"No...how did you know?"

"I heard it! I can't see what's going on outside until you open the book, but that voice is too obvious, Taiyi."

Crimson Knightmon showed a meaningful smile.

He feels very relaxed now, as if he has let go of all burdens, because he can't do anything anymore, and he has worked hard, even if he fails, he has no regrets. Although he doesn't agree with the naive idea, since he lost to him , it all depends on his arrangement.

"Then why do that kind of thing? Oh... I see."

"What do you know?"

"It doesn't matter, it's not uncommon for humans and Digimon to fall in love, but you're the first one who dares to love Lust Demon King."

"...You are indeed different from other Digimon."

"Do you mean to understand these things about human love? I have also been in many real worlds for a long time, and I have mimicked human forms, and even tried."

"Have you tried??"

Taichi was dumbfounded.

"Yeah, because I was very young at that time, and I wanted to know how humans reproduce... I accidentally had such an experience, but I didn't think it was interesting, and the experience was not good, but humans seem to be very fond of For those who do this kind of thing, I have also heard that human beings have three major desires, the desire for sleep, the desire for food, and the desire for sex..."

Red Lotus Knightmon spoke vulgar words in a serious manner.

"Stop it, stop talking, I know."

"Since you know about Lilith Beast, you might as well tell me about her. I always feel that she is the same as you, and she has other purposes that I didn't tell the truth."

As soon as Tai put him on the bedside table, she sat upright and wanted to listen to it when she didn't feel sleepy.

"I'm not sure about this, but she... is indeed an elusive person. Her combat power can only be considered medium among the seven demon kings, but she is different from all other demon kings."

"It's like saying nothing. What I want to know is whether she has any long-term lofty goals and ideals?"

"Can this kind of thing be talked about? If you have to say it... then it is freedom."


Taiyi never thought that one of the Seven Great Demon Kings could be related to a commendatory term.

"We are all eager to break free from the collapsed world tree, no longer be at the mercy of it, and become a real Digimon, but for me, I would choose the freedom of the whole world more than personal freedom, but she Without such a belief, her belief is that everything is only for herself, and she should do whatever it takes to gain freedom for herself.”

Red Lotus Knight Beast gave a reasoning from the perspective of his "villager".

"I still don't have a clue... why don't you tell me about the royal knights you know. You said you bear the inscription 'The End', so what kind of people are the other royal knights? Where are they?"

"It may be a bit complicated to say, but you can take a small notebook and write it down."


After thinking about it, Taichi really needed to take some class notes, so he turned on the desk lamp, took out a notebook, flipped to a blank page, and then took out a fountain pen.

"The inscription of 'Hermit', Alpha Beast."

"The inscription of 'Sun', Omega Beast."

"The inscription of 'Order', the Golden Armored Dragon Beast."

"The inscription of 'Future', the ultimate V-dramon."

"The inscription of 'World', Examon."


As he said, Taiyi wrote all these things in a small notebook one by one. Although he didn't know what they were useful for, at least he was very interested in it, because in the settings of the royal knights he knew, there was no There is no concept of this "title".

"The last is the inscription 'Hero', Jacemon."

"The other companion I saw last time was Examon. He tried to uproot the tower where the World Tree was located...but failed. He was irradiated to death by the powerful energy reflected by the World Tree. I don't know if he is now Where is he resurrected, but his current state is very dangerous, and his sanity is basically sucked dry by the world tree, and the next resurrection is likely to go berserk, turning his face and refusing to recognize anyone."

Red Lotus Knightmon emphasized to Taichi very seriously.

"If you meet him, you must run away quickly, Taiyi, don't have any illusions, you are not his opponent."

Chapter 248 Chapter 240

"Is that so, Taichi... So you were living with your partners, Digimons for the past six months."

The next day, Tai and his parents confessed what happened to him in the past six months...of course it was polished, but he didn't dare to tell the truth, even if he didn't want to be arrested and tortured by his parents.

"No wonder I feel something is wrong, why did you suddenly make such a request." Yuko Yagami suddenly realized, but there was inevitably some blame in his eyes. "So that's how it is."

"Yes, there are a lot of them, and it's inconvenient to live at home, but don't worry, I can still earn money to support them on my own."

Although Yuko Yagami has never met Taichi's partners, but looking at the number of Digimon that appeared in the city and fought for mankind, he probably knows that there should be so many. It doesn't matter if there is only one, but It is really inconvenient if there are too many people.

"Money is not a problem, Taiyi, please tell me and your dad if you have any difficulties, we will try our best

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to help you. "

"Okay, okay, I'm old too, how can I cause you trouble? Don't underestimate your son."

"Oh, I just remembered, Taiyi, it seems that your 18th birthday has not come in time for you..."

"It's okay~ My friends over there threw me a great birthday party too, and I've been doing fine, Mom and Dad."

"...As expected of you, Taichi, you have always been good at dealing with others, and you can make friends wherever you go."

"Ah? Me, do I have such a social cow?"

In fact, Taiyi is just an inherent talent advantage of being a reborn person. He can understand the thoughts of many children at a glance, and knows how to grasp the degree that others can accept. He is enthusiastic, but not so enthusiastic that he will bore others.

"My brother has always been like this~"

Seeing that Tai Yi was completely unconscious, Jia Er couldn't help laughing.

"Ahem, Mom and Dad, I probably won't come back today."

"Well, let's go. Don't choose a place where you live that is too far away from us, so that it will be convenient for your mother and I to visit you in our spare time."

"This... this is unnecessary."

