Tiannv Beast didn't think much about it, because that guy really rubbed against Tai Yi intentionally or unintentionally yesterday, and if Tai Yi didn't take a bath, it was inevitable to get some contamination.

"No, I actually think she's not that simple."

"I think she's hiding a lot of things... I'm still unable to tell whether she has other purposes like the Red Lotus Knightmon."

Taichi knows that everything Lilithmon has shown so far is just her appearance.

"You think too much, Taiyi, I think that guy just wants to escape, she wants to win you over, but she just wants you to be her thug, you know... a person like her will not end easily Fighting, at least we haven't seen her fighting seriously so far, have we?"

"It's just a little devil who likes to take shortcuts, be lazy and play tricks~"


Is it really?

Taichi actually thought a lot about Lilith after washing his face. It seemed that she was just a cunning and mischievous guy just like Tiannvmon said, but Taichi felt that it would not be that simple. Like the lotus knight beast, he approached him with such a harmless face at first, but in fact he was secretly planning

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other big things.

But what is certain is that her goal is definitely not herself.

What the evil Digimon want to do is nothing more than two minutes, destroy the world or gain power, right?But Lilith Beast doesn't seem to have the character to pursue these two things. What is she pursuing?

Regarding the characters in that world, each one has their own ghosts. Thinking about it now, is it only the Jessmon who gave him the Tyrannosaurus machine a little bit more innocent?

It would be great if I had the chance to meet Jessmon, he shouldn't be such a riddler.



"Liu Ji, are you there?"

Finally, the moment has come.

Soon Taichi will return to his own world, but everyone else can say that only Ruhime... is a problem that Taiyi has to solve even if he escapes.

He waited at the door for a few minutes before the door opened. Liu Ji's hair was still loose, her dark purple eyes were a little lazy, and there was a hint of reproach. The clothes on her body were obviously just put on, and even the collar didn't come. and finishing.

"Why? I thought you were about to forget me."

As soon as Liu Ji opened her mouth, she still had the same taste.

"That's not the case, because isn't it something that has been preparing for battle these days?"

Taichi rubbed the back of his head, and it was true that he seemed to have neglected her for so many days, not to mention Mitsuo Yamaki and the group of Shibukako, and even talked more with Ryo Akiyama alone than Ruhime, even if they did it alone. Training is basically inseparable from the content of combat.

And going to Taiyi didn't show favoritism to her, treating the trio of primary colors, Taiyi provided them with the same training time.

Liu Ji in the morning, Qi Ren in the afternoon and Jian Liang in the evening, it has always been like this.

"That's no reason, Taichi."

She was laughing, but Taichi knew she must be angry.

This kind of excuse is as outrageous as saying that you forgot to bring your homework when you didn't do your homework in elementary school.

"Okay...I apologize, can I go in?"

"I don't want you in, but I want you in."

"So you'd better come in."

After answering with her own characteristics and without concealing her ambivalence, Taiyi entered the room of Liu Ji and Yaohu Beast. He also said hello.

"Morning, Taiyi."


Taiyi suddenly found that the fox beast seemed to be winking at him, trying to imply something, he was not that good at reading other people's micro expressions, he could only understand it as...she hoped that she would not disappoint Liu Ji, and Taiyi came here today to Fulfill your second promise.

"Liu Ji, what is your plan? Do you want to go back with me now? Or do you want to experience your college life for a while?"

"Actually, I want to know what happened to you yesterday. It seems that things are not as simple as you said. The female demon ultimate body is also weird. My intuition tells me that something big must have happened to you."

"...It is indeed a big event, and it is a huge problem that I must face in the future."

Taiyi lamented that Yu Liuji was still so sensitive and intelligent. By the way, he briefly described the general situation of that world. Liu Ji's expression gradually changed from indulgence to tense, which was consistent with what she thought. Continue to accept new tests.

"I plan to start accumulating strength for that day in the future, but now I also need to rest, so Ruhime, I hope you don't waste your daily life because of Digimon, after all, you don't get paid for doing this kind of thing."

