"I've wanted to ask since just now, you... what is this in your hand?"

"A gift for Taiyi."

Sona smiled awkwardly.

"Ah... that's why you asked me what Taichi likes yesterday?"

Koshiro suddenly realized.

"Yeah, I know that he likes to play football, but he already has a lot of sneakers... and I don't know anything about games, so I might as well give him a pair of windproof goggles, in case he wants to go again in the future In the digital world, this can also come in handy.”

"...But I think Taichi should not want to take any more risks for a short time."

Koshiro laughed dryly.

"Ah! Why didn't I think of it? Would this be bad? Would Tai Yi misunderstand something? I, I should change it quickly, and I'll buy him something delicious? Or buy him a new computer That's fine too!"

"It's not necessary, Su Na." Seeing her suddenly flustered like this, Guangzilang comforted her with an expression of someone who had been there. "Taiyi doesn't care about the value of the gift. He likes whatever you give him, as long as you don't give him something malicious."

"Well... that's good."

Su Na was relieved.

But at this time, she immediately realized a new problem.

"Thanks to you, Kokoro, well, I'm also his childhood sweetheart... I was a classmate for so long when I was young, but I don't know his preferences at all."

"I'm a boy, you're a girl, it's normal, if it were me... um... I'd probably grab some limited merchandise that you have to get up early and queue for a long time for him. , let him understand that I have also paid a lot for it, which is far better than some valuables."

"Why didn't you tell me sooner? If this is the case, I don't care at all."

"No, no, Su Na, only I can give this to him. If you go, he will immediately guess that it was my idea."

"So what?... Does he dislike it?"

"You don't understand this, Su Na, that guy looks bright and hearty, but he's actually very dark inside... He prefers girls who don't know how to give gifts to girls who are worried about gifts compared to gifts that girls get from good friends who know their preferences by chance. I was uneasy about something, and after I delivered it, I was worried whether he would like this kind of dilemma, the deer bumping around."


Su Na's eyes were wide open, like two delicious little sugar oranges.

"It turns out that Taiyi still has such bad intentions."

"Yeah, even though he doesn't say it, I know him very well. This is you showing him your 'cute point'!"


So Na blushed unconsciously, and learned something strange but important from Koshiro.

"Cuteness is a two-dimensional way of saying it. Normally, he would think you are cute because of your behavior~ Because Su Na has always been serious, but you are confused in front of him when you are serious... Huh Huh, you should understand."

"Thank you Koshiro, I understand.

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"But you have to remember, don't think about it deliberately, just behave naturally."



Poor Tai Yi didn't know that he was being tricked, but walking on the road with Jia Er always felt a chill down his spine, and he couldn't help but sneezed a few times.

When he finally came to the familiar home with Jia Er, before he had time to knock on the door, he heard the noisy voice inside... Broken!Could it be that Tiannvmon and Lilithmon are fighting?

After knocking on the door and waiting for a while, the flower fairy came and opened the door.

"Taiyi, you've come, I can't persuade them, so please say something!"

The flowers on her head seemed to be messed up from bad sleeping position.

"Oh? Sister Jia'er is here too. I happened to make breakfast, let's eat together."

"Early...it's already noon."

Jiaer almost couldn't hold back her laughter.

As soon as Taiyi came in, he saw Tiannv Beast and Lilith Beast pulling each other's hair on the bed. A lot of golden and black hair had been scattered on their respective bodies and on the bed sheet.

...I didn't expect to see this scene at this time, but it was definitely not what Taiyi wanted to see.

"What are you doing? It's noisy in broad daylight, watch out for complaints from neighbors!"

"Hmph, Taiyi, get rid of this guy quickly! I can't stand her anymore!"

"It's obvious that you insist on excluding me, and the villain sues first, Taiyi~~ Hurry up and teach her a lesson! Teach her some manners!"

They were arguing endlessly, listening to it too loudly, but Jia Er was sitting on the sofa eating snacks under the invitation of Hua Xian Beast, and she didn't hear anything outside the window, just like a It depends on the state of my brother's good show.

Then, Taiyi tried his best to calm them down, and then told himself the whole story... Probably, last night, because Lilithmon stepped into the house with its left foot first, Tiannvmon protested against it, and then they developed from a quarrel to Real people PK, but because they are afraid of Taiyi getting angry, they agreed with each other to only use body fighting skills and neither of them will use destructive nirvana.

But in the end, in the battle, when Tiannvmon had the upper hand, Lilithmon suddenly used an illusion attack and lost the duel, so Tiannvv scolded her for being mean and shameless, but Lilithmon said, "I didn't do anything, It's all because of your own slippery feet" to argue, and in the end they still didn't forget this question when they slept, and even Lilithmon added fuel and jealousy, mocking Tiannvmon for making Taiyi not get "happiness".

So it became more and more violent. Last night, the quarrel was very late, which is why Huaxianshou ate breakfast, and then they started arguing again when they woke up in the morning, and quickly started fighting until Taiyi came over.

"Why do you two sleep together? Flower Fairy Beast, didn't I tell you to sleep on the bed with Tiannv Beast and Lilith Beast on the sofa?"

"I don't. I can't sleep well on the bed and they keep arguing all the time. Here I can watch TV and play games with headphones on." Hua Xianshou replied angrily. "And I used to sleep on the sofa a lot, I'm used to it."

"In short... this matter ends here, stop."



The two glared at each other.

