from us...so..."

——So, what happened yesterday, Taiyi should treat it as a dream, just like the good and the evil will never be able to reconcile because of their different positions, but it does not prevent them from temporarily cooperating when they have a common enemy.

"So we just send her away as soon as possible!"

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