"I know~ I didn't intend to go back with you, but when your next adventure comes, you must remember to call me, okay?" Liu Ji leaned on the big pillow of the other bed with her arms crossed Looking up at Taiyi.

"It's better to be a little earlier, it's also convenient for me to ask for leave, I don't want to be deducted credits for absenteeism."


"The other thing is... Taiyi, you should have discovered it too, right?"

"Is it because you don't pay much attention to me since Tiannv Beast and the others came?" Liu Ji expressed her real dissatisfaction in her heart. "It made me think that what happened that day was just a dream I had."

"Thinking about it now, I really feel ashamed. I never thought that I would take the initiative to kiss boys. Obviously, I was not interested in love before."

She rested her forehead in annoyance.

In her impression, Taiyi should say goodbye to herself after finishing Di Limo here alone. Under such a premise, Liu Ji decided not to regret, just as if she was in a dream. Tell Taiyi what you do and what you want to say without reservation.

Seeing her like this made her feel a little distressed. "What happened that day...Liu Ji, you may not know it, but it was like a dream to me."

"Because for me, it was also the first time I had a real date with another girl."

Taichi didn't lie, because Tiannvmon and the others are all Digimon, Taiyi and them must first be a unique bond between Digimon before establishing an emotional connection, but Ruuhime is different. With the identity of the so-called animal trainer, they are just normal boys and girls, and they have done many things that the former Taiyi would have dismissed.

Going shopping with his girlfriend hand in hand, going to the park, going to the playground, taking pictures, and then kissing in the kitchen after returning home at night, Taiyi couldn't imagine that this kind of thing would happen to him.

"I won't disappoint you, stay

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Ji, I haven't forgotten a word I said to you. "

Taiyi said to her seriously.

In fact, he has encountered many things like being confessed, but he refused them all, only Ruhime...Taiyi really couldn't develop the consciousness of resistance, because he has always liked Makino Ruhime.

"But I haven't talked with you alone these days because I'm afraid, and I haven't figured out how to face you yet."

Since Liu Ji was so frank, Taiyi didn't hide his thoughts anymore.

"Hey, you're not really afraid of me, are you? I'm just joking."

Seeing his ashamed look, Liu Ji hurriedly explained.

"I'm not angry. You've been so busy these days. You went to the digital world to fight until you were exhausted. Even if something like that happened to me after I came back, it's all thanks to you. Is it possible to have the present? I’m just a little dissatisfied because I feel that you are avoiding some problems.”

"But I've already figured it out, Taiyi... Whether it's me or you, we're not the kind of men and women who love each other." Liu Ji's eyes were filled with a certain brilliance.

"We are animal trainers, people who put everyone's lives on our shoulders and go forward. It is our destination to constantly move towards an unknown tomorrow and new adventures."

Chapter 245 Chapter 230 Nine I'm Back, Jiaer

In fact, Liu Ji is really good at talking, and she is indeed the heroine with the highest double quotient. These words actually sum up the subtle relationship between Tai Yi and other women who like him, not that kind of special relationship. To swear sovereignty together is just a simple way to express feelings on this unknown adventure, and it will not affect their plans.

"Even if we stop occasionally, it is just a short stop on the adventure journey, but the port is just a service area for rest and departure."

"So, Taiyi, I think all I need is a position to stand by your side."

In fact, Liu Ji didn't think about how to face Taiyi, but she was the type who would do it after she understood it, and she would not repeatedly question or modify her big ideas.

"Don't say such things, Liu Ji, I am also very grateful that you are willing to believe in me and choose me. It is also my luck to be by your side."

"Don't say such nasty things~ Let's prepare quickly. After today's celebration banquet is over, you are leaving, aren't you? Think about whether you have forgotten anything. Do you want to buy some special products from our world?"

"Haha~ good."

After being mentioned by Ruhime, Taichi remembered these things. The three primary color trio will definitely take back the birthday presents given to him. As for the Digimon Adventure animation, it would be good to buy a set and take it home... because The Celestial Girl Beast and the Flower Fairy Beast don't have time to look at it these days, and it can be used as a unique souvenir, and it can also let Kokoro and the others take a good look.

"I think Liu Ji's dream now should be to become a person like Taiyi."

