Feeling that it would be very dangerous for him to stay here any longer, Taiyi hurriedly left and ran towards the little home he remembered.

—Oh, what a bastard I am.

Taiyi couldn't hold back and began to blame himself for being irrational last night, but... But some things are so real, and it's not something like Taiyi's evil intentions, it's just a very simple truth. It's hard to hold back the severe pain when you're hurt, and it's hard to hold back the tears when you're sad. It's just that you can't hold back.

In other words, if Lilith Beast really wants to live in... That house obviously can't accommodate it anymore, and he has to find a bigger house.

It's a pity that the credit card given by Shan Mu in his hand is really useless, otherwise he can go to rent a villa or something.

But there is no need to worry about this, Taiyi has plenty of ways to make money.

Walking through this street along the way, I can no longer see any traces of being attacked by the Dili Demon. Only near Odaiba TV Station, the place that was most affected is also the place where Taiyi led the Digimons to fight the Dili Demon. Still cordoned off, under construction and repairs.

Tai Yi hadn't even walked downstairs to his own house, and just after he turned the corner, he saw his family members waiting for him in front of the door.

He froze on the spot in astonishment, his mother was in tears, his father was smiling with relief on his face, and Jiaer had already lowered her head and rushed towards him, and plunged into his arms, crying loudly, Crying hard.

"It's okay, Jiaer, I'm back."

Just like he did in the past, Taichi gently hugged her body to comfort her.

"Brother, you...! Didn't you agree to go for a trip and come back soon? Do you know how worried we are about you, I thought I would never see you again! I thought you wanted to save us and everyone, Let's die together with that monster!"

The sister's cry was like a knife piercing Taiyi's heart. It was very emotionally contagious. Sadness and self-blame welled up in his heart. Taiyi couldn't hold it back, and tears burst out of his eyes.

"I'm sorry, Jia'er, I promise I won't do this again, I won't leave like this again."

"It's my fault. I was too brave. I will never do such a dangerous thing again in the future. I'm really sorry."

Chapter 246 Chapter 240 Our Son is a Hero

For the Yagami family, Taichi is the pillar of the future, and also the biggest support of the Yagami couple. If he really does not come back, then the Yagami couple will lose the meaning of living in the future... Even if there is a daughter Jiaer, it will be broken. Nothing can make up for that half of my heart.

Maybe people yearn for heroes, but no parent wants their child to be that hero.

"Jia'er, you...how did you know that I came back today?"

"I was told."

Jiaer blinked and wiped away the red eyes from crying.


"It's the voice inside."

Jia Er clumsily took out a black... Divine Plan from her pocket, Tai Yi was dumbfounded at the sight.

"Where did you get it?"

"What's the matter? Brother? Is this something very bad?"

Her brother's tone of nervousness suddenly forced Jiaer to gasp.

"No, it's just

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— Shouldn't belong to you.

Taiyi's mind was a little confused, and he didn't understand what was going on, why Jiaer would suddenly get the divine plan when he was not around, and having this thing meant that she had become a real chosen child, which was originally a good thing, But who is her partner?The Celestial Girl Beast is already by her side.

"Has there been any small animals in the house recently?"


"Then it contacted you directly through this thing?"

"Yeah." Jiaer nodded. "It's the voice of a big sister, she is very bad... At the beginning, she said a lot that you died long ago, but I never believed it, and even had a big fight with it, and threw it out of the balcony, But it would somehow come back to me."

"But more than a week ago, Tiannv Beast suddenly called me out secretly, saying that it had found your trace and confirmed your safety, so I was relieved... Then about three days ago, this machine was no longer there. spoke to me."


Taiyi closed his eyes and thought hard for a while, and suddenly came to a very reasonable result.

——It’s her, there should be no one else who has such bad tastes except her.

"It's okay, Jia'er, you can put it away first, let's go back and talk slowly, parents are still waiting for us."


Taiyi forgot about this and went to his parents, they couldn't hold back any longer, they hugged their son Taiyi and wept silently, they didn't let go until a neighbor came by on the road.

"Mr. Yagami! Your son has also been found, which is really great!"