"That's all for Tiannv Beast, why are you making trouble with her? Lilith Beast, you are the devil king, isn't this detrimental to the image? It's not good to spread the word."

"You don't have to worry about this, my image has long since had no room to decline."

Lilith Beast laughed.

It's over... She must have made trouble with her because she thought it was fun for the celestial female beast to be angry, and then there must be some reason for wanting to torture herself, this bad woman!

"Let's not talk about this first, I have something to talk about."

Taiyi shook his head, and then took out the black sacred plan that Jiaer had given him.

"You gave Jia'er this thing, right?"

As soon as these words came out, the expressions of Jia'er, Huaxian Beast and Tiannv Beast all changed.

"As expected of my dear, you are too clever."

"It's really me."

Chapter 250 Chapter 240 [-] Don't Bully My Sister

"That's right...brother, that voice is indeed her."

Just now because it was very chaotic here, Jiaer didn't pay much attention.

Unexpectedly, the partner Digimon that he expected... actually lived in his brother's house.

--etc!Live at my brother's house?Could it be that she also has the same physical relationship with her brother as Tennyomon and the others...?

Although Jiaer won't be jealous of Digimon, isn't this too weird?

"Oh~ I finally saw you, cute Jiaer-chan~"

Lilithmon tidied up her messy clothes. She was still wearing the pajamas of the Celestial Beast. After all, they were similar in figure, and the Rose Beast was also similar, but the Flower Fairy Beast usually lived in a complete body, so she couldn't last long. Maintain the rose beast form, unless it is in her home.

The loose, fat and smooth clothes can't completely cover up her proud figure that really belongs to the "Devil of Lust", but it doesn't look so exaggerated and straightforward.

"What's your purpose?"

"No, I just want to comfort her seeing her losing her brother and crying so pitifully."

"Of course, if she wants, I can also be her partner Digimon." Lilithmon winked at Jiaer. "Jiaer, do you want me? I am very strong, even stronger than Taiyi's Celestial Beast."

"What nonsense are you talking about, you bitch!"

As soon as Tiannv Beast heard this, she broke her defenses on the spot.

"Oops~ I lost the duel

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Why do people still have the nerve to talk? "

"You...you are the ultimate body! If you have the ability, let me open the ultimate body and let's try again!"

"Okay, okay~ I'm also very upset that you always look down on me. I'm also a sinful devil king after all, and I'm not something a wild angel can touch."

"My wild angel is going to pull you down from the throne of the devil today!"


Taichi inserted between them who were about to ignite the powder keg again.

"Save it for the time being, the two of you, and quarrel in the future, Tiannv Beast... don't be angry with her, you know she is doing it on purpose, why do you want to be fooled?"

"I...I just..."

——I'm just over the top.

How could Tiannv Beast not know what Lilith Beast was thinking, just like Tai Yi couldn't hold back that night, she really couldn't hold back.

"And you, Lilith Beast, are you getting carried away?"


Lilith Beast showed a provocative little look, she was questioning Taiyi silently~ The reason is of course what happened that night... She doesn't seem to care about this kind of thing, but she knows Taiyi cares a lot, for what she is doing now As far as the matter is concerned, Taiyi is indispensable and must be wooed.

"Don't mess with my celestial female beast anymore, or you should go back early, I don't want my side to be always messy."

"It's okay to be joking, but it has to be divided into time and degree, both of you."

"Okay, okay, Taichi."

Originally, Tiannvmon was dissatisfied with Taiyi's attitude of blaming herself but not daring to blame Lilithmon, but when he heard his words of defense, especially when he still used the title "my Tiannv", all the dissatisfaction disappeared. up.

"Okay~ Let's get down to business, then Jiaer-chan, do you want me to be your partner Digimon?"

"no, do not want."

Jia Er directly refused as Taichi thought.

"You are a bad guy who teases me and my brother, I don't need you."

There are only two types of Digimon that Jia Er desires, either the type whose mind is weaker than hers and needs her protection, or the type that can support herself like a reliable sister and help her move forward better, but Lilithmon is not what she wants.

"I hate it, how can you say that about my sister and me?" Lilith Beast smiled and made an artificially aggrieved face. "When you were sad because you couldn't find your brother, who comforted you?"

"You are a bad person! You lied to me that my brother is dead."

"But you're crying so sad, aren't you? Haha, it's really interesting... Well, okay~ It seems that Jiaer-chan is the same as dear Taiyi, and I'm not the same as me~"

"Me! I didn't cry! I... woo..."

At first Tai Yi hadn’t heard it, but Jiaer’s sudden loud rebuttal reminded him of what Jiaer said yesterday. She told herself that she didn’t believe what the voice of the tyrannosaurus machine said, but now it seems that the facts are obviously not so.

"It's okay, Jiaer, it's okay."

Seeing that Jiaer couldn't bear it any longer, Tai smiled and patted her on the shoulder.

Even though her younger sister is already a high school student, she is still anxious because of this kind of problem... Maybe she really cares about her image in the heart of her brother.

"Come with me."

The boy glared at Lilith Beast with a gloomy expression.



In fact, no matter how much she teases the Celestial Beast, Taiyi thinks it’s fine as long as it’s not too much, and the Celestial Beast won’t break its defense because of Lilith Beast’s teasing, but Jiaer is different... Jiaer is the most special to Taiyi Yes, it is a piece of white moonlight, the kind that cannot be stained.

Taiyi brought Lilith to the back of his house, facing the river, and looked at her seriously.

"If you dare to bully Jia'er again, I will give you a serious beating."

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