The demon fox also felt it.

"Fox Beast, you...forget it, there is nothing to be ashamed of, I really regard Taiyi as the target I want to chase now."

Liu Ji originally wanted to reprimand her not to say anything, but when she thought about it, she really didn't need to deny anything, anyway, this is not something to be ashamed of.

"Alas~ In fact, I also want to experience such an adventure of my own."

"Huh? Don't you want to be with me?"

Taichi asked curiously.

"The reason for the temporary separation is to become stronger when we meet again."

"Then I will support you too." Tai Yi's eyes suddenly brightened. "By the way, the Lilith beast I found yesterday is a demon king with the brand of great crime. Maybe you can observe other less powerful worlds that are suitable for you to take risks."

"I'm afraid it won't work now, I'm going to start school soon."

Ruhime originally wanted to travel in her own digital world, but then she thought that the door was blocked, and the eligibility of fox beasts and other Digimons to stay in the real world was fought by Taichi. It's better to learn from Tai Yi and go to other places to play.

"It doesn't matter, just find one with a big difference in time ratio."

"It's like what you see in the animation, maybe you travel there for two months, and the real world has only passed for less than an hour, but that kind of thing."

"That's really convenient."

"Huh? Wait! If I go to the digital world and read all the books and courses in the university library... then I can graduate early? Although the body has become data, even if it is meaningless to exercise, it will not affect normal functioning of the mind!"

Liu Ji suddenly had a whim.

"Idiot, you still need to be diligent in your credits, and going to the digital world to study or something is too unpleasant, isn't it?"

"...This is true~ but it can be used to save lives, such as playing until the last day before the exam and then making up lessons in the digital world~"

Liu Ji smiled, full of expectations for her future.

After solving the biggest problem currently plaguing Taiyi, he can leave here with peace of mind, as long as he finds a way to leave a device that can communicate with Liu Ji at any time, this task will let the best tool man shoulder the team Nakahara Koshiro's scientist, Beetlemon, should be in charge.

Therefore, the rest of the day was Taiyi's long-awaited relaxation. From the moment Liu Ji left the room, he really felt...he had cleared all copies of "The King of Beast Tamers" .

After enjoying a sumptuous meal to celebrate

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After the banquet, Taichi, Kaito and the others bid farewell, and returned to their own world with the Celestial Beast Rosemon, the Dragon Bird and the Three Digimon, and the last Lilithmon. I bought a device that can be used for communication, but it seems that because the distance between the two worlds is too far, there is a certain communication delay, but it doesn't matter, as long as it can be contacted, it is enough.

"Taiyi, be careful along the way, and look forward to your next visit!"

"Brother Taiyi, next time I come back, I will have a drink with you!"

"Thank you for everything you do for us!"

Everyone waved goodbye to them who left in the light, and Taiyi saw this picture, even he couldn't help crying... For a person like him, being able to be with these people It is also his great fortune to be a true friend.

"Thank you too, I will never forget this day, thank you!"



During Taiyi's adventuring in the third generation world, his original world seemed to have gone through a similar period of time, about a month or so. After he came back, he didn't stay much, and hurried home to visit him Even though Tiannvshou greeted them in advance, Taiyi couldn't make them worry about themselves anymore.

"Heavenly Girl Beast, Flower Fairy Beast, take Lilith Beast to our house first."

"Don't worry, she won't live for long, I will send her back after I figure out these things."

Facing the displeased Celestial Beast, Taiyi hurriedly explained again.

"Oh~? Is it the nest where you and the celestial girl sister love? This is really looking forward to~"

"Hey! Don't pretend that I don't exist! That's my home too!"

The Flower Fairy Beast pinched its waist and poked Lilith Beast's waist.

"Hahaha, I know, I know~ But whether it's you or me, there's no way we can compare to the Heavenly Beast Sister."

"? Don't compare me with you, you devil, you actually want to engage in internal strife, although I think the goddess beast is really upset sometimes, but I won't be provoked by you casually."

"It's okay, it's okay~ you two, I'm here to join you, not to tear you apart!"

"...Then I'll go first."

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