"Yes, yes... He just came back from the hospital today after completing his physical examination. It's a blessing to our family that he's safe and sound."

Shin Yagami understood that he made up a set of lies, saying that Taiyi, like the others, was only seriously injured in the disaster and is still being rescued in the hospital.

"Congratulations, little Taiyi, it's great that your parents haven't had a good night's sleep in the past month. Although your parents usually nag you a lot, they are the ones who care about you the most!"

The neighbor's old woman was also very happy to see the Yagami family reunited. This old woman Taichi is also very familiar, and she can be regarded as an old man who watched her grow up. After her parents thanked her, they brought Taichi and Jiaer back. At home... the dining table is filled with many Tai Yi's favorite dishes, even though there is still some time before dinner, they have already prepared it.

"Mom and Dad... I'm really fine, don't ask me any more."

"Don't do such dangerous things in the future, okay? Throw away that thing of yours, we don't want it anymore!"

The first thing Yagami Yuko said was to let Taiyi give up his ring, and stop interfering with Digimon or Digimon.

"...that's not going to work."

"You child! You really want to piss me off!"

"Okay, okay, mom, don't worry, I don't want it now, I'll leave it to you for safekeeping, okay?"

Seeing his mother wanting to get angry, how could the filial Tai Yi do such a thing?He hurriedly took out the ring, put it on the tea table and pushed it over.

——Anyway, he has an arc sublimator now, so he doesn’t need the ring, but it’s a bit troublesome not to be able to freely enter and exit the digital world, but Beetlemon is already very handy with this kind of thing, and he can create another one at any time by relying on his ability, And go... After two days, their longing will melt away, and Taiyi will be able to come back with just a few words~

He really knows his parents too well.

"No way...My dear, our son shoulders a very important responsibility, and we can't just let him lose this ability."

But Yagami looked at the pure white ring made of metal, but pushed it back.

"Husband, what are you talking about? Tai Yi almost won't come back!"

"But our son is wonderful."

Yagami showed a wry smile on his face, but he still said this sentence proudly.

"If I wasn't afraid of causing trouble to Taiyi, I really want to tell my colleagues and neighbors loudly that the hero who saved everyone from the disaster of alien invasion, the huge knight in white robes, is my son."

"Didn't we agree? According to Taiyi's wishes, he cannot be deprived of the right to be a 'superhero'."


"No no, Dad, you think too much. I'm really tired now. We defeated that monster after going through all kinds of difficulties and dangers in another world. I don't think about anything now. I just want to have a good rest, so put this thing first. I have no objection to handing it over to you."

"Taiyi...you know, mom isn't selfish either, she just doesn't want to see you take any more risks."

Yagami Yuko could hardly hold back the tears again.

"There won't be a next time, Mom, I've already promised Jiaer, and I can promise you as well."

"I attach great importance to my life, because I know that my life is not only my own, but also yours, and it belongs to all the people who value me. For you, I will be very, very careful to protect my own safety."

"Okay, okay, why are you crying again? Didn't you say that you would happily pick up Taiyi?"

Shin Yagami patted his wife on the shoulder and smiled.

"Yeah, let's not talk about this, Mom and Dad, let's eat first, but I want to change my clothes first."

Taiyi is still wearing the suit that Liu Ji bought for him in another world, but the coat has been returned to her, and he is really too embarrassed to keep wearing women's clothes as a big man... So the Yagami couple also

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I didn't mention this matter anymore, I just put the ring handed over by Taiyi in a more conspicuous place at home, and the long-lost family dinner passed quickly in such an atmosphere.

Taichi really can't find an excuse to move out today, but tomorrow he plans to tell his parents about the existence of the day girls, explaining that he is going to live with his Digimon partners, which will make life more convenient, but in the future it will be the same as before Go home after a while.

What's more...Taiyi has to find a way to get ready for his re-study work as soon as possible. Fortunately, because of the large-scale attack of Dili Demon, as long as he explains the situation, there will be no punishment. He was not the only one who failed to take the exam, and he might have the chance to retake the exam.

Even the trio of three primary colors are about to go to college, how can I fall behind them, will it be true that I will be called Senior Sister Liu Ji?Obviously he is the big senior!