It’s okay if Shin Yagami doesn’t say this, but once he said Taichi, he immediately realized that he must choose a place far away, and he can find any excuses, just say that the rent is cheap or the scenery over there is good, whatever!Otherwise... just thinking about what if his parents suddenly knocked on the door when he was doing something like that would make his scalp numb.

In this way, after confessing to his parents that he lived with his friends, Taiyi and Jiaer left home and headed towards Waseda University, intending to go through the procedures of re-examination. The experience is better.

During this period, Jiaer also got promoted to the first year of high school in Tsukishima Comprehensive as she wished, but it was the same as in Ruhime's world. Because of the influence of Emperor Limo, the start of school in the entire Tokyo was postponed by half an hour. month, so she has nothing to do.


Taiyi was thinking about something, suddenly a naughty little hand got into his hand like a bunny.

He didn't resist, he was just a little surprised... But Jiaer has always been like this, Taiyi didn't say much, Jiaer walked happily, and clasped Taiyi's palm very aggressively, it was him and Tiannv Beast out, or the usual hand gestures on the day of the last date with Ruhime.

"Jia'er, you are already a high school student, why are you still acting like a child?"

"Doesn't brother like this?"

The corners of her mouth slightly raised.

"Not at all..."

I always feel a little indescribably awkward, forget it, let her go, it's better to talk about something serious.

"Is that Divine Plan still in your possession?"

"Yes, I always carry it with me."

"Jia'er, I didn't have time to tell you formally yesterday."

"Getting this thing means that you will be a chosen child like me from now on."

"I actually know about this... But I didn't dare to tell you, because I feel that my partner seems weird."

Taiyi intends to ask about this matter today, because there is no doubt that in Taichi's understanding, the only Digimon that can do this kind of prank is Lilithmon. What is she doing?Want to get closer to yourself through Jiaer?But hasn't she and herself already approached with a negative distance?Or is it just a simple prank to tease Jiaer?

"You give me that thing."

Jia Er didn't think much about taking it out again and handing it to Tai Yi.

It stands to reason that this divine plan should be out of print in the world, and even the permanence cannot be recreated in a short period of time. Most of the reasons for these phenomena are also related to the abnormality of my original digital world, which has already affected people who are very close to me. some parallel worlds.

Therefore, even the Lilith beast cannot create a real divine plan.


Taiyi felt it carefully, but there was really no resonance.

My ring has been permanently strengthened, so it stands to reason that it is the divine plan of the One, but this dark divine plan has no such taste, it is just a simple device.

"Jia'er, keep this thing with me for now."

"Why?" Jiaer was a little reluctant. "Doesn't my brother want me to be a chosen child and fight with you? I have no problem with you treating me like a child, but don't distinguish between occasions?"

He blamed himself for the act of holding hands before, but now he suddenly changed the standard. My brother is really cunning.

"No, because the Digimon who gave you this is probably a bad guy I know."

"I'm worried that this isn't the kind of divine plan I know to build a bond between Digimon and humans. It's just something with a similar appearance. Maybe there will be some side effects when you bring it around."

It's best to secretly let Beetlemon analyze it, or show it to Koshiro first.

"That's it... If it's a bad person, it is indeed possible to hurt my brother through me, but I always feel that the voice doesn't sound like a bad person."

Jiaer doesn't care about her boring face, because she is Taiyi's younger sister, and before meeting Tiannv Beast, no one knew Taiyi better than her.

"Good and evil cannot be distinguished by appearance, not to mention that you have never seen her, and this is just my guess. Anyway, let me keep it first."

"Okay then~"

Jia Er pouted.

"But you must return it to me in the future!"



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Taiyi went to the school, because it is not the start time yet, so there are no people in the whole campus, occasionally there are one or two guys like him who missed the exam because of Di Limo, there is no particularly big restriction here, as long as Submitting the admission ticket and the test results of the first round of the unified examination will qualify for the re-examination. After completing a series of procedures step by step, Taiyi left here, and took Jiaer to the tram to go to his small home.


Jia Er's head suddenly leaned against his shoulder.

"You're not sleeping at all, Jiaer."

he asked in a low voice.

……no response.

Taiyi showed a helpless smile, then put his arms around her shoulders to prevent her from falling suddenly, then looked out the window at the gradually passing scenery, and couldn't help thinking about the problem in life that had troubled him for a long time... He was a child Doting too much on Jiaer made her seem to be more dependent on herself than other people's sisters.

Although this has both advantages and disadvantages, Jiaer has the effect of redoubled efforts because she does not want to disappoint her brother, but it also causes her to grow up psychologically later than others.

Ordinary trams made clanking noises without a steady rhythm, but Jiaer quietly showed a sly smile when Taichi glanced out the window.

Chapter 249 Chapter 240

A certain person is wearing a black long-sleeved shirt, with headphones hanging around his neck, with a head of dark red and short short hair, and his lower body is the kind of cropped pants that expose his ankles. Apart from his average height, he is a big sister who likes it very much One of those little wolf dog dudes talking to the guy on the phone.

"Taiyi, it's me."

"Su Na and I have met, where are you?"

"Oh, well, then we'll go straight to your house."

He hung up the phone with a smile, and then looked at the short-haired girl in a white turtleneck and light blue flared pants standing beside him.

"Let's go, Su Na, let's go to Tai's family."

Su Na smiled slightly, and the two walked towards their familiar direction.

From the end of that incident, after Di Limo and Taiyi disappeared together, they discussed everything in Taiyi's house, and Guangzilang had been there a few times, so he was already familiar with the road.

"That guy seems to be looking for me with a new problem... Hey~ Why do you think he is always in trouble?"

"Taiyi is different from us. He is a person chosen by fate. The greater his ability, the more burden he has to bear."

Su Na replied easily.

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