But no matter what, let's sleep well at home tonight~ I haven't slept in my own room for a long time.

"Taichi? You're back? It's really great! Let's meet tomorrow!! I want to know what new adventures you have had!"

"Welcome home, Taiyi, are you free to meet tomorrow? I want to thank you in person."

Taiyi lay on the bed after taking a shower, sent text messages to Koshiro and Su Na to report their safety, and they all replied to him quickly. He looked at the warm words on the screen, feeling warm in his heart , This is his home, this is the world he should return to.

"You look happy, Taichi."

Suddenly, a second guy's voice sounded in the room, and Tai Yi was so frightened that he thought he was hallucinating, but he got up from the bed immediately after being stunned for a second.

"I'm here, Taichi, it's me."

Only then did he realize that the sound seemed to come from the digital soul group on his body that had been used to store various equipment and props. This was also one of his abilities, because it was too inconvenient to carry more and more equipment. So Taiyi researched such a thing, which usually floats around him in a transparent manner.

The one that made the sound was the fantasy book that exploded from the body of the Red Dragon Knight Beast.

Chapter 247 Chapter 240 The Lovely Red Lotus Knight Beast NX

"You... aren't you dead?"

Taiyi discovered that the book was unlocked by itself, and the voice of the Red Lotus Knight Beast came out of the book, and there was still a faint red light inside, illuminating Taiyi's face in the dark room.

"It stands to reason so."

"Although I couldn't be killed because of the abnormality of the World Tree, it stands to reason that I should be resurrected again in the rose sky and lose some memory and sanity."

It's still such a wise and rational voice, but now Taiyi is not nervous at all, it is really a very lucky thing to be able to talk to this guy again... Isn't there such a setting?The super powerful boss died due to some incidents, so he had no choice but to live in the protagonist's body or some small props, and at critical moments, he helped the protagonist pretend to be aggressive, shocking the audience or something...

Taichi thought about this, and opened the book, and in the white light, a red lotus knight beast that was so small that he could stand on his hand appeared, but he was no longer the burly and handsome knight, but It has become a miniature version, with three heads, short body, short hands and feet, very cute, including Gelani who flew by, also turned into a cute pet shape, and let out a clear growl.

But because of its small size, it sounds more like a bird chirping... It looks like the commemorative Digimon presented in the game of Internet Detective, Red Lotus Knightmon NX, handsome and cute.

"It's so cute, hahaha."

Taiyi couldn't hold back and stretched out his hand to poke him, but the red lotus knight beast made of only phantoms was poked by this finger and flew backwards, almost falling down.

"What are you doing? Whoops."

He waved his miniature Grammer in displeasure.

"Seriously, I am a royal knight!"

"What's going on? I thought you were dead. Since you're still alive, why didn't you speak at first?"

"I just woke up too."

Red Lotus Knight Beast explained with a sigh.

"I don't know why, Taiyi, maybe this is the power of your knife? I was able to temporarily break free from the shackles of that body. Now I feel that my strength and consciousness are lodged in the carrier of this book."

"All in all, it's good that you're fine...I understand everything, but I still can't agree with you, Red Lotus Knight Beast."

"Follow me like this from now on, I will find a way to save your world, trust me."

"Oh... I don't agree, it seems that there is nothing I can do."

The little red lotus knight beast put away its weapon, raised its chubby hand and sat on the book and sighed.

"The form of compassion is a power that only exists to redeem friends who have gone astray. I think this is why you can survive like this."

"Misunderstanding... If you were a Digimon, I would be very willing to be friends with you."

"Can't it be human?"

"No, it's just that I don't have the experience of being friends with humans." The Red Lotus Knight Beast sighed. "Maybe I'm really being too irrational, but every time I see those Digimon being tortured in pain... I really can't calm down."

"Don't worry, although I'm not sure yet, sooner or later I will smash the gate of the World Tree seal to meet Alpha Beast."

"I will wait and see

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Wait, Taiyi. "Although the Red Lotus Knight Beast has no hope for this, he has no other choice." By the way, how do you know the Lust Demon King?Are you lovers